When you see something that is not right, not fair, find a way to get in the way and cause trouble. Congressman John Lewis
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
I was listening to the news Wednesday evening. The story was about two men charged with raping a pregnant woman at Johnson & Wales in North Miami.
The news report showed video of the Bond Hearing and the Judge was Milt Hirsch.
I heard Judge Hirsch ask more than one question that sounded way out of bounds.
Hirsch: Do you know who the alleged victim in the case in which you are charged is?
Defendant: No sir
Hirsch: You have no idea?
Defendant: No sir
At one point in the questioning, Hirsch asked the defendant WHERE WERE YOU ON DECEMBER 22 (the date of the alleged rape).?
He asked at least one other question that sounded totally inappropriate. (I tried to find the video from the newscast online, but was unable to locate it).
I cannot understand why Judge Hirsch would be posing a question that basically asks: Where were you on the date of a crime that you are alleged to have committed?
The Judge certainly has the authority to make decisions about the bond amount based on danger to the community and risk of flight. If the Judge wants to issue a Stay Away Order, he could have turned to the ASA and asked the victim's name and then entered an Order directing the defendant to stay away from that victim.
But to cross examine the defendant, (and that WAS the tone of the questioning), asking questions that would potentially incriminate the defendant, was totally out of line. Quite frankly, it appeared (both by his facial expressions and his tone of voice) that Hirsch was incredibly upset with what this defendant was being charged with. (The victim is eight months pregnant). Who wouldn't be?! But, Judge Hirsch's job description does not permit what I saw on that video Wednesday evening. He could have done what he needed to do without posing the questions that I heard him ask.
What's your take on this? Some of our readers have already chimed in:
4:25 writes: In response to the questions asked by Judge Hirsch, the Judge refused to issue a stay away order in the rape case because "the defendant doesnt know who the victim is"
8:48 wrote back: 4:25 Shame on you. You interfered with Captain's favorite past-time of pissing on Judge Hirsch. I assume that the Captain Judge would simply have issued the stay away order. Who cares if the defendant doesn't know who to stay away from.
And in response, was this entry:
To 8;48 , Judge Hirsch did not issue the stay away order because the sub told the judge (upon questioning) that he didn't know who he raped! Apparently that is a new standard in issuing stay away orders. You cant issue one to a sub who hasn't the freakin manners to ask his freakin vic their name.
And finally, this:
Didn't the prosecutor know the victim's name? They are the ones who tell the bond judge to issue a stay away order keeping the defendant away from whatever the name of the victim is.
Judge Hirsch has been getting very good reviews as he closes out his first year on the bench. It started a bit rocky when he issued that standing Order where even Rumpole himself had to use his online dictionary to figure out some of the words Hirsch wrote. The Judge also shook the GJB with his bold ruling on the constitutionality of FS 893.13, finding it facially violative of the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.
Next year is an even year, and that means election season. We look forward to 2012 and qualifying day as we watch with excitement all of the judicial match-ups that are formed for the end of summer election. We also have the "big one" in November, but we'll leave the blogging on that to our 538 guru Horace.
So, for now, we simply wish you the safest of holiday weekends and hope that 2012 is your best year yet. Happy New Year.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011

So the firm I am of counsel with had their holiday party at the Epic. In these tough economic times I am certain they spent enough money to pay the salaries of three mid-level employees at the support staff level for a year. That's three families, six to 12 or so people who could have paid their mortgage and car loans and gotten health insurance for what these bloated buffoons blew in an orgy of gluttony in one night.
And believe me when I say gluttony. Women who are so obese that they can no longer perambulate and are forced to travel around on some electric hybrid wheel chair/scooter are sitting in line with piles of potato chips stacked on top of pasta in cream sauce and fried potatoes, friend chicken, and because they want to eat healthy, friend cauliflower and broccoli swimming in a some sweet brown sauce. And because they are so heavy that they can't walk, they have a second plate on their electric chair piled high with sweets, cakes, and of course since this is the holidays- christmas cookies.
And all the while their boss/enablers, who spend thousands every month on private gyms and personal trainers and tanning booths are standing to the side of the line smiling with their $25,000 in dental caps shinning brightly while they and their chic thin trophy wives who are 20 years younger then them encourage this herd of mooing cows to eat more and enjoy their generosity. Its like they're drug dealers getting junkies hooked for free.
Its a disgusting spectacle on so many levels, including fraud. The smiling bosses stand by and encourage their minions to have another glass of champagne. And their secretaries and clerks and their truck driving husbands wearing their only suit which stopped fitting them three years ago, are suitably impressed because the bottle says Moet, and they think they are drinking a $100 glass of champagne when in fact the 1990 Louis Roederer Cristal Brut remains in the back and not available to hoi poloi. Ditto with the "caviar" which is probably fish eggs from some local mercury filled bass plucked from the muck and slime of the Everglades, while the stuff from Russia is kept securely in the partner's dinning room.
And on and on it goes. The fraud, the food, the gluttony, the smiling bosses. I could only take an hour or so and I left sick to my stomach.
Saturday, December 17, 2011 9:16:00 PM
And then we received this comment in response:

Finally a post I can agree with. If you wish to see gluttony at its best, go to Disney World. Every 10th person is sitting in a motorized chair, eating a turkey leg, drinking a diet soda, eating ice cream, etc. It is even more disgusting to witness this spectacle when it is blistering hot out.
I have absolutely no issue with people eating themselves to death, but I do have a problem paying for it with higher insurance rates.
Sunday, December 18, 2011 7:38:00 AM
Rumpole says: ignoring for a minute her unique view of current life in Miami, AG raises a serious issue: people are out of work. They are scrapping by on unemployment cheques. They have no health insurance and sometimes they go hungry so their children can eat and sometimes even that doesn't happen. Should law firms or any big corporation be spending 50 thousand dollars on a year end party?
The answer is that it doesn't really matter. It's not the 50K that will save society. It's the trillion dollars of national treasury and thousands of lives ended because of wars started on faulty intelligence that put us in the desperate position we are in today. Today the last troops left Iraq. Nine years late Saddam Hussein is gone. Was it worth it?
Ask the Iraq war vet who can't feed his kids if it was worth it. It's not AG's office party that's the problem. It was Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld's party that caused the problem.
See You In Court.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Long story short, Judge X awarded $6,000, or $39.22 per hour.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Please remember to bring a new, unwrapped toy on Wednesday or Thursday to the courthouse area. Or, bring it to the holiday party.
With the holiday season now in full swing FACDL is again joining hands with the Dade County Bar Association Homeless Outreach Committee to ensure that some of Miami's less fortunate children do not go without toys this year. Just as we did last year we will be setting up collection boxes on Wednesday in the REG Building to collect new, unwrapped toys that will be delivered to the families at the Champman Homeless Center in Miami. Through the efforts of Rick Freedman, and the assistance of Judge Yvonne Colodny, Carlos Martinez, Katherine Fernandez-Rundle, and the staff at Au Bon Pain, we arranged to have collections stations set up at Au Bon Pain restaurant on the first floor of the Justice Building, Judge Colodny's chambers in room 209, as well as both the State Attorney's Office, the Public Defender's Office.
Additionally, this year's FACDL Holiday party will be held on December 15th at the Miami-Dade Public Defender's Office. This year we are fortunate enough to have Administrative Judge Bertila Soto for what promises to be a very informative question and answer session. Just as last year, instead of charging an admission fee for this year's Holiday Party we are asking that attendees bring an unwrapped toy to be donated.
On December 21 at 6:00 pm there will be a holiday party at the Chapman Homeless Center where all the toys that have been collected will be handed out to the children. The Dade County Bar Association welcomes, and urges, all the FACDL membership to attend. We are hoping that all of our members will make a point to attend this great event and contribute to this worthy cause. We had a wonderful turnout last year and with everyone's help we can top it this year. Happy holidays to all.
Jude M. Faccidomo, Esquire
Vice President, FACDL-Miami
The Captain Reports:
One Year Ago .....
Very quietly this weekend I was thinking of Roberto Pineiro. Believe it or not, it was just one year ago (December 9, 2011) that Judge Pineiro died of a stroke at the age of 56.
We miss Rob Pineiro and we pray that he is in peace. We hope that all of our new Judges that have been appointed to the bench in the past year will read and learn about Judge Pineiro. He would be someone that you would want to emulate during your time wearing the robe.
God bless Judge Roberto "Rob" Pineiro.
Captain Out .....
RUMPOLE says: we think about Judge Pinero often as we enter the REGJB. He was one of a kind.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
And the Governor chose Cannava as our newest County Court Judge, in his first time up.
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
With the holiday season now in full swing FACDL is again joining hands with the Dade County Bar Association Homeless Outreach Committee to ensure that some of Miami's less fortunate children do not go without toys this year. Just as we did last year we will be setting up collection boxes on Wednesday in the REG Building to collect new, unwrapped toys that will be delivered to the families at the Champman Homeless Center in Miami. Through the efforts of Rick Freedman, and the assistance of Judge Yvonne Colodny, Carlos Martinez, Katherine Fernandez-Rundle, and the staff at Au Bon Pain, we arranged to have collections stations set up at Au Bon Pain restaurant on the first floor of the Justice Building, Judge Colodny's chambers in room 209, as well as both the State Attorney's Office, the Public Defender's Office.
On December 21 at 6:00 pm there will be a holiday party at the Chapman Homeless Center where all the toys that have been collected will handed out to the children. The Dade County Bar Association welcomes, and urges, all the FACDL membership to attend. We are hoping that all of our members will make a point to attend this great event and contribute to this worthy cause. We had a wonderful turnout last year and with everyone's help we can top it this year. Happy holidays to all.