about this woman who is being prosecuted for bigamy by our own Dade County State Attorneys Office. She is alleged to have married ten men.
There is no truth to the rumor Judge Farina will be creating a Bigamy Offender Felony (BOF) division to handle the influx of these cases.
And we can't even get a date for the Nutcracker.
The Broward Blog reports that the Wall Street Journal has picked up the story about the Florida Bar's disciplinary hearing into Broward lawyer Sean Conway's comments on the Broward Blog about Judge Aleman.
If Conway plays his cards right, he could turn this into a spot on Larry King and Letterman.
I can't believe ten guys married that cow
to 12:13 PM - thanks for the report on FRIDAY - I posted the following on TUESDAY:
The Committee has met, the interviews were conducted, and the finalists to replace Judge Mercedes Bach - those names that will sent to the Governor's office, are as follows:
1. Yvonne Colodny
2. Migna Sanchez-Llorens
3. David Peckins
4. Thomas Rebull
5. Rodney Smith
6. Lisa Walsh
The Governor still has the names of six others pending for the replacement of Judge Jorge Perez. Those names are:
1. Joseph Davis
2. Judge Darrin Gayles
3. Judge Bronwyn Miller
4. David Peckins
5. Judge George Sarduy
6. Lisa Walsh
CAPTAIN OUT ........
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:42:00 PM
What to the ten men have to say about this?
peckins again? if he ever gets selected he will serve 6 months and be eligible for retirement!!
Peckins just wont give up.
He's been through the JNC about fifty times and hasnt gotten selected. Get the picture?
Wow, that makes a lot of sense. I was wondering why she smelled like 'Aqua Velva' all the time when she came home from "work", and I wear 'CK-1' cologne.
Plus, you critics, that picture doesn't do her justice, although it's probably understandable since she had to cook and eat 10 breakfasts/lunches/dinners a day.
People on the Broward Blog are referring to the Bar as the "Floriduh Bar"
Funny bunch north of the border.
Rumpolium: The Miami Chapter of the Florida Family Lawyers will be presenting an award to the woman featured on your blog today as "The Client of the Year."
One client-ten divorce cases. That's what we over here on the family side call a windfall.$$$$$
See ya in the funny papers.
Those who know Peckins like him and respect him.
He will make a great judge.
It is just a matter of time.
Good things come to those who wait.......
What's the definition of bigamy: one wife too many. I say monogamy is the same thing!
That "cow" must be doing something right to have 10 men marry her. I bet she is very adept at using her HEAD for both verbal intellectual discussion, sense of humor, and the occasional TONGUE lashing.
Peckins will be an excellent addition to the bench. The guy knows the law, great temperment, and most importantly knows what we have to deal with on a daily basis. My two sons also strongly endorse Mr. Peckins (the guy owns an x-box 360).
Tis the season Rumpole. Since I an in the Holiday mood I will refrain from calling you a "sissy bitch" and nicely ask that you take down that elf parady making fun of Jack Thomas and myself. I do not know him and from what I read on this guy I do not like him.
Thank You
D Mcgillis
Yes, he is liked and respected by everyone. Except the JNC and two governors.
Dont be fooled. The JNC process is very much a "who you know" game. While JNC sends his name up, it is probably with not much enthusiasm. There is probably a reason why he hasn't gotten the final nod after all these years. If he was truly liked, he would have had a spot many moons ago. It isnt like Miami-Dade hasnt had enough vacancies over the last few years.
I have allowed Mr. McGilli's comment up, so people can see the homophobic nature of the individual who is a public candidate for office. I have dozens of similar attempted posts from Mr. McGillis using his crude homophobic language. It will be my position that any candidate for clerk's office in this day and age needs to be tolerant of all individuals and their sexual preferences, and that is something that Mr. McGillis clearly is not. He can expect that I will post many of them so the people of Dade County can see exactly the private thoughts of this "candidate."
Meanwhile, Mr. McGillis, you keep spending your hours writing motions and filing lawsuits. It's worked out perfectly for you so far.
PS. I cannot take down the Elf parody, since it is on another website. Try suing them.
Captain Pro Se and Thompson sitting in a tree.
Filing lawsuits
one, two three.
A complaint for damages
a bar complaint too
a motion for injunctive relief
boo hoo hoo.
Re: this guy Darren Mcgillis: What's the "homophobic" language? "Sissy Bitch"? Are you serious, Rumpole? You think that's "homophobic" talk? Its just a putdown from one man to another it sounds like. Not classy nor artful, but "homophobic"?? C'mon!
And now, on to Football. Just read this comment on Fannation about the ongoing Jets-Pats video drama:
The point is the Patriots grabbed the guy and told him to beat it and did not turn it into a federal offense like Mangina did. Everyone can keep saying that the Patriots cheated if it makes you feel better that they are running rough shot over the entire NFL. I can't wait until tomorrow. Pats 73- Jets 3. After the field goal it will be like Remember the Titans when the coach told the team "I don't want them to gain another yard".
Sox0407 | 12/15/07
"sissy bitch " homophobic-that's a bit of a stretch Rump.
You must be a big asshole to take a swipe a Peckins. He is a great guy and a great lawyer. Get a life shitbird!
It's "orientation," NOT "preference."
David Peckins presents a nice balance beteen being a very dedicated professional lawyer and a regular, approachable guy. He would make a great Judge.
Fellow defense attorneys, there is only an upside for having a fraternal brother of the bench.
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