Sunday, November 10, 2024


Shame has fallen on Miami, the Miami State Attorneys Office, The REGJB, State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle, and Third DCA Judge Bronwyn Miller.

As the Miami Herald is reporting, and all of the REGJB knew on Friday, there are a series of text messages between the State Attorney and Judge Miller.  

The Herald Article and the text messages are here.

Why is this shameful? 

Judge Miller was a prosecutor on the Corey Smith case, and Fernandez-Rundle is the elected prosecutor. And it is not as if this is any case. It is a case that has brought the Miami SAO to the edge of ruin, with disgusting stories of prosecutors manufacturing testimony, and then lying to the Court about it. 

Judge Miller, before she was a judge was part of the prosecution team, along with now thoroughly disgraced prosecutor Michael Von Zamft, who ran out of state, and may find that he has not run far enough as his misdeeds continue to be reported. This means that Judge Miller is a witness in the current Corey Smith saga. 

And of all the people on earth that maybe our state attorney should not be texting with, perhaps Judge Miller should have been at the top of that list. 

But alas, the two could not stop texting each other like a couple of misguided magpies. They texted. They gossiped. They trashed colleagues- judges and lawyers (defense attorneys in particular)- and Judge Miller speculated about the whole sordid mess being shut down by the Governor, as well as whether Judge Wolfson- who ruled against the prosecution after MVZ was caught lying- could be removed- allowing a successor judge to review all of Wolfson's rulings. 

Among other gems in the texts is Judge Miller trashing defense attorneys as having a lower standard of ethics than prosecutors. Well on that point she has us. Unlike her colleague MVZ and the office she worked for, defense attorneys have not coached witnesses to lie in first degree murder cases and arranged for witnesses in custody to be brought to a police station so they could have sex with their significant (or insignificant) others. We don't do things like that- shame on us. 

One wonders how Judge Miller ever sits on another criminal appeal, her bias towards Ms. Fernandez-Rundel's office and against defense attorneys now well established beyond what is needed for any defendant to have a well-founded fear that she cannot be fair and should be recused.

And perhaps, just perhaps, in a case where the Dade SAO has already been CAUGHT tampering with witnesses in a first degree murder case and coordinating and manufacturing their testimony- Judge Miller and Ms. Fernandez-Rundle crossed a line. 

Time will tell. 

Query: How can you tell if  MVZ is lying?  A: He's speaking.  Here's a gem from the Herald article: 

Von Zamft told the court that Miller wouldn’t speak to either side without a subpoena. By then, the texts show she had communicated with him and Fernandez Rundle, and texted about calling two other prosecutors.

Somewhere Alex Michaels is saying "I told you so."  (In his Romanian accent of course)

The texts will be analyzed and scrutinized like the Dead Sea Scrolls, or the Shroud of Tourin, or the election lawsuits of 2020. 

A special prosecutor needs to be appointed. 

A blue-ribbon commission of respected Dade Lawyers and retired judges needs to be empaneled with subpoena power to get to the bottom of this dirty mess that has broken the once proud Miami Dade State Attorneys Office. Their reputation is in tatters.  If they tell you the sun has arisen, you cannot believe them. They have no moral guidance, are running scared, and now...now...the problem may be at the very very top. And we all known what flows downhill. 





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Anonymous said...

This is all a diversion to deflect from kfr waiving death on a mass murderer.

Anonymous said...

Let’s not forget the text where KFR is asking Miller for references for new hires in legal dept. Legal dept is the department in the SAO that works directly on appeals with the AGs office. And Miller said she’ll discuss possible hires with Fleur, another sitting 3DCA judge. So, the SAO is making hires for legal dept referred directly by the sitting judges of the 3DCA. If that’s not pushing a biased agenda, I don’t know what is. No wonder we cannot get good rulings out of the 3DCA, all we get is 20 PCAs every few weeks. The whole system is rigged.

Anonymous said...

KFR and MVZ’s protégés should respectfully resign.

Anonymous said...

You’re a crap election prognosticator, but your post here is is spot on. And HORRIFYING.
Dade SAO needs to be cleaned out- along with Judge Miller - by the governor ASAP. Even though you don’t like him, I expect he can handle the task.

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for. Judge Miller is probably one of the most criminal defense friendly judges on the 3rd, just as she was on the circuit bench 🤷🏼‍♀️

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Among many other things, she committed perjury by omission. She allowed MVZ to say in open court while she was on stand that she would not talk to any attorneys including state about case. In fact she’d been texting MVZ and KFR. Didn’t correct the lie. How can we have an appellate judge with so little regard for the need to get accurate and truthful information before the trier of fact?

Anonymous said...

Well, aren't we all wondering why Grossney Boy has not yet apologized to the entire defense bar (the ‘book cancellers') for getting him ‘fired’ when, in reality, someone way more influential made his existence at the SAO ‘operationally impossible’?

Grossney’s comment on the article is simply stupid. There is no ‘leftist, fake media’ bud. The Herald has always reported facts which you haven't been able to refute. The only sham here is you and your skewed narrative to grab pity, likes, and Superchats from your troll farm and cult members. Stay in insurance defense, and good luck getting those millions from the alleged lawsuit against the SAO-Miami. LOL

Anonymous said...

So Matt Baldwin is Miller’s Attorney. 🤔. Well well well.

Anonymous said...

Judge Brownyn Miller should be removed from the bench IMMEDIATELY. Not only that, she should be DISBARRED. Disgusting.

Her conduct violates every ethical rule and she has demonstrated bias on the bench.

I am disgusted.

KFR should resign.

This is so embarrassing to be a lawyer or a judge with these two conducting themselves in this atrocious manner.

God help us all.

Anonymous said...

JQC must act if there is any justice.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Incredibly shameful and stupidly self-inflicted all around.

I can’t imagine how Miller bounces back from this. Her words don’t fall under any of the hats she wears, including that of a witness, in the Smith case, leaving her unprotected and exposed to violations of the judicial cannons.

Assuming no actual bias toward defense attorneys, the appearance of bias in her texts is overwhelming and no criminal defendant should ever be confident that she will review their cases impartially. She should never review another criminal case.

Her admonition to Kathy about defense lawyers not training prosecutors is as myopic as her common sense. Defense lawyers are the most qualified to train prosecutors because they’ve been on both sides of a case, not to mention that many have firsthand experience with prosecutorial misconduct. After all, what good has it done that office, and most prosecutors’ offices across the country for that matter, to have been historically trained by prosecutors (wasn’t Miller training director for a while?) and still find themselves involved in this shameful and disturbing litany of prosecutorial scandals?

And Kathy, oh Kathy, what have you become? Why did you let Miller talk to you like that? She spoke to you as if you were her subordinate. Then again, this is consistent with stories coming out of your office. Stories of some of your chiefs handling and manipulating you at their whim, of you being easily persuaded to go against your own wishes and common sense by some in your inner circle who are out to advance their own agendas, about you being nothing but a figure head. How low have you fallen mighty old Kathy!

So here we are. Dealing with yet another SAO scandal. Now bringing down an appellate judge. Yet, likely to continue to be the gift that keeps on giving.

It’s a sad day for those hardworking and ethical ASAs who unwittingly lather up each day in the putrid snake oil. A sad day for the rule of law and ethics. But the saddest day for our local legal community and judiciary.

I reluctantly concur that an independent panel must be appointed to review the SAO’s actions in connection with the latest wave of case-related scandals. Sadly, I most also reluctantly dare say that Kathy must step down. Step down before what is left of your legacy is reduced to cosmic dust.

A sad day indeed.

Anonymous said...

It looks worse than it is

Anonymous said...

Something has to be done. The SAO is in need of some dramatic reform. The amount of corruption in that office is insurmountable.

Anonymous said...

What a comforting thought knowing that I have so many appeals pending before the Third DCA, how many more cases has she manipulated from above and then decided in favor of the State?

Anonymous said...

curious-- how were these text messages discoverable? Subpoena duces tecum? What's the request-- "any and all" communications by KFR RE: the Smith case?

Anonymous said...

Just imagine all of the insane stuff that these judges and prosecutors say behind close doors. Great job by the Herald for looking into this. Makes me think all judges’ and prosecutors’ text messages should be looked into.

Anonymous said...

If she has any honor she’d resign immediately.

Anonymous said...

This is outrageous, a DCA Judge badmouthing a sitting Judge to the elected prosecutor, her former boss and manipulating, advising her how to handle a case involving prosecutorial misconduct that she was directly involved with as a prosecutor. Also telling KFR how to correct a Cert petition. Wonder how many times she’s helped KFR fix appeals, petitions or writs before issuing an opinion affirming the state’s case? Or reversing cases in favor of the State?

Anonymous said...

If accurate... this story makes the prosecution and this judge look shifty and underhanded. Makes me wonder if there are some outcomes that are rigged? Makes me wonder if, in some cases, the prosecution and some judges 'team up' - behind the scenes - to get a win? I know we have many honorable judges in Miami-Dade where I've practiced civil for decades. Maybe this judge is an honorable judge and as the story develops her actions were not as bad as they appear now. I do not know her at all. Bottom line.... the story cast a foul miasma over our judiciary. The story made me wonder what, if anything, District Judge Aileen Cannon was texting - and to whom - about the POTUS Trump case.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess Judge Miller was sort of right about Gosney. He is indeed a pervert, as he tagged President Trump's granddaughter Kai (a minor) in one of his tweets about his words of wisdom to the Miami Herald. And no, Mr. Legal Scholar, the Miami Herald is not making any admissions by posting your quote; the journalists ensured that they give even those like you, who don't have an ounce of intellect, a chance to provide their input, so you don't continue being the whiney b... you usually are online and offline. And it is sort of interesting also that Gosney is taking clout chasing to new levels and living up to his reputation as a weirdo, evidenced by his Twitter account. I can't wait to read the transcript of your depo buddy and the hundreds of emails you sent to the higher-ups at the SAO, which I suspect are scandalous. Gosney, the gift that keeps on giving!

Anonymous said...

You think the corruption inside that office ends with MVZ. This is the tip of the iceberg baby.

Anonymous said...

SAO needs an overhaul. This is an embarrassment. Gosney needs to to return at a high leadership position. A formal apology is necessary. A legal scholar doesn’t get treated the way he was.

Anonymous said...

Kathy is too old to run that office. Not that she does anyway. Her chiefs need to go as well. It’s a shame no one had the balls to run against her. Time to hang it up and let some one younger that will be there to monitor the everyday operations.

Capt. Renault said...

I am shocked by the allegations against Judge B. Miller. Simply shocked.

Sir Wilfred said...

Anyone who dealt with Miller when she was an ASA knew she was a zealot , the truth be damned. It always appeared that she believed that if the police arrested someone they must be presumed guilty, convicted, and given the maximum sentence. If an innocent person is convicted, so be it, let God sort it out.
The JQC should remove her from the 3rd DCA and the Bar should disbar her. Instead she will likely get appointed to the US District Court for S. FLA. by Trump or to the FLA Supreme Court by DeSantis.

Anonymous said...

So no one is brave enough to write it I will. Calling the Shumie on KFR AND Browyn Miller. Be gone with you both now! (Waving a Shumie macanudo) BE GONE!

Anonymous said...

Shjt that settles it. Someone called the Shumie on them. Put a fork in them they are done. Gosney baby.

Anonymous said...

The SAO turned over these text messages in discovery which should be recognized and appreciated. They could have buried them and they wouldn’t have ever been seen.

Anonymous said...

The story is completely false and taken totally out of context and defamatory. The chronology shows that she did nothing other than provide requested information to the State Attorney after the case was remanded. She was not even involved as a witness in the death penalty resentencing. She was only involved in addressing the underlying conviction. As to different ethics, of course prosecutors have to adhere to a higher standard. There are reams of scholarly articles and opinions about this. She did not try to subvert justice. She made good faith efforts to restore justice.

Anonymous said...

It’s worse than it looks

Anonymous said...

Here it is, the dumbest take on the issue.

Anonymous said...

If you put anything in writing, I fondly recall Guy Robinson always telling us young PDs, be sure you're comfortable with it being on the front page of the NYT.

Anonymous said...

Is that you Bronwyn?

Anonymous said...

It remains to be seen if KFR edited her disclosure or erased some. It is also my surmise that some told KFR not to comply. Will KFR address whether some in her office did not want to comply ? I have no proof. Nor have I heard anything. But knowing the ethics of an office that put MVZ in power and stood by as he trained young prosecutors to have witnesses meet and coordinate testimony I think I’m on solid ground saying there is another shoe to drop. Am I?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Brownyn was served with a public records request and … nothing. Did she erase them ? And why does she have a habit of speaking it’s judges and lawyers about cases she is handling? Is that how appellate judges act? Or are the rest of the appellate judges in Florida shaking their heads in disgust?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How did these text messages come forward?

Anonymous said...

You sound like a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Good Heavens! For years we knew this had to be going on and now comes cold hard proof. How did the messages get revealed and why has the State been sitting on this evidence while a man was facing execution? These text messages go back almost a year and end in July so why wasn’t it turned over before Friday? The State thought it could play with a man’s life that is why. More of the same since MVZ was booted. These questions should be answered immediately and swift action taken against any person with unclean hands. Wolfson can and will get to the bottom of this and there will be more uncovered. Godspeed. We will all be watching.

Good Judges said...

You rock Rumpole. There’s a group of us that meet quietly and discuss all that is wrong with the legal profession in MIA,i (civ Crim fam probate judges all); and this was at the top of our list. Thank you for being courageous and shedding light on this sordid mess. Resignations PLURAL are in order to restore confidence in our profession.

Anonymous said...

Of course the SAO can speak to their witnesses but when you have the lead prosecutor on the hearing under oath during his direct testimony telling Smith’s attorney and Wolfson that Judge Miller refuses to speak to either party about the case without a subpoena and that’s not true, that’s a problem. That goes to potential bias and credibility of both witnesses. There was also an email sent by mvz to defense saying same. The issue is not necessarily speaking to the state, the problem is making representations to the contrary that they were not. The defense suspected this and this is why they refused to cross Miller at the hearing. Brilliant strategic move, simply brilliant. Could be a grounds to strike her testimony at the evidentiary hearing.

Anonymous said...

Is that you Matt? Or you Bronwyn? Don’t plead your case here, save it for the JQC.

Anonymous said...

Any lawyers that helped Judge B. Miller cover this up and took any action to “improperly” shield her - are now a part of a criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice investigation by the DOJ and Federal prosecutors.

Be warned.

Your cell phones and emails will be subpoenaed and looked at by the Federal grand jury.

This is a Federal crime.

There is a Federal civil rights violation by her actions. There is a cover up.

If I was a lawyer, I would not tarnish my name by representing this pariah of a “judge”.

Don’t get involved if Judge B. Miller calls.

She should resign immediately. She should hope that she is not charged with a crime.

The JQC is the least of her concerns right now.

Anonymous said...

The messages came forward because they were turned over by the state attorney, KFR.

Anonymous said...

Basically, Brownie to KFR: do EXACTLY what I tell you to do. We both need this to go away. Get Andrea off the case, NOW! A new judge is better for both of us. Oh, I can’t stand Nushin and neither can you.

Anonymous said...

Rundle doubled down in her statement to the Herald yet waived the death penalty in this case on a SUNDAY - she has to see how bad this is…. She should’ve not commented, let this all settle out… our confidence in her is no longer existent.

Anonymous said...

Nah buddy. That’s not how it works. Better to get ahead of it instead of trying to bury the texts only to have them exposed later. In other words, she had no choice and had to release the texts.

Anonymous said...

Waiving death on a weekend 😭 this was not well thought out.

Anonymous said...

What an embarrassment to work with or for either of these two.

Anonymous said...

I think Chief Judge Nushin Sayfie and Judge Wolfson, both very honorable, will do everything they can to make sure justice is done in the courtroom.

And they will severely seek retribution and justice against Judge Miller for her bad actions. Some people say her actions were criminal in nature?

Anonymous said...

That comment must have been sarcastic

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. And dumb. What a low-rent snake pit of liars. Rundle has to go, the office is cancerous. “In a statement Sunday, the State Attorney’s Office said Miller spoke to prosecutors and sent “occasional and brief texts” to the state attorney “in pursuit of the truth” as she prepared to give testimony.”

Anonymous said...

This comment made me laugh. Pat yourself on the back much, Mr. Prosecutor? Apparently They tried to bury them and coukdnt. My prediction is that with adequate digging the shit will fully surface and the numerous individuals who worked to hide all of this will be revealed. Much more to come on this shocking errr not shocking story.,

Anonymous said...

You make no sense.

1. He’s not a mass murderer - he’s not even alleged to have committed the murders himself.
2. This HIGHLIGHTS the fact death is being waived, it doesn’t somehow bury it…

Anonymous said...

She trashed our two sitting chief judges, accused one of them of ruling against the state because of some alleged previous vendetta about bail bonds and told Rundle to disqualify her when the law is clear that you can’t disqualify a judge based on adverse rulings or rulings you don’t like. This is absurd, insane and dangerous.

Anonymous said...

It’s so much worse than it looks. This is not even all the texts! And imagine the phone calls. Man oh man.

Anonymous said...

Key takeaways from this sordid mess.
1. Miller and everyone reads the Blog and gives it credence. Look how worried Miller was about what the blog would say. Take a bow Rumpole.
2. Miller slandered Gosney. To his boss! Did she interfere with a contractual relationship? I haven't read a civil case since law school but I did get a B in torts. He should sue Miller who has no immunity for this behavior.
3. The way that Miller spoke to Rundle is disgraceful. Being a Third DCA judge is not enough for her, she has to manage the State's Office too. What an ego.
4. Miller is a study in Freudian projection. She accuses Judges Sayfie and Wolfson of going after Rundle's office because of bond reform. Only an extremely petty, vindictive, conspiratorial person would even think that way. These texts show what kind of person Miller is.
5. Does Miller really think Judges Sayfie and Wolfson wanted to get women killed with bail reform?
6. Questions that need answering: Who is LR? What is the Jay situation? Who is Jay? Who is Christine; is she Rumpole that she publishes everything on the blog? Who is the "M" that would have called the governor and gotten a prosecutor fired? Who has such power with Desantis?

Anonymous said...

Yep. A motion to recuse should be filed on every case. How do we trust she not being biased when she can personally request changes to AG’s filings? With KFR on speed dial? And making personal hiring referrals to SAOs legal division?

And you cannot even publicly scrutinize her over this if we have appeals pending…

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Government officials are subject to public records law. Simply request them. They can be redacted for certain exceptions, but if they’re responsive to the request, they must be provided.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the nutshell for the people who think this is not serious. There’s no telling how deep it runs. How many lives were ruined. How many people in prison who should/could be home with their families. It make me physically ill.

Anonymous said...

MVZ trained them all to well. His minions are in the top of the office and sitting on benches. It’s shameful and sad.

Anonymous said...

Oh god. No. Gosney can stay in civil. But the SAO does need an overhaul.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha appreciated? The texts were turned over because they were being requested for MONTHS and they had no legal way to say NO anymore without a law suit. They claimed work privilege for weeks. (Where is the work product in these?)

They probably have one or two reasonable smart people in that office that said HEY these need to be turned over or this is going to explode, at least if we turn them over we look reasonable in the midst of this shit storm.

And there’s more texts, which they still haven’t turned over.

Stop trying to applaud a fish for swimming.

Anonymous said...

You’re loud and wrong. Her testimony had nothing to do with the underlying conviction. She was the prosecutor who originally tried his case. She testified at the hearing on the motion to DQ the SAO due to misconduct in which she partook. And she is going to be a witness at the hearing on the motion to vacate. If denied she can 100% be a witness at the resentencing.

Telling KFR to recuse the judge on the case so they can ask a new judge to reconsider all the rulings is 100% an effort to subvert justice. As hard as you try, it cannot be manipulated to mean anything else.

Anonymous said...

Agree. The messages are very disjointed. And they show Miller berating KFR. I surmise some of KFRs texts were deleted / withheld.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 119… after months of withholding… SAO filed them on Smith case first to get ahead of the media shit storm and make people think they are reasonable and forthcoming with Brady evidence.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why everyone is so shocked and clutching their pearls about this particular revelation. Without opining whether it’s good, bad, proper or improper, anyone who’s familiar with the REG community knows that cozy relationships between some judges, the SAO, and the PD’s office, range far and wide. If I’m not mistaken, chief judge Sayfie formerly heading REG, has been dating a public defender for years. I’m sure their pillow talk only consists of brunch plans and RHOC!

Anonymous said...

You don’t get extra points for doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

There isn’t justice. It’s all one boys and girls club… our judges preach rules of law, ethics and professionalism, but far too many only pay it lip service. The straw that should have broken the camel’s back landed 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Hope she's paying you well Matt. Or is this Audrey or Kathleen? It'll be interesting to see the text messages between Bronwyn and you guys. Don't delete them, remember the cover up is always what gets people, you don't want to also lose your careers or licenses.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ho fellow lawyerenos nothing to see here. Kathy is the best prosecutor in America. Hope you’re at the office prepping your calendars. kudos to you the best team in America.

Anonymous said...

Defense handled this like a strategic genius. They knew things smelled, made relentless public records requests and watched things slowly come out. What a stain of epic proportion on that office.

Anonymous said...

Who is L.R.??? Hoague is not writing anything and doesn’t have a husband…. Interesting comment from m Miller that “your team is not listening to Kathleen.” Maybe her “team” was smart enough to not listen to her so they wouldn’t also get burned. Sounds like some serious pressure was being applied to folks from the top down that made a whole lot of people uncomfortable and made Miller quite prickly and venomous. There is so much in these texts that are very concerning and need explanation. G.J.

Anonymous said...

This 👆 and I bet half of the whacky emails were pandering to buy his stupid books. This guy had an obvious agenda. Rather than comment on the seriousness of the allegations and inferences made in the newly released texts about him by a powerful sitting judge and Rundle, he takes a shot at the media as being book banners again. Another poorly thought out decision but hysterically funny and predictable.

Anonymous said...

Who is the mass murderer?

And why would there need to be a deflection? Is she afraid DeSantis would dethrone her for it?

Anonymous said...

Statement Regarding Death Penalty Waiver in Corey Smith Prosecution

Corey Smith, the leader of a violent drug gang who terrorized portions of the county in the 1990’s was indicted by the grand jury in 2000. In 2005, he was convicted and sentenced to death for the murders of Cynthia Brown and Angel Wilson. He was also convicted and received lesser sentences for the deaths of Leon Hadley, Jackie Pope, Mevin Lipscomb, and Marlon Beneby.

Since then, the Supreme Court held that Florida’s death sentencing scheme was unconstitutional. As a result, almost a quarter century after Smith was indicted, and almost two decades after he was sentenced to death, we have been forced to reconstruct the case for presentation to a new jury for sentencing. Reconstructing a case after many years is always difficult, and a case as massive and dated as this one, has posed particular and unique difficulties.

After 24 years, several witnesses and some of the investigating and testifying police officers have died. Also, with the passage of time, some witnesses, including then cooperating co-conspirators, have become uncooperative or have recanted their previous testimony.

While the prior testimony of deceased and recanting witnesses can be read to the jury, cold transcripts are not as impactful as the words of a live witness looking directly into the eyes of the jurors, who would be ones to recommend a sentence of death. Also, the original jurors had the benefit of sitting through the entire trial with all the evidence of guilt presented to them. The new jury will only hear the penalty phase without the benefit of hearing all of the evidence.

Finally, jurors will now be presented with mitigating evidence by Smith’s legal team, something that the defense did not present in the original trial. The mitigating evidence will highlight aspects of his background, upbringing, and mental state, suggesting that a lesser sentence of life imprisonment is appropriate.

Compelled to resentence because of court decisions, with the passage of time, and taking all these factors into consideration, we do not feel that we have a sufficiently compelling case for a death penalty presentation to jurors. Consequently, prosecutors will not seek the death penalty in the Corey Smith case. This decision has been communicated to the defense and the court.

Anonymous said...

Statement Regarding Discovery in the Corey Smith Case

In addition to the resentencing in the Corey Smith prosecution resulting from the Supreme Court's determination that Florida's death penalty scheme was unconstitutional, the defense team is seeking to vacate the convictions secured in 2005.

The defense has attacked the original prosecution trial team’s preparation of witnesses and other corollary matters. The prosecution’s talented and dedicated trial team was led by then Assistant State Attorney and current Third District Court of Appeal Judge, Bronwyn Miller. Consequently, earlier this year, Judge Miller testified about the factual and truthful preparation and presentation of the case in 2004 and 2005. Her testimony is central to the prosecution’s defense of Smith’s murder convictions.

As such, in pursuit of the truth Judge Miller has spoken to prosecutors defending the convictions in preparation for her testimony and she has consulted with our lawyers on the case. These communications have included occasional and brief texts sent to State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle, who is as a matter of course personally briefed and engaged in the decision making on all major cases prosecuted by her office, and specifically those involving the death penalty.

Several weeks ago, media requests for public records consisting of text exchanges between prosecutors and Judge Miller were received by the State Attorney’s Office. The requesters were provided with some text exchanges. On advice of competent counsel, other texts relating more specifically to the prosecution of the Smith case were not disclosed as these constituted attorney work product as defined by Florida’s public records laws.

Since then, as the prosecution has proceeded with its defense of the motion to set aside the convictions and the possibility of plea negotiations after waiving of the death penalty, the text exchanges were disclosed to the defense.

Anonymous said...

The state released the text messages in discovery Friday afternoon. Hand delivered to some. From there, they essentially went viral throughout the courthouse and to every legal organization in Miami and elsewhere. Props to the state for releasing them.

Anonymous said...

Could that someone be Mack the Knife?

Anonymous said...

They only “released” them to get ahead of the media release. It was the Herald who was doing public records requests for them.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Allison Miller and Craig Whisenhunt…. But pretty despicable that defense attorneys in our own community don’t fight cases like this… we have to do better.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a motion to reconsider disqualifying the entire SAO is in order…. And less we forget there’s still a motion to vacate conviction pending. Sounds like Mr. Smith is going to be headed back to the feds with an out date. Congratulations to him and his zealous committed attorneys. Finally.

Justice is never served through prosecutorial misconduct.

Anonymous said...

Certainly not private text messages (between friends / acquaintances) through on a personal phone? Again, just curious

I could see how if a plea deal or discovery was offered by an ASA via text on their personal cell to a defense attny, it would be discoverable, but this seems different

Anonymous said...

#WaivingDeathOnAWeekend 🤣

Anonymous said...

Props? LOL

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Thinking the state deserves “props” for this is part of the problem with our system… smh. And not recognizing and acknowledging that they only disclosed them because they were about to be released via public records request is just flat out dumb.

Anonymous said...

The SAO turned over discovery. Maybe we should have a ceremony celebrating their contributions to the system. Has the SAO reputation fallen so far that turning over discovery should now be celebrated.

Anonymous said...

Stop it, you are an idiot and have no understanding about why neither the state defense or judges want this guy around in criminal. That is absolutely one thing that can be agreed upon.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she went so far as to push Rundle to file a futile meritless disqualification motion against Wolfson. On what basis????? Wolfson could have disqualified the entire office on that pathetic record befor her and she did not but let’s disqualify Wolfie for a ruling we don’t like to manipulate the ultimate outcome because of some whacky conspiracy theory. How disingenuous. OMFG!!!

Anonymous said...

So is Kathy and MVZ’s remaining protégés resigning?

Anonymous said...

I suspected that there was a relationship between Judge Miller and KFR that was far too cozy. My suspicions had nothing to do with this litigation or any of these events. It was based on something else she was doing - and I mentioned it to my colleagues within the last year. But since it was speculative without evidence of it, it seemed unable to be proven, and I dismissed it as such. However now, seeing this circumstantial development definitely has me going hmm. The third eye is strong with this one.

Anonymous said...

Little did mvz know his legal ability and ethical standards were being trashed by miller to Rundle behind is back. Now that is karma…

Anonymous said...

Yooo imagine the type of person who behaves this way then sends people to the Blog comments section to defend them. Comical.

Anonymous said...

M is probably Maury, Bronwyn’s husband, whose mother was brutally murdered. Bronwyn is insinuating that if an anti-death penalty ASA was put on the case of the defendant Jorge Lachazo, Maury would have called the governor to have the Palm Beach County State Attorney Aronberg removed and it “would have happened.”

Scary to think these two have that type of power…

Anonymous said...

Props to the state for releasing requested discovery? The entire SAO office needs to be cleaned out as these types of posts show they have no credibility and cannot be involved in the criminal justice process.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious both Rundle and Miller have sent their minions to the comments section.

Anonymous said...

To say the herald’s story is defamatory is classic. She needs to be worried about all of the people she has defamed to try to salvage her reputation. It’s petty and transparent.

Anonymous said...

This is way overblown with respect to Miller. She prosecuted a case...she stands by the prosecution. She is not wearing a judicial hat here...she was a member of the prosecution team who cares about the verdict.

That she would speak to the office about the case is expected. That MVZ would lie about her availability...supposedly...terrible. He and anybody else that knowingly lied should be nailed. I did not see a single suggestion that Judge Miller lied about anything or knew that lies were told.

Also, in the context of the messages, it is clear to me that she was referring to two specific defense lawyers - the G guy and MVZ...the language was broad...but really people, get a grip. She is a fair judge, was a fair prosecutor, and she has every right to weigh in on her former office.

Regarding suggesting good people for appellate cases - really? You are bothered that a judge would have an opinion on who may or may not be a good lawyer? Holy shit you guys are crazy. What do you think happens when you leave the state or PD's office? Those judges weigh in on you as well.

What happened in the Smith case is atrocious...but from all that I have read, it appears to have been MVZ, and not Miller, and there is no reason to suggest otherwise. Is it really that hard to believe that a guy who would supposedly lie to a court and do everything he is accused of doing, would also not share the benefits given to a cooperator or conversations he has with cops, with a straight prosecutor?

Is somebody saying that Corey Smith is innocent - I have not seen that one. So, he won't get the death penalty. That is a win. Congratulations. A new trial...perhaps. Are you telling me he is going to win that one?

Give him a new trial - put in the Giglio and Brady. Great. Hold anybody who liked to Judge Wolfson accountable...I am in favor of that. But go after people for caring about their work...or the State Attorney's Office...get over it.

Anonymous said...

The SAO is a disgrace and corrupt.

Anonymous said...

All this plus the Shumie was called and Mack the Knife?? F rump this is getting bad fast.

Anonymous said...

Whomppp whommmp

He’ll win a new trial.

Anonymous said...

Would be interesting to see the emails, if they exist, of whether and when anyone sent Miller the DQ hearing transcript… we are all fools if we think she didn’t read it dozens of times and knows exactly what’s in it especially as it relates to his testimony and her testimony. If this was only a misrepresentation by mvz, could have been remedied. However the silence is deafening. She will have to testify again so all of those questions can be investigated. Rundle will also likely be asked about any of those conversations she had with miller about what mvz told the court and defense. There is no good coming from any of this.

Anonymous said...

This conduct wreaks of arrogance. It also is very too familiar in the way Miller texted with Rundle. M is likely her husband. Christine is probably the head of the legal division, Christine Zahaban. Miller has disparaged lawyers, colleagues. How can anyone expect her to be neutral from now on. Calls into doubt her whole career.

Anonymous said...

Quite sure she would have demanded and obtained the hearing transcript from Rundle and actually read it… Allison and the JQC are creating their lists of questions as we speak.

Anonymous said...

There is an LR who miller replaced on the bench and who swore miller in at her investiture. A certain retired judge and very close friend to Rundle and miller perhaps.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked and saddened to see Judge Miller's actions and especially her contacts with the SAO- I knew her pretty well and did two major trials in front of her when she was at the REG and knew she was ambitious to move up -but to trash probably two of our best judges for personal reasons as well as defense attorneys- how can she ever be trusted to rule on a criminal appeal again-the third has already turned into a rubber stamp for the State-I hope this mentality does not permeate our appellate court.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that next time I see "Should Brownie Miller be retained as a 3rd DCA judge" on the ballot...it's going to be a resounding FUCK NO.

Anonymous said...

Are any of us to believe Judge Miller was not immediately provided with a copy of the transcript from Rundle or someone on her behalf and knew exactly what was in there. No way I say, no way. I hope not but doesn’t track with everything released so far.

Anonymous said...

LOL shes not wearing a judicial hat. Texting KFR "Call me immediately" like an employer. "You need to figure this out right now". You think if she didn't have the power of being on the 3rd and was just an ex-employee she'd talk to the state attorney like that? Demanding she rewrite pleadings sent to the court she's on. Oh yeah she just cares too much about the poor innocent victims here, not her own career and reputation even though she explicitly says her reputation is on the line ("I am going to become a casualty of failure to take a stance"--no Bronwyn that is not why you have become a casualty).

Well sometimes when you get your jailhouse witnesses together at the police department and give them booze and sex and don't tell the defense, it comes back to bite you 25 years later when you made your judicial career on the resulting conviction. Want to blame someone, find the closest mirror.

Anonymous said...

The chief judges have been placed in a terrible position and may have an obligation to make a referral to the Bar and the the JQC for full investigation. I’m also curious what the third dca will do at this point. They should issue a statement removing her temporarily from all criminal cases until this is all resolved. There are many appellate proceedings where the 3 judge panel is not specifically named. Direct appeals yes, but other reviews not necessarily. The Publix deserves transparency

Anonymous said...

Whomever keeps signing on to praise the prosecutors that filed this discovery in that sleazy manner can only be somebody partly responsible for this tremendo shit show. They are MVZ protégés as so many of the posters above have said. They have spent months trying to figure out a way to hide this evidence for their boss because that is the mission at this office and someone here actually thinks we should celebrate them or give them props jajaja okay. The disco gets filed minutes before the start of a holiday weekend and hand delivered. Its months after the actual texts took place to add insult. It sure aint seeming honest and forthright and biz as usual. Its hide the ball. Ya know what though Wolfson has a sixth sense for bullshit and I want to see what else she finds out. This entire prosecution represents the mentality that has rotted that place from the inside out. You’d think this would be the last straw but history has proven otherwise. One thing is for sure though the smith defense team is goated.

Anonymous said...

LR is Leslie Rothenberg. Duh.

Anonymous said...

Christine is probably Christine Hernandez, circuit Court Judge and ex-wife of Matt Baldwin; who is Judge Miller's attorney.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to do a public records request for their text messages in the days leading up to the story being broken and after the story broke. I bet there's high drama and more collusion.

Anonymous said...

Her waiving death is an attempted distraction from this story.

Anonymous said...

When the new prosecution team took over the State announced that this was a new day and we old be a new experience with these two new prosecutors. Unfortunately, this appears to be more of the same. How does the state justify sitting on these for months, if not a year. They refused to provide them to the Herald claiming work product for months. What changed?!?! Is work product now discoverable during a pending case? Something really smells!

Anonymous said...

You guys really suck. Glad to see how aggressive you are to nail judge miller on behalf of a murderous gang member. MVZ deserves it, not judge miller. Learn to use some discretion as to who you target….not like some dude shooting a half dozen bystanders when he really wants to hit one person. Figure out if she had a hand in the bad stuff that happened at trial and before, if she did, fine, go after her for ethics violations. But until you figure that out, you should hold your fire.

Anonymous said...

I have friends that are ASAs and friends that are judges. I do not do any of this. If you engage in this type of behavior you should consider a new profession. There’s also no issue with close friendships or relationships and no I do not think Sayfie does this. It’s called integrity. Stop projecting, shill.

Anonymous said...

Has to be Leslie rothenberg

Anonymous said...

Today is first I read of mvz involvement.

Anonymous said...

They were trying to hide discovery as work product. Love to know what prompted the release. They certainly knew they couldn’t keep it quiet any longer… but why now.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. How uncomfortable.

Side note: say you live in Florida without saying you live in Florida — your phone autocorrects public to Publix.

Anonymous said...

Plain and simple the SAO is the most corrupted entity of government in Dade-County.

Anonymous said...

M is Maury, Bronwyn’s husband. Christine is Zahralban, head of SAO legal division, LR is Leslie Rothenberg, former chief judge of the Third DCA, and Jay is Novick and the situation is this:


Anonymous said...

Herald said they made request months ago and were told they were work product. How could sao now say they were private messages between friends. Should have thought that first position through a bit better. 😭

Anonymous said...

Leslie Rothenberg, former chief judge of the Third DCA

Anonymous said...

The SAO is dysfunctional. They’ve been a mystery to me for years. I was never a member of the SAO, but the lawyer in me kind of sees some of these texts as coming from someone who was once there and is angry at the current SAO for bungling another case up, and sorta letting KFR have it: Your attorneys can’t get the facts right in their briefs, you’re hiring a lawyer with a big red flag in their public bio (or whatever), youre not vetting the lawyers you put on DP cases, you’ve let a walking Brady violation teach new ASAs for years and years... I guess I’m not thrilled about the defense bar comment, but I also don’t read that as an intended attack on the defense bar. I read it as trying to criticize the SAO for not doing a better job at training (who agrees?) and speaking in a language that will get KFRs attention. I’m def not sure that my take away from these texts is, judge miller is biased for the SAO. She’s kind of telling KFR to clean up that office, which would be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

The texts are unprofessional and the third dca should take immediate action. Judges Fernandez Gordo and Lobree would never engage in this pathetic and desperate behavior.

Anonymous said...

Judge Miller’s conduct appears to be in violation of Florida Code of Judicial Conduct Canons 1, 2A. and B., 3B.(5), (7), (9), (10), (12), and 5A.

Anonymous said...

How about a sitting judge has more discernment and integrity. She a goddamn witness on the case. Why turn a blind eye to this? Because she’s not as bad as MVZ? Get outta here.

Anonymous said...

She should have held her fire and not trashed our two chief judges and attributed motives to them that don’t exist. She has in effect called Judge Wolfson unethical (without saying so expressly) and unable to make a ruling in Smith fairly. C’mon dude!

Anonymous said...

By meddling in a case she’s a witness on and directing them to edit pleadings coming before the court where she serves on the bench? Stop with the excuses for this behavior. She’s a judge and witness on the case, not an observer.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how you leave out Judge Miller’s attacks and accusations against the two chief judges and their inability to be professional and impartial. Please let us hear your defense for that bro!

Anonymous said...

She had a hand in it. Investigator Eunice Cooper testified that one of the co-conspirator witnesses had more information to provide re Bronwyn Miller but would not do so due to fear of retaliation.

The testimony that did come out was that she was the prosecutor present when the witnesses were gathered at the City of Miami Police Department in preparation for trial in 2004. She wrote the arguably intentionally misleading notice that said the witnesses were provided food, beverages, and tobacco products at the SAO, which isn’t the half of it.

Anonymous said...

It’s Christine Zahalbran, the head of legal at the SAO

Anonymous said...

“Learn to use some discretion in who you target.” Perhaps Judge Miler should have thought about that before she attacked two sitting chief judges and the defense bar. Whether you are conservative or liberal, this is intolerable behavior from a judge and she owes this community a public apology, among many other things. Oh how the mighty and arrogant and mean girls will fall.

Anonymous said...

This is a better fake Steve Talpins than fake Steve Talpins.

Anonymous said...

That’s dumb

Anonymous said...

Dysfunctional is an understatement.

Anonymous said...

The best team in America. Heck yeah! Kudos Kathy!

Anonymous said...

Judge Woody! Whoo hoo karma is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:44 am I wouldn't even have Gosney as a board member in the condo association of my building, much less in any position that deals with justice. Also, the article in the Herald is not about Gosney; can we all agree on that? I know he is trying to remain relevant after all the chaos he created at the SAO-Miami and after he and his trolls destroyed whatever was left of his reputation and professional opportunities. Still, while Judge Miller messed up in several ways, and her actions are questionable and unethical, I tend to agree with her that Gosney is disturbing and a misogynistic pervert. Watching his streams for five minutes will confirm this, mainly when he addresses his wife and by observing the crowd he attracts. None of his ‘fans’ are normal. They are all resentful people who feed their hate toward the ‘leftist liberals’ by posting misinformation and slandering them. They hide behind aliases, collaborating via group chats. I recall that crazy woman ranting about the Miami Herald reporter, and she accurately reflects his fanbase and how unstable they all are. I know he's deleted many of his older streams, but the guy has some serious issues, so he should remain far away from public service and anything related to criminal law.

Anonymous said...

The universe is shifting. Once upon a time, many things were buried deep, never to see the light of day. But we are in a time, where the universe will no longer stand for the cover up, and the constant burying of truths. In its own cosmic way, we are seeing a turn of the wheel. That which was once free to do as it saw fit - will no longer have that luxury.

The evidence: “I think you should disqualify her,” Miller wrote to Fernandez Rundle on April 6, appearing to refer to Wolfson. “Then all rulings can be reconsidered.”

The response: "Get over it, she did nothing wrong, she is one of the best judges defense attorneys can rely on."

My opinion: "Save it for the JQC."

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to him, but what about the families of Cynthia Brown and Angel Wilson? Who will be held accountable for continually revictimizing them? During his initial trial, Corey Smith reportedly picked up Cynthia’s photo, showing her neck cut from side to side, and stated, “This [expletive] caused my whole empire to fall!” His charges may be dropped, but where is the justice for those families?

Judge Bronwyn Miller observed, “This wouldn’t happen if the victims’ families were empowered. My family would have demanded Aronberg’s removal by the governor if that had happened, and it would have been done.” This situation reflects the systemic protection given to certain individuals, as repeated attempts to address concerns with the State Attorney’s Office (SAO) have been ignored, even by the governor.

Katherine Fernandez Rundle is aware of prosecutorial misconduct in her office by multiple current and former Assistant State Attorneys (ASAs), including Richard Scruggs, Alibia Henry, Santiago Aroca, Judge Dawn Kulick, and David Gilbert, as well as support staff such as Pam Bull. These individuals collaborated with Detectives Juan Segovia and Wislyn Joseph to wrongfully convict Dedrick Brown, the nephew of Cynthia Brown – Corey Smith’s victim. Documentation of this misconduct can be found on the *Helping Offenders Procure Equality* Facebook page. [Link to the page here](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/HiFz2dKGwCviFzA1/).

Both current and former judges have contributed to these injustices, including the late Judge Jorge Chomat-Rodriguez, Judge Jose Fernandez, and Judge Ellen Sue Venzer. Judge Venzer knew of new DNA evidence disproving prior testimony by Miami-Dade Criminalist Adriana Kristaly, which was openly presented in her courtroom. After appointing a DNA expert funded by the state, Judge Venzer allowed State Attorney Santiago Aroca to abandon DNA evidence in the case upon hearing the results. As a result, the gun allegedly containing DNA in the first trial was later presented as having no DNA evidence in the second (mistrial) and third (guilty) trials. When the ruling was appealed in 2021, Judge Miller was among those who ruled on the case *per curiam*.

The corruption runs deep. Judge Nushin Sayfie ignored all complaints filed against these judges, even ensuring that the complaints were shared with the judges involved, resulting in retaliatory rulings. Judge Jose Fernandez notably acknowledged this on record on 11/30/2018, yet the Judicial Qualifications Commission (JQC) took no action.

Justice must be served for all families affected by these systemic failures. Read Robert Griffith deposition in the Roderick Martin case. 4,000 DNA cases retested between 2008 and 2013 and the results were favorable to the defendant. NO DEFENDANTS WERE NOTIFIED! Michael Von Zamft was the ASA present.

Anonymous said...

Those text demonstrate, among other things, she tried to control that prosecution of Smith and disqualification of Wolfson. It is a travesty.

Anonymous said...

Damn rump! A bunch of news agencies have picked up the Herald’s article already including yahoo news, daily mail and radar online. Miller should focus on her likely issues with the JQC and the third dca and the Florida bar. There are no good answers to any of this as we can see from these blog exchanges and we also see how well respected Sayfie and Andrea are and how that doesn’t translate so much for B.M. It’s a sad week for miami

Anonymous said...

I don’t know. You would think that as a judge she would know better. At the very least, not text 1) THE state attorney to disqualify a judge who she believes has ruled against her side 2) avoid telling KFR to edit a response and tailor it to her liking and 3) avoid input on who the SAO should hire in their legal dept. One and two, combined with her “my reputation is all I have” comment, CLEARLY show that Brownie knows she looks bad all around on this one and she needs this to go away. Badly.

Anonymous said...

Meddling 🧐

Anonymous said...

Why did the new prosecution team sit on these texts for so many months? They had them and knew they existed?

Anonymous said...

City of Miami commissioners is.

Anonymous said...

Any videos of the conjugal visits?

Anonymous said...

She wrote private messages and was pissed. That is a far cry from a public comment. Please. Can you imagine the shit people say about judges in private. About other lawyers. You don’t need to imagine. We all do it. This was not a speech to dcba. Big fing deal. A person who was a member of a pros team has bad things to say about a judge who is making rulings she doesn't like and that are hitting close to home. Miller wasn’t acting in her judicial capacity or even publicly in the texts. Grow up.

The things that actually matter are: 1) did the guy get a fair trial or was stuff withheld; 2) was judge W lied to; 3) if yes to 2), by whom.

I am in favor of finding out those things and doing something about it. Not getting our britches all bunched up worrying that a former prosecutor likes former prosecutors and wrote some things that hurt our sensitivities.

Fuck…what a bunch of overly sensitive crybabies. Put on your big boy pants. I wish I had you guys as prosecutors. I would win ever gosh darn case by saying something meanish about you and watching you melt in front of the jury.

We actually should be focused on something that actually impacts all of us equally - like damn…that was a really good picture in the Herald! Alluring, sexy, mysterious, party, in charge, smart, independent…fuck…that picture should win a damn Pulitzer.

Would the judicial cannons be violated if I asked Judge Miller to sign a copy for me?

Anonymous said...

Is ex-parte communication frowned upon?

Anonymous said...

Never heard of her

Anonymous said...

I never liked Bronwyn Miller. I had an appeal of the denial of a motion to disqualify a judge before the 3rd. She changed the facts in the opinion to make her friend, another judge look good. This was brought to her attention in motion for rehearing. DENIED. If she's smart, she will "retire" and get a high paying job in the appellate department of a large law firm. If I get another criminal appeal at the 3rd, I will file a motion to disqualify her.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Miller insulting Nushin and Andrea. Right now, I bet Nushin and Andrea are saying..." and you think you know someone..." BTW, Nushin and Andrea are and always have been class acts and Miller...........

Anonymous said...

Glad this issue is giving you all relief from the electoral beat down Trump gave Harris. This too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

On September 26, 2024, at a gala hosted by St. Thomas University President David A. Armstrong and Law School Dean Tarlika Nuñez-Navarro, Judge Bronwyn C. Miller received the Ronald Reagan Freedom and Democracy Award from St. Thomas University Benjamin L. Crump College of Law. The award honored Judge Miller for her decades of outstanding public service to the community as a prosecutor, trial judge, and appellate judge.

I think the Law School should take this award back.

Anonymous said...

I just heard that someone retained Goldman and Gustafson. I smell aLawsuit.

Anonymous said...

So, Miller is trashing everyone and KFR doesn’t even stand up for them? I guess Miller is our elected state attorney?

Anonymous said...

Roderick Martin and his codefendant are still facing the death penalty. The corruption on that case needs to be revealed.

Anonymous said...

Michael Von Zamft needs to be investigated by the feds so his deposition can be taken and the truth can be revealed in so many cases. There are SO many innocent people in prison because of him. It is absolutely abhorrent that KFR did not agree to set up a conviction review unit. Absolutely abhorrent. She cares more about her image and legacy than the innocent people her administration has imprisoned.

Anonymous said...

@8:32pm food, beverages, tobacco you left out the good stuff like the Conjugal visits.

Anonymous said...

It’s not so bad it’s like a tinder farm.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Clearly you haven’t been reading…

Anonymous said...

Interesting… I have worked with Christine many times over the years and she seems to be one of the only reasonable and smart attorneys in that office. She’s the one of the very few ASAs who doesn’t have an agenda. So, I guess it makes sense that Bronwyn would bring her into it, because she probably isn’t on the please Bronwyn train.

Anonymous said...

Can only hope the PD Appeals division is drafting a blanket RECUSAL motion on ALL criminal cases pending before MILLER... Please keep us informed here on hearings scheduled (and zoom info) in the Corey Smith case- EVERYONE should login to monitor the gaslighting & coverup by the SAO.. these Tampa lawyers are tirelessly working to "labor here and seek only the truth!" - smh in disgust. Great work by Judge Wolfson standing up to these bullies and following the trail of misdeeds by corrupt prosecutors.. and now we've learned, also a JUDGE in the 3rd DCA.

Anonymous said...

JOHNNY CHARLES! He has been in PRETRIAL for 18 YEARS AWAITING TRIAL!! There is so much misconduct on his case. Why is no one talking about this?!? Michael Von Zamft Stephanie Silver Bill Howell Joshua Weintraub YOUR DAY IS COMING! The saga continues……..

Anonymous said...

@7:22 - your opinion would make sense if the text messages were not between a witness on the case and the elected state attorney… if she was just a somebody texting a somebody about the judge, then yes you’re right, who cares?

BUT that’s not the case here and the fact that you overlook that is concerning to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Also the way you couldn’t help but make it misogynistic is pretty gross. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Mvz is in indirect contempt , I think

Anonymous said...

Smith has a hearing tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

(a) Impugning Qualifications and Integrity of Judges or Other Officers. A lawyer shall not make a statement that the lawyer knows to be false or with reckless disregard as to its truth or falsity concerning the qualifications or integrity of a judge, mediator, arbitrator, adjudicatory officer, public legal officer, juror or member of the venire, or candidate for election or appointment to judicial or legal office.

Anonymous said...

Pray tell who are the new prosecutors on the case so we can all be aware? I am baffled that they continued to hide evidence even after Mike was exiled. They are making the case for the abolition of prosecutorial immunity. This hearing should be a fantastic watch.

Anonymous said...

Please circulate the suggestion of recusal when it’s drafted!

Anonymous said...

The entire top of the office is on Corey’s case. They put Justin Funck and Rebecca Dimeglio on it but everyone is involved at this point.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they could risk trying to bury these messages. That law found a phone call out of thousands where MVZ sounded like he was plotting a hit on a witness. They had to have figured they'd get out eventually, better to follow the rules and take it on the chin then just dig the hole deeper. I'm glad they did the right thing, but its sad that we have to be impressed by it.

Anonymous said...

Jose Rohaidy for State Attorney!

Anonymous said...

Do we have a zoom/stream link for hearing tomorrow ?

Anonymous said...

Rump, what is the process for acquiring the Real Fake Bronwyn Miller handle? Last thing I want is to claim it only to have a bunch of imposters to come in here and commit identity theft.

Anonymous said...

We should all do better, but credit where it is due; those two are better than at least 90% of the lawyers down here. The argument on the motion to disqualify was easily the best thing I've ever seen a lawyer do. A bunch of us were in the room for it and we are still talking about it.

Anonymous said...

You think pointing out that the picture is cool as shit is misogynistic?! It is that type of rebullshit that turned people off to voting for Harris and gave us Trump. Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

There are still many judges and judge elects who are ethical and respect the law.

Anonymous said...

The cabal

Anonymous said...

The Court’s Virtual ZOOM ID:
JOIN BY PHONE DIAL US: +1786 635 1003
MEETING ID: 963-1533-6649

Anonymous said...

They don’t even work at the SAO anymore?

Anonymous said...

12:06 you a cat woman?

Anonymous said...

You on drugs?

Anonymous said...

Weintraub does and Silver is currently a Judge. I think someone was making the point there are more recordings in other cases that may show some not so great things for others. It’s crazy that we are even having to have so many of these conversations.

Anonymous said...

Your joking correct?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My speculation is a certain judge will begin to have her very wealthy non-lawyer friends orchestrate to document public support of her actions. I hope she is humble enough to take some responsibility. No amount of money and no amount of rich peeps voices can justify her terrible and unprofessional words about Sayfie and Wolfson. Instead of further dividing this community, can we move forward and not backward. The door to the time and acceptance for a humble and sincere apology will close quickly. We should use our time wisely.

Anonymous said...

In the end …Nothing is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Bring back Jason Pizzo for State Attorney.

Anonymous said...

@3:05 am, where is the record of Judge Fernandez? Can you share?

Anonymous said...

You all want to attack Judge Miller but it interesting that none of KFR’s responses are included in this article (except one) and if you read the transcript of the texts, it’s clear that KFR deleted almost all of her responses before turning over the texts. Typical KFR looking for the scapegoat for her own wrongdoings

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