While we rarely comment on where we are or where we will be, we feel on safe ground (actually not ground as you will sea) saying this about the next week or so:
Much to our shock and horror, "she who must" has surprised us with a booking on the high seas. Tis true we are a bit of a yachtsman, in the bay or intercoastal, where we can dock along side the necessary fueling station when the alcohol content in our blood falls to dangerously low levels.
But to be crammed on some modern day barge with the hoi polloi from Iowa or such other hinterlands; to be forced to interact with crowds of the large, pale, and unwashed, seeking to eat every 5 minutes, is not our idea of holiday.
Fear not however, as we have employed the services of an enterprising young person, who will monitor the blog and post comments as quick as ever. Plus, we have a store of posts ready to go, and have been assured by those in power on the high seas that we will have internet access.
See You On the Lido deck.
I did not post a poorly wished bon voyage as the person mentioned in that post has asked me to stop the accusations and I have complied, but informed him all other posts about his career are fair game.
You have hired somebody to administer the blog while you are on Vacation!
Wow- I bet this blog worries you more than your practice.
No. But much like McArthur's farewell speech at the Academy: "The corps, the corps, the corps...."
I too always have in mind "the readers...the readers...the readers."
Just a teen with a need for cash and a laptop.
My practice as it were, is being left in far less capable hands.
Readers pray tell.. just who or what is a Golembe?
as i understand it, if you click on the link this is what a golum be
orsen wells as jim best
Yikes!!! It looks like Judge Perez when he is yelling, which is not often I might add.
Now if we were Mr. Best, would we allow that cheap (but funny) shot??Would we?
nothing cheap about orsen wells.
Dom Deloise as warren lawler
No way Jim Best id Rumpole. His notion of highbrow literature is Fritz the Kat Komix
ohhh...cat fight!!
Emperor Hirohito as Owen Chin and/or Bennett Brummer.
Now didn't I tell you to stop that?
rumpole what about the cat fight in the previous post. I have $100 that Mcwhorter can kick her ass.
Rumpole is that you writing or is it the teen?!?!
Meadowlark Lemon as J.R. the bailiff
Leonard Nimoy as Abby Rifkin
Its me Mike:
The husband of a judicial candidate has filed suit to get his wife's opponent, County Judge Shirlyon McWhorter, disqualified and removed from the ballot.
The lawsuit, filed by Rodolfo Pedraza, husband of Patricia Marino-Pedraza, alleged that McWhorter violated campaign laws by filing to run for county judge -- and opening a campaign account to accept donations -- without declaring which seat she was running for.
The lawsuit also claimed that McWhorter violated the rules because her campaign treasurer, accountant Anthony Brunson, is not a Miami-Dade County voter and because her campaign accepted more than than the legal limit of $500 from three donors.
McWhorter, appointed to the bench by Gov. Jeb Bush three years ago, declined to comment because she said the case is under investigation.
Her co-campaign manager, Reginald Clyne, said that the excess donations had already been returned. He called the issue of which seat she was running for ``cockamamie.''
''She's always been running to retain her seat,'' he said.
Mike Catalano, attorney for Pedraza and a close friend of Pedraza-Marino, said the case is set for a hearing on Monday.
Kam Fong as Chin Ho Kelly
"with the hoi polloi from Iowa" is incorrect. It's simply "with hoi polloi from Iowa"
This is the real Mike Catalano.
I did NOT send the note about being with Patti at Starbucks.
I do not drink coffee.
That is a fake.
It looks as if it is cut and paste of the Miami Herald article.
This is me, the real fake, real, Mike C, commander of the order of the empire, hero of new orleans, tormentor of Judges. Personally, I love starbuck. Especially the java chip frapuccino, x tra large.
Mike C out.
Uhh o... I can see where this is going.
When I went to New Orleans last year as a coast guard auxiliary pilot and did volunteer work, I did not ever think it would be in a joke.
Sorry, that is not funny.
Who ever sent that should see just how bad it was in that area.
Kid around but, be human, please.
Mike Catalano
MC hamma sandwich ...I mean Commander MC hamma sandwich. I apologize. I am sorry you flew to New Orleans and I bet the people there were sorry as well.
OK, Whoever you are... you are not nice.
End of story.
Of all the words of song or pen
the saddest are these
MC hates you!
Rumpole as Phil
Shouts out to my main man, MC, dah commanduh. me tinks dat hes gone way mad wit dis court suit against my guhrl shirlyun machortah.
i mean he gone whack and all. like me julie sez : he aint no cammanduh, hes a rear admiral.
Booyakasha, respek!
perhaps the yachting is a diversion. a true boater would its the intracoastal, not the intercoastal.
safe sailing...
valid point- but we do know our port from our starboard, aft from bow, winward from leeward, abaft from hmm.. you get the point. However we conceed we spelled the name of the waterway incorrect.
rumpole, you seem to be off your game... spelling concede as conceed and using the word incorrect instead of incorrectly.
have you shoved off yet, matey?
Perhaps an indication that Rumpole is a team effort-the Rumpole I know lives for the grammar.
nah..somtimes I'm rushed and tired.
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