From our magnificent Clerks and Court Administrator’s Office comes this:
Due to Tropical Storm Ernesto, Clerk of Courts will be closed Tuesday, August 29 & Wednesday, August 30!

Look how this storm track changed from yesterday. Like a plea offer from the state after they realize your client is a PERP. There is a joke just waiting to be told here about meterologists and Judges.
Will NOT be seeing you in court until at least Thursday.
BREAKING NEWS: While court may be closed, Judge McWhorter's campaign remains up and running as she prevailed today in the hearing in West Palm Beach (motto:" We're better than you, and we know it.").
Ms. Marino-Pedrazza is going to have to face the citizens of Dade County. In the final analysis, wouldn't she always have a cloud over her if she became a Judge through a lawsuit?
What about Court?
oh for crap's sake, it's a little wind and rain.
But, we are still on for Tobacco Road, Thursday, August 31, 2006 from 5:00 - 8:00 PM. Be there or be square.
Expected to show: Rumpole, The Captain, Jason Grey, Dan Lurvey, Chris Lyons, Rick Freedman, Alan Shuminer, Phil Reizenstein, and a host of anonymous characters.
Q? Q??
Elortigue is the trial master of DUI's. He is the man. He churns out breakdowns like no one's business. Forget Q. The man for DUI's in Miami is the big E.
Guys, write this down. Take it to the bank. There is one and only one Rumpole. His name is David Alschuler and I seriously doubt he will allow this to be posted because as he knows, I caught him red handed and he smiled and walked away. Come on Dave- be a man and post this and take your medicine from your fans and the crazy guy.
There is no friggin way the Big E is better than Q. Q dominates.
Respect the Q
Fear the Q
Close your eyes and become the Q!
Quirantes beats DUI's. Thats what he does. Thats what he does better than anyone.
Hey Captain- you going to get the decision hot off the presses from West Palm in the McWhorter -Marino race?
As a former ASA who handled dui's...the big E sucks. If I saw him coming, I'd get my plea paperwork out because I knew he was taking the 1st mm's.
Fear the E
Respect the E
Give the E a breakdown!
Close your eyes and say eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I was banking on the Blecher/Lurvey/Lyons cabal.
Remember, Rumpole talks in the plural most of the time.
You can have your Reiff's and Essen's and Blecher's and your Q.
E is for me.
Say it. It's simple. E is for me.
Elortegi=DUI Master of Disaster.
McWhorter won the hearing today.
Please explain and attribute this to a source so I can do a post.
If McWhorter won the hearing today, then the Judge can expect opposition from Patty whatshernamethisweek and wheresherhomenext week, because Catalano is vengful like a vampire living on rats blood. He ran Patty whatshername because McWhorter had the temerity to deny a 5th motion for continuance or some such nonsense.
Not only is E the DUI man, but he was personally commended by the governor for his heroism in Hurricane Katrina.
If E is the DUI Master then PLEASE stop drinking and driving...better yet give up alcohol. In a world where E reigns, defendant's pleas pour.
Fear Q
My source is one of the attorneys in the McWhorter camp. Judge Barkdull (Palm Beach) heard the case via telephone. One of the issues is whether these campaign laws give a "private right of action," or is the Elections Commission the only one to enforce these laws. Another issue was whether Marino-Pedraza's complaint was a true emergency since many of the violations occurred months ago. The Planas case was to be heard on Tuesday at the 3d DCA. Also the brief on Sanchez_Gronlier was supposed to be due tomorrow. (Sanchez-Gronlier and McWhorter have the same attorneys). Catalano is out (on vacation in Europe). Patty's partner is now handling the case.
Rumpole did hardwick RSVP? Because my neighbor who is a pshycologist will be at the event aug 31 2006, to give hardwick assistance.
BLOOMINGTON, IN—After having repeatedly been observed talking on the phone with his girlfriend, fumbling with a student-lounge vending machine, and eating egg-salad sandwiches, 20-year-old Indiana University student Winslow Fulbright was positively identified as the right guy to fuck with, acquaintances announced Tuesday. "We knew from the way he stared blankly at us when we asked him what brand maxi-pad he uses that we were not in any way about to make the biggest mistake of our lives," said sophomore Chad Irving, 19, who, along with two others, put salt in Fulbright’s Diet Coke, convinced him he’d lost all his Microsoft Word files, and incessantly mussed his hair yesterday. "We are absolutely confident that he’s the long sought-after ‘some schmuck’ who will take this shit lying down." When asked how long he was going to let the torment go on, Fulbright was interrupted every time he tried to respond
Q/E E/Q -Bobby Reiff will soon be sending mailers.
so mcwhoter won ? Now 3 dca is closed what timing.
I like Miami.
I'm a PD and people have been mumbling Andy Kotzen's name all last week. Very suspicious. I thought he was one of the lawyers for McWhorter.
Planas v. Planas and the Sanchez-Gronlier case are now both set for oral argument on Friday at the 3d DCA. Conventional wisdom is that Planas will be reversed and Sanchez-Gronlier will prevail. But who knows?
No. You got it wrong. Kotzen wrote the original Muldowney motion in West Palm Beach. He was behind the scenes directing Hersch and Catalano in Miami.He is a great DUI lawyer in northern Florida. For the new 8000 machines, the lawyers call the motion a "Kotzen motion."
Third District Court of Appeal Case Docket
Case Number: 3D06-2125
Final Civil Other Notice from Dade County
Lower Tribunal Case(s): 06-15998
08/28/2006 05:20
Date Docketed Description Date Due Filed By Notes
08/25/2006 Case Filing Fee Check from Manno & Schurr
08/25/2006 Notice of Appeal Filed Harris J. Buchbinder 009888
08/25/2006 Motion To Expedite Harris J. Buchbinder 009888
08/25/2006 ORD-GRANTING EXPEDITING 08/29/2006 Upon consideration, appellant's motion for expedited review and consideration of appeal is granted. Appellees shall file the answer briefs no later than noon on Tuesday, August 29, 2006. The cause is set for oral argument on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 10:30 o'clock A.M. with ten (10) minutes allowed each side to present argument.
08/25/2006 Initial Brief on Merits Harris J. Buchbinder 009888
08/25/2006 Appendix Harris J. Buchbinder 009888 Appendix to Initial Brief.
08/25/2006 Notice of Oral Argument Harris J. Buchbinder 009888
08/30/2006 Oral Argument Date Set 3rd DCA
You both got it wrong. Andy Kozten was a guy on death row for killing his wife who was freed when the innocence project found that his blood and prints were not on the marble toilet seat used to bludgeon her to death. It was, believe it or not, the plumber's prints.
A Kozten motion requires the state to provide all documents relating to fingerprints and blood analysis.
First song at the Road on Thursday:
Alan, court is closed tomorrow. Should I stay home? I'm confused.
Second song at Tobacco Road on Thursday: Miami's for Migna
Migna's for Miami
Migna's for Miami
And Miami's for Migna
She'll be on the bench by January 3eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chris, go to Publix, wait in line, buy water, go home, put the water in the bath tub, go soak your head.
More Breaking NEWS 3rd DCA denies stay in Planas case, Fletcher, Sheperd and Schwartz concured
Third District Court of Appeal Case Docket
Case Number: 3D06-2067
Final Civil Other Notice from Dade County
Lower Tribunal Case(s) 06-14721
08/28/2006 05:25
Date Docketed Description Date Due Filed By Notes
08/21/2006 Notice of Appeal Filed Robert T. Rigal 388548
08/21/2006 Motion To Expedite Robert T. Rigal 388548 Motion to expedite review and consideration of appeal.
08/21/2006 Initial Brief on Merits Robert T. Rigal 388548
08/22/2006 Case Filing Fee
08/22/2006 ORAL ARGUMENT RECEIPT AE Ronald G. Meyer
08/22/2006 Motion to Expedite Granted (OG52A) 08/25/2006 Upon consideration, appellant's motion to expedite review and consideration of appeal is granted. Appellees' answer brief is to be filed on or before Friday, August 25, 2006 and appellant's reply brief is to be filed on or before August 28, 2006. This cause is set for oral argument on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 10:30 o'clock A.M. with ten (10) minutes each side to present oral argument.
08/22/2006 Motion To Stay Robert T. Rigal 388548
08/22/2006 Stay Denied (OD26) Upon consideration, appellant's motion to stay enforcement of injunction is hereby denied. FLETCHER and SHEPHERD, JJ., and SCHWARTZ, Senior Judge, concur.
08/24/2006 Appellee's Answer Brief Oren Rosenthal
08/24/2006 ORAL ARGUMENT RECEIPT AE Oren Rosenthal
08/24/2006 ORAL ARGUMENT RECEIPT AE Oren Rosenthal
08/25/2006 Notice of Supplemental Authority Robert T. Rigal 388548
08/25/2006 Appellee's Answer Brief Ronald G. Meyer orig 3 Juan-Carlos "J.C." Planas
08/25/2006 Appellee's Answer Brief Ronald G. Meyer
08/25/2006 Appendix Ronald G. Meyer
08/28/2006 Appellant's Reply Brief Robert T. Rigal 388548 orig 3
08/29/2006 Oral Argument Date Set 3rd DCA
Broward closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday TBA.
DMV hearings at 2515 W.Flagl;er are closed Tuesday. Wednesday TBA.
North of the border is closed; Check the court's website.
Andy Kotzen is an associate medical examiner. he works for me.
why dont you morons turn on a tv to find out about court. You look like complete idiots whining on this blog-rumor is some local stations are announcing closings
What the PD heard is that one of the newbie ASA's is named something like Arnie Kozen and he was sweet talked by a DUI sharpie into a plea deal in which the DUI (.11) was nolle prossed in exchange for a plea to the improper lane change AND the speeding, and everyone is laughing about it.
that asian weather chick on channel 7 has some set on her. Go hurricane!
People people. Can you all calm down? Andrew Kosen was a nerdy ASA in the 1980's, who in his spare time liked to write. He wrote a treatment for a drama called "Law and disorder." ABC laughed at him, CBS canceled the meeting when ABC paned the treatment, but NBC was interested enough to give him 200 grand to work on it for a year. He's an executive prodcuer of Law and Order and owns a Mansion in Beverly Hills. Life can be rough.
Personally, I find myself humming the Migna song several times a day.
That bothers me.
No one's jumped on the Altschuler story. No legs.
I expect, no I demand, my entire staff to report for work tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Labor Day). There will be no breaks.
I'm tough, give me a chance to show you.
Done and ordered, in my hurricane proof crib.
Judge Peter Camacho Adrien.
Andy Kotzen was the name of the court reporter Adrien would not let use the bathroom.
Andy Kotzen wrote the Migna song. Going to get royalties up the migna yang.
Does Andy Kotzen have opposition?
what is the tune to the Migna song?
(for all of you under the age of _____, that was a TV show in the 60's)......
I must admit that the Andrew Cotzin stuff is fricking hilarious.
The real Andrew Cotzin was an ASA in the 1980's and is presently working for Broad & Cassel out of their Ft. Lauderdale office. He still does criminal law.
CAPTAIN OUT ...........
vote for cathy parks for judge. she's the greatest!
Cathy Parks got all the Haitian and Bahamian vote today, I heard.
commander c truer words have never been spoken. Mike C has been beating people up for years and when some dui chief, asa or judge says "NO" to him he goes nuts. your comment about the fifth continunace understates it, he thinks his piss ant dui's are so complex that they deserve 10 continuances
Any truth to the rumor that Brett Schwartz caught Migna taking bribes on his nanny cam?
Check out the CABA bar poll numbers. The Review has 'em this morning.
Rump- I must have seen 2000 people being shuttled to the polls in Homestead by Judge Hernandez's ground operation. I work for another candidate and I am amazed at his ground ops. There were guys who were clearly retired military driving the vans. Those guys really know how to stick together. My view is that Faber is being out hustled big time.
Sorry Captain but you got it wrong: Andy Kotzin is an undercover security officer in the REGJB. The PD heard someone calling for him on a radio because of a disturbance in a courtroom.
Cop who reads the blog.
Get a life, Juan.
The Hernandez ground ops posts are complete bullshit. Since Florida City only had 189 voters all week and Cutler Ridge had 614 you can be damn sure 2000 people were not shuttled to polls in Homestead. Hell, Hialeah only had 614 voters all week and they didn't all vote for Ivan either.
The reality is Ivan cannot take votes from Faber but Faber can and is taking votes from Ivan who has no media campaign going, a poor sign campaign and can cover only a minimum of polls. Faber is kicking his ass on the air and on the ground.
The CABA poll came out and Faber kicked ass in that too. When 60% of your own say you are unqualified the writing's on the wall. Faber was even ranked better in being sensitive to the needs of Hispanics by 20 percentage points!
This may be a bigger blowout than anyone thought.
Isn't Adrien's court reporter a woman? what are you talking about a guy.? I've always seen the little girl(woman) there; black, I think from the Caribbean, cute as hell. I hope she didn't let go on herself in front of Adrien. gee, what a creep Adrien is.
the trialmaster may attend the tobacco road gathering.
I agree with 11:44 a.m. It is complete bullshit about 2000 peoiple being bussed to the polls, i am one of the few candidates who had pollworkers there, and I was told that very few voters showed up.
Facts and Fiction:
Facts: Herald Endorsement, High Ratings on DCBA & CABA Poll & a Big War Chest = Lost of Election
Fiction: Thinking that those Facts are not correct.
Who cares!
Yes, you are correct...
Unfortunately the voters deciding the election are not those educated members of legal society who actually have a clue and they will vote for the unqualified Alvarezes, Guanzalezes, etc. Hence the Alvarezes, Guanzalezes, etc. choosing to run despite their glaringly obvious lack of credentials, qualifications and integrity (integrity because they are being completely dishonest by their lack of admission that they have targeted specific races and are banking on the fact that the moron from westchester is listening to their hired poll workers who are screaming, "Vote Cuban, Vote Cuban...") is going to vote those losers into office.
Ah, I love the Banana Republic of Miami...
Would somebody please take Catherine Parks' computer away from her? Her comments about herself are: redundant, boring and FALSE. Go out and campaign and get off the blog already. You are starting to sound like Juan and George.
Oh yes please, take the computer away from Cathern Parks! We all know you want to win the race and how much more do you want to brag about yourself. Boy! Ernesto, you forgot to blow away Parks computer and her lap-top! Was that to much to ask of you? Parks take a break for awhile, thanks.
Don't blame the voters for voting on whom they think best represents their ideals. Blame the Legislature. To think about it, there is no real way to ever assess who is the better candidate.
For fun, let’s look at the candidacy of Jane v. Joe
Example 1: Jane has had 50 DUI jury trials and won 49 of them. Joe has had 20 civil jury trials and lost all but one which was a multi-million dollar verdict. Who is the better candidate? Is it Joe because he has done high profile jury trials or Jane because of more victories?
Example 2: Jane went to UM for law school and Joe went to FAMU. Traditional university with a history and big donors v. minority institution with no big donors? Does going to a better university define a lawyer as better?
Example 3: Jane helped create new laws in the FL Legislature that helped in the prosecution of sex offenders. Joe rescued a woman who was carjacked. Which deserves more merit?
Example 4: Jane has practiced family law for 20 years and made millions representing few wealthy clients, but decided to raise a family and never went to work for a large firm or got too involved in the Bar Associations. Joe has been in practice for 7 years and is active in the DCBA, CABA, WFBA, FAWL, etc. as well as having worked for the SAO, and two other 100+ lawyer firms. He also married a PD who is BHB’s (for make belief) go to girl. Respectively, Jane gets few votes on the poll and is hated by the big firms she has defeated so they campaign against her on resentment, while Joe gets all his buddies to rate him Exceptional. Who is more qualified based on this poll?
Example 5: Jane a rather quiet lady is married to Judge Lopez. Joe is married to a public school teacher. Jane has practiced law for 10 years as an ASA. Joe has practiced law for 25 years, a sole practitioner who has concentrated on maritime and aviation law. Joe is a millionaire with big corporate clients and Jane is well-off, but surely not rich. Jane gets a huge amount of financial contributions as well as endorsements from her husband’s friends. Joe gets some donations, but strangely enough, he gets multiple calls from people telling him to drop out of the race as they are going to support Judge Lopez’s wife. Jane places on her campaign literature a family picture (dog included) with Judge Lopez (a Cannon violation) happily smiling. Is Jane a better candidate and should lawyers call Joe? Is voting happening here because Jane is better than Joe or because they want to appeal to Judge Lopez’s ego?
This is reality. The process is political and full of cronies regardless of how you look at it. Let the people decide. If Judges are public servants being paid by the people’s tax dollar, then they must be elected by the people. “By the people, for the people, with liberty and justice, for all.” Besides, imagine how worse judges could be if they only had to kiss the ass of the DCBA, CABA and WFBA? Forget it!
You tinkler lovers lay off Parks, and get a life. Someone ought to zap your hard drive.
Ok, just first let that someone ZAP Parks computer before mines and when that is accomplished, it will be ok with me if my computer is next.
this is politicaly incorrect. I'm voting for the gringo.
I happen to be a friend of Cathy Parks, and I am working for her at the precincts during early voting and on election day. I know that she is at the precincts all day-- and puttng up signs all night. She has no time for this blog, although I know that she has looked at it and she has told me that she thinks it's very intetesting.
Oh, than I guess the person who uses her name at here is not her as well! Not even the letter she had Rumpole post for her us to read. Is this what your trying to say Ms. Cathern Parks friend?
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