Someone wanted to throw a blog party next Thursday night August 31-right before the start of the long weekend.
A few people mentioned Tobacco Road. We have drunk our share of Chateau Miami River at the Road, and our bar tab is such that we are still welcomed.
Come one. Come all-even our dear robed readers.
Maybe, just maybe, Rumpole will buy you a drink.
We're the one in the Rumpole mask.
Ms. Nesmith has already promised an appearance.
isn't it obvious; we should be at Tobacco Road from 5:00 - 8:00 PM.; Thursday, August 31, 2006.
Be There or Be Square
And all the candidates should go to the Blog party.
Wow! A party gathering of a bunch of anonymous lawyers who bash named persons with allegations which are unprofessional, sometimes slanderous, sometimes alleging criminality. All anonymous of course. Almost never supported by evidence. The most recent onslaught against Scott Saul alleging an improper relationship with a bail bondsman and criticizing his clothes. Well when you work for yourself you can wear what you want. Maybe he is a little depressed representing the scum of the earth for 10 years handling cases most of his critics have no experience in handling. That is why they have to criticize anonymously. They criticize people who have more success, experience, standing in the community. There are maybe 5 attorneys in this county who outshine the rest of us and the rest of us have no business criticizing each other anonymously, alleging criminality, ethical violations, slander etc. Need you be reminded that we have a code of professional conduct and ethical rules to follow. Are we a profession which defends the poor, upholds the constitution, prosecutes the guilty etc. or are we becoming indistinguishable from the Tabloid at the supermarket which covers the private life of actors. I know my comments will not affect this blog so I will offer this gratuitous advice: all you people slandering Scott Saul collectively probably on a good day could last one round with him and you know it and that is another reason why you are anonymous but it is not hard to figure out who many of the people running this blog are - most of whom are hero worshippers of a certain outstanding lawyer in the twilight of his career. I wonder how long before this is removed from your blog.
Hero worshipper? Certain lawyer in twilight of career?
EXAMPLE: Steve Leifman to Juan D'Arce: "Best of luck next week Juan."
GEROGE ALVAREZ: "Sorry I am late, I was picking a jury."
Judge Areces: "I got here early. My calendar ran smoothly and I finished early."
Judge Adrien: "Hey. Me too. "
"Hi. I'm Patty Marino..... Nah...Just Marino."
Cecelia Chavez: I am not, I repeat Am Not, related to Hugo!
Patty whatshernamethisweek Marino: I am, I repeat, I am related to Dan Marino.
Ana Maria Pando: I'm early? No, way, I'm really early.
Don Cohn to his wife: Honey, did you forget to bring the pens - where are those damn pens.
Victoria del Pino & Joel Jacobi running against each other in Group 9: Hey Joel, ya know, if we add our amount of years together practicing law, well it almost adds up to our group number. Joel: "kewl"
Girl, you know it's false
Won't hear at the party? Hey Catalano let me buy you a drink!, Hey Rory Stein when is your training manual being published?, Judicial candidate to private attorney- You know that all that money you attorney donate doesn't all go to the campaign!, Jason Grey saying something nice about another lawyer, John Lipinski saying I can't believe they nolle prossed my case.
Judge Rothenberg: It felt so good to reverse the trial court and discharge your client.
Trial Lawyer at twilight of career: Waks? Reizenstein? Stein? Catalano? Gaer? Morin? Denaro? Hersch? Grey? Lurvey? Miller? Richardson? Grieco?...
"There is a great sale on ties at Nordstroms"
Twilight of my career? I'm 44! Now i'm insulted.
Phil R.
You're insulted? I'm 36 Juan M.
You're insulted? I'm 36 Juan M.
freaks!!! i love it
I know that "nutjob" hasn't been named in awhile, so long in fact that I've honestly forgot his name and can't find his website. I also want to be able to exercise my 1st amendment right to be sure that his Wikipedia entry is complete. So for good times' sake, can someone post the link "nutjob"'s wikipidia site and his informative justice page? I will fart in his general direction.
Hardwick has RSVP and will be passing out Menudo CD's so arrive early
thank me later, nutjob.
this just in a lawsuit has been filed against the Tobacco Road for allowing free speach, word has it hardwick is behind the suit
Upcoming Scene at Tobacco Road:
Joel: Waiter, the french fries are not cispy. My good man, can you please take these back and speak with your chef?
Me: Mah Blogga! Who da man? You da man.
Joel: You sir are on bond and contacting me is a violation of your coniditons of bond. If you get re-arrested you will need Scott Saul to get you out.
Me: Mah blogga! No bond. Judge Klein done gave me CTS. You da man mah blogga!
Joel: Oh for goodness sakes. This horrid man is loose.
Me: You da man. You dah blogga. Hey wait. Don't run. Come back here mah blogga!
even better. follow the link and have fun.
Scott Saul
shouldn't take a fall
a bondsman he does use
no tie
just a ruse.
What you won't hear at the Blogger Party at te Road:
Judge Adrien: And I took my entire staff out for lunch this afternoon before coming here.
im counting the minutes, nutjob
Wont hear this at Tobacco Road:
Nutjob: Joel, Mah Bloggah!
Joel: Yes, I am the Blogger.
sorry thats hawaii time
Don't antagonize him. It's like teasing a mentally ill mule.
Because who is posting is not him. He just spams the comments section with the lists of lawyers in Florida. But if you are he who likes to threaten, then you are not welcome here. This is for lawyers, or at least people who graduated highschool and can behave like an adult without threatening to sue. That counts you out.
don't mess with me i will be at the party and we will duke it out
Keep it up and I will have to put moderation up. Enjoy the freedom while nutso is at his shrink's office.
Greico in the twilight if his career...I heard he's actually doing pretty well
Civil lawyer here. LMAO at the latest Joel D scene. I love those. Don't know the guy. But funny as can be.
Now Now Nutso. Didn't your doctor tell you not to do that?
Keep it up and we might just have to have our members log on to wikipedia and start leaving comments. That would just drive you more insane than when Judge Hernandez wins re-election, wouldn't it? Now go take your medicine and write 100 times on your blackboard-
"I will be a good nutjob and leave the blog alone."
Your Pal:
Anonymous bloggers fear that their attendance at the Blog Party will reveal their identity. So lets just all assume that those who attend were "invited" by their blogging friends, and we are also there as a pre-election results celebration.
Rumpole you should have an RSVP poll so to get an idea of who will be there.
i suggest beefed up police and fire protection at the blog party.
you know nutjob will be there with a can of gasoline and a zippo.
Mommy mommy- the big boys are talking about me on the blog again. Make them stop. wahhhh/
I want to be a big boy and sue people. When I grow up can I sue people?
No Hardiwck, you have to graduate highschool and college.
Hardwick: I'll show her. I'll show them. I'll sue them all. (Or at least threaten to).
Whats a name?
compared to 6 years
of salary and fame.
Things you might see at the Blog party:
Judge Karen Mills Francis with a fancy hat on
Judge Leifman encouraging everyone to not partake of any alcoholic beverages
Tony Marin drinking a beer
Barbie Parks in her corvette
Judge Murphy telling everyone to "Keep Murphy's Law."
Tinkler going to the bathroom
Bardewil saying "Vote for me."
Gloria Gonzalez-Meyer smiling sweetly
Don Cohn happily working the crowd and schmoozing with all his defense buddies
And a good time to all!
where is mario garcia?
probably plotting with Parks against mendez
Jose Sanchez Gronlier
a clerk
a shark
running for judge
not a lark
LOL. Probably took the idiot who posted the Bar list about 10 minutes longer to post it then it did for me to scroll past it (3 seconds?). LOL. I say, leave moderation off and let this idiot continue to waste his time.
Mr. Lunatic- your medicine isn't working. It's friday afternoon. Don't you have any friends or any place to be?
likes to spam
blew menudo
wikipedia no fan
Well, nutjob has the attorney list on a file so it probably doesn't take him that long to post it. I can delete it in about 10 seconds but its a problem that being dealt with on higher levels.
Hardwick: "Well doctor there's this blog run by lawyers. And they won't listen to me. Then they started posting articles that I had a boyfriend and I sort of lost it."
DR: What did you do?
Hardwick:You know. The same old stuff. Pretended I knew the President of Google. Called Google and screamed a lot. Threatened to sue a lot of people and file bar complaints.
DR. We may have to change your medicine.
Hardwick: Again?
Dr: Tell me more about your boyfriend.
Hardwick: That's it. I'm suing you. And filing a complaint with DPR. Good Day Sir!!
You guys are silly. I like Scott. When I was an ASA, I allways enjoyed litigating with him, he also was very good at getting good deals for his clients and was never offensive. And, I enjoyed seeing the cowboy boots in Miami.
s/ Scott Saul Fan
Hey Abba! Welcome to the blog.
I thought Grieco went on local TV and said he left the SAO to "start his own law firm." According to The Florida Bar's website, that did not happen. I guess you don't have as much power as you thought you did.
J Blecher
Essen n Essen
Bobby Reiff
not my type of guys
Scott Saul
his cases he tries
wearing a pair of dusty levis
why so mean?
why hate the guy?
If you ask him nicely
he'll loan you a tie.
he comes to court
doesn't give two hoots
thats why he wears
his cowboy boots
his building he owns
on 14th street
like the way he dressses
its not so neat
this poem i wrote
about an ok guy
lets get him off the blog
before he starts to cry
Rumpole- instead of this crop of laughable idiots, why don't we have quality attorneys like Miguel De La O running for Judge? Everyone respects him and he is a great lawyer and would be a great Judge in my humble opinion.
I miss the Sunny Posts.
Party at Tobacco Road!!!
The first round's on Sunny.
come on why is everyone picking on scott saul half the defense lawyers at MJB fee split with bail bondsmen?
and the other half whine about the fact that they cant split a $750 fee for a dui.
and those same people charging $750 for a dui will after sept 5 be known as "your honor"
rory rory
you really bore me
those muffins why do you need?
at least you dont have a hideous cod piece like mr weed
Miguel de la O a judge? While he couldnt be worse than the other traffic hacks who are gonna win on sept 5, his claim to fame is defending an alligator and getting into a pissing match with michael catalano.
What you will not hear at the party:
"Oh look, Knovack Jones just arrived!"
"...all you need is love."
DeLaO probably would be a fine judge but the self promotion "anonymous" comments must end.
Since we are now the fashion police and have targeted scott saul's occasional lack of a tie I nominate N.W., rhymes with tacks, for worst groomed and dressed lawyer. why aren't you attacking him. Oh! I think I know why. Here is not a good lawyer who is a threat to you like saul.
There are a lot of qualified people who won't run for judge because they don't want to be part of the very seedy and even more expensive electoral process.
There are plenty more who won't subject themselves to a nomination process because they don't have the right connections either. They too have seen the many super qualified people who failed to make it out of committee (of course, most of them will concede that the committee has done a better job than the voters who can't possibly know anything about the candidates since the rules forbid the candidates from saying anything real).
So, we get stuck with lawyers who have 5 years experience (a pittance) or 20 years experience doing nothing cases who wouldn't know what to do with a jury if they stumbled over one. You know, lawyers who would be better suited as junior associates, paying others to try the cases they can't plead (yeah, I've seen lawyers doing that before), or flipping burgers. Lucky us.
Let's end the JNC process and give each candidate $25,000 in public financing to run for judge with no further contributions allowed.
I need psychiatric help if I resort to anonymous posts on this Blog to promote myself. Anyone who seeks self promotion here invites anonymous smears. I suspect my name was mentioned to either attract anonymous comments by those with an axe to grind, or by a well intentioned friend that isn't up to speed with some of the characters who post (or try to post) here.
When the time comes, I will be happy to defend my qualifications to anyone who posts without the shield of anonymity.
By the way, loved the reference to Gwendolyn the male alligator. LOL. Someone has a long memory. Not sure if it is the highlight of my career, but easily in the top 3.
Trivia question: What current judicial candidate represented the State?
"I need psychiatric help" finally a word of truth from miguel.
Michael C
Was it Gina Mendez?
No. I do not believe anyone feels threatened by Scott. No one is beating up on NW because that would be utterly pathetic to pick on NW.
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