[] 7 Bottles of Chateau Miami River
[] 2 Large bags of pretzels
[] 1 can of Tuna Fish
[] 1 Bottle of water.
We're ready.
In case of power loss, we have several emergency bloggers around the country to perform our duties. You see, several legal communities have had their own "Rumpole" befall them lately.
We also recommend obtaining a copy of "The collected decisions of Judge Juan Ramirez" of the 3rd DCA. In case of loss of power you may need something to assist you in falling asleep quickly.
See You In Court Monday with a wary eye on Ernesto.
who's "judge juan rodriguez of the 3rd DCA"? Be careful, Rump, you're stereotype is showing.
I think you mean Juan Ramirez
By teh way - channel 7 just said we're all gonna die, so I'm buying nothing
Woops-of course I did. was perusing the book and typed while sleepy, which is never a wise thing to do.
Why is the National Hurricane Center discriminating? Do you think it is a coincedence that Hurricane "Ernesto" is about to hit in front of these important local elections? I smell conspiracy!
s/ Florence
Rump - manno shurrs horrible commercial and josie velis' seem to have the same actors doing that "march down the stairs of the civil courthouse - investigate please
who will check on Hardwick. what will he do while the power is out and unable to blog.
I stand by my comments. The Big Q is THE MAN for DUI's in this county. You're practically guaranteed a breakdown if he's your lawyer. Prosecutor's avoid trying cases with him at all costs. If Clossius and Davenport arrest me and beat me up, he's the guy I'm calling.
Reiff, Essen, Blecher
They do DUI's.
Not my type of guys.
Mishkin, Michaels, Grey
Felonies all day.
With me
they're OK.
RE: this earlier comment:
Are you on drugs? Get off the blog Albert! You're about the last guy someone should hire to do their DUI! Next thing you know, you'll be telling us you'd hire Naftally to handle you 1st degree murder case!
What's wrong, no love for a quality attorney like Naftally?
sigh.... no one likes a DUI lawyer until they need one.
Albert Q a trial atty?
Rump, former Army special forces (ret.) here. Civil defense now.
That post about the poll for Hernandez is dead on. My group did it. His numbers look real good from where we're sitting. Just no screw ups for the next two weeks and he's in.
PS. Some exit polling preliminary numbers shows an even better precentage for him. But can't stand by those numbers just yet. Need a bigger sample. I'll post my email address after the election so all the doubters can email and apologize.
Huah! Ranger out.
Rump- might be time to load those Judges and a cruise ship and send them out into the Gulf to lure that Hurricane away.
Who is Haiku Harry and why doesn't he like me?
Rump - manno shurrs horrible commercial and josie velis' seem to have the same actors doing that "march down the stairs of the civil courthouse - investigate please
ATTENTION: THIS IS JUDGE ADRIEN. Despite the weather and despite what "fraiddy cat Farina" may do, my courtroom will remain open, with no breaks all week. I expect all personnel, lawyers, and defendants who I have not yet sent to prison to appear in court as ordered.
I'm Tough and give me a chance, I'll show ya.
Done and ordered, on this the Sunday of Hurricane Fear, in My crib, Miami, Florida.
Rump- our whole neighborhood decided to try early voting today. Went fantastic. We're in Miami Springs. The top favorite Judges were Ivan Hernandez, Mills-Francis, McWhorter, Leifman, and Murphy. About a hundred of us. People seemed most split on the Schwartz- Mendez race. Hernandez and Leifman, were the clear favorites.
With the Schurr Gronlier lawsuit decided, let's turn to Pedraza v. McWhorter.
You may remember that we scooped the Herald on this one and helped to start this lawsuit when we were the first to report about McWhorter's campaign violations on this Rumpole blog.
"A hearing on the case of Rodolfo Pedraza, Plaintiff, v. Shirlyon J. McWhorter, Candidate for County Court Judge, and Lester Sola, Supervisor of Elections, Miami-Dade County, in his official capacity, will take place on Monday, August 28, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. before the Honorable Thomas Barkdull, III, at the Palm Beach County Courthouse, 205 N. Dixie Highway, Room 10A, 10h Floor, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33401."
CAPTAIN OUT ...........
Hiring a lawyer for a felony? who do asa's fear having a felony case against?
Havent seen Q at the Courthouse that much, but Carlos Gonzalez is a sold attorney
for an appeal
Hey Captain- who is representing the Good Judge McWhorter?
close your eyes and become the Q.
Just who or what is an
Andy Kotzin
and why should I care or give two hoots?
Haiku guy. You don't like the DUI guys. I get it. We all get it. Please. Stop it.
I'm working hard for a different candidate. I have been in the field at a poll since opening day. Say what you want about D'Arce and Hernandez. I have seen a tremendous get out the vote response by those guys in Hialeah and the City. Nursing homes, buses to the polls, you name it. From my vantage point, Faber is being out hustled.
For whatever its worth.
I believe that Judge McWhorter is being represented by John Kozyak.
The same busses probably stop at the hialeah medicare fraud clinics on the way to the polls. Hialeah, gotta love it! vote early , vote often, Vote for whom you are paid to vote for, and alwaysvote in the language of the land, Spanish
Faber has zero chance to win. Leifman has zero chance to win. Murphy has zero chance to win. Both of the Schwartzs' have zero chance to win. Let me go a step further and say that nobody with an anglo name stands a chance to win at the polls this September. Deal with it and get over it.
To answer the inquiring question about the TV commercials, Rump, I can tell you this:
candidate Josie Velis is spending a whole lot of money trying to become a Judge. She has already racked up over $184,000 in expenditures. That includes paying Maranon & Associates nearly $85k.
candidate Manno Schurr (running in a different race) has spent nearly $150,000 and has given Maranon $62,750 so far.
Maranon & Associates is a 20 year old advertising agency run by Richard Maranon. The company specializes in TV production and DOES do talent casting for their commercials.
So it is certainly possible, given the above information, that the actors in both TV commercials are the same.
CAPTAIN OUT ...........
I agree faber is not doing good with the street promotion Hernandez is making a killing in the streets.
I hope Faber wins but if street promotion is the factor Hernandez has this one.
Reginald Clyne is representing Judge McWhorter.
andy cotzin is a partner at broad and cassel. he does white collar crime, health care fraud, represents doctors in licensing procedings, etc..
great lawyer who loves online poker and walks on the beach at sunset.
On McWhorter -- Kozyak, Clyne, and Ben Keuhne.
to Captain Lite - the attorney of record for McWhorter is Koyzak.
Captain out ..............
looks like Hialeah put pressure on the natl hurricane center to make storm names more politically correct. clearly, "ernesto" is a good ol fashion american name.
i cant wait until we get an influx of russians and we have have to accomodate them by naming hurricanes boris.
from now on all storms should be named max mayfield I, max mayfield II, etc....
Update the hurricane map -- we all could use a few days with the courts closed. More justice would get done.
So what is the deal with McWhorters claim?
Mc Whorter won. She also had Joe Geller and Peggy Fisher, the same lawyers that won the Sanchez Gronlier case.
Bottom Line is Mcwhorter had multiple violations but Judge felt it was JQC place to enforce or penalze. Judge did not want to disenfranchise citizens of Dade by removing her from ballot. How about protecting citizens from Judge's abuse of campaign laws?
who gives a crap about this mcwhorter/pedraza thing - its all bullshit
yeah, candidates who work hard get elected.
CATHERINE PARKS GET OFF THE BLOG. Who cares if you handed out fans on US1? Spend more time improving legal expertise and less in the street and on the blog and maybe you would get raise your abysmal bar poll ratings - all determined by your peers, the overwhelming majority of whom are saying you do not deserve to be on the bench.
What did CABA rate Park "v" Tinkler Mendez? Does anyone know?
Negative campaigning on behalf of Tinkler does not make me like Parks any less. In fact, now I like her even more.
To the Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:27:26 AM Blogger Post:
Visa versa my friend. The negative remarks began with Parks lovers.
Because of those negative remarks, is why I voted for M.T.Mendez! Parks people should of thought about this before posting their negative remarks. The funny thing I find here, is how you and those running for Parks try to turn things around to blame the Mendez lovers! If you can take the beef that you started then get off the blog.
Is this the only way Parks is campaigning? Does it mean if elected she will spend most of her time on the blog? I wonder! I have not once seen Tinkler posting anything on the blog, that goes to show she must be very dedicated and focusing on her campaign race, while Parks spend most of her time on the blog trying to get everyone to side with her.
Something to think about.
man i love that migna and that song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't seen Parks on the blog very much, and only when to give information to Rumpole who requested information so he could do his endorsements. Otherwise, I've seen her using her name so as to point out inaccuracies. But no negative campaigning.
To: Post--Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:24:52 PM
Yeah sure! You need to read all the post, before convincing me! Cathern Parks, may have not said negative remarks, but Parks lovers did. Anyway, who really actullay cares! I bet both candidates are nice persons! We must admit, those going for Parks, will stand up for Catherine and those going for Marisa will also stand up for Marisa! That is all part of the campaign, rather one likes it or not! The days are getting closer and we will soon know who will be the winner.
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