When you see something that is not right, not fair, find a way to get in the way and cause trouble. Congressman John Lewis
After reading this blog,I'm voting for Sunny for something.
Anyway we can vote to recall Adrien? My word is he dense. No experience, no common sense, no nuttin.
Scott Saul for dog catcher!!
My bondsman told me to hire Scott Saul
went to trial
had a ball
this is a poem
thats no jive
with good time
I'll be out in five.
I happen to Like Judge Hernandez, that's my view.
I'm goona vote for him
you should too.
My bondsman told me to hire scott saul
went to trial
lost by a mile
now its an appeal
I got to file
Scott Saul just got a not guilty on an armed robbery - 20 minute verdict. Did a great job.
Stop the jealously.
throw a lawyer a bone
vote for don cohn
yeah,but how'd he get the case???
ABBA perhaps?
why dont you give us the case number and we can check the surety on the case?
True or false- there is a lawyer in the REGJB currently practising law who once was the kid in the Oscar Meyers Bologna commercial?
If this rain keeps up tomorrow morning I'm calling Farina and canceling court. This is ridiculous.
Judge Alan T. Postman, presiding.
Oh...wait...neber mind.
What is scarey is that someone like Peckins is not a judge but we have to deal with the likes of Adrien, etc.
joel mah blogga when am i gettin outta dcj?
Only way Peckins wins would be to change his name to David "Camacho" Peckins.
RE: OSCAR MEYER KID, it's true.
It's Andrew Rier.
Scott Sauls case was court appointed, State v. Travis Seibert.
August 24th, 3rd floor REGJB:
Judge Adrien: I am not milli vanilli.(stated with whiney NY accent).
PD: But judge who is that man under the bench that is speaking while you lip sync.
Judge Adrien: Counsel this matter will be rest for tomorrow for the State to explain who this man is.
ASA: Judge its not my job to know who that man is.
Judge Adrien: Girl you know its true, ooh, ooh , ooh, I love you.
PD: I object Judge, that was not you singing.
Judge Adrien: State, this matter will be reset for two weeks for you to advise if that was me singing.
ASA: We are doing a locate and do not have our file and the defendant is guilty and he is an HO...
PD: Judge we'll take 364.
Judge Adrien: Blame it on the rain....
Hands down the funniest post in ages.
Ok, I'll bite: who is Sunny Goldin?
Who is John Gault?
Who is Mili Vanilli?
Sunny Goldin, founder and owner of Goldin farms, of Deland and Homestead, is the famous Alpaca Farmer. "Golden" Alpacas are raised on her farm and sold all over the world.
In her spare time, Sunny enjoys tournament ping pong, Alpaca Polo, and defending people from 316 and 322 violations.
simon steckel as john holmes
screech as a young ken wiesman
ron "the hedgehog" jeremy as phil reizenstein
You forgot "She is also a champion water skier, and author of the best sellers "Why Tickets Matter-Legal Self Defense in Florida" and "My Alpaca Journey. How a late night infomercial changed my life."
12:42, great call. simon is a cocksmith.
Rumps -- Dont' you think it's time to clean up your blog's intro. First, anyone who knew him knows that Richard E. Gerstein was very particular about the period following his middle initial. No kidding. And you'll find the proper period following the E on his namesake building. So add a period. Second, the intro still speaks aspirationally, as if you haven't writen anything yet -- it says: "THIS SITE WILL BE DEDICATED TO JUSTICE BUILDING RUMOR, HUMOR, INNUENDO ..." That was fine last year, when no one knew your agenda, but by now you should be saying, "This site is dedicated ..." blah blah blah. So when you get finished floating, or sailing, or whatever you're doing, update the intro. I know, I know, you find creative spelling and punctuation charming, but this is serious stuff. And if you don't know that, you never met REG and never had the distiction of leaving the period off a letter to him.
Valid points. I'll see what I can do. I did meet REG on a few memorable occassions that I cannot mention or I will be outed.
this was the funniest s*hit I ever read about Adrien. the sad fact is, it could be almost true because that's just so like him. lmao while reading that. Adrien, I know you read the blog. do you see how you're being laughed at? Oh, by the way, The Great Harnage who Camacho had defeated by pretending he's someone he's not has been appointed the Guv Jeb Bush to workmen comp. FOUR MORE YEARS, ADRIEN. how do you say legal aid in Antigua?
Didn't Sunny Goldin host the "Sunny In The Morning Radio Show with Mike Renari" On WIOD duirng the 1970's?
Mike Renieri? soon you're going to be talking about sandy payton
I think after 10 months I am on safe ground claiming the title of "OFFICIAL BLOG OF THE REG JUSTICE BUILDING."
What say the minons of Rumpole?
Sunny Goldin would never do a radio show with Sandy Payton.
Mike Renari alive or dead?
Is Heiney Wine still made in Medley?
Finally funny stuff that does not insult anyone.
Yea, go blog!
it's much cooler to be the UNofficial blog. and it's accurate.
Rump you are OFFICIAL!!!!!
Mike Renari alive or dead?
He died a year or two ago; his liver died several years before he did.
Mike Renari alive or dead?
Died a year or 2 ago.
My man will be over to give you all the particulars about 3:30 this afternoon.
At a fairway estates homeowners assoc judicial forum last week, a neighbor of mine, who is a member, said Juan Gonzalez made it seem like he was a judge. He was answering questions with Judge Leifman and Judge Shelly Schwartz referring to them as "we" don't like this or that.
sunny knows how to "mix" it up. if you post this then you are not phil.
John Gault is the fictional character in Ayn Rand's, "Atlas Shrugged"
MS. PARKS- We received a post in your name but are hesitatnt to post it. If you did write the comment and can send us an email from your email address we will post it-no need to re-write it.
We post any comment on any individual that does not violate the rules. You should not read anything into the fact we posted your comment. What you should do is look around and see who's missing, and who's not!
Early voting starts today
Murphy, Faber all the way
We shall be doing victory dances
For Larry Schwartz and Judge Mills Francis.
Speaking of Karen Mills Francis
Lets dance some more for Joe Fernandez.
Catalano tried to hurt her,
but there is no denying Judge McWhorter.
Oh yeah, and Go Marisa Tinkler Mendez (what rhymes with Mendez anyway?)
And Mike Samuels.
The End
It is John Galt.
Please do NOT vote for Addicott. We do NOT need another judge that has never been in a courtroom, except for her own traffic tickets, prior to being elected to the bench.
This is Sunny Goldin here.
Over the last few days some things have been said about me and I wish to address all of these foolish allegations. Thank you to all the supporters of my non-existent campaing for judge, chancellor, senator and mayor. The only thing I'm running for requires me to get off the couch and lace up my Sauconys.
I am thoroughly pleased to decline your nominations; I will accept checks, however.
It is true, I was in Hialeah over the weekend. (not looking for the mayor's office) Customs took a long time though, so it will be a while before I go back.
I do plan on continuing to defend truth, justice and the American way. Thank you for support during these troubling times.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my JDate mailbox is full of requests to accompany me to my inauguration.
Rumpole, ooops.. I meant Sunny.
P.S. To the guy who said he bites, Sorry, I'm not into that.
I heard that B Miller is facing a complaint at the JQC for using re-elect on her campaign flyer. Does anyone know anything about this?
definitely official
Scott Saul is the one who defended me.
It didn't work as you can see.
I'm now in the penetentiary.
Working day and night on my rule 3.
Sunny Goldin- whomever you are, please know that so long as the comments were in good fun and were not mean or spiteful, we posted them. However, since they are silly if not annoying, we can stop it if you so desire.
PS: Do you really playa Alpaca Polo?
"Please do NOT vote for Addicott. We do NOT need another judge that has never been in a courtroom, except for her own traffic tickets, prior to being elected to the bench"
Yeah, the county is much better off with Pando, a judge who misrepresented facts during a JQC investigation, has been publicly reprimanded by the Florida Supreme Court, shows up late for court so often that her staff has pre-printed signs, ignores the law and routinely gets killed in the Bar polls. Wouldn't want to replace Pando, would we?
how are you hunny?
Does anyone know what happened at McWorter's hearing that what set for this morning?
The Judge recused himself. No new date.
There was a lawyer, his name was scott
The greatest lawyer, he was not
His clients looked at him and asked "why
Do I have a lawyer in Jeans and No tie?"
Ok..lighten up Francis...On Mr. Saul. Find someother object for your poetry.
PS: Bonus trivia for the movie that has the line "Lighten up Francis."
It's me again, Sunny...
And I do find this funny.
This seems to be my 15 minutes of fame....
People talking about me and my name.
But everyone, let's get one thing straight...
I am not now, nor do I intend to be, a candidate.
And Rump, Alpaca polo is so passe.
Now I'm trying to get an invite to the International Federation of Competitive Eating.
Too easy, Stripes.
Damn, either this blog is truly funny...or I need to get a life.
Pee Wee's Big Adventure
This stuff about Scott Saul
It has me appalled
He's a pretty good guy, even without a tie
Take our considered legal advice:
get a life.
Though his breath be stressing,
And his pants need pressing
That man with no ties,
For attention he vies,
The client will pay,
Regardless of what we say,
Future 10/20/Lifers,
Or jaywalkers or thiefs,
Worry not young lads,
(I can't finish the ryhme. I forgot the rules of haiku or whatever this is.) Blame it on ADD and poor public schooling.
Bar Poll results are really no measure of anything, but...58.5% say ANA PANDO is qualified while 56.4% say SARI ADDICOTT is.
Even a rebuke and a 25K hit from the Supreme Court didnt hurt Ana's bar poll too badly. What an Addicott? not much of a chance on sept. 5.
Though his breath be stressing,
And his pants need pressing,
That man with no ties,
For our attention he vies,
No matter what we say,
The clients will continue to pay,
or not,
And future 10/20/Lifers,
Or common thieves,
Worry not,
for you'll have a nice cot,
For upon your conviction
(I can't finish the rhyme. I forgot the rules for haiku or whatever style this was supposed to be.) Blame it on ADHD and poor public schooling in Florida. Damned you Jeb Bush. And they said no child was left behind, yet here we all are!
Or conscr
If I vote during this 'early voting' period and I change my mind before election day, can I go back and vote again?
Hey Jackass, you are off your game. The blog was open most of the day.
Sorry, you lose again.
General Jurisdiction Update
The lawsuit filed by Valerie Mammo Schuur against Jose Sanchez Gronlier is in that mode of one step forward and one step back.
The case was filed on August 11, 2006 and assigned to Judge Jon Gordon. He appears to have recused himself and the case was reassigned to Judge Glazer. A hearing was set to be heard on Thursday 8/17 at 3:00 on a Temporary Injunction. Instead, Judge Glazer recused herself and the case was reassigned to Judge Trawick. He promptly recused himself and the case is now before Judge Ivan Fernandez; that's IVAN FERNANDEZ, (not to be confused with Ivan Hernandez, who is running against Robin Faber).
CAPTAIN OUT ...............
With regards to the early voting sites:
Does a voter have to go to a specific one for his zip code? Or can he choose to go to any. The county web site is not clear on that. For example, it lists several sites for a specific zip code.
Thank you.
We knew somehow, someway, Ivan Fernandez would get himself involved in this cocamaime election.
Jury Just selected one day in the future:
Judge Adrien: ladies and gentlemen you have been selecetd as jurors in this case because the defendant is guilty and we must put on this little charade before I can slam the creep, er, defendant..
PD: objection Judge. The prosecutor's file is red.
ASA: that's because he is a HO Judge.
Judge Adrien: there is nothing about prostitution in the information.
ASA: Habitual Offender Judge-not Whore.
Judge Adrien: Habitual Offender? (Glances under bench while humming "blame it on the Rain") Sunny, what's that?
Sunny G.:(long suspected of being the real lead singer in milli vanilli)You can give him twice as much time as usual.
PD: Judge I need a continuance.
ASA: We already have a jury. You can't continue the case.
Judge Adrien: (mouth watering)State call your first witness.
ASA: Officer Brown....(no response) State announces a nolle prosse.
PD: Can we plea open to the court.
Judge Adrien: Girl you know its true, ooh, ooh, ooh, I love you...
I had a trial in front of Adrien the other week, and I found him to be very good. He worked hard, made fair rulings, and was courteous. He is not the terrible Judge you make him out to be.
What kind of Rainbow Coalition would put a hate spreader like Valerie Manno, suing one opponent and bad mouthing the other.
Get a Grip!
Go Rima Bardawil who got 8 out of the 10 Endorsements open to all candidates in her group!!!
Not a terrible Judge-just a great singer. Sunny....thank you for the time that you spend with me.....
Jose Sanchez Gronlier hasnt earned the power to sentence someone to death.
Didnt he used to work at the attorney's window on 2?
Mike Samuels? Didn't he win election over Emas by pointing out to voters that Emas "was once a defense attorney who defended criminals"? Sorry, but he doesn't get my support!
Dear Scott-
That was a very nice response, and I think that by responding you showed that you are a bigger person than the poster. As a long time lawyer in the REGJB, I think it is fair to say that you are well liked and do a good job for your clients. You also make yourself an easy target by wearing jeans and an open shirt. I think the people writing about you are doing so more in fun than out of malice. On the other hand, as one of the many lawyers who put on slacks, a coat, and a tie everyday, it is inappropriate to dress the way that you do. It has nothing to do with marching to your own beat, and everything to do with a respect for our clients and our profession, and the Judicial system as a whole. The world is a much more casual place than it once was, but lawyers should still wear suits and ties out of respect. Imagine if the President gave the State of The Union in a polo and jeans and said, "Hey, Don't be jealous because I'm a make my own destiny kind of guy." That would be ridiculous. Or imagine if Dwyane Wade decided that he wasn't going to wear his uniform during games because he "marched to his own beat." What you wear in your office is up to you. What you wear in court is not. When other lawyers are bothered by it, it is not out of jealousy or because they wish they could do it too. It is because it cheapens the entire profession. While I do think that your response was appropriate and impressive, this part was completely ludicrous..."I bet I look a lot better than you without a shirt on, I bet my wife is cuter than anything you have ever touched, and I bet you wish I raised your kids." Particularly the part about who looks better with a shirt off. On the other hand, thanks for responding.
Spotted at the Westchester polls: Alvarez sweating profusely while ramming pastelitos into his mouth...
Note to Sunny and Alvarez: please stop blogging about Sunny. It is quite boring. Yawn. Sunny, your only claim to fame is your association with an incompetent traffic ticket attorney with no jury trial experience who is trying to knock out a qualified incumbent. That is your only claim to fame and for that you should be ashamed.
Scott Saul is an idiot. Can't stand the guy. Never have. March to his own beat? Moron.
Scott, I agree with 3:08. You're a decent guy and all (and one of the few guys who always play it straight), but the comment about your body and wife was almost as dumb as the initial post.
My question: What the hell do you care about the prior post? I'm sure it was a joke (and, let's face it, you ask for it the way you dress). If it wasn't a joke, the guy is a jerk (yeah, I'm assuming it was a guy). Either way, it's no big deal. I'll give you the good advice you gave me many years ago.......LET IT GO, it's not worth it. You're better than that.
Hello everyone:
I practiced law, mostly criminal law, for many years, the majority of them spent in the familiar, if less than entirely comfortable, confines of the Justice Building. I am no longer living in FL, and I am no longer practicing law, though I am involved in a related profession. I have a few observations about some of the remarks I've read about the upcoming judicial elections:
What do we look for--as lawyers--in a judge? Here are the three key qualities: A) Demeanor--by which I mean someone who is polite, understanding of human foibles, and who gives you a chance to present your case making you feel like you are dealing with someone who has not prejudged the issues and will not make a decision until all arguments are in. B) Knowledge--by which I mean someone who tries their best to know all the facts and the law bearing on them AND, more important, admits what they don't know and solicits aid for that. C) Independence--someone who won't craft a decision with an eye toward their popularity among one group or another, but instead will decide an issue on the facts and the law.
I think that is the best way to evaluate someone. Does the Herald use those criteria? Doubt it. Do the various endorsing groups? Doubt it. Do the various nominating commissions use them? Draw your own conclusions.
Anyway, good luck with the elections.
I have to tell you that although I loved living in Florida, and found practicing law mostly fun (except for those annoying PCA's from the 3rd DCA), as the non-practicing academic lawyer said in RUMPOLE AND THE AGE FOR RETIREMENT, "It's just great to be out of it" now!!!
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Gordon Gerstein , richard e.
Robert Barrar is the worst attorney ever, if you are thinking about hiring him, think again he will take your money and not work for you at all. He is trying to make fame off of his deceased partners name Ellis Rubin (RIP)
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