Judge Pando is challenged by attorney Sari Addicott. Ms. Addicott is not known to us, but that is not a qualification or disqualification for our endorsement. Ms. Addicott was strongly endorsed by the Herald, which cited Justice Lewis’s concurring opinion that because of Pando’s conduct in not disclosing a $25,000.00 loan to her campaign, she should be removed from the bench. The Herald also noted that Ms.Addicott has practiced law for 26 years and has the experience and qualifications to be a Judge.
We did not follow the story surrounding Judge Pando’s loan, but in reviewing the public documents, we agree her conduct merits strong consideration for her opponent.
We did have the occasion to see and appear before Judge Pando when she was in the REGJB. We found her to be a good judge, although we had strong negative opinions about her inability to appear in court on time.
We strongly objected to the possibility that Judge Pando was asked to leave the Justice Building because of complaints from the State Attorneys Office. We cannot imagine any more chilling effect on an independent Judiciary than the ability of some pretentious prosecutor pontificating about a Judge’s ruling being able to get the Judge re-assigned. Therefore, for those reasons alone, our sympathies lie with Judge Pando. Indeed we may even vote for her. But there is considerable strong negative language in the opinion from the Florida Supreme Court about Judge Pando’s conduct during the previous election. Combined with her inability to promptly arrive for court on a regular basis, we feel we are prevented from endorsing her.
Three attorneys vie for an open circuit court seat.
Catherine Parks saw fit to write to us about her qualifications:
I am a candidate for Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge in Group 80. I have over 20 years' experience in the practice of Law, having graduated from the University of Miami School of Law in 1983. My areas of expertise are primarily in medical malpractice defense, general insurance defense, product liability, mass tort liability, and administrative law. However, I have some experience in other areas as well. I have a great deal of trial experience and some appellate experience.Prior to attending law school, I was a Registered Nurse (RN). I received a bachelor of science degree in nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I first worked at Duke University Medical Center in the trauma unit and, later, as an instructor of nursing at Jackson Memorial Hospital. I am also a certified guardian ad litem. I ran unsuccessfully for circuit court judge in 2004, having lost in a run-off to the Honorable William Thomas. I received numerous endorsements in that campaign, including those from The Miami Herald, the NorthEast Dade Coalition, the African-American Grassroots Committee, the League of Women Voters, the Women's Political Caucus, the Florida Nurses Association, and many many more. The Herald stated in its October 6, 2004 endorsement as follows: "Her experience in caring for people has given her insights and perspectives that have helped to shape her judicial temperament and keen sense of justice." I have given many lectures and seminars over the years and am the author of a number of articles, including "The Medical Malpractice Reform Act of 1985" (The Florida Bar Journal, Jul/Aug, 1985), "The Neurological Injury Compensation Plan (The Advocate, 1987) and more recently, "Alzheimer's Disease--Risks and Rewards" (The Journal of Long-Term Care, Nov 2004). I am very involved in my community and serve on the Florida Local Advocacy Council, a group whose mission is to provide guidance and assistance to the less fortunate. I am also active with the American Association of University Women and other organizations. I am on the board of directors of Hammock Oaks homeowners assocation.I am currently divorced, and I have 2 wonderful children, Michelle (15 y.o. student at Ransom Everglades) and Dan (19 y.o. student at Yale). Given my qualifications and background, I feel that I am imminently qualified to serve my community as a circuit court judge. I would very much appreciate your support and your vote.
Ms. Parks appears to be an excellent choice for the voters.
The next candidate in this race is Mario Garica, Jr., who as the Herald noted, has been a member of the bar since 1999.
The final candidate is Marisa Tinkler Mendez. Ms. Mendez, a former employee in Mr. Roy Black’s law firm, is a well known practitioner of criminal law defense. While she is our personal choice here, and would hit the ground running as a Judge, we are equally impressed with Ms. Park’s qualifications. We cannot in good conscience endorse either of these fine candidates over the other, but we do think both of them merit endorsement over Mr. Garcia.
THE SCREAM- explained?

On August 22, 2004 The Scream by Edvard Munch was stolen at gunpoint.
We've often had this thought about the painting:
"My case just got re-assigned to Judge_______????!!!!"
See You In Court.
Hot off the presses, you're two new Country Court Judges:
Vicky Brennan & Cristina Miranda
Rump - strap on a set with the endorsements - no endorsement in the pando race is a respectable stance, but mendez deserves the endorsement in the nurse parks race.
Is it true Peter Adrien is about to sign a contract with MTV for the new "Pimp My Courtroom" show to be co-hosted with Carmen Electra and Alex Ferrer?
Before you even ask, No Chris, it's no true.
Thanks Alan.
What about John Hobart Lipinski as the blogger?
Reference "The Scream":
Scene: SAO
Supervisor: And I need you to cover Bond hearings this Saturday. Judge Arecess will be covering the calendar.
ASA: Arrrrgrrgggghhhhhhhhhh!
The rumor that Pando was moved because the SAO complained about her rulings is FALSE. Anyone remotely familiar with what happened knows that the SAO complained about her for YEARS and was ignored.
PS----frankly, I don't know how you, Rump, or anyone who's worked in the REG for any length of time can possibly give this ridiculous rumor credence. The SAO, PDs and private defense attorney have complained about several of our judges' biases/rulings and gotten nowhere. I don't know if she was moved (or chose to move). But, I can think of many reasons why she should have been forced to go: inexcusable and habitual tardiness, failing to find replacement judges even when running hours late, court continuing cases rather than trying them, etc.
OK - lots of business to take care of. 1) Re: Pando- surprising as it may seem, I don't know the inside scoop on everything (which is why we have the Captain on board) so for us, the issue of Pando's transfer, which was hotly debated on this blog several months ago, remained open.
2) RE: Mendez and Parks- the person who sent a post and made a serious allegation about a candidate and a DUI will need to email us some proof before we post it. Sorry, but that type of rumour needs some verification. Although it didn't hurt the president one damn bit in 2000.
The Scream:
Lawyer: Your case is set for trial Monday but there's a new Judge.
Client: Who?
Lawyer: Peter Adrien.
Client: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhh.
Secretary: We have the indictment Mr. Laeser, the case is set for arraignment tomorrow.
Mr. Laeser: WHo is the Judge?
Secretary: Will Thomas.
Laeser: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggh.
Reference the Scream:
Judge: I will grant the motion. The PD's are conflicted out. I will appoint as new counsel...hmm... Stuart Mishkin.
Client: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhh!!!!
"Hi, your attorney is sick but he sent me to try the case. My name is Best. Jim Best."
Client: arrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhh!
Everyone on this blog seems to talk about who is "qualified" to be a judge. But when they complain about Pando, all they talk about is the fact that she's late for court. Does that mean she's not qualified? Does she have any legal experience? Was she ever in a courtroom prior to being a judge? I know its not a fair comparison but I never heard anyone say Brennan and Burger's decisions were on point, but hey.. they showed up late so they suck as judges.
No luck for Michael Bienstock or Cecilia Armenteros-Chavez - as Joe Fernandez does not get named as one of the two new County Court Judges.
The State Attorney's Office struck gold today when Gov. Jeb made two County Court appointments.
One former ASA, Victoria Brennan, has been appointed a Judge. She has been practicing for 16 years, most recently as legal counsel in the Executive Office for Gov. Jeb Bush in Tallahassee.
The second is current ASA Cristina Miranda, who has been a member of the Florida Bar for 8 years.
These seats became open with the ascension of Judge Roger Silver and the untimely death of Judge Linda Dakis.
CAPTAIN OUT ...................
Unfortunately, the position with MTV's "pimp my Courtroom" was filled by Former Judge Phil Davis and the show will be called "Pimp my Courtbroom."
Judge Harvey Shenberg is expected to do a live show from Egland where he has formed a rap band called "The Bribers."
Don't miss Sunny's informative insights on the piece, "Judge Adrien, how to discourage pleas to the court" and "watch my audit grow."
Being late to court on a regular basis is a reason to say a Judge is not qualified to hold their position. What happens when a Defendant is late? What happens when a officer or witness is late? When you have a crowded courtroom of lawyers, defendants, officers, civilian witnesses and the Judge waltzes in at 10:30 for a 9AM trial calendar, it breeds disrespect for the entire court system.
Hey Captain, what do you think about Captain Lite? Imitation is the best form of flattery.
yo yo yo Joel mah blogga? I'm out!
The Scream:
Joel D: That horrid man is out of jail and after me. arrrrggggghhhh!!
Hey Jerk- the blog was open all morning and you missed it. Your "money" is not being well spent.
Your Pal,
Want the skinny on the Pando move to branch?
1. She wanted to take a lower profile during her JQC/S.Ct. problems
2. She wanted to solidify her base of support for re-election by going to the new Hialeah District Courthouse
3. Her Godfather is Raul Martinez who was instrumental in the support for the new District Courthouse in Hialeah.
Like most attorneys, we would like Judges to extend us the same courtesies we extend them by showing up on time for court.
On the other hand, if we have a tardy client, a late-arriving judge is a great thing. If we are an ASA, a late-arriving Judge is a godsend.
Some free advice to Ana Pando:
Start your calendar at 9:30 like Diane Ward, and set your alarm for 7:00 like the rest of us.
A Captain Kangaroo link! Wow! Can Mr. Green-jeans be far behind?
Congrats to writer Jordana Mishory of the Daily Business Review. Today, on the front page of that noted publication, she pens an article entitled "Name Game" and discusses the practice of judicial candidates changing or adding their names to appeal to a segment of the voting population.
Credit Mishory for mentioning our Rumpole's blog in a quote about Patty Marino.
But, truth be told, I began this discussion back on March 18, 2006 when I first brought up the name change by candidate Marino-Pedraza and I followed that up with other name change examples: Cecilia Armenteros-Chavez and Valerie Manno Schurr, just to name a few. And our bloggers have been talking about it ever since.
... a little late in the game Daily Business Review?
CAPTAIN OUT .................
In a post in another section someone avers that Mr. Sanchez-Gronlier should not be a Judge because he was a clerk. We choose to believe its not where a man comes from, but where he is and where he is going that matters. Harry Truman (the S stood for nothing) was a failed haberdasher.
Linclon was a country rube who lost every election he ran in but one. Both of them turned out OK.
Rumpole's right!
Look at Judge Adrien. He was a failed legal aid attorney and now look how he is as a Judge.
We received this email from our Captain, and felt compelled to edit and change one sensitive part of the story.
Some very disturbing news to report. In the past, Judge Adrien has been criticized for working his staff too hard and keeping them through lunch and without any breaks.
It seems the good Judge has finally gone too far.
Recently, a gentleman court reporter working in his honor's courtroom asked on more than one occasion for a bathroom break. The Judge repeatedly denied the requests.
Well, the court reporter, how shall I say, [involuntarily voided while working in court] [changed by Rumpole to state this matter in a more sensitive and clinical way]
It is my understanding that Judge Farina paid Adrien a visit on this latest Adrien folly in the courtroom.
We were asked to provide the names of those that had been under consideration by the Gov. for those two county court judgeships.
The unlucky 10 that did not get picked were:
Peter Abraham
Yvonne Colodny
Abigail Cynamon
Jose Fernandez
Tamara Gray
Linda Lopez
Rima Mullins
Kathleen Phang
Thomas Rebull
Marie Jo Toussaint
CAPTAIN OUT ...............
Rumpole says: For Shame!
A Judge that cannot handle his own calendar in an efficient manner should not punish his own staff for his own shortcomings.
That Judge Adrien. A real pisser.
Rumpole- No endorsement in the Tinkler Mendez/Garcia/Parks race. Marisa Tinkler Mendez is clearly the most qualified candidate in this race. Although Ms. Parks wrote to you about her background and experience and the endorsements she received the last time she lost to Judge William Thomas,she omits the relevant information about this race in which the Miami Herald and seven other groups endorsed Marisa Tinkler Mendez this time around. Mendez has been zooming around the county for the last month attending functions and interviews by eleven different groups for their endorsement(she received 7 endorsements), obtaining name recognition, meeting the community, putting up signs and producing radio and television ads which have not aired yet. Marisa Tinkler Mendez is the clear choice in this race.
While Ms. Parks writes about her endorsements the last time she ran in a different race with different opponents, she omits the fact that the Miami Herald endorsed Marisa Tinkler Mendez over her two opponents even though it had previously endorsed Ms. Parks. Marisa also received the endorsements of the PBA, the AFL-CIO and its affiliates, the Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr. Bar Association, SAVE Dade, the Latin Builders Association and the community newspapers.
Marisa has the consummate experience for a trial judge; not only working for arguably one of the best criminal defense trial attorneys in the nation for seven years as an associate and achieving partnership, coupled with her own experience for thirteen years as a solo practitioner in the state and federal trial and appellate courts from county court to the United States Supreme Court.
Marisa Tinkler Mendez has a lifetime of dedication and commitment to the law and clearly deserves your vote and endorsement.
Ms. Ginsberg: Ms. Mendez probably has our vote. We have a preference for people with criminal experience. But as the civil lawyers who read this blog, and there are many, would remind us, there is a whole other courthouse in downtown Miami. What they do there is beyond me, and what they accomplish there is probably not very much. However, Ms. Parks, who we do not know, appears to be qualified. If elected, she should be shuffled off to Civil, where she can spend her days mediating discovery disputes, and settling subrogated insurance claims while dashing across the street for a latte at starbucks.
We invite the ever popular Judge Barzee to defend civil court where she is currently seated.
Civil Civil Bo Billa,
Bananna Bana Fo Filla,
Fi Fie Mo Milla,
Civil Civil Bo Billa,
Attorneys fighting fo filla
me my mo moneeeeya
Money Money Bo Money
Sanctions Sanctions so funny
The Judge she don't likey me
Mo Me.
Me Me Bo Me
I'm a fat attoney
I rip you off and its funny
To the Captain Doesn't Know This.....
At one point, Pando's calendar WAS SET for 9:30 or 9:45 (depending on the day). Her calendars were set later than EVERY other county court judge and she still was late on a regular basis.
But, it wasn't just her tardiness that made her so bad..........she didn't understand the law, made capricious rulings punishing lawyers she didn't like, bent over backwards for lawyers she did, and generally did whatever she wanted regardless of the law/rules (which is why the campaign violations, misleading statements to the JQC, etc. wouldn't have suprised anyone who appeared in front of her regularly).
Peter Abraham is the Chicago Cubs of Court Appointments. Its a damn shame. He would be a great judge. He must have the longest streak going.
I'm sticking with Parks. She, I note, is the only candidate in that race who saw fit to even acknowledge the Blog's request for information. If I recall, thst request was swnt our some time ago, probably before the Herald endorsements were published this time. Her responsivneness merits serious consideration, I say. If mendez didn't even respond to the Blog, how responsive will she be as a judge? Parks, too, has been going ALL over this county, racing around, meeting people, and getting more name recognition. Plus, Mendez is represented by Levy and Lorenzo, 2 of the biggest crooks in Dade County. I would never vote for anyone who retains them. Unfortunately, that means a few other qualified candidates will not get my vote.
rump; i am the trial master. please publish my endorsement of mike samules.
Victim: My whole family has been killed.
Never Fear, the ASA who will be handling the case is __________?
Victim: AAAAAH
Fill in the blank with some inept ASA's
Rump, you have gone off the edge. Please dont mention Jose Sanchez-Gronlier in the same paragraph as Truman and Lincoln.
I agree that being a clerk doesn't disqualify someone from being a Circuit Judge. In fact I applaud Jose for rising from the Clerk's Office attorney's window to being a member of the Bar standing in line at the attorney's window.
Perhaps my point would have been better made by suggesting that Mr. Sanchez-Gronlier ahs set his sights too high. He has been a member of the Bar since '91 and is a member of the Traffic Court Rules Committee.
And the florida Bar website lists his email address as "el tiburon @ _____.com". Maybe he's a "shark", just not a legal eagle.
Methinks a County Court spot might suit his talents better. He is outclassed in this race.
Rump--Any truth to the rumor that Parks filed a lawsuit today? or maybe one Dan Loewenherz?
I heard the same thing. Parks and Loewenherz were definitely at the courthouse today. I saw them. She wouldn't tell me anything.
who's being sued?
you think parks is sueing marissa for taking her signs down?
Judge Miranda and Judge Miller at REG would make it a pleasure to come to court.
A question for Rumpole and his/her loyal readers: What do you think about Judge Areces' new Standing Pretrial Order (effective 9/5/06)? No Soundings? On the day of trial be ready to pick a jury or be on 1-hour standby for the remainder of the 2-week trial period? Etc. Just curious.
second day of trial
Judge Adrien; (Whining New York Accent) keep typing.
1) As long as we're not being sued (especially by Mr. Nutso) we don't really care who is being sued.
2)Motion to Clarify GRANTED.
3)Judge Areces: what can you say execpt the voters believed after a careful study of both candidates, their respective merits and abilities, that she was the person to replace the very very able Judge she defeated. Only she knows in her own mind, deep down, whether this job is too much for her, and all things being equal, the other candidate was a better Judge.
Michael Bienstock is a prosecutor and Joe Fernandez got the League of Prosecutor's endorsement...HMMMM
Cathy Parks was an inept civil defense lawyer with a definite pro defense bias. Marisa Mendez is a first class lawyer.The choice is obvious
PS. If you can't stand the heat, stay off the blog.
and he called them Country Court. i think that was a motel in Hooterville
Hey Rump
Patty "What's her name lately" dumps her endorsement by Save Dade because she wants the Christian Coalition endorsemnet and then ends up on the UC Florida PAC, dedicated to helping the hispanic gay,lesbian,transgender community along with all the other CC endorsed candidates. Very intersting
Why do Rumpole's judicial endorsements carry any weight? He is some defense hack who has a penchant for computers and set up a web page. All of us entertainment starved bores read the thing which somehow lends him some sort of political credibility.
Now while "The Truth" has made several regretable assumptions, the overall gist of the comment is correct. That being said, we are in the beginning throes of a good old american cat fight.
Rumps endorsements have been right on the money. The truth is a fraud!
why is moderation on
Because the blog is under attack by he who likes to threaten. When I turn moderation off, he loads and re-loads the file containing all the names of attorneys in Florida. It jams up the comments section and stops you from posting. This is what that lunatic is reduced to doing because he can't sue me or file a bar complaint against me. Sorry, but soon the men in the white coats will come to take him away and things will return to normal. Moderation is off for many parts of the day, as nutso can't spend every waking moment watching the blog. But as he has no life, he does spend all evening doing it.
who's going to listen to a guy called the lie?
Adrien, have you lost your mind? give the guy a break to go void his bladder. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
has anyone ever seen ivy ginsburg and marisa tinkler in the same room? aren't they the same person?
Lady Themis, you're a nut.
If Mendez is such a first-class lawyer, why does no one know her outside of the criminal arena and the Roy Black fans>
mendez is a hack! she was the head of roy blacks appeals dept? is that some kinda joke? she was the only one in his appeals office way back when.
reference "The Scream:"
Judge: well there, ASA, I can see that your vicitm is in serious condition and is not expected to survive more than two years. The court is appointing Louis Jepeway
You aren's serious in considering Samuels, are you? Since you (or your collective) are a criminal defense attorney, I would assume that your skin must crawl everytime his name is mentioned. He meets every criteria to be shunned, not supported, given your past musings. Why?
-He ran against an extremely qualified judge [Emas] for no other reason than he had a better name;
-He used that judge's former background as a criminal defense attorney against him in his advertisements;
-In said advertisements, he used a picture of a dark skinned person behind bars, a none-to-thinly veiled reference.
Bad guy, bad campaign, bad Judge. Hit the road Mike!
I'm a legal assistant who once worked for Cathy Parks. She is the greatest.
marisa tinkler should be diqualified form becoming a judge because she has the most annoying voice.
also trying to trade on roy blacks name is lame. yeah i am sure roy had you out there second chairing him and doing half the witnesses. you probably were one of 3 people who got him coffee, his laundry and carried the file
reference the scream
scene pdo
rory stein(to his secretary)--where's my muffin?
secretary-- weed ate the last one and i am sorry but everyone else is out and you actually have to go to court
rory oh nooooooooo
To Lady Themis
I am extremely offended by your comments. I worked as a nurse years ago. I can assure you that I never altered any medical records. For you to imply otherwise is libelous. Perhaps you don't know it, but it is a criminal offense to alter medical records.
Listen, I think you've made your point: You support Marissa. I can accept that. But don't malign or belittle me. There's no reason for that type of behavior.
I will continue to run an honorable campaign.
Cathy Parks
Lady Themis:
I might add that it was not me who made the comments about Marissa's voice or her ties to Roy Black. I happen to think her voice is sexy. Also, I think Mr. Black is sexy.
Cathy Parks
Rump, some people seem to have way too nuch time on their hands. I'm starting to find her very nasty with how she takes apart every little word and sentence. Parks has graciously responded to her accusations several times, but that doesn't seem to be enough for her. I know that the candidates are very busy right now, and Parks probably doe not have time to check the blog very often, so I will take this opportunity to say that, based on everything I know, I will vote for and continue to support Cathy Parks. And not knowing anything about Mendez, I would have given her the benefit of the doubt. However, now I can assure you that I would never vote for her based on all the mean and negative stuff Lady Themis has written about Cathy Parks. So Go Parks!!
To Lady_themis,
I will vote for your lady. You have not written mean and bad things about Ms. Cathy Parks. You just have some people trying to input information on the blog wanting to give the reader a wrong impression of you. Keep up your dedicated work! I believe your Candidate will do fine. I wish you all the best.
I won't. Anyone who starts the negative campaigning which is what Lady Themis has done (whether she will admit it or not), will not get my vote.
If I recall after reading everyone's post, it appears that the negative comments were directed first to Mendez and lady_themis responded to those negative comments. However, if you view all of the post you will see I am right about this. No matter what, those that are in favor of Parks will go for Parks and those in favor of Mendez will go for Mendez. That is why we vote! My vote went for Mendez.
And my vote goes to Parks!
I agree with 7:00:48 Tinkler Mendez deserves the endorsement vs Parks!
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