Here is the link to our favourite Scribe’s Herald article and that article has a link to the PDF file with Judge Thomas’s order. Rumour has it that Mr. Laeser was overheard to grumble that the order was well written and that the AG’s office had a fight on their hands.
Just so it’s clear. We take no joy in this order or the possible outcome of the case.
True, we are engaged in the business of defending people charged with crimes. But we are also a citizen of this community, and if the allegations in this case are true, then we need and value people like Mr. Laser doing the job he does.
The allegations in this case are almost unspeakably horrid.
As a matter of pure speculation, we posit that Judge Thomas took no joy in writing or issuing the order. He went where the facts took him, regardless of the consequences of the decision.
That’s what a Judge does.
There are no winners here.
Other than the rule of law.
See You In Court.
Sometimes this is a very depressing job.
PS: Do you think the Dade County Public Defender's Office should explain their policy of banning lawyers from public state owned buildings? WE DO. Vote in our new poll.
(we write at least one post a day and will keep this up until the Czar of 14th Street speaks.)
If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny: Miami Beach and FDLE will not comment if

these were the officers involved in the confession:
That ruling took balls.
Judges have to use their balls.
now im getting pop-ups. THANKS RUMPOLE!
As far as we know, we have nothing to do with that.
The same idiocy that he has demonstrated as a judge on the bench the last two years led him to suppress the confession of an admitted murderer,but since it helps the bottom feeding liberal defense lawyers now he is a "Constitutional Hero ".BTW when did murderers and rapists become the moral equivalent of Tom Paine?
Memo to FDLE agent Francisco Hidalgo:
You do not have an intellectually demanding job. scary, yes. does it take balls to be a cop, yes. But how difficult is it to use your required three brain cells to follow the few laws you have to. If this kid is guilty, I hope he fries. If he skates, its on HIDLAGO'S hands.
I'm a defense attorney and love my job, but am continually amazed at the absolute ignorance of law enforcement. we as a society have to buck up, pay a little more in taxes, and hire cops with an IQ higher than my BAC.
I understand we need some meatheads who are willing to chase thugs with guns down dark alleys. But maybe when we catch alleged GANG RAPISTS AND MURDERERS we can have a Barney Fife with both of his brain cells clicking and read him his rights.
Maybe that 40 hour training to be a cop isnt enough. Make it 41 hours and remind them to read Miranda rights.
Officer HIDALGO, ever here of MIRANDA? that moron should be fired today!
And why is Miami Beach spokesperson Bobby Hernandez "disappointed" that Judge Thomas followed the law. I am disappointed you run a fuckin circus, Officer Hernandez. I am disappointed people detest cops b/c they lie. Have your cops follow the law the right way and you will never ever lose a motion to suppress.
The ends do not justify the means, Hernandez. Because the crime was heinous does not mean the law does not apply. (even to you meatheads with the shiny little badges)
Until law enforcement can attract people with a brain, we will be left with moronic cops like Hidalgo, Hernandez, and the genius cop who managed to fuck up Jessica Lunsford confession.
Who exactly are you protecting and serving? (by the way, thanks for the parking ticket yesterday!)
9:15- those scumbags charged with rape and murder are heroes of nothing and we sincerely hope Mr. Laser succeeds in having them puinished. Judge Thomas has his fans and critics. We applaud him for nothing more than doing his job as the good lord saw fit to give him the ability to do. We would have applauded him for denying the motion if the law required it, as well. It is however, 1 million times harder to grant a motion in a case with these facts, then if those defendants had been charged with stealing a car and going for a joy ride.
On behalf of my client Mr. Brummer, we hereby invoke his 5th Amendment right to remain silent.
Oh a test of wills? I have 5 more years in my Dacha. See you in Hell, Rumpole.
NB: if everyone who posts clicks an ad, I can finance a run against Brummer (and still have money left over when I win to buy Mr. Stein his morning danish.)
So now your true motives show themselves- you're in this for a buck just like the rest of us. Capitalist Pig.
Great Job Officer Hidalgo! At least we have Mr. Laeser to clean up your mess.
Dear Rumpole:
I have responded once, on Monday, and will repeat what I said earlier:
I have been a member of the Florida Bar since 1965, having graduated from the University of Miami Law School. I have dedicated my life to public service.
I began by working in the Peace Corp for two years serving in Venezuela. I then worked for the Legal Services of Greater Miami. I joined the Public Defender's Office in 1971 working in the Appellate Division. I went on to become the Chief of that division and later to Executive Assistant to the Public Defender. In 1976, I was elected Dade County's Public Defender and have held that job for nearly 30 years.
I run an office that employs over 400 people including nearly 200 lawyers. We handle over 90,000 cases each year.
I have started an Anti-Violence Initiative, Community Involvement and Partnerships Program and an International Cooperation Project, among other accomplishments.
I am proud to say that more than 40 attorneys from this office have gone on to become judges.
Sure I have made some mistakes and I am sorry for those. But overall, I am extremely proud of my career and to my dedication to the citizens of Miami Dade County.
This blog has disbursed much hatred toward me and some of the employees of my office. You certainly have that right, the First Amendment provides that to you. But at least give this office credit for the hard work of its dedicated team.
And finally, to set the record straight, this is a public office and there is noone "banned" from this office.
Rumpole, have a nice day.
Bennett H. Brummer
BHB, is that really you?
I tend to think not. He can email us at the address with his email address and that would prove it and we would then admit he has spoken. But, we have several anonymous soruces who all confirm various incidents of attorneys being banned, so the post is not truthful.
I believe Bennett.
WHen will be stop bashing Brummer and move on.
I know that you do not check your facts, but the 'rumour' you refer to in your blog is an absolute fiction. I fully expect to be able to use the suppressed evidence at trial. Thanks.
is it just me or has Rumpole's tone changed?
what happened to the light-hearted posts about old-time judges and REGKB lore. Rump has taken to rampant censorship, deleting what he wants, when he wants.
its his blog, for sure, but just cause you have the power to do something, doesnt mean you have the right to.
Sanitization (removal) and whitewashing are almost interchangeable terms that refer to a particular form of censorship via omission, which seeks to "clean up" the portrayal of particular issues and/or facts that are already known, but that may be in conflict with the point of view of the censor. Some may consider extreme political correctness to be related, as a socially-imposed (rather than governmentally imposed) type of restriction, which, if taken to extremes, may qualify as self-censorship.
congrats to officer hidlago and his dereliction of duty which could lead to the release of a psychopath back onto our streets.
this officer should be fired and best wishes for the admiral abe laeser to put these sickos in the electric chair.
RUMP: Do the public a favor and post the CH 119's of these officers (if that is ethical and legal) who messed up the basic confession process which led to the suppression of confessions of some of the sickest people I have heard of. HIdalgo et al...
Vote the PBA way!
Charlie Crist (R)
Rod Smith (D)
Dennis Murphy
Lawrence “Larry” Schwartz
Ivan Hernandez - Group 4
Joel Jacobi - Group 9
Ana Maria Pando - Group 10
Stephen Millan - Group 11
Steve Leifman - Group 12
Gloria Gonzalez-Meyer - Group 14
Sheldon “Shelly” Schwartz - Group 27
Bronwyn Catherine Miller - Group 39
Bonnie Rippingille - Group 40
I would like to hear more about why Miami Beach police spokesperson Bobby Hernandez is "disappointed" that Judge Thomas followed the law. The crime was sick. The perps are animals and deserve to be executed.
I am disappointed that FDLE screwed up an extremely serious, and very sad investigation. I am disappointed the officers could not (or would not) follow the law and obtain the evidence in accord with the laws of this state and the constitution.
I am disappointed that that evidence that shold have been used at trial will not. I am disappointed that the state's case against these animals has been weakened. I am more than disappointed at the Miam Beach PD. DONT PASS THE BUCK WHEN YOU FUCK UP.
I am , however, glad we have prosecutors like Abe Laeser who will hopefully convict these fools despite the usual police screw ups.
Perhaps the police should re-examine how they do business instead of passing the blame.
We appreciate what you do when you do it the right way, but it seems you dont do that very often these days.
For the first time since January 1, 1959, Cuba is not under the rule of Fidel Castro. While it is still too early to predict what the outcome of this event will be, it is clear that Fidel Castro's hold on power has weakened and will come to an end in the not too distant future.
With this fact in mind, CABA re-affirms its right and obligation to participate and promote a peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba and offers its full support to the Cuban people inside and outside the island. To achieve this goal, we acknowledge and support the following fundamental principles:
1. That the Cuban people are entitled to live and enjoy the rights and duties of a functioning true democracy;
2. That the Cuban people are entitled to enjoy the fundamental human rights encompassed by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
3. That all the Cuban people, including those Cubans who have been forced to leave Cuba for political reasons, and their children, have an inalienable and fundamental right to participate in promoting and establishing of democracy and human rights in Cuba;
4. That the Cuban people are entitled to a free and fair process to draft a new constitution and an explicit Constitutional guarantee of personal rights, to establish of an independent judiciary, to elect legislators, and elect executive officials; and
5. As a starting point for Cuba's transition to democracy, CABA petitions the immediate release of all prisoners of conscience held in Cuban jails, the dissolution of all internal state security organizations, the establishment of freedom of speech, religion, and association, the recognition of private property rights, and the open and unequivocal commitment of the Cuban government to the promotion and protection of human rights and a democratic process.
In closing, CABA calls upon all people of good conscience to stand up in defense of the beleaguered dissent movement in Cuba. When dictatorships feel threatened they lash out against those who speak their conscience, and we must rally to their side in the difficult but hopeful days ahead.
Corali Lopez-Castro, CABA President
Castro aint going nowhere, you imperialist fools. I want to move down there to take part in the triumph of socialist policy over the dog eat dog feudalism we have here in this backward nation.VIVA FIDEL.
wait just a minute the bad guys in this picture is the officer at the FDLE who was so stupid as to not read that criminal his rights prior to the guys crying confession.
Just as in the first year of law school you learn about the right to have a lawyer, well the first year in cop school you learn that if you dont read him his rights you are a big creep because something like what just happened above did.
Now the moral of the story is that if Judge Rothenberg a/k/a "will never fine a reason to deny a prosecutor motion" get on the panel of the appeal the order will be reversed and fat chance the supreme's will have jurisdiction and USA supreme court oh well that will happen.
Over and out.
If the law is clearly on the side of the defendant in this case, Judge Rothenberg will not reverse.
I agree. Fidel has taken his nation from 1959 to 1859. Well done, comrade!
Is is very clear Fidel is doing a great job keeping his house in order as evidenced by the sad fact that people risk lives daily on homemade rafts on the off chance they will float to freedom in florida.
12:46 I guess you do not know Rothenerg,
Here is a good trivia question: When was the last time, if ever, the Honorable L. Rothenberg upheld a motion to suppress?
Ms. Lopez-Cadstro:
I applaud CABA for its efforts and its willingness to take a stand.
Catherine "Cathy" Parks
Real Country Dave said...
To clarify one time: I am banned from the PDO by Brummer , as is Lynn Overman. No reason was given, although the reason is pretty clear: We were a bit too vocal and energetic in our attempt to oust Brummer and crew. My picture hangs on a wall inside the receiptionists' cubicle on the 1st floor. On another wall about 20 feet away is a picture of Brummer receiving the ACLU's Free Speech Award.
Also, contrary to what a previous poster wrote, I have never had a problem with Judge Jimenez and have no idea what that was about, although I appreciate the spirit of the post.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 12:32:39 PM
Cathy Parks - good pandering!!!!
1:08:48 - I do know Rothenberg, and I know how to spell her name
top three visitors to Rumpoles blog:
1. Juan D'Arce
2. Judge Hernandez
3. He who shall not be named
Only visitors to this blog:
1. Juan D'Arce
2. Judge Hernandez
3. He who shall not be named
reasons to stop reading this blog:
1. Juan D'Arce
2. Judge Hernandez
3. He who shall not be named
reasons to move out of Miami
1. Juan D'Arce
2. Judge Hernandez
3. He who shall not be named
Well Mr. Laeser, as we said 1) we take no joy in the ruling and support your efforts to get to the truth and punish the guilty. 2) We can't reveal our source on your alleged statement, and thus must accept your current pronouncement.
Time, and the 3rd PCA will tell all.
Tropical Storm Chris update:
1) We have re-stocked our supply of chateau Miami River and peanuts and pretzels.
2) We have the gerbils from an old intoxilyzer 5000 on a tred mill to provide emergency back-up power.
3) We do not anticipate any interruption in blogging (unless Mr. Brummer and his minions find us and batter us to a pulp).
Rump - dont let your guard down
Rump - dont let your guard down
The last Google ad was promoting stun guns, handcuffs and pepper spray.
Rump: I think it is high time for you to finally answer the question:
What is the deal with the google ads? Why did you approve of them on this blog? How much do you make from them?
Come on, Rump, you are being Voir Dired and requested to speak the truth.
we await your honest response to the questions posed
now i have
3:58 it is no secret he makes $1 every time we click the ad's.
In response to: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 6:31:54 PM.
I have in my hands Judge Bronwyn Miller's English and Spanish palm cards. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!
1) English reads "Retain Judge Bronwyn C. Miller" - Spanish reads (translated) "Reelect Judge Bronwyn C. Miller" MAY I ADD THIS IS A VIOLATION OF JUDICIAL CANONS.
2) Spanish reads "Judge Miller was appointed by Governor Bush on March of 2005" ENGLISH makes no reference.
3) English reads "Judge Miller is assigned to the South Dade Justice Center, Civil Division" - Spanish adds "Small Claims and Domestic Violence."
4) Eleventh in Spanish should be "Onceno" not "Onceavo" HIRE A BETTER TRANSLATOR NEXT TIME!
5) Spanish reads "Judge Miller is a member of the Cuban Bar Association" - English makes no reference to this.
6) Mentor is not Tutores it is simply Mentor in Spansih as well. Again HIRE A BETTER TRANSLATOR.
7) Spanish reads "Judge Miller is a member of the National Hispanic Bar Association" - English makes no reference.
8) English reads "Judge Miller was a mentor for 'Communities in School' and 'I Have a Dream' Foundation" - Spanish makes no reference. and
9) English reads "Judge Miller serves on the board of the Jewish Volunteer Center" - Spanish makes no reference.
Now what do you think about your great, ethical and honest Judge Bronwyn Miller? She is obviously camnpaigning unethically by running an ethnic and divisive campaign. I don't know if I'll vote for George Alvarez but I do know that I WILL NOT VOTE FOR Bronwyn Miller.
Would Robin Faber and his friends please stop clipping and pasting large things from web sites into this blog!
Bronwyn, please explain.
oh for crying out loud post at 4:35
dont blame Miller she relied on a tarnslator and from what I read above if even true what you say big fucking deal.
If she spoke both spanish and english I may and I say may have a small issue with it. She does not speak spanish and has no way of personally proof reading the flyer as such she relied on a third parties representation to her.
Please go away stop bashing this judge. If Alavarez is a better person than he will win. If he is not than he will lose.
One last thing when I see that our mayor Carlos Alvarez has endorsed a person that speaks volumes. News Flash: Carlos Alvarez did endorse publically Judge Miller.
Who is endorsing GEORGE "JORGE" ALVAREZ? Judge hernandez and his wife. Juan D'Arce and his organized crime group of judicial canidates.
so ya got about 4-6 votes.
let me say this: i am voting for miller. i would send her a check if i ever were invited to a fundraiser. however, endorcement mean nothing. if you are an incumbent, you get the endorcements. period. so don't trip.
Bad translations may not be a big deal to you but if she's using the term "Re-Elect" that is a huge campaign violation. In prior campaigns others who were appointed have been sanctioned for using the term re-elect as opposed to retain.
I dont see any big deal. Translations can be interpreted many different ways. You may read it one way and a person in Colombia may read it another.
dont be so lame and go do something constructive.
She should be sanctioned. She should know better. She can't blame a consultant or any other party, she is the candidate and she is ultimately responsible. It's her name on the ballot not Hector's.
Forget the translations, I want to read a response from Bronwyn on the violation and the ethnic campaigning.
When are we going to get a response from Migna on the $25k to Pertierra? I'll accept a response from Migna, Pertierra or Hector.
Rump, I have to say that you represent my sentiments when you express your opinion of the role/situation/reality of ciminal defense attorneys. Its sad that only on this blog is it acknowledged that we are 1) in fact...human beings...with families...that we love and wish to protect...from the very people that we defend. Apparently, we are the only ones who understand us and how important we are (ha ha). All joking aside, something in our society has changed, polarized this country of ours. Thanks for expressing that we do NOT celebrate the suppression of a confession by a cold-blooded killer, we celebrate that the law was followed. (I just wish it wasn't a previously indicted judge who had the huzpa (sic)who did it.)
AKA: The person who should not be named
RE: Your website & THIS BLOG
You a hereby warned that if you continue to post and repost and repost information about your website on this blog, you will suffer the consequences. We are sick and tired of reading about your website on this blog. The readers know where to find your blog. The information on your blog happens to be very informative. But we do not want and do not need you to constantly bombard us with the blogging about your website.
STOP NOW or you will suffer the consequences.
the surgeon general has just released a new study that show a direct cause between blogging and the body weight of attorneys. You out there know who you are so follow a regiment of exercise, proper nutrition and cut down on saturated fats and blogging. After September fifth, not even Bronwyn will recognize you.
TO 5:50
What is it that you want to know. I spoke with R. Pertierra, (a while back), and he confirms that he received $25,000 from the campaign. It is a consulting fee and for it he plans on assisting her campaign like any other publicist or campaign advisor.
CAPTAIN OUT .............
What campaign consulting experience does Pertierra have? What services has he, is he or will he be providing for such a high fee? Where did Migna get her 25k from (remember Pando's loan?)? Why would Migna give 25k to Pertierra when other well known consultants charge considerably less?
There are many questions I can ask but start by answering these.
who gives a shit? maybe be hustled her out of the cash. Maybe he is a smart guy? Maybe he could help her get the caba endorcement like he did for BHB? Maybe he is going to buy 25 thousand votes from poor cubans. But at the end of the day, it is a fight over a mindless county court seat. Who gives a shit!
Fraud and buying votes--the last time I looked they were illegal. I hope the SA would care.
who cares about migna and her 25G or miller and her retain vs re-elect.
i want to know what is going to happen to these cops who fucked up that confession. they are public officials and should be held accountable.
Bronwyn, please answer:
1. Why do your campaign posters in the black community not have your picture?
2. Why are you printing campaign materials that have different things for english/spanish voters.
I'm not concerned about the translation defense - thats not the issue.
because that is how you win. fuckbird.
thank you bronwyn
6:29 I agree with you.
lets talk about those dumb ass cops that fucked up that confession.
what are they teaching at cop school. I hope it is not the same shit they teach at lawyer school.
6:47 thats funny shit... lol and pissing pants at the same time
thank you. i have always gotten chicks cause im funny.
here is the spanish version from her web site can someone for little havana tell us if it looks OK:
Retengamos La Jueza Miller
Martes, 5 de septiembre
Jueza Miller designada al centro de Justicia de South Dade, División Civil.
Jueza Miller recibió su grado en Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Miami.
Jueza Miller fue Abogada Estatal Asistente en el Circuito Judicial Onceavo, Miami, Florida, desde 1997 hasta 2005.
Jueza Miller fue responsable por el entrenamiento de más de trescientos fiscales. Jueza Miller es miembro de la Asociación Colegio de Abogados Cubano Americano.
Jueza Miller es miembro de Big Brothers/Big Sisters y tutores para "Take Stock in Children"
Jueza Miller es miembro de la Asociación Colegio de Abogados Nacional Hispana.
Jueza Miller ha sometido más de ochenta casos a juicio.
rumpole your moving up with readers up to about 40 now:
Hey, Rumpole, do a little cleaning on your blog. I clicked on the "fake court reporter" and was extremely shocked at what I seen. Clean it up, my computer is in my wife's office.
Retengamos La Jueza Miller
Does not mean Re-elect. It means,
"Let us Retain Judge Miller".
So, it does appear to be acceptable. Ceratinly re-elect would not have been as that would imply that she has been elected before.
The original post said that the term "re-elect" was on printed materials, not her website that you just translated from captain.
So now we know Captain speaks the language...
could the captain be juan d'arce in drag
To 3:58 and the money question: I absolutely positively make money when someone clicks on an AD.
Thank you for eliminating the McGillis crap blogged earlier.
He appears to be complying with my Cease & Desist Order!
"The Green Hornet"
Thank you for eliminating the McGillis crap blogged earlier.
He appears to be complying with my Cease & Desist Order!
"The Green Hornet"
how do I get to the info above?
Shelley Swartz stop blogging and whining about Migna.Hurry,quick put on your hot pink guayabera and get to Versailles fast, something is gaining on you!
hey truth and justice you are a TOTAL ASSHOLE for copying and pasting all that crap. You are like a raving crazy lunatic that sends letters to the judge in crayon and capital letters.
Ban this guy, rump
Thanks rump. Before I finished my 8:43 post you had done the job
Why are people talking about how brave Judge Thomas was? HE DID HIS JOB! I represented a lawyer in an bench trial where he was acquited after the Trooper told the truth. The Judge, after acquitting my client told him to thank the Trooper. He said "Why? She's supposed to tell the truth." Judge to remain nameless.
People are talking about Judge Thomas because human nature being what it is, we have all seen Judges in the spotlight not follow the law but follow either public opinion or issue a ruling because in the Judge's personal opinion they didn't want someone getting away with a crime.
I feel pretty sure that neither Judge Thomas nor anyone familiar with the facts of this horrible case would want these people getting away with anything if they are guilty. But what we are praising is the belief that is becoming more and more rare- the recognition that it is a greater injustice to pervert the law and not follow it, then to ignore the law to assist the prosecution.
Should Judges do this everyday?
Do they?
McGillis- you Punk. I thought you were going to sue me. Instead, you creep around here like a rat scurrying in the darkness of anonymous posts putting up information about your worthless web site. You are a Jerk, a moron, a lunatic, and that is my opinion. So sue me.
Captain- great job. I copied your post and re-posted it and just took out the lunatic's DL number because I don't think it's right to put that on the blog.
But thanks for the research.
Mr. McGillis... tsk tsk. You're quite a danger behind the wheel. Are you upset because Judge Hernandez sent you to driving school and you failed?
Try suing less people and watching the speedometer a bit more.
And resisting arrest? One would think you would have respect for an officer of the law. Did you sue that cop who arrested you?
Gonna sue me for publishing a public record?
See You In Court.
Way to go Rump! Did you know that he was advertising selling the space on the website to judicial candidates?
Oh, I'm just getting warmed up.
Ask BHB what a pain in the ass I can be.
Larry "loser" Schwartz
TO 10:37
You have firmly established your three word vocabulary.
Now say something relevant about Schwartz v. Mendez or go back to your Pre-K class and learn a fourth word.
You need to eliminate the third entry from fake court reporter as it links to a pornograph site.
Mr. John Doe:
I told you once and I will tell you again I do NOT post on your blog. (see thats a period at the end of that sentence).
Last time you allowed people to libel me, I let it slide because you took down some of the libel but not all. In fact the bit about "SOMEONE FORGOT TO TAKE HIS MEDICINE" was defamatory I did not really care because you took down some of the libel.
You sir have exactly 2 hours to take down all mention of my name from your blog immedaitely and without delay or I will promise you that by 12:00 noon on thursday your blog with be shut down.
Again I don't post on your blog and those posting my name and ORJ web site material are simply fraudulent.
I will bet you any amount of money that I can subpoena ONE single source and your name is reveiled and I sir will file a swron complaint with the Florida Bar for you conduct as a lawyer. You sir will be better served never mentioning my name again.
Call me [deleted] lets chat TOUGH GUY.
Kind regards,
Darrin McGillis
Ps. go ahead make a blog subject of this e-mail because as I said by 12:00 noon, Thursday you blog is shut down. I already did my research on the subject and have all the contacts I need at Google and elsewhere.
Bob Levy get a grip.
Hey McGillis, one question:
Is all that stuff posted about you true? I read your blog and enjoy the facts that you print. I assume all that your write are true facts.
If Rump posted all true facts about you, it would seem he has a great defense as it is the truth and public record? If any of it is not true, then let us know what are the errors?
Back at you
you people talk about the same candidates ALLLLLLLL the time...
Can we talk about some new people??
Interesting. On Tuesday, you claimed to have "several emails" confirming the alleged ban of certain attorneys from the PD's office. On Wednesday (10:29:05) you still refer to them as "anonymous soruces" [sic] and on the basis of those anonymous persons you decide that an explicit denial of any ban by Mr. Brummer himself "is not truthful."
C'mon, Rumpole, give it up. Either there is a named source who will verify this rumor, or it must be considered false. Enough already.
Is Mr. McGillis aware that based on his traffic record, the "no points or your money back" guarantee would not apply to him should he hire a ticket lawyer?
photo of McGillis:
thats hot
I saw some of Miami Beach's finest in their shiny little stirrups standing beside their motorcycles with radar in hand controlling the major speeding problem on Alton Road. Well done, gentleman. If you have a break from those pressing issues, feel free to learn what Miranda is. That way, you won't risk putting rapist/murderers back on the street.
I know it is real hard, but if you put your thinking caps on, you can do it.
Captain get your facts straight about Miller's palm cards. Yes she has cards that say "Retengamos" but only after distributing hundreds of cards that clearly said "Reelegir". A clear JQC violation. She knows it and you should know it too. Whether Alvarez decides to act on it or not is up to him.
Captain get your facts straight about Miller's palm cards. Yes she has cards that say "Retengamos" but only after distributing hundreds of cards that clearly said "Reelegir". A clear JQC violation. She knows it and you should know it too. Whether Alvarez decides to act on it or not is up to him.
Judge Miller's Spanish campaign palm card measuring 4" x 6" reads on three places "Reelegir" 1) Top Front, 2) Top Back, and 3) Bottom Back. I don't car what her web site says. Elderly low-income Hispanics, which we all know vote in high percentages, do not have internet access. They rely on the material given to them by the candidate and her proxies. Judge Miller - Shame on you!
Judge Miller's Spanish palm card clearly reads in three localtions "Reelegir," that means reelect. Judge Miller...Shame on you!
$50 and I will read your palm card
sorry about the 2nd post at 9:22:27 AM - the blog is posting with a delay.
Correct me if I'm wrong Mr. Laeser,
but with all this talk of Judge
Thomas granting the Motion to Suppress on Lebron, didn't he also
deny the Motions to Suppress statments on almost all of the other defendant's? Ofcourse it still took balls, but it's not like
the guy gutted the entire case.
why does it take balls to follow the law. i think it takes balls to break the law, b/c then you risk living in a cage and eating grade D bologna sandwiches. eatin that DOC food takes balls.
all you got in your life is balls
To 10:19 a.m. blogger:
1. There is other evidence in the case. Unfortunately, while jurors love DNA in a rape case as proof of guilt, it does not carry the day during penalty phase in a capital crime. They may love fingerprints and DNA during guilt phase - but want to be "sure" that they are not voting to execute the innocent. That confession does wonders to assuage their concerns.
2. Yes, the judge admitted a large volume of evidence - I assume because it was admissible.
3. Yes, the case against at least one defendant was substantially weakened. Perhaps I should take the suggestion of opposing counsel and make them an offer they could not refuse. Not my idea of JUSTICE. I am looking forwand to the outcome of those matters on which I have already filed a notice of appeal.
P.S. Thanks for perking up 'lunch' at my desk.
you shouldn't talk about your cases on the internet - trust me
Very very funny Fake Greico.
Miami Beach PD is primarily a traffic enforcement agency and FDLE doesn't deal much with street crime. They should have sought assistance from Miami-Dade PD's homicide unit.
MIami Beach PD primarily a traffic enforcement agency? Thats kida funny. Do they have arrest powers?
early voting begins August 21st Rumpole, where are our endorsements? we need guidance.....
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