Ha Ha: fooled ya. You didn't really think HWMNBN could shut this down??
However, promises should be kept. Here was his promise:"I will promise you that by 12:00 noon on thursday your blog with be shut down."
Email from HWMNBN to Rumpole.
Isn't that just like a client? They never keep their promises.
3:01 PM.
Rumpole- he who is always named.
i think he meant hawaiian time. you'll be down in a few hours
HWMNBN: did you mean Hawaiian time? Or Russian time? Or Mars time?
Ran into a bump in the road. It seems that my direct number to the president of is a good direct number, but he and his assistant are not today. I will sell if he is listed and call him at home I will keep you posted.
warm regards
while I would have preferred to remain secret on ORJ the Herald found out who I was.
Why don't you tell the hearld who you are be a man.
So, Rumpole should reveal his identity voluntarily because YOU were forced out of hiding by the Herald? And YOU don't even post under your real name here. Funny.
Hmm.. nope..I'll stay a mouse.
all I want to do is file Bar complaint . Since you have been ethical in all your doings why worry.
whats your name, Tough Guy
Who will you have as your attorney if you get in trouble? No kidding, top 5 of your personal choices.
s/ In need of ego boost.
Can you file a bar complaint against an attorney for non-legal activities? ummm...No. But you can file a blogger complaint.
OK- here is my name:
Blecher, Reizenstein, Freedman, Shuminer, Lyons, and Lurvey (oops, that's six)
Hey, Alan, what about me.
Alan ?
Ok i am dumb who is hwmnbn?
Do you really want to know who this guy is ... I mean really ... because if we give you his entire bio ... he will be pissed
He Who Must Not Be Named
We don't allow phone numbers on the blog because we don't want to be a part of people being harassed. You can repost the name (Phil Reizenstein) and whatever else you want as long as it meets our guidelines. But no phone numbers. Even when HWMNBN posted with his number, we removed it.
Phil Reizenstein, 48 Long, with cuffs. thats all the personal info i have, and that he has a penchant for greek coffee.
that's cause he eats at Mykinos Rest. all the time
phil's happy; the phillies are kicking the shit out of the Cards
Rump, maybe you should hire Judge Hernandez to represent you; he should have time on his hands soon. And I bet he'd love to tango with HWMNBN.
Our top five attorneys who we know from criminal who also do civil
Sy Gaer
Albert Quirantes
...3's enough
while we're waiting for the shutdown, how bout some trivia:
1. Name the former ASA who was fired because he was sworn in but never passed the bar?
2. Who had to do prefiles on over 100 cases and refile or nolle prosse his cases?
3. What famous MJB watering hole had a "Hoodlum's Corner" and who was the mayor?
4. Name the former SAO secretary that sued, and won, for sexual harassment? What does her hubby do for a living?
5. Name the former SAO Chief Investigator who bugged ASA's phones to break up a drug dealing ring in the MJB?
1. phil
2. mike
3. cozzoli's; nesbitt
4. suzan; cop
5. clouseau
4- her husband is a cop.
The others are great.
5- is either Ray Havens or Martin Dardis who recently passed away.
2a) name the asa who had to refile all his cases- the same person who is posting this quiz, right Mr. B?
Gaer, Al Q, & Naftale; why not just toss them all and get Soven
#3 Marine Bar
#4 Sherry something or other; cop/ sargeant with the City of Miami Police Department
alan? chris?
rumpole, you are only half correct on your answer to question #2. there were two asa assigned this task by mr. laeser.
correctly, rump the answer to question #5 is Ray Havens, whose staff bugged phones of asas and secretaries in a drug bust at the sao.
trivia freak, youre right on with the Marine Bar. a favorite lunchtime and post work haunt. but tell me what attorney/attorneys had their own special seats there and you get a prize supplied by ORJ.
BONUS QUESTION: what was the ample-busted bartender known for other than her god-given gifts?
Don't know her name but did see her DUI video.
you are correct again, rumpole. its as if we worked at the sao/pdo at the same time, hmmm.
1. greg lattimer
2. blecher and cotzin
3. marine bar, either mike korvick or mike voight will be acceptable answers
4. sherry rossbach, hubby a mpd lt.
5. ray havens, known for his martial arts and electronic eavesdropping skills
Extra Bonus: what was janet reno's extention at the sao, 6th floor, mjb?
didn't Judge Harvey Baxter keep that video in his personal collection; boy we had fun watching those in chambers
Does anyone know who the judge is that used to be in the Juv. Div. and is currently in Civil? He has brown hair (fairly young) but I can't seem to locate him in the photographs for the 11th Circuit?
you mean scott bernstein
Wow, I think it is Judge Bernstein. He looks a lot different now than he does in that photo...but I'll never tell where I saw him.
It is sherry rossbach, husband a higher up in city of miami pd. He also sued dept. and won. Trivia followup--who was the asa, now a civil lawyer, who sexually harassed her?
Too easy, Mike Band. And if you saw sherry you would know why.
I'm not saying it was allright, but I understand.
Name the lawyers on both sides and the Judges for these famous defendants:
1) Arthur McDuffy
2) Joyce Cohen
3) Dieter Reichman
4) Officer William Lozano
5) Extra Credit: The Miami River Cops case: (lots of players on both sides)
Most of the answers are right. As to question # 1, perhaps only someone as long in the tooth as I am had the privilege of being supervised by the Chief of County Court, FRANK JOYCE, who had spent three entire days in law school before dropping out. Just one more reason we now do background checks.
Reno's ext. was 248
#2 Kastrenakas (sp?)
Prosecutors only: 1. Adorno, Yoss, and Adelstein; 2. Kastrenakes + DiGregory; 3. Ridge + DiGregory; 4. Hogan + Horn; 5. Novicki, Lavecchio + lots of Feds.
jason you stole that line from chris rock
Sherry Rossbach:
You got to love Jason Grey. You can always count on him to make some lewd, rude, mysogynist comment. He's a characature of some New Jersey mope. What a tool. I personally love his unabashed, arrogant, aggression which he believes is charming. Maybe he forgot that he's playing some fictional character devoid of authenticity.
Very true
What current Dade county Resident was Chris Rock referring to?
Bennett Brummer?
Janet Reno's phone extention at the old sao was 7103.
it would send a chill down the spine of a young asa hearing your name over the p.a. to call 7103.
usually ment you screwed up something.
what's kathy's extension? is it her cell phone?
KFR - 0535
i thought Reno's extension was 420
To the 11:58 feminist with no sense of humor: Jason is about as authentic as it gets. What you fail to understand is that he is not putting on an act. That is who he is. Love him or hate him, at least he is REAL. Clearly, real men are not your type.
jason grey is a great guy. if you knock him you knock yourself.
Horn should go back into the courtroom (where I understand he was taltented) because he's horible at running the office.
whos accusing horn of running the office?
Karen Mill Francis signs up by every black church. What say you?
Rippimnyourheartout and mcdeepthroat seen together everywhere,
I used to work with J. Grey; and he's even a bigger asshole in the office then in court or in public. What a phony! Arrogance is not confidence. Self-contratulation is not Skill or Finesse.
Jason - good job firing this woos
You know how you can tell that Jason Grey is a jerk? He shadow boxes in public. What a dick!
I don't believe it should be the function of a blog to serve as a personal attack on anyone. It's just bad form. But I must agree with many of the above comments that Mr. Grey's attitude and "behavior" is far, far outside of anything that approaches acceptable. From what I have observed, he's consistently crude and rude. Sorry to join the Grey-bashing party, but his antics have gone on for long enough for any of us to remain silent. Mr. Grey, get a mirror and look carefully. Wake up.
I just wonder how many grey-bashers have ever sat down with him and had a cup of coffee, or otherwise spoken with him personally?
That's a good one. Painting Jason as soft and cuddly and just in need of a nice cappucino. Yea right, nice try. And Fox News is Fair and Balanced.
Again, most of you who trash people on this blog have never spoken to them personally, so shut the fuck up
Touchy, touchy Jason, since when do you give a fuck about how you affect people. Of course, everything on a blog is rank gossip and speculation. Evidently you think it's really manly to identify that it is really you when it suits your needs. And if people don't like it, then they can shut the fuck up, right?
I wrote the post above 8:13, and I'm not jason. Just someone who used to think he was a jerk, and then got to know him.
you are all just jealous !
They're just jealous, Jason!!! At least you give people something to talk about in their boring lives!
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