Mark February 28, 2025 as the day American Exceptionalism died.
The day the United States stopped being the bastion of freedom and democracy.
The day the oppressed countries and peoples of the world learned that they can no longer look to the United States to stand up for them.
It began with the battles of the Somme, Verdun, and the Ypres Salient.
It continued on the beaches of Normandy and the frozen forests outside of Bastogne.
It continued at the battle of the Chosin Reservoir Korea.
It continued in Berlin when President Kennedy said "So let me ask you as I close, to lift your eyes beyond the dangers of today, to the hopes of tomorrow, beyond the freedom merely of this city of Berlin, or your country of Germany, to the advance of freedom everywhere, beyond the wall to the day of peace with justice, beyond yourselves and ourselves to all mankind."
It continued again in Berlin more than twenty years later when President Regan stood at the Berlin wall and said "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall."
And it ended at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the Oval Office today when the shameful conduct of the president and his vice president thug/henchman attacked and belittled The President of Ukraine who has stood firm and mostly alone against the Russian invasion of his nation.
For on this day, a black mark in our history, the president of the United States sided with a dictator who ordered the invasion of a neighboring and peaceful country. The Russian army has committed genocide. They have lined up and shot innocent civilians and captured soldiers. And today the president of the United States sided with the dictator and against the country fighting for its freedom.
Today America no longer is exceptional. Today is a day of dark shame.
Can’t believe a child as dumb and tasteless as Trump is ruining America… ashamed our country has so many sheep that worship such a disgraceful blob.
The most shameful, disgusting display of bullying on a world stage. How embarrassing to be an American today. It will be a long time before this stink wears off.
I so agree. Undignified. Bully. Concerted effort to punish Putin’s enemy.
Remake the Godfather with The Donald as Sunny and JD as Fredo
Agreed. What happened on Friday was a shameful moment for America. Putin's Russia invaded Ukraine. They killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians, including infants, women, and the elderly. The people of Ukraine have courageously defended themselves against this unjustified invasion.
The America where I was raised would wholeheartedly support Ukraine in this valiant effort. Instead, the President has done nothing but serve as a lackey for Putin. He has blamed Ukraine for the invasion and stated that he will withdraw all US support. This is no different than blaming Poland for the Nazi invasion in 1939 and cheering for Hitler. Americans on both sides of the aisle should be embarrassed by this cowardly betrayal of an ally in need of support against the brutal Putin regime.
Sounds like Kathy’s chiefs
This entire Trump Vance Zelenskyy “fiasco” was fully planned and staged by the White House.
It was planned to gain the friendship and confidence of Putin.
With narcissistic leaders - this is a good approach.
Let's talk about JD Vance, that is probably the most he's spoken so far in this presidency given how Elon Musk has pretty much taken over the White House. What he did asking Zelenskyy over and over again , "have you thanked the President?" was nothing but gas-lighting. And who cares what he was wearing? For Trump to make a comment on his wardrobe was stupid. He also showed disrespect as Keir Starmer Answered questions on Canada. Starmer was asked whether Trump’s repeated calls for Canada to become the the 51st state were brought up during their meeting and whether King Charles, who is also Canada’s head of state, has expressed concerns on the U.S. president’s rhetoric.
“I think you’re trying to find a divide between us that doesn’t exist. We’re the closest of nations, and we had very good discussions today but we didn’t discuss Canada,” Starmer said before Trump interjected and said “That’s enough."
I don’t really understand the people who continue to support Laurel and Hardy. It was a shit show. I have a feeling Trump and his ass kissing bully gang in the White House will all fall down.......
Sounds like some ASA’s
Reminded me of being in Judge Milton Hirsch's courtroom.
Vance is nothing but a little kiss-ass. He reminds me of Selacious Crumb from Star Wars. Does Trump have anyone close to him that can actually give him honest advice? I doubt it.
It’s gonna be ok. And much better than Milton.
This from the same man who claimed Elon musk threw up a Nazi salute. 🫡
Where are the Joseph McCarthy Republicans screaming about communism and Russian influence? Never thought I'd type that sentence.
I think Rumpole should start a betting game. How long until Elon and Trump's bro-mance will end? How long until his own people in his cabinet turn on him?
In which Trump opponents, through complete lack of any ideology apart from #resistTrump, find themselves cheering the funding of an endless, unwinnable war thousands of miles from the US, at no real cost to them, but at the cost of feeding entire generations of Russian and Ukrainian boys into the meat grinder.
This is a pretty basic proposition. 1) Wage total war against Russia and perhaps Ukraine wins. Perhaps not. 2) End the carnage and force resolution, in which no one gets everything they want, but the war ends. 3) Continue half-assedly funding the status quo, and butcher a million+ young men with no definable exit strategy.
The first option, entering total war with a nuclear power, is insane.
The second option is Trump's.
The third option, apparently that of Dems, is shockingly sadistic. Anyone supporting it must own the reality of their position. "Yes, Ukraine - even supported financially by the US - can never evict Russia from the eastern provinces and will never 'win', but they should continue to funnel an entire generation of young men and boys into a grinder until there are no left. To object to this is un-American."
That's quite a position.
25 billion to Ukraine business. Sheep and drones - just do what they told u! How about giving this to American Black people for reparations or funding American public schools? You people just don’t get. And that’s why Trump has another four years. Zelensky should’ve come into the White House humbly instead of rolling his eyes and talking shit.
Hi Rumpole. F the news about WWIII.
BUY into this stock market? Magnificent 7? Thing of the past?
I wonder whether writers like 10:48 were alive during the Cold War. The strategy in Ukraine is the strategy that the U.S. employed during the Reagan administration that ultimately brought down the Soviet Union. We did effectively the same thing with Afghanistan that we're doing with Ukraine. What's more, this isn't so much about Russia (although it is), as it is about China and Taiwan. If we walk away, how long do you think until Red China crosses the Taiwan straight? I'm not saying that it's a perfect strategy. But 10:48's position appears to be completely blind to the nuance. Never mind that 10:48's logic basically amounts to giving Russia a free pass to do practically anything it wants. In any event, this is not "the Dems" strategy. This is a widely held bipartisan strategy - it's just not Trump's policy. Check out the congressional votes on spending for Ukraine.
Exactly right but why bother trying talk sense to this blogger or his audience? They've lost the ability to think critically about anything to do with Trump. They'd much rather another million die than have peace thru a Trump plan. Truly deranged sociopaths. And yet they think they're the righteous ones. Nauseating but predictable.
Good news. Below is the link for the War Hawks to sign up and go fight for Ukraine. At this point in the war it's clear what Ukraine needs is boots on the ground. The current strategy of just sending money is not working, they need troops. I'm in awe that all these brave people from Miami will go fight and make a difference. No more virtue signaling, time to step up. God Speed.
Setting aside ponderous political talk, we can’t finance a never ending war Something’s gotta give and concessions must be made I can’t stand Trump but I agree with what he is doing
Ukraine conscripts its men into the military and sends them to the front line. It has suspended democratically, elected elections. We have sent them hundreds of billions - money this country needs. In the last eight years, the Democratic Party has become like the Republican Party was and that’s why so many people have rejected it and that’s why we have the red rooster in the White House. Dems get back our roots. ✌️ stop the crying.
Negotiating a ceasefire is reasonable. Doing it by ceding everything to, and allying with, Putin is not.
I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the Party of Peace in the Vietnam years. When and why did they turn and become the Party of Permanent War?
Perhaps Ukraine should have kept her nukes…but she didn't. Maybe the Democrats should have held an actual presidential primary in 2016, and in 2024…but they didn't. You may not like it, but Trump showed the world he is in command of the situation…and JD Vance is Trump's pussy-ass cuck. Sorry Zelensky, makes no difference in America who runs Ukraine. Elon needs your natural resources. Is Rachel Maddow still talking about Russiagate? "President Biden’s family and their allies brought in at least $20 million from foreign sources, including first son Hunter Biden’s business associates in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine —
The US conscripted men in WWI WWII The Korean War and the Vietnam war and sent them to the front line. So did Canada. England and Australia. You’re a fool and a tool.
They saw how much money Bush Cheney made.
Perhaps the SAO should turn over exonerating evidence.
Why is there a support staff shortage at the SAO?
I think you mean the is US has had drafts. We talking about forcible kidnapping men and sending them to the front lines, fool.
Now they can fight without our tax money. Now go sell your Tesla.
Just like the US draft. 🤔 NOT !
4:26, at least, is honest about the proposal. He or she wants a cold war model, wherein we use American dollars to keep Russia diminished and weakened. How do we do this? Well, we give billions and billions of scarce dollars to US arms manufacturers who get to sell materiel to Ukraine, to grow the death count past 1M of their young men. Does Ukraine WIN? Of course not! They never will.... but Russia is weakened! So, well... a heartfelt thanks to young Ukrainian Ivan and Piotr. Sorry that you, and your entire generation, had to die. But you are our human bullets that we get to fire at Russia. Yes, Russia will survive and still be nuclear. But they are a little weaker!! So, yes, thanks Ivan and Piotr. We here in Miami thank you for your death.
That this position is the default position of Baby Boomer Democrats, and the entire War Industry, twenty minutes after they got home from marching against the Gulf War, is something spectacular to see.
Its a ghoulish position. Anyone who advocates for it, who advocates to use the death of Ukrainians to gain some meagre advantage geopolitically, while lying to Ukraine to keep them deluded into thinking they are our "ally" and just might "win", anyone pushing that morbid agenda should be put immediately on the frontline
Thank God Trump ignores these ghouls and will actually mediate an end to this. He may literally save a million lives. He won't get the Nobel Peace Prize, naturally. Those are reserved for presidents who drone bomb weddings.
Because Ukraine was invaded and partially occupied by a foreign country, martial law was invoked. Under Ukrainian law, elections are suspended when martial law is in place. Martial law has been extended for 90-day intervals by Parliamentary vote since the first time.
Stock market advice Rumpole. I’m dying here. Nvidia still a buy?
Nvda is an amazing buy below 130. I’ve been buying all the way down including a massive 1000 shares at 110.62 today. It closed at 117;so that trade alone netted me almost 7k. Plus 250 share buys at 120; 118;117 115 and 112. This is generational wealth. Those idiot sellers can’t read a financial report and didn’t listen to the conference call last week. I like Amazon below 200 which is what it was today for a short time but it’s a longer play because short term it has exposures to the tariffs. And I love. Just love Alphabet. It was beaten down so bad the price of the shares didn’t even cover the forward cash on the balance sheet. I’ve been a big buyer for a few days. And remember. As Jim Cramer says. Own Apple. Don’t trade it.
Tell me less obvious.
@908, this is 426 (hereinafter "Boomer X since I am actually Gen X, and not a Boomer). I hear you. Peace is better than war. But your philosophy ignores that we are sending money and weapons to a people who are begging for those war materials. If they want to be taken over by Russia, all they have to do is say "ok. US, stop funding our struggle. We're done." But that's not what's happening. By every account that I am aware of, the Ukrainians want to free themselves of the Russians and are up for the fight. If they don't want to fight anymore, good for them. I'm happy if they're happy. You're also overlooking the fact that Russia invaded. It's not like Ukraine is some breakaway province and that we are trying to destabalize Russia. Russia, not Ukraine, started this war. Our support of Ukraine, or withdrawal of that support, is not about weakening Russia, it's about defending against wars of violent expansion. Stop this one so that another one doesn't break out in China/Taiwan or elsewhere.
Separately to 10:46 who says "I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the Party of Peace in the Vietnam years." Apparently you aren't. The Vietnam War was started during the Truman administration and massively escalated by Kennedy and Johnson (as well as Eisenhower). The war ended during the Nixon administration. Truman was president for the start of the Korean War. FDR was president at the start of WWII. It wasn't until the Bush era that Republicans became closely associated with wars. Until the first Gulf War, there was a saying, "Democrats start wars, and Republicans finish them." You might be confused about my answer and wonder, "but wait, I thought this guy was a democrat." That's because I am not a partisan. I don't give a shit what party is in power.
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