Before we begin, do you understand just how remarkable our Super Bowl predictions and picks were? From telling you that the game would not be close and the Eagles would win going away, to giving you the bet that the Eagles would win by more than 7 and less than 19 points, to the successful two point conversion, and of course by giving you the can't miss coin flip bet (tails) we had an amazing day yesterday. We took our mid five -figure bankroll that we built over the season and literally doubled it!
You're welcome.
The current president was quoted as saying that "No judge should be allowed to rule against" the changes his administration has been making. Outlawing the possession and use of reason for example. Jailing anyone with a science degree who uses the phrase "climate change". Etc.
While we find little we can agree with the president on, we did think that there is some use to the phrase "No judge should be allowed to..."
We will start the conversation and you can add to it in the comments.
No judge should be allowed to:
Deny a motion without reading it;
Talk about how to try a case when they never did so in private practice;
Correspond privately about cases with the prosecutor. Call it the "3rd DCA Rule";
Set cases for trial the week a lawyer returns from vacation;
Deny a motion for continuance because the lawyer did not follow the obscure rules of judicial administration;
Keep jurors after 5 pm even if they ask for it;
Sentence a defendant more harshly for exercising her right to a trial by jury. We know every single judge from here to Los Angeles and back denies that they do this. But the president denies that he is persecuting his enemies, so most of these denials are not worth the paper they are written on.
This is a good start. We are sure you can add to it.
What should we buy with the more than 16k in cash we suddenly find ourselves owners of?
Sentence anyone to jail or prison without first seeing what it’s like
Buy your way out of being a practicing lawyer - and become an author of best selling stories involving the issues of law and crime that you wrote about for years in this incredible blog.
Stick to betting. I was impressed. But Equating putin to trump is moronic. Literally retarded.
I’m not sure you know what literally means.
You get a blog DEI demerit for using a politically incorrect word for mentally challenged people. Accumulate enough demerits and you will be forced to donate to the Harris 2028 campaign. This is your first warning.
Elonmust audit the SAO budget!
Allow 20 police officers to sit in the audience during a trial to collect overtime.
Allow jail house snitches to testify.
I know you love Springsteen. So here is 12 avenue freeze out.
Bruce : “now this here is the important part! Well, they made that change downtown and Fajardo joined the band. From Homestead to Aventura all the little judges waived their hands. I’m gonna sit back here and laugh while Fajardo and Bernstein bust the Miami judiciary in half. 12 avenue freeze out. Say it say it again. 12 avenue freeze out. Every judge form a line. Fajardo says get in line. Say it say it say it….”
Adapted From 10th avenue freeze out. The story of how Bruce formed the E Street Band.
No judge should treat lawyers with the level of disrespect and condescension, a la Thomas and others.
Rump, the proper label, per the DSM, is Intellectually Disabled
When does Fajardo assume the chief judgeship?
Let Mitchel try a case.
Deny a defense continuance for a case the first time it is up or mark 80 % of the division audit no furthers
You are literally a cross between a turd and a tard.
No judge should be allowed to claim his former presidency of FACDL-Miami and defense lawyer past when he votes for Ariana Fajardo over Nushin Sayfie for chief judge, selling out criminal defendants and criminal defense lawyers so he can get an administrative judge spot.
Remember when Bomani Jones was briefly on Miami sports radio? LeBatard featured him for a minute there. Anyway, Jones was reliably liberal and reliably race-obsessed. I just came across one of his tweets during the Super Bowl, in response to the Bud Light commercial. Turns out he was counting (or trying to count) the number of black faces in the commercial, and he was predictably pissed off at how few there were. It perfectly encapsulated him. Squinting at a beer commercial, furiously counting brown faces. Reminds me a bit of this blog, which I cannot seem to visit without encountering its author finding Donald Trump in everything from the sour milk in his fridge to the donut vendor who stiffed him on Munchkins. 24/7 Trump. There's a certain type of person who was truly brain-broken in 2016, and whom we now find wandering around muttering about Trump day-in and day-out, probably till their final days. It will be interesting, one day, to read the scholarship on Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's a bit like the Long-Coviders, still hiding indoors, triple-masked and paranoid. Significant overlap, Id bet, between the groups.
do we really need all of those federal mags?
Who cares
deny motions for 12 person jury.
Grant State Continuances
Stop charging defendants before investigating.
STOP Unit’s specialty
Are you calling out someone. Say his name!
Elon will let us know
Hopefully Elon will stop the federal grants they send to the SAO.
Because judges should be beholden to or somehow partial to criminal defendants and their lawyers. This asinine post and its woke author is part of what’s wrong with every segment of our society today. Tribalism.
Probably not
No judge should be allowed to rule on a motion to disqualify the judge; another judge ought to rule on the motion.
Rumpole - I believe President Trump is the number 1 President EVER.
Take bribes for pleas
Go back to your federalist meeting
The federalist takeover of the judicial system is a defiant result of politics.
Let the judges rule on their own motions to recuse. Many respond trying to defend their own actions and that is an automatic recusal. Some are so stupid..
Always good when Democrats continue to use this strategy of pushing away anyone who has even the most minor of disagreements. Republican party will just keep growing. The tolerant left.
No judge should be allowed to be a judge unless said judge has been in some type of private practice (not a government job) for at least 10 years. Some of you need some perspective outside of working for the government (state or federal).
Hey they are there to serve and protect. Wouldn’t you want to feel safe.
The federalist society rules!
No one asked you Michele
Milt Hirsch sold out for his own self-interest.
What are they stopping?
Elon needs to audit KFR’s budget.
I love that everyone always has Michele on their mind. She’s got a broad fan club.
No judge should allow Williams rule evidence without a thorough hearing requiring the state to meet the proper burden. I don’t understand how so many of them don’t understand this.
You think Michele is the only one that can’t stand Mitchell. Think again genius.
He’s the Fetterman of the 11th judicial circuit.
Milton what were you thinking
Danielle Sassoon’s resignation letter brings honor to prosecutors. I hope she is hailed as one of the brave hero’s of this dark time.
What’s the scoop on David Macey?
Where is the budget going?
Are grant funds abused ?
get a competency evaluation
Someone with a personality disorder doesn’t have many friends.
8:22 something the SAO lacks.
Why is called a stop unit?
He disgraced himself
Stay away from him.
Like the SAO in the Corey Smith case.
Probably traffic enforcement getting overtime.
Stop unit!
S.T.O.P. “Street terror offender program” federal task force with deputized idiots of the miami dade police department
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