Tuesday, June 04, 2024


 By now everyone has seen and read and sent to a dozen friends the Miami Hearld Article about the Miami State Attorney's Office (Motto "666") "Deal with the Devil."  Here null 

So now it's time for your discussion here. 

A few rules. 

Be nice. Call them stupid, dumb, corrupt, willfully blind, willing to win at all costs, constitution-ignoring prosecutors, just do not be mean- because the truth hurts. 

NO decent prosecutor who had any respect for the law would engage in what Mr. Von Zamft did- and perhaps it is time Ms. Rundle reads David McCullough's wonderful book on Harry Truman because if ever there was a head prosecutor who needed to step forward and say "The buck stops here" it is her. And sadly, she has not done so. 

She has obfuscated, and delayed decisions, and made a series of bewildering appointments of new prosecutors (who really are old prosecutors) and not addressed what the overwhelming view of the comments on this blog are- THERE IS A CULTURE OF WIN AT ALL COSTS AT THE MIAMI DADE STATE ATTORNEYS OFFICE. 

When is the last time Ms. Rundle praised a prosecutor for dropping charges? We think never- as when you are in court and hear front line ASAs tell you over and over again that they need approval from their chief, who needs approval from their chief, to withhold adjudication, or not seek jail on a first resisting with violence because the....(everyone now) VICTIM WANTS MAX!!!

It is a culture of "if the defense wants it, we oppose it". We do not hear the phrase "do justice" mentioned often, and when we do, it is only in the context of....(everyone now) VICTIM WANTS MAX. 

There is a perverseness to the Miami State Attorneys office abandoning their duty as a prosecutor to seek justice for what a complaining witness wants. And it is our view that culture and mindset set Ms. Rundle and her office on the path to the crimes of Mr. Von Zamft. Because once you abandon the desire and courage to seek justice to appease people who are emotionally attached to the case, then anything can happen because the mindset becomes that the ends justify the means, and that is exactly what Mr. Von Zamft and his minions believed. 

They knew better than judges. They could cut corners because they decided the defendant was guilty and they were damned if they were going to play fair and not rig the case by rigging witness testimony. 

The lack of courage to stand up to a complaining witness led to the lack of oversight and lack of supervision and lack of courage to stand up to what is now becoming clear- a personality cult of Mr. Von Zamft and his group of prosecutors who believed themselves to be the real guardians of justice. They did not believe in the justice system. They just believed in themselves and that they knew better than everyone else. 

The whole thing stinks to high hell and while this issue is crying out for leadership Ms. Rundle is notable only in her mumblings to study the issue and get back to us. 



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Anonymous said...

Agree been there

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding 2:17. Can you defend his training outlines? Can you defend what he taught thousands of prosecutors about putting witnesses together to coordinate and rehearse their testimony? if you want to say he was imperfect in what he did with Brown and in Corey Smith please tell us how to defend this newest revelation? at a minimum, his training outlines prove that this was a calculated culture that he taught, and he was allowed and encouraged to teach, and was blessed by the State Attorney, the Training Directors, and the chief assistant over training. I look forward to your response. Judge Wolfson thought there was a culture of this within the state attorneys office, but because she couldn’t prove it at the time or put her finger on it she allowed that office to remain on the case. In hindsight, I bet she’s kicking herself. we look forward to hearing from you.

Anonymous said...

Make a public request for these 3 MVZ outlines. From 2022 and 2023; titled effective lawyering before, and during depositions of state, witnesses; basic deposition, lawyering, defending and taking a deposition; and taking depositions of defense witnesses. The Bar should also be given them and Wolfson. There are way more and way more issues. Start here. I kept a binder of outlines when I left that toxic place. if I recall correctly, they were emailed to the entire office in 2022 and 2023 by training director as well as taught in the training; some of us complained/questioned it but were told to keep our mouths shut.

Anonymous said...

Agree but there are also good prosecutors in that office who remain. Please don’t lose sight of that. You guys want them there.

Anonymous said...

Whoever personally knows the attorney general should call her and advise of this shit show.

Anonymous said...

They all talk shit about Miller behind her back. What a comical disaster.

Anonymous said...

Rundle talks shit about everyone. She excuses Steve’s behavior with his alleged bullshit ADD and says he doesn’t know how to manage or be thorough with anything and throws too much shit on others, especially at last minute, that he is paid to do himself but he has other good qualities (the kissing her ass quality). She thinks Sayfie is the freaking devil and ponders often about who leaked the Sayfie gas light article to the community newspaper. You did butthead and everyone knows it!! Then you call Sayfie to give her a heads up the negative article was coming out … really!!!! Narcissist.

Anonymous said...

Rosen, Rodriguez and Penn sat and watched that hearing and she specifically spoke to them and warned them to warn KFR. They mocked Wolfson instead …. Sucks for SAO now doesn’t it.

Anonymous said...

No present state attorney will talk with the Herald because they know Herald reporter Chuck Raben will tell his wife (former herald reporter) or his wife’s boss Jose Arrojo. Blog is the medium to watch folks. Allison or Craig confirm you are watching or the CS dish will die.

Anonymous said...

Many of us have heard Miller speak of Wolfson as not so bright of a judge (allegedly of course)

Anonymous said...

Mr. or Miss Public record. You have now officially fucked your friend, Judge Miller. Most of us thought this was an oversight. But you have now confirmed that this was an intentional decision. Damn!!!! She will undoubtedly need to explain this, and other allegations to the JQC. so who is the not so smart Judge now between her and Wolfson?

Anonymous said...

Interview said Rundle misadvised on SW. Not true. She was fully advised but always wants plausible deniability. That’s how her office is set up.. Lauren K. You are wrong…. Not reading it right.

Anonymous said...

If you were a judge or anyone with a respectable rep, who would want Audrey, Frank Aponte, or KFR repping their interests. There are people you can trust in that office to do what’s right and be discreet , and they are not any of them.

Anonymous said...

None of this is surprising. KFR and Talpins recently (and allegedly) threatened Judge Sayfie. The SAO has become the fucking mob. No wonder why Hubner did what he diid with his threatening letter. Sayfie handled it like the mensch she is. Talpins is fucking Kathy hard with his shitty advice and conduct/quotes. He is an embarrassment to her and should be fired or demoted. The WLRN interview yesterday pointed his ridiculousness out as well.

Anonymous said...

Rundle talks shit about everyone. She loves you until she hates you. She is divisive and fake.

Anonymous said...

No one is valued under Rundle and you are a FOOL if you think you are. She taught the Chief Assistants her disdain for the value of good people and those who don’t tell her what she wants to hear and do what she wants done. So gross.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi case was dismissed by state. Mvz tried to run over Bloch, who wasn’t having it.

Anonymous said...

Moody is a gem but she knows Rundle has become a genuine clown. 🤡

Anonymous said...

He will die defending MVZ. He has to in part because he is on the calls where MVZ tells Gallishaw repeatedly to get information from Corey Smith, a represented defendant!!! This is the norm.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My guess is SAO will not give a shit about the outlines and sweep them under the rug also and make excuses for them as they always do.

Anonymous said...

Yup Susan Nesmith. my guess is she’s gonna try to come and work for the SAO.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Moody never answers her calls till days later and prays she gets her voicemail so she calls at times she knows are not ideal. Moody and Ron must be consulting.

Anonymous said...

Deisy and steve will continue to protect this unethical ASA. That is what they do best.

Anonymous said...

Deisy has told many of us that we will do WHATEVER the SA wants, even if it means sweeping shit under the rug. She will deny it but too many of us have been told this by her over last couple of years.

Anonymous said...

Mitchell bragged about his relationship with snitches.

Anonymous said...

Rawsi shared that threatening interaction with many. He is also a sexual harasser as many have said already. If you SAO people or friends of MVZ continue to gaslight these women publicly you will be very very sorry. There are brave women who will come forward publicly if they have to. If you are an attorney willing to represent these women, please reach out to Rumpole or Borchew privately. She will
Periodically stay engaged here and share her email address. Thanks everyone.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday’s WLRN interview was interesting w Herald and FACDL. Though they commented on Talpins quotes in the Harold in the Taj Pearson case, they forgot to share that he recently threatened to have Judge Sayfie arrested because he didn’t agree with a specific move she made. This bullshit is coming from the top down. How can we criticize Hubner for threatening arrest of the defense attorneys in the Corey Smith case if this is what the state attorney is allowing her chief assistants to do with a chief judge.

Anonymous said...

I hope that someone in the media or elsewhere is inundating that office with public records requests and records preservation letters before all relevant records disappear. Let’s not forget that these are the same people who’ve previously played fast and loose with state’s records retention policies. Like when they mislead Wolfson about how long records should be retained in a capital case.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell the Billy Corbens of the world to start looking at this?

Anonymous said...

Young ASAs, one of your senior colleagues has called this discussion ranting and pearl clutching. I urge you to continue to reach out to this blog, rumple in private email, Michell Borchew in private email and keep sharing here. You want to be on the right side of this history. Michelle B. , it might also be worthwhile to share a cell number so that someone can block the call before calling you if they truly want to remain anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Here’s a follow-up post by Gary Winston on his LinkedIn. The man is actually trying to accomplish what the SAO refuses to. Let that sink in. A private citizen. A former ASA. Actually trying to start an effort to help review criminal convictions. I’m not sure if he’s doing this pro bono or for a fee. But we should all consider volunteering our time to this worthy cause. Let’s put our time where our mouths are. Gary has my vote to be part of the next SAO administration.

Gary’s post below:

The primary aim of Law Enforcement is to protect the lives of citizens, prevent crimes and keep communities safe. The focus is preventing illegal activities and capturing the people who break the law. Many Road Patrol Officers drive in communities and meet with people, while fewer, often more experienced Detectives, typically work long hours to investigate alleged criminal incidents and arrest the men and women that commit them. Brave men and women!
        A good friend and I want to build the best team to help the low percentage, yet existing number of wrongfully convicted prisoners achieve freedom. No one can do better than talented, former detectives, former prosecutors, and honorable defense lawyers, always dedicated to TRUE JUSTICE, to identify the truly guilty ones, and vacate the convictions of the wrongfully convicted? Victims always deserve True Justice.
        Did a jury wrongfully convict them? Did an inexperienced lawyer poorly represent them? Falsely blamed for a crime committed by another? Lied about at trial by an inmate gaining favors for testifying? Did someone innocent plead guilty in order to spend a shorter time in prison or receive a Life sentence, rather than be sentenced to Death by Execution? Prosecution error?
        The search for truth - Continuing Justice - never ends.
        Join us!
 Bright, honest, fair, and talented teams of police investigators and prosecutors achieve correct convictions. Similar staff can set the wrongfully convicted free.

Anonymous said...

“Re: Talpins. I saw him speak at a conference, and let me tell you, it was painful to listen to him lick KFR’s boots every three words. He sounded like the PR do boy. He was bragging about PTI, drug court, etc., and their “innovative” methods of dealing with recidivism. They are innovative, alright” …….LOL not only is she the greatest prosecutor in America, she has the greatest kiss ass in America.

Anonymous said...

Michelle: think about sharing a cell number so ASAs can star 67 block and call you anonymously. Given the responses from folks within the SAO that we are ranting and clutching pearls, let’s make it as comfortable and easy as possible for new and veteran prosecutors to continue sharing concerns/info. anonymously. Rundle ran a beautiful and organized campaign in 2020. Who the fuck is advising her now??? I know the answer….

Anonymous said...

Rundle tells EVERYONE when J. Miller is happy or not with the state’s handling of Smith. Hysterically, she recently told a group she thought Miller was off the rails, taking this all too personally and needed to simmer down. Had she told Miller this from the beginning and set strong boundaries, this would not be blowing up like gasoline thrown on a fire for both of them. Stupid stupid stupid.

Anonymous said...

2:17 please make a public records request for the Weiner email which details how rude he was to Mr. Weiner‘s/Fleusher’s partner. For Weiner, a close friend and ally of the State Attorney, to do this you know he had it. Sadly Judge Wolfson called him out on the record in court for the rude and disrespectful and demeaning way he spoke to the female lawyer, and Rundle still did nothing. She does not protect women and had always been threatened by successful women; and you can look and see how men are advanced in that office, far greater than women; and men with half the time in that office are making equal, if not more to their female counterparts there years longer. the chief assistants joke about this all the time. It is very well-known.

Anonymous said...

Criminal defense lawyers are evil. They started all of this mess. MVZ was a bad apple. An isolated incident. No one else has done anything wrong. But if we have done something wrong, our wrongs don’t compare to the wrongs committed by the defense bar. And if they do compare, then we learned from them. We’re just trying to keep things even. An eye for an eye. Everything else is a smoke screen by the defense bar. Trying to get some type of strategic advantage. Because if they disqualify us from every case all criminal cases get automatically dismissed and defendants get away with murder. Literally. No other SAO in the state will be able prosecute. That’s their real goal. That’s their secret agenda. These defense lawyers are so slick! They want us out of the way so anarchy to reign. So they’ve plotted, pried, conspired, and exaggerated. Pure evil, we tell ya!

Oh, yes, and the fact that many of the anonymous posters here are clearly former or current ASAs, that’s all false. These are really defense attorneys who know a lot of intimate details about the office because….well….ah…hmm…we’ll need another 45 days to come up with a good excuse for this one.

Anonymous said...

Mitchell is a mini MVZ, and everyone knows it.

Anonymous said...

Why are the same ASAs names keep popping up in cases involving shady tactics? This can’t be a coincidence. Who the fuck trained these people? Who the fuck is supervising them?

Anonymous said...

I like.Bronwyn but this is all disturbing. Please consider whether you all have an obligation to report this alleged conduct to the JQC, Anonymous or not.

Anonymous said...

Should someone not be reporting all this to the JQC for investigation???

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ergio but you’re not getting hired you clown.

Anonymous said...

Well, it turns out that MVZ has been trying to influence the entire justice system since 2002. He is the OG of unethical behavior. Imagine what has yet to be revealed in all those years of “service” as a fixer, pretend defense lawyer, consigliere (for the SAO), and legal shyster.


I can’t wait to see those outlines! Do you think they will be worse than the racial memo? Do you think there may be some flashcards on how to commit witness tampering and tips on how to present perjured testimony?

Moreover, I uncovered another GEM. He was appointed to represent an indigent defendant. Imagine MVZ as a defense lawyer; what can go wrong? Like the defendant in this case, I wouldn't want him as my lawyer either (even when free). Bad lawyer free no good.


He was unethical and incompetent as a defense lawyer, so he had to get a layer of protection to continue his antics. Hence, becoming an ASA with all the insulation made total sense. DUH! Bravo KFR!


From the infamous Country Walk case:

“Von Zamft quickly capitalized on the idea of Ileana's malleability.  In an August 2 competency hearing, he told the court that she was so immature and dependent upon Francisco that if she had to stand trial with him, she could not be expected to defend herself.  "The only valid defense that counsel perceives in this case requires that this defendant be prepared to give testimony against the codefendant," he said.  Hollingsworth cites a memo that the state wrote three days later, indicating that Von Zamft would proffer that Ileana confessed — even if she hadn't.”


It turns out he's now moved to Georgia (according to the FL Bar’s website ). How sad. Florida muy caliente for you, my friend? Boy, that disbarment can't come soon enough.

After seeing all these shenanigans, it is valid and plausible to think that Michael Band was the scapegoat of KFR. After all, he had a bone to pick with MVZ. The plot thickens.


Anonymous said...

His latest article is pathetic. He is definitely on KFR pocket. “ The attacks on state prosecutors are also seen as an attempt at reform being pushed by the Miami chapter of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys. The group brought a thick book of gripes with them during a meeting with State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle and her new Chief Assistant Jose Arrojo, last month.”

Attack? Lol holding prosecutors accountable is never an “attack.” Who ghostwrote that for him?

Gripes? Misconduct on cases where people are sitting in prison for life are not “gripes.”

Despicable and tone death.

Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article289062999.html#storylink=cpy

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight, Rundle’s response to MVZ’s misconduct and eventual disqualification was to bring back Frank Aponte, assign her to work on the Smith case, allow Miller to be involved behind the scenes, and to bring back an old ally because he worked for an agency that had the word “ethics” - even though corruption in the county and City of Miami was rampant during his tenure - oh yeah, this was a big FUCK YOU by Rundle to everyone. Gotta give it to her, she has some big cojones. Saddle up people, it’s gonna be a long and bumpy ride. With zero meaningful change coming. They don’t give a shit.

Anonymous said...

The main problem with the comment about “you all know how the case filing process is and we are fair you just want lower sentences” comment is that it talks about the 99 percent of cases where that persons perception of how their office operates is accurate. These MVZ cases (banquet hall shooting, John Doe, cat killer case, rabbi murder etc) are not the 99 percent of cases. They’re the cases where people are paying attention or something actually important happened, the cases that actually matter, and on cases like that the go to person was MVZ. Who we now know had a built in operative in jail to help him with his “special” cases. Besides the obvious ethical issues that if you don’t recognize you are far gone from reality, it’s embarrassing frankly that he lost any cases with that kind of advantage. I guess his employees in jail can’t fake medical records, only witness testimony. And I say “his” but they were the offices employees, their services offered to plenty of people, as is customarily done with the hired help.

Anonymous said...

Mitchell still works there?

Anonymous said...

Office of Governor Ron DeSantis. State of Florida The Capitol 400 S. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001. (850) 717-9337.

Anonymous said...

Contradicting weren’t they.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it’s not surprising that Reid used him. He and MVZ used to be tight but there is no love lost between them now. As mvz began to do his conduct less secretly and people saw that the SAO actually allowed it, some backed away from associating with him because everyone knew that this would all blow up one day. SMH

Anonymous said...

Kathy has zero respect for FACDL and Krasner knows it. She is not stupid. She knows when Rundle is out in the community she tells the defense bar that FACDL may have their supporters but that she has her own pool of defense attorneys who believe Wolfson wrote the Smith order solely as retribution for the Sayfie incident.

Anonymous said...

The defense in Smith and Pearson have suspected all along that J.Miller was likely speaking to the State about the case. Why do you think the Smith lawyers refused to cross examine her during the disqualification hearing? Smith has not yet finalized their 3.851 witness list for the continuation of the hearing. Obviously she was always going to be deposed and called and asked about conversations etc. She was represented by the Attorney General at the last hearing and they are representing her on appeal but she may hire her own lawyer at this point. Who knows. Can someone share when the Smith hearing is set next.

Anonymous said...

I have known Bronwyn for years. There is absolutely no way these rumors are true. She knew the sequestration order was/is in place, she knows the hearing is ongoing, she knew what MVZ represented to the court about her unwillingness to speak to either side except on the witness stand and she knew MVZ and Rundle would never keep their mouths shut about any private conversations. To believe that she would ever mislead the court and defense knowing all of the above is truly absurd. You all are grasping at straws to make her look bad and that is not fair.

Anonymous said...

The more Rundle tells people this is not her fault and blames others publicly or “privately” , the more the light will be shined on her decades of absolute incompetence.

Anonymous said...

The defense refused to cross Judge Miller because they found out she allegedly had already spoken to the state and wouldn’t speak to them. Hence the statewide emails. It was a brilliant move and will likely all come out when everyone is deposed. That hearing is still ongoing. That was handled masterfully.

Anonymous said...

To ASSnonymous @5:53 pm (SAOGate has brought in some peculiar characters, huh?)

“Criminal defense lawyers are evil” sounds like a line from a closing statement MVZ would write. MVZ, are you there? How is the forced retirement in Georgia going? Go back to your corner, pleaaaaaaase.

“Our wrongs don’t compare to the wrongs committed by the defense bar.” What are you on?

When was the last time you saw a defense lawyer commit such misconduct without facing disbarment or prosecution? Even 0.01% of this misconduct would lead to immediate referral to the FL Bar, likely KFR has the number of one of the honchos there on speed dial. Defense lawyers are quickly held in contempt, disqualified, ridiculed, chastised, stigmatized, prosecuted, and disbarred. The SAO Miami is essentially getting away with murder. The call between MVZ and the snitch is chilling and disturbing, as Judge Wolfson noted.

Your comments about "strategic advantage" are misplaced. This should be about justice. Prosecutors should build their cases on truth and facts, present them professionally, ethically, and responsibly, without cheating. Consider how many innocent people are imprisoned due to these practices, forced into unfair pleas, or convicted at trial because of hidden evidence, perjured testimony, and witness tampering. This isn't about the defense bar; it's about fairness and respecting defendants' rights. Comprendes?

It's delusional to claim the defense bar wants the SAO-Miami disqualified from every case. No judge would agree to that. Judge Wolfson's order confirms this. However, KFR's handling of this ethical crisis raises serious doubts about her ability to lead with integrity and fairness. Her inaction speaks volumes, and bringing back Arrojo, her loyal cleanup crew, further reveals her intentions. Arrojo's return indicates KFR's preference for loyalty over integrity, aiming to position him as the next SAO, which would be another disaster.

Moreover, nobody in their right mind wants anarchy. This is not Gotham City. Even a die-hard defense lawyer will tell you that public safety is important to them as much as the fairness and integrity of the process.

The SAO-RICO enterprise is falling apart due to corruption. The RICO statute involves a pattern of racketeering with at least two acts within ten years by a group with a common criminal purpose, here, winning at all costs by violating constitutional rights and damaging the justice system's integrity. Proving involvement is easy; ask MVZ. Crimes like obstructing justice and witness tampering can serve as predicates. The feds would have a field day with the SAO, especially with cases like the Denise Moon Fund, which involved extortion and possibly wire fraud.

MVZ was reprimanded by the Florida Bar in 2002, and KFR kept him despite knowing his history. The office culture rewards loyalty over justice, with many unethical "superstars" operating with impunity. MVZ's actions are worse than those he prosecuted, and Arrojo is equally corrupt. Their misconduct has surfaced in multiple pleadings and hearings, and they're upset it's now public. This behavior is not typical of ethical prosecutors. As a concerned citizen (not a lawyer, before you start whining), who interned at another SAO office in Florida, I can tell you that only the most corrupt display such behavior.

Anonymous said...

Cover of the Sunday Herald. Wow. What a shame on the SAO.

Anonymous said...

WTF!! Rundle was recently at an event with Miller and an old lawyer from her office J. Vivianne Kurzweil. Rundle told anyone who would listen that she and Miller were working hand in hand on Smith. Frankly, no one wanted to hear it but Rundle likes to hear herself talk. SMH

Anonymous said...

Ha ha - threats to arrest for people doing their jobs come from the top down. Heard Talpins recently threatened it. So is it hard to believe a line ASA also did it. We really need a new SA and for people to begin making complaints to De Santis. Even he would not accept what is happening down here.

Anonymous said...

Rundle is many things but she is too savvy to be conoodling with a sitting judge on a pending hearing of this serious nature and with these serious allegations. Not buying it.

Anonymous said...

There is presently a pending case where the State acknowledges that the officer lied to get an injunction from a civilian. They refuse to prosecute the officer and they refuse to set aside the injunction violation because even though the injunction was obtained based on perjury, it was still in place and violated. Is it any wonder Carlos also has serious issues w the SAO???

Anonymous said...

Esteemed non-lawyer, all of your points are insightful. But I believe 5:53 pm was being sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

Miller is a client of the AGO and was represented by an assistant AG at the hearing. Nothing wrong with the AG or SAO seeking to please a client by including her in strategy decisions or letting her review and edit pleadings.

Anonymous said...

So far we’ve seen the obvious, that there’s a shit load of current and former ASAs who are posting here, but what about the current higher-ups at the SAO who may also be posting anonymously here? Who would everyone suppose is the highest placed Judas at the SAO that is posting here?

Anonymous said...

Miller is a client of the AGO and was represented by an assistant AG at the hearing. Nothing wrong with the AG or SAO seeking to please a client by including her in strategy decisions or letting her review and edit their pleadings. They are both too smart to do something if they weren’t told it was ok to do.

Anonymous said...

Let’s not forget the State also told Wolfson on the record they had no Corey Smith SAO file when in fact there was a digital file saved since 2015 containing tens of thousands of pages of documents. Wolfson busted them in that lie after a few days of the repeated representations.

Anonymous said...

Clearly if Miller is still speaking to Rundle and MVZ, she believes she is ethically permitted to do so. End of story. She is a smart lady.

Anonymous said...

Agree but there may be a distinction however between speaking to someone as a witness in a case and being prohibited from doing any advocating/litigatong on behalf of either side. No way she or Rundle are that dumb. You would need an ethics expert to opine but imo they are both too smart for that and would want to avoid even an appearance of impropriety. There is no reason to create an unnecessary issue. No one needs Miller to prosecute the Smith case or defend a 3.851 outside of her being a fact witness. Prosecutors are replaced all the time and new prosecutors pick up the case and successfully handle.

Anonymous said...

Gotta give Miller and Weisenhutt credit. They have suspected all along that the collaboration was ongoing and that is why they refused to cross J Miller at the hearing. They told Judge W. they would do it at a later time. What a masterful strategic move.

Anonymous said...

lol! MVZ ran around the office before he was fired saying what B wants B gets and that KFR would make it happen. Ask his intern how often he told him that or how often he and other random interns overhead similar statements. Michael had no filter or common sense in front of interns or young prosecutors or anyone, to his detriment as can be seen unfolding now.

Anonymous said...

I think some of you are misreading this comment. It’s saying things like this will lead to more micromanaging of individual line ASAs. It’s not defending the SAO.

If anything, just address problems on your individual cases. Trying to pool every complaint is just dragging the defense bar into a personal fight.

Anonymous said...

Why don’t you mention the call your client made right after the murder with details about the murder, Michele? “Manufactured snitch testimony” - what, his own words?

You’re all a bunch of gaslighters.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible? Could it be? Could these people be so dumb and easily baited? Could this be an ASA, someone intimately familiar with Borchew’s case, anonymously posting about ongoing litigation? In violation of SAO policy not to comment about ongoing litigation? Wow! These people are so desperate to find something, someone, to deflect from their wrongdoing. To use their strategy….it’s called conscientiousness of guilt.

Anonymous said...

Good evening Rumpole. This is getting very mean and ugly and personal yet again. Everyone is going through something and we are all imperfect humans. The criminal justice system is a difficult arena. There are issues that need to be addressed but this is getting just mean and personal again. There are three folks at issue right now: MVZ, Mitchell and Rundle who allowed this to occur. That is being handled in the courtroom and in the Florida Bar. This forum should not become a bully-like pulpit or a place for constant personal attacks. Clearly the SAO is imploding and we are all witness to that. I hope that people would think twice before attacking individuals as everyone is dealing with a lot these days.

Anonymous said...

The SAO is imploding.

Anonymous said...

6:23 she didn’t even mention what case she is talking about?!?!?! Why are you assuming it’s yours Mitchell or Talpins?

Anonymous said...

We have been asked to repost because it seems to have disappeared:
Spoiler Alert! Every year for decades Von Zamft “taught” all new and current prosecutors (hundreds a year) about discovery. He generally used three outlines (most recents the training director gave out in 2022 and 2023). Two of these three outlines encourage all Miami Dade prosecutors to prepare their witnesses to testify TOGETHER in a GROUP. Page 5 of MVZ outline “Joint Meetings. Do not be afraid of this. There is no rule against it and it is not unethical. If you do this, decide how you want to group them; for example all witnesses on same or similar point. Police officers.”
Page 3 of outline number two “Joint meetings. Can be very helpful. At times will trigger each witnesses testimony…not unethical.” Miller was training director at one time at SAO (so was MVZ ironically). Based on the above, is it any wonder why prosecutors believe there is no problem to have witness collaboration meetings (as Wolfson found in Smith) to “discuss” or coordinate their testimony or discuss legal theories as a group or “help each other remember” or why it’s acceptable to provide a lead detective report to a lay witness in preparation for trial or why it’s acceptable to place witnesses together in same police conference room to prepare them for testimony together or put them in the jail yard together to get their stories straight??? For anyone to say this is not a taught and accepted practice at the Miami SAO and that it is not an accepted culture at the SAO is beyond laughable when it is being taught, and permitted to be taught, by MVZ to hundreds of ASAs every single year. The prior commenter also got it right where ASAs were given a discovery or Brady training outline years ago with a pic of a chess board and were told discovery and Brady obligations were analogous to a game of chess. (That came out either in the media or on the blog.) Once everyone at the SAO gets really honest with themselves and others, we all can try to move forward.

Anonymous said...

Those were probably the positions these people held in 2016. I’m sure Winston can tell some interesting stories about it.

Anonymous said...

The SAO is imploding and no one trusts the other, nor do they trust their leader anymore. The good ones are keeping their heads down and doing their jobs but it has become a toxic and unhealthy environment and some of the veterans are putting their feelers out to get the hell out of dodge because the toxicity and stress is way too much on everyone. I’m hoping that Rundle will turn this around quick.

Anonymous said...

Let’s please not lose sight of the fact that Rundle is also an imperfect human, doing the best she can and address these issues in the appropriate forums. This is not fair to her either folks. Based on these comments, I do suggest that she maybe stop sharing so much in different forums/events and place her energy into cleaning up this absolute mess. She still has a lot of support on both sides and should be leaning into her wisest counselors with common sense and legal expertise. She should be looking to those whose goal is to help her seek healing and restoration and not further division. Our community needs more at this time.

Anonymous said...

Office of Governor Ron DeSantis. State of Florida The Capitol 400 S. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001. (850) 717-9337.

Anonymous said...

Gotta give Miller and Weisenhutt credit. They have suspected all along that the collaboration was ongoing and that is why they refused to cross J Miller at the hearing. They told Judge W. they would do it at a later time. What a masterful strategic move.

Anonymous said...

Come on guys, take it easy on everyone. The SAO is not an easy place to work and no one is perfect. Agree, intentional misconduct must stop but don’t attribute intentional misconduct to every situation you identify.

Anonymous said...

If we want to help the SAO turn back around we need to be part of the solution and not the constant division.

Anonymous said...

Rundle is a good leader. She has arguably lost her way temporarily. Time to support her as opposed to tearing her and everyone else down PLEASE!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rump: I don’t particularly care for MVZ but we have to let this play out in court and the Florida Bar. This has to be a lot, even for him. He has fallen from grace and will likely be disbarred. Cases are being reopened. People are listening. Mitchell is young and stubborn and he too will learn the hard way. We can’t all keep piling on like this on both of them or on Rundle. It just doesn’t feel right. We have to show each other some grace and compassion.

Michele Borchew said...

Can you email the outlines to me?

Michele Borchew said...

Facts of a case don't excuse violating a defendant's constitutional rights, and blatantly violating your Brady and discovery obligations. And for the record, I was speaking about ANOTHER human prosecuted by MVZ with manufactured testimony.... Thankfully, he was acquitted.

Anonymous said...

My bad!

Anonymous said...

LOL they don't even want to be part of the solution. We just want prosecutors to follow the law and their duties they swore to uphold. We don't want to roast marshmallows and sing kumbaya.

Anonymous said...

Grace and compassion? People are sitting in prison for life behind their misconduct. MVZ doesn't have grace and compassion in his vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence that within hours of 1:01 pm asking who the Judas (maybe more than one) could be inside the SAO who may be posting here, we get almost back to back posts, the most in all of the 280+ so far, with conciliatory, let’s all get along, and even forgiving undertones. Conspiracy theorists may say that some people may be afraid of being on that list. Right, Judas(es)? You know you’re here. Afraid that your fellow ASAs may start looking at you with suspicions when you walk past them in the halls?

Anonymous said...

Kathy’s #1 as kisser

Anonymous said...

Gift that keeps on giving

Anonymous said...

Spare me the "MVZ and Mitchell and Rundle have feelings too" lets be sensitive BS. This is about a job, and in fact a constitutional responsibility, which they are falling down in. At stake are people's lives and freedom. Victim's lives too, think how the family of the mass shooting victims including children Brown confessed to killing (or did they just want to close the case?) felt upon learning that not only was the confessed killer not punished but he was being coddled by the SAO, a "really smart" guy. Somehow I think if those victims mattered to the SAO it wouldn't have been handled that way, killed in the wrong neighborhood I guess. This profession is not tiddlywinks. Last I checked our criminal justice system did not feature a standard of "proof to a jury of peers beyond a reasonable doubt based on legally admissible evidence unless MVZ and Mitchell are sure you did it".

Anonymous said...

Considering it was covered by the Herald, the facts of the case aren’t secret.

Anonymous said...

Care for some popcorn? I too am enjoying this.

Michele Borchew said...

Worth a shot.


Anonymous said...

lol @ “absolutely no way”….. the wolfson order was attached to Borchew motion to the 3DCA and Bronwyn ruled on it. How much more shadier can it get???

Anonymous said...

I have no idea. However, do you know how corrupt the State Attorney’s is.

Anonymous said...

More El Mula arrests came down. That’s a whole lot of possible shady shit from our friends at the SAO. Keep them on their toes defense bar. Let’s not wait years to post about their shenanigans.

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