Business intrudes upon our rest, and we flew back to the States for a nasty bit of fraud business that is the unfortunate intersection of the USDOJ and the intellectual heirs of Mao and Deng Xiaping, which has the SDNY seeing red- pun intended.
But before we left, we had the pleasure of the company of Jacob Rees-Moog, whose thoughts on words and culutre and the English language mirror our own.
Mr. Rees-Moog is now a member of the cabinet of the new PM, who appointed him leader of the House of Commons. Words, even by one as gifted as your humble svt. cannot do justice to the man. You will need to avail yourself of You-Tube or, better, the BBC to see the suave, cultured man plucked from a previous century and dropped unceremoniously into ours, amid the Starbucks effluence, and Twitter and Instagram.
Upon assuming office, RM, MP and leader of the House, immediately set to work preserving England's finest treasure: her language. He issued the following memorandum, to which we heartily agree. Here are some of the highlights:
Untitled gentlemen are to be referred to as "Esq" (see below how this immediately affected the longest serving resident of 10 Downing);
There shall be double spaces after a period, and NO comma after the word "and".
"Very", "due to", "on-going", "be advised", "lot", "got", "pleased to learn", "yourself" and "unacceptable" are all now...Unacceptable.
The phrase "no longer fit for purpose" is longer fit for purpose.
Imperial measurements are in...the metric system, along with the rest of EU is on the way out. Call it "Brexit for measurement".
Rumpole adds "for the record" when in court. As Judge Moreno is wont to say, everything said in court is "for the record" and there is no reason to be redundant.
As to the longest current serving resident of 10 Downing street, it is none other than "Larry The Cat", the official if not royal mouser.
His former Twitter handle was "Larry The Cat". Upon receiving the Rees-Mogg memo, he immediately changed his name to "Larry The Cat, Esq." You can follow his exploits at "@Number10cat", which we highly recommend.
Larry has bigger worries than adding "Esq." to his correspondence. There is a nasty rumour about that the new PM may well be considering bringing a into 10 Downing.
It's enough to make a thoroughly British feline flee to the EU. "Meowexit" as it were.
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That's why they call him "the Honourable Member for the 18th Century.”
I was not aware of the fact that, former Circuit Court Judge Victoria Brennan, has rejoined the State Attorney's Office of KFR.
Anyone know what division she is assigned to or what her role is in that office.
Sounds like things in England happy and all fun and fancy free, if these are the sort of issues taking up the time of the Cabinet. Maybe they'll get around to solving this Brexit thing after making sure Larry the Cat receives his proper title.
Oh my God. That shows that former prosecutors who become judges ( the peter principle) have no ability or talent to make a living in private practice. Brennan was one of the worst, ignorant on the law, arrogant, with no judicial temperament.
And now Jacob Rees-Mogg has lost his seat in Parliament.
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