Cheater update below....
MLK DAY: Is it time for a new dream when little children will be measured not by the color or their skin (or the money their parents have in the bank) but by the content of their character?
Going to a law school that says 94% of its graduates last year have a job? The good news: they are telling the truth. The bad news: that 94% includes grads working at Burger King, folding clothes, baby sitting, or working six week- part time document review jobs.
The real truth: tens of thousands of new lawyers are being churned out every year into a depressed job market that is laying off attorneys by the boatload.
Rumple says: Get that MBA and go work for Goldman Sachs.

Welcome to the crime stoppers generation.

As you can see from the excerpted police report above, "lil Timmy" -age 4- called 911 asking for assistance re: having a letter written to santa claus about his bad father so that a large rock could be placed beneath their home, as everyone knows that's what happens to you when santa thinks you've been bad.
We're checking with everyone's favourite federal blogger about the new changes in the guidelines and whether santa will still place a rock under your house if you are a level 11 or less. Stay tuned.
Why do we call the Patriots "the cheaters?" Why do we call the coach of the Cheaters "the cheater"? More proof here that even after having been caught and fined a staggering 500K, the cheaters were still cheating up through this year. Cheaters always cheat. That's their code.
I believe that once the mortgage crisis subsides, America will be entering the student loan crisis.
One of the problems with law schools today is their focus on BigLaw. The top 3% will get those jobs making $160K. Then they'll be miserable and quit. Or maybe they'll stick it out and actually pay some or all of their huge debt down.
Many Florida lawyers are solo practitioners - by choice or because they have to be. The new crop of lawyers - for the most part - have to be. They need to reject the notion that someone else is going to give them a job. They need to learn how to run a business and get clients. They need mentors.
I'm not saying that hanging your shingle right out of law school is ideal. It's just reality for many recent grads. Ideally, a new grad should work for the state attorney's office or pd's office and learn how to try cases first.
Law schools need to have lawyers who run businesses (their own practice) teach:
1. how to run a business and
2. how to get clients.
How many bad lawyers - who happen to be great businessmen - have tons of clients and $?
How many great lawyers are broke?
You could be the best lawyer in the world, but if you ain't got clients, you ain't got nuthin'.
Chicago won by 11. The line fluctuated between 10 and 11. I wonder if this was a big day for the Las Vegas books (and let's not forget the guy who runs the newsstand down the street). I think there was a lot of vig collected on both sides of the aisle on this game and no payout. Great day for the casinos in Vegas and I guess the high end massage parlors in Brooklyn should see a lot of bent noses looking for that happy ending with a nice tip in hand.
MLK himself had issues but, many seem to forget that today is a holiday not just to honor MLK but to honor all of us... not just black or white...all of us who stand up for equality, fairness, and justice.
I stand up for equality. I am white. I am proud that my country elected a guy who is half black.
We have come so far yet, have so far to go.
Anyone reading the Wall Street Journal for the past year and with a minted BA/BS from any college knows the road to wealth in this country: Locate the ten fastest growing counties in America, apply for a job there with the local police department, work the midnight shift, make lots of arrests, collect overtime for going to court, retire when you are 55 on 90% of your 3 best years, and spend the rest of your life working on bringing your handicap to single digits. And then laugh at the all the idiot lawyers your own age who are barely making ends meet and wondering if they can retire at 80.
Today we should also be celebrating Malcolm X, who spoke truth to power, and this juxtaposition makes MLK look even more appealing. But Malcom X needs to be remember today.
Shut up Grey Tesh, you are full of it!
The problem with most law schools, specifically the private ones, is that the outrageous tuition they charge is directly related to the amount of money they know a student can borrow. In other words the cost of tuition has little or nothing to do with the cost of teaching you but rather how much can they fleece you ( or the government who backs the loans) for.
If you figure that you pay back about 1% per month and you borrow $150,000- $200,000 then you are paying $1,500-$2,000 per month. That's alot of money to be paying on a $40-$50k salary.
Let me get this straight. The only two teams in the NFL that scored less points than the Fins (273), were the Brownies (271) and the Carolina Panthers (196).
The Panthers did not actually have an Offensive Coordinator, so we decided to hire the next one on the list and offered the job to the Browns OC.
Now I understand!
Cap Out ....
Your emotion diatribe about the Arizona rampage and Sara Palin left me thinking that u need prozac!!
Hey Rump, no comments on that liberal wack job in Arizona who threatened to kill the Tea Party leader at the ABC town meeting? Guess all the left wing hate for the last week made him do it. Paul Krugman, you got what you wanted!!
I don't have a favorite federal blogger. But when fedblog, I prefer the refreshing honesty and manly tone of Brian Tannenbaum's blog.
Talking about cheeters
GOP raised millions for Scott, itself
While asking for contributions to help pay for Gov. Rick Scott's inauguration, the Republican Party of Florida also sought money to pay its own bills.
Florida Crystals, the sugar and agribusiness giant with interest in alternative energy and development, gave the party $200,000, then used three of its subsidiaries to contribute another $75,000 to both the inaugural and RPOF.
It's competitor, U.S. Sugar, the beneficiary of the $197 million Everglades land deal with the state, wrote checks valued at $175,000 to the party and gave one $25,000 check to the inauguration. Scott criticized the U.S. Sugar deal during his campaign, claiming the deal mainly benefited U.S. Sugar, not Everglades clean-up.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, the largest health insurer in the state, also donated heavily to the party with a massive $525,000 contribution.
Read more:
Glad BC/BS can aford a 1/2 Million to give to a political party. It dont want nothing I'm Sure. Cannt wait till my State Insurence co-pays go UP!
I have parked in Lot 26 (across from the REG building for 14 years. I pay my $90/p/m for the convenience to park in close proximity to the courthouse.
For the last several months I have noticed police vehicles (from various jurisdictions parked there with no decal. This morning, I had to circle the lot 5 times before I was able to find a remote spot.
Imagine my surprise when I called Miami Parking Authority to express my extreme displeasure, and I was informed that the lot is owned by Miami Dade and managed by the City of Miami. and the cops have the authority to park in that of charge.
When I questioned what the parking authority was going to do about enabling paying customers to get a space which they paid for, they said that they were moving 100 customers to Lot #18. Rump, I don't begrudge police officers parking free of charge, but I believe that monthly paying customers should certainly have priority.
move on over to Lot 18 and put a sock in it!
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