For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Rumpole's Christmas Sermon:
The key word in the biblical verse is "You". "For unto YOU..."
Who is you? Is it just citizens? Or Kings? Or Potentates? Or the rich and powerful?
For unto you means humanity. All those who were created in the image of their maker; a savior was born for them. For Presidents, potentates, and the poor, the sick, the prisoners, the weak and the strangers amongst us- the immigrant huddled in a doorway hungry and cold. This is who Jesus arrived in a manger for.
Remember that in the coming months as the rhetoric heats up and people are dehumanized and called animals by the same people who attended Mass last night and today. Remember who the lord came on earth for.
Merry Christmas.
H. Rumpole, Esq.
Blog Proprietor and raconteur.
You are quoting the Bible now? Really? What next-- will you post The Ten Commandments too?
Pirates too?
Rumpole - Who are you? NEIL ROGERS??
There are Miami Beach filmmakers (Billy Corben, Alfred Spellman and David Cypkin) who named themselves after a phonetic spelling of the storyteller word: Rakontur. I remember when they came out with Cocaine Cowboys, just one of a string of 22 documentaries that followed their 2001 flick Raw Deal: A Question of Consent. Cocaine Cowboys drove home the theory was that modern Miami was built on the back of the drug trade, that cocaine took Miami from God’s waiting room to America’s Riviera, despite the postural distancing that the political and business community have done with Miami's history. Those guys have made a killing telling stories, that investors rush to back in a heartbeat.
@12:29-- And not to mention TV show Miami Vice which was partly responsible for putting Miami on the map.
@7:20, this much is quite TRUE
Different time, different era, but all history
A number of Americans believe the United States is a Christian nation. The good book has numerous examples of Jesus Christ healing the sick. So why can it be so difficult for Americans to get healthcare? Jesus cured a blind man who was uninsured. Jesus cured ten lepers without a co-payment. Jesus cured a paralytic without prior authorization. Maybe Jesus was sending a message. But his alleged followers, from Rick Scott to deceased CEO Brian Thompson, found a way to make billions of dollars by denying healthcare to the American people.
Jesus made no opinion about abortion, that I know about. Pope Francis says the aborted ascend to heaven. But what about wrongful life? Ron DeSantis says ban abortion after 6 weeks. Fine. Where is the class-action case for damages to the child born with birth defects? Damages for the parents of an impaired child? Damages for the birth the unwanted offspring of rape or incest or...?
Wrongful life, Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition. Refers to type of medical malpractice claim brought on behalf of a child born with birth defects, alleging that the child would not have been born but for negligent advice to, or treatment of, the parents. Azzolino v. Dingfelder, 315 N.C. 103, 337 S.E.2d 528, 532. See also Wrongful birth; Wrongful conception.
Wrongful birth, Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition. A medical malpractice claim brought by the parents of an impaired child, alleging that negligent treatment or advice deprived them of the opportunity to avoid conception or terminate the pregnancy. Bruggeman By and Through Bruggeman v. Schimke, 239 Kan. 245, 718 P.2d 635, 638. See also Wrongful conception; Wrongful life.
Wrongful conception, Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition. Also know as wrongful pregnancy, it is a claim by parents for damages arising from the negligent performance of a sterilization procedure or abortion, and the subsequent birth of a child. Miller v. Johnson, 231 Va.
Also see, 100HarvLRev 2017, Wrongful Birth Actions
34VillLRev681, To Be or Not to Be
KUSH v. LLOYD, 616 So.2d 415 (1992)
When wrongful birth claims went racist, the case of the woman who sued because she wanted a white baby, and the sperm bank mixed things up and gave her black sperm. See
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