Monday, July 08, 2024


 You asked for it...you got it. 

The SAO (Motto "Playing chess with discovery and people's lives is coooool....") hired someone we never heard of.  Steve Gosney (sp?). 

Here's what the comments have mentioned. 

He worked as an ASA and APD up north Florida way. 

He writes self-published novels that have been described as misogynistic or disrespectful of women, religious, and pornography, and some nonsense about the death penalty to boot.  So not The Grapes of Wrath material.  Hard to understand how they can be all of those. If you Ven diagram it, for example, religious and porn seem to not have any overlapping areas, unless you are POTUS 45 and wave bibles you do not read while grabbing women in their private areas. 

He is on X (formerly Twitter) bemoaning entry into a political maelstrom. 

He was hired to (not 100% sure of this because the whole thing bores us frankly so we aren't paying close attention) to right the wrongs of MVZ. 

As Bruce Springsteen sings in Tenth Avenue Freeze Out in his concerts, "Now this here is the important point"- We invite Mr. Gosney to have the front page of the blog, no edits on our part- he can introduce himself, right (write) the wrongs or misperceptions, and maybe if we are feeling charitable- a link to buy his tome.  A certain judge who is also self-published probably just cursed out loud reading this. 

So again, in Springsteen terms.... "If a change was made uptown in the office and the big man joined the band SAO" he is free to explain his work/goals. 

In other words....TALK TO ME GOOSE


Anonymous said...

Here’s the thing. Maverick never gets famous if cats 4&5 don’t go down and Willard and Simpkin can be launched and join the fight. In the history of movies the sad tale of Willard and Simpkin waiting to be launched while Maverick takes out the Soviet Air Force is a tale that should be told.

As to our new Hemingway - no idea.

SAO Bunker said...


As the night shift in the bunker ends the over night staff finishes updating the log.
“Eleven emails arrived between midnight and five am. Three from the same ASA seeking permission to move to strike a motion to compel. Since the defense was seeking production of exculpatory documents permission was granted. More troubling is the new felony Asa see cross reference DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS who continues to express doubt about the guilt of the defendant in a drug possession case. As the defendant has no priors and a professional degree and turned down drug court claiming actual innocence the ASA was directed to internal memo 2014-00125 MVZ directing all asas to seek five years prison in such circumstances. Duty officer #6789-r recommends careful supervision's of this ASA as this is not her first time expressing concern about innocence.”

Finishing off the log the duty officer logs out as the Monday day shift sets up for the day.
“Big day today “ one of them exclaims. “Four Sentencings after guilty verdicts. If we get the max on each one the total prison sentences for the day can exceed 225 years”
“What’s your personal record ?” One asks the other. “175” the shift officer responds. “Nothing unusual. And not that there’s a trial tax right ?” He says with a grin.
The officer leaving pauses before the portrait of the dear great leader which hangs in the back benevolently overseeing the operations. He mumbles a quick incantation “best prosecutor in the land. Most ethical office in the land. “ and then inserts his card into the security lock. A whoosh of air greets him as he leaves the bunker and heads home. Another night shift complete.

Anonymous said...

Only Rumpole pulls all the loose threads of the gosny disaster and links it with top gun.

Love the blog.

Anonymous said...

Love the volleyball scene.

Anonymous said...

Where has Talpins been? Is he publishing more inflated stats?

Anonymous said...

Good Monday morning ambitious litigators time to head over to the urinal at the metro justice building just a lil’ toot 🔑 before morning calendar.

Anonymous said...

Did Mitchell leave the SAO?

Anonymous said...

If rap lyrics can be used against our clients, why can't this guy's books?

Anonymous said...

Talpins is probably recovering from his big holiday weekend of Friday going to a DUI checkpoint, Saturday going on a ride along with a cop, and Sunday going to the shooting range with a cop

Anonymous said...

Rumple didn’t spend more than 30 seconds researching this loon; exactly 29 seconds longer than KFR and the imbeciles she has running her lame duck dumpster fire. Keep digging, people. This guy has said some shit. I highly recommend his Rumble channel.

Anonymous said...

I think it needs to be said, that the attack should not be on this misogynistic strange man's troubling personal hobbies (he has a right to do and say as he wishes), but rather on the SAO's incessant inability to make sound judgments. The layers of stupidity needed to get this hire ran up the flagpole and for Kathy to say, "yep this is the guy!" is baffling.

Rumpole said...

This whole topic bores me to tears but people begged for it. So here it is. Go read Markus’s blog if this sucks.

Anonymous said...

What is equally baffling is placing this guy, with his weird proclivities, in a position of leadership within the SAO where such damage can be done. Make him a line ASA or hire him for FSU but don’t make him your go to training and ethics guy without a FULL vetting and multiple meetings and follow ups. Layers upon layers upon layers….

Anonymous said...

C’mon Rump you’re a day late and a dollar short. The 75 juicy comments are under a prior post. At this point, the SAO has to figure out how to cut its loses in a way that doesn’t further destroy the office morale and the morale of many good long time prosecutors. The office is becoming more and more toxic and dysfunctional and divided and unhealthy.

Anonymous said...

It’s true that a couple of Rundle’s chief assistants are a liability to Rundle. She needs to do some rearranging. They are out for themselves and will drag down that office. Rundle needs to reorganize her administration if she wants a hope of leaving a legacy. Otherwise, her and mvz will have the same “legacy.”

Anonymous said...

Excellent observations under the Clement post and here is one: aI’m willing to give Gosney a chance, but I’ll admit that he’s not starting on a good note.

Let’s take the X-rated version of the book about the death penalty. Was there a need to write about such an important issue, especially when you are an anti-death penalty crusader, in smut form? Was there a need to trivialize the issue by fusing together the law, the death penalty, and smut? And what about the portrayal of certain characters, like women and trans, do these portrayals advance the conversation about such an important topic, or was this gratuitous kink designed to feed a prurient interest?

I realize that this is a fictional book. Although I believe he may have mentioned in one of the podcasts that he modeled a character (or something about a character) after a real person. I’m also aware and respect his first amendment right to write whatever he wants. But was it the best judgment call for a former ASA, turned anti-death penalty crusader, who has likely prosecuted and defended rapists and consoled victims of sexual violence, to write this type of book? I wonder what the fallout would be if a teacher wrote this type of book?

What about the drinking of alcohol during his live streams? This may be an acceptable imagine in some corners of the practice of law, but I hope he cuts that out as an ASA. Just not a good look for a law man. Unless, of course, his public drinking was also green lighted by the SAO since they supposedly reviewed his podcast as part of his background screening and were okay with it.

One of his podcast buddies, a man who he constantly praises and openly admires, who also happens to be a lawyer, appears to be a raving women basher. An openly anti-feminist, even though he hides behind the usual “I have daughters” routine. The man even puts down “ALL” single mothers raising sons - mind you, Gosney says he was raised by a single mom - yet, Gosney sits there listening to this chauvinistic rant against women like Gosney’s mother, and he keeps praising the guy and kissing his ass. If he can’t stand up for women like his own mother, I’m not hopeful that Gosney’s gelatinous spine will allow him to stand up for victims or to crooked cops. He may not even be able to speak truth to power when it matters most.

Then there’s the creepy factor. Case in point, the fellow female podcaster who he calls “friend,” a young girl who can’t be more than 24 (Gosney is 56), who admits not yet finishing college, who appears young and immature simply by the way she expresses herself, a girl who admits that she looks up to her fellow male podcasters (Gosney and the chauvinist lawyer included), and yet Gosney engages with this young girl in conversations that are leave a lot to be desired, like trivializing alcohol consumption and smoking. The same type of conversations that some could argue are consistent with grooming, especially given the age and power dynamics between the grown men on the podcast and this young woman. In fact, if he was prosecuting a child molester I have no doubt that Gosney would point to these conversations between a young woman and a man more than twice her age as evidence of grooming.

There was no need for an office that is embroiled in scandals based on poor (lack of) judgment and questionable moral/ethical character to have hired this guy. I’m sure he’s a fine lawyer and person, and he definitely seems clueless about what he walked into, but the SAO knew or should’ve known better.

Anonymous said...

Gosney’s Twitter post two days ago: “When you are receiving flak you are over the target.” Sir you are receiving flak for the insensitive and disrespectful comments you have made on Rumble toward women, among other things. And rather than make an attempt to apologize or make it right, you double down with that statement. Dangerous 🤡

Anonymous said...

Another one of Gosnet’s self proclaimed “freedom loving conservatives” opines that “Corrupt Miami law is terrified of Gosney… if I were corrupt I’d fear the hell out of him too.” Does Rundle realizes this is the narrative he is subtly planting and encouraging? Needed a republican to come in and clean up her mess. Combine this with His “over the target comment” - Rundle you’ve been had my friend… and hard.

Anonymous said...

The SAO staff must speak up if they feel uncomfortable about working with this guy. He should have been vetted properly, Rundle should have been told of all of the things he has written and said. A simple google search would have revealed so much. Lazy Lazy Lazy.

Anonymous said...

Talpins doesn’t look like the type to handle a gun. Maybe a hair dryer.

Anonymous said...

Very nice well said

Anonymous said...

There was a young ____ named Daisy. Who liked to act a bit crazy. She walked with a pout, stuck up her snout and likes to call everyone lazy. The whispers behind her back will grow as all of the minions begin to know, that Crazy Daisy speaks from both sides of her blow. La Madrina beware, there is one queen bee, and if your kicked out dat door we’ll all cheer yippee!

Anonymous said...

Gosney will never come on here. He’s still trying to figure out what hit him, what he walked into, and whether the SAO will muzzle his streaming. I think he’s received the most unwelcomed welcome in Miami crim. law circles. Kinda feel bad for the ol’chap. But the SAO chiefs set him up. They should’ve forewarned him. I guarantee they didn’t.

But here’s a plot suggestion for Gosney’s next fiction:

Defense lawyer hating modern day female Rasputin, a/k/a “La Madrina”, who puppeteers an embattled kingdom, hires a smut peddling buffoon to deflect attention from self-inflicted scandal that threatens to bring down her queen’s reign. The unsuspecting scapegoat, who brings his own treasure trove of boring, yet salacious gossip, promises to create enough diversion from the kingdom’s woes that a special knighthood is bestowed upon him, and he eventually delivers by making all throughout the kingdom forget that their queen and her generals must be removed.

Anonymous said...

Rumpole, I had been waiting to find out from this blog which of the qualified judges on the short list would be nominated to the 3DCA. I had to find out from other means and still waiting for the captain to report. Instead of appointing one of those qualified jurist that were on the short list, Ron appointed an insurance defense attorney that has no criminal experience and no judicial experience. If you think the misconduct from the SAO is bad, you haven’t seen what the insurance defense bar does in the civil world. This appointment is as disappointing as it gets for a governor that has bent over for the insurance companies, and now appointing a lifelong instauren defense attorney to the appellate court where she will be there for many years to come.

Anonymous said...

You should start an SAO resignation page keep track how many ASA’s quit every month. There’s a stat for Talpins.

Anonymous said...

Talpins, Daisy and company should resign.

Anonymous said...

Who gives the best “Hawk Tua” at the SAO?

Anonymous said...

No doubt he’s MAGA. If I were Kathy I would be so fucking pissed at my chiefs for not giving me a full profile on this 🤡 that heads would roll.

Anonymous said...

SAO is resignation nation.

Anonymous said...

Taco Tuesday at the SAO. Detectives leave your wedding rings at home.

Anonymous said...

Wait! There is a taco tuesday at the office?
I cannot wait until the newbies get here and I get to felonies.
I wanna be a fourth floor hottie!

County Court Cutie :)

Anonymous said...

La Madrina manipulates and misleads, her misdeeds too many to number. Rundle has caught her before. Everyone needs to watch their backs in this climate. The chiefs have destroyed morale in that office.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hiring this buffoon is just the latest example of what a shit show the SAO has become. Janet Reno's legacy is truly dead.

Anonymous said...

Making a fuss about Gosney’s book on the basis that it is disturbing and/or disparaging toward women and then proceeding to make insulting and inappropriate comments about female ASA’s is really the type of hypocrisy you could only ever expect from the Miami defense bar. Well done. You all don’t even know what the hell it is you stand for.

Anonymous said...

Every Tuesday babe.

Anonymous said...

Is it true Mitchell is leaving or already left the SAO?

Anonymous said...

He’s MAGA oh nooo we can’t have that.

Anonymous said...

If Goosey Gosney’s ability to articulate a coherent and cohesive point is as good today as it was during his oral argument before the Fla. Sup. Ct. back in 2019, god help all those young ASA trainees.

Btw, some of our judges were at the Court that day and were sitting right behind Gosney. Was Judge Benavides quietly laughing at Gosney’s argument?

Oh, and don’t mind his tennis shoes. 🤦‍♂️

Here’s the link to his oral argument: https://youtu.be/RuSoJe5i7jk?si=etJNNueFPjW92bUM

Anonymous said...

You seriously telling me that you couldn’t find a veteran Defense counsel from Miami who is known and well respected, willing to give up his/her lucrative practice to bring some legitimacy to the SAO, instead of going to N. Florida?

Anonymous said...

Talk to me Goose! Any reports of a Gosney siting at the Trump Rally in Doral?

Anonymous said...

Wishful thinking.

Anonymous said...

Nice deflective twist. I have another one. Here’s what can be expected of a current or former loyalist ASA: to make unfounded assumptions…like the assumption that defense lawyers are behind the attacks on a certain female prosecutor.

Has it crossed your mind, brilliant Einstein, that it could be a current ASA? In fact, just one person? But, it could be more than one, who have bound together to keep dissent alive because they work in a hostile regime where big brother (or sister) is always watching, lurking, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting critics.

Your knee jerk assumption is reminiscent of the same type of assumptions that lead people like you to conclude that hiding exculpatory evidence will never be discovered, that making corrupt prosecutorial choices justify the ends, and that you will actually survive as a real lawyer in the real world when you can no longer flash your little badge. Keep hallucinating Kemosabe. Many, many dissenters walk amongst you.

Anonymous said...

That office will double down and circle the wagons so they don’t have egg on their face. Miami Herald we need you!!! This was so easily handled and would have died quickly if she was advised properly. This is clownery!

Anonymous said...

Talpins and Hernandez are arrogant condescending blow hards. Talpins thinks he is smarter than he actually is and Deisy is just a mean girl who trash talks the defense bar and prosecutors incessantly. Reno is rolling in her grave as that place is a dysfunctional disaster. People are sick of the abuse and disrespect and fleeing. Rundle remains clueless and apathetic. She is being laughed at by the bench and bar and nobody has the balls to tell her the truth.

Anonymous said...

Hi-diddly-ho, Lawyerinos,. Now calm down, did I mention we have the best prosecutor in America? Heck yeah! Kathy!!! Kathy!! Kathy!! Hip hip hooray!!! Cheerio!

Anonymous said...

Well, they did hire a defense attorney like we asked.

Anonymous said...

A lying tongue lasts just for a moment and a fool’s mouth lashes out with pride and lies. The stench of Rundle and the SAO is becoming more apparent to all. #FollyOfFools

Anonymous said...

Leave Goose alone. He’s a standup guy!

Anonymous said...

Always remember you’re as good as your. Colleagues. Surround yourself with likeminded individuals.

Anonymous said...

Compared to Loosey Goosey Gosney, any defense lawyer would’ve been better….I’ll take suspended ambulance chaser for $1, Alex.

Seriously, through, who’s gonna leave private practice to go to this place, to put in the amount of work needed to make a dent, for that kind of $$? They would have to be independently rich, do a personal favor to Kathy, be a true believer/follower of that office, or crazy….probably all four.

No local defense lawyers (most of who know who/what they would be dealing with) would make such sacrifice. That’s why they needed to look elsewhere. And they found the right (clueless about SAO), wrong (full of needless baggage) stooge.

I just can’t wait for him to go back to streaming, because so far they have him muzzled, and see how long it takes him to stick his foot in his mouth.

Anonymous said...

It’s been said before, be careful what you ask for. And it rhymed! 😆

Anonymous said...

Excellent point. There are many many dissenters within the current SAO regime who are not only speaking up within the office borders but beyond its oppressive walls.

Anonymous said...

Rundle told Gosney, who repeated it on his podcast, that local defense bar didn’t understand function of prosecutors.

Anonymous said...

No, but there are confirmations he’s sitting in high level meetings and people don’t want to speak freely in front of him. Que Algeria!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget the creepy factor… 👀

Anonymous said...

@ 12:21 pm, wanna know who Goosey surrounds himself with? Check out this video from a female groupie who calls him her mentor, claims to know him personally and to “love” him, and calls on other groupies to rise in defense of their leader, as she berates and spews venom against the Miami Herald female reporter who broke his story. She also insults judges and prosecutors. Mind you, she seems like a very young woman. This is who this law man associates with.

This isn’t a man streaming about law, life, or whatever else he streams about, this is a cult leader. And now he’s a cult leader with a badge. Can’t wait for the documentary.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to attach the video:


Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned that in court. Just confirming.

Anonymous said...

The would be a dream come true

Anonymous said...

Hernandez tells Rundle not to trust defense bar under any circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Daisy and Talpins stop abusing your subordinates. There you go I said it.

Anonymous said...

6:53 pm, that’s an interesting observation. It also clearly comes from an insider. Which proves the point that (luckily) brave internal dissenters are speaking up. But it must be a defense lawyer moonlighting as an ASA by day. 😂 I would say that people have at least two main concerns about speaking freely in front of Goosey. One is that they see him as the internal police. And two that they can’t trust that anything they say won’t end up on his (or one of his disciples) podcasts. All so unnecessary. SMH.

Anonymous said...

That’s right. It’s a cult disguised partly as a ministry. Please everyone keep exposing him and exposing what the SAO is doing in response to complaints by their females prosecutors about him…. Nothing!

Anonymous said...

Except for her defense attorney husband, he’s the only one who can be trusted. Hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

His followers are also personally attacking the Herald reporter on X (twitter). Go to Gosney’s X and read through his replies. Really troubling, and kind of scary.

Anonymous said...

SAO’a strategy with Goose is the same as with every other blunder: lay low as this shall also pass

Anonymous said...

Anyone familiar with this old case? The defendant’s mother has mounted a public campaign against the SAO for years. Was this a trial penalty case, where the SAO sought the max (life) after offering a 5 year prison plea which the defendant rejected because he insisted on his innocence? Who was the trial prosecutor? I guess the rot predated and was not exclusive to MVZ.

Was this one of the cases in the FACDL binder? Will Gosney review this case and speak against the lack of prosecutorial integrity behind the trial penalty?


Anonymous said...

Gosney,’s very young podcast cohost named Jessica put up a YouTube video five days ago about Gosney. Jessica says she hates stupid fucking retarded feminists and “Gosney must be protected at all costs.” She goes on to call the Miami Herald reporter vile and vulgar names. Is Gosney stoking the fire? You bet! He is responding on twitter to comments about this “abortion of an article.” How does Rundle condone this????

Anonymous said...

“Steve emailed me the hit piece and it will drive up sales for the book and they will see how much of a dumbass bitch this woman is. It’s a perfect example of how fucked up State prosecutors and judges are.”

Anonymous said...

in this YouTube video, this young girl goes on to say “I love Steve. He’s a great mentor”. This is not a mentor folks. This is cult like behavior. This is causing unnecessary division in this community and in the SAO. he is antagonizing his “cult followers” to engage in a battle on his behalf. He is not trying to build a bridge or explain his point of view, he’s continuing to make public comments on social media about this reporter and throw gasoline on an already burning fire. This is not what we need.

Anonymous said...

This is not just a female group or. She has co-hosted his podcast with him.

Anonymous said...

Watching this is so disturbing

Anonymous said...

Please check out the League of Prosecutors web page. He is listed as the treasurer.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant sleight of hand by the SAO. Divert attention from their mounting corruption and incompetence by hiring MAGA Gosney. Because nothing is juicier and more controversial than politics, sex, and pervs…and when you combine all three, well, jackpot! Giglio and Brady who?

Anonymous said...

The new SAO clearly has factions and divides. Stay grounded and find mentors that are level headed and trustworthy and will not use you as a sacrificial lamb to save themselves or their very fat salaries. If you have a gut feeling about something it is probably correct. Gravitate in that direction and you will be able to make it. This is a new day and that once prestigious office no longer exists and the community and community leaders know it. The hiring of, and doubling down for, Gosney is a symptom not the root cause. Surround yourself with likeminded colleagues and don’t be forced into anything including, who you associate with. We are all rooting for the good ethical level headed prosecutors that still remain. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Gosney’s cult followers have spammed the SAO on X (Twitter) by tagging them on endless rants against the Miami Herald reporter. KFR, wtf were you thinking?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gosney has written 4 posts in the last 30 minutes that he shared on his personal twitter “clarifying” things and promoting his other silly books. I was unaware that posting on personal social media about personal things while being paid by Miami Dade tax payers to actually do prosecutor work was acceptable to the SAO. I need a job there!

Anonymous said...

Gosney is encouraging this implicitly if not expressly. The young you tube “mentee” spewing vitriol at the Herald Reporter (video link above that can be pasted into google) said in her video that Gosney emailed her and other pod casters/bloggers the Herald “hit piece.” I’m sure those emails or chats included some encouragement just based on his own Twitter comments. That said, Rundle can thank Gosney for the division and spam all over her social media.

Anonymous said...

And this is the response of one of his zombies, which would be comical if some nut jobs wouldn’t go to any lengths to protect their leader…remember January 6th?

“This is still going on? Oh, for Heaven's sake. I'll tag this and dig later. Whoever is going after Gosney needs to be investigated because ONLY THE CORRUPT would be terrified of this good man. My guess is that it's the AS SEEN ON lawyers huh? Who is partnering with a shady reporter? If anyone digs pls add here or tag me so I can help later this evening.”

Anonymous said...

Wow, thank you from a relatively new ASA.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gosney is Greico 2.0 and will bring down KFR. Just another self promoter on social media

Anonymous said...

What exactly does he do as the treasurer make sure there’s enough money for the LOP to post selfies at brunch? Look at us we’re sipping mimosas and we are better than you.

Anonymous said...

“We must protect him at all costs.” That is frightening and they have been indoctrinated to follow blindly. That is a cult!

Anonymous said...

Great advice. Band together guys.

Anonymous said...

Agree. This is far beyond a freedom of speech issue.

Anonymous said...

Yup! Rundle can thank Goosey at this point for her batte with the Herald at this point.

Anonymous said...

Dopey Daisy is a demented browbeating buffoon. People are thankfully beginning to see it all.

Anonymous said...

Rump we twisted your arm to post this and yet again it is one of the most pop posts.

Anonymous said...

The prosecutor in Rust decided pretrial what evidence was relevant and/or Brady. That is not an appropriate decision for prosecutors to make in any case. Disclose it and let the defense determine what to do with it and what it means. Young ASAs take note!

Anonymous said...

Gosney says “I stepped into a maelstrom of politics that I do not understand but thankfully I know who I am and who I am not.” He like KFR is constantly deflecting. He has no ability to take ownership of his own words, his own free speech. He is so un-self aware that he can’t see that this goes beyond his novel. It also goes to the various statements made on his podcasts relentlessly bashing women.

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps we could get you as an intern, and I could train you one-on-one," Mr. Gosney said to this fan of his in a Rumble segment, when he announced he'd been hired by Miami SAO. Is anyone concerned that this looks like grooming??

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with being MAGA. There are many conservatives in the SAO. This has to do with his inappropriate and creepy words.

Anonymous said...

Agree no one else is permitted to post during working hours.

Anonymous said...

Rump you should be thanking the SAO for your greatest interactive posts ever!

Anonymous said...

Yes many on the receiving end of it, hang in there peeps

Anonymous said...

Wondering if the SAO directed him to do it as they did with his Herald comments. That’s gonna explode.

Anonymous said...

If KFR was serious about fixing the many problems in her office she never would have hired this creepy delusional lunatic.

Anonymous said...

Agree 100%. The man is a joke and thinks the earth revolves around him. He has weirdo groupies who confirm his delusions. The SAO is getting what it deserves with this hiring decision.

Anonymous said...

Let’s play where will Gosney be hidden within the SAO and who will supervise that disaster?

Anonymous said...

Yes many are

Anonymous said...

And bashing gay and trans and race and encouraging his cult followers to do same.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Many are seeing it unfold except Rundle and Arrojo who turn a blind eye

Anonymous said...

This is not sane as Grieco

Anonymous said...

MAGA isn’t synonymous with conservatives, if it ever was. As it stands, MAGA is an abominable cult.

Anonymous said...

Come on 6:44 am, don’t be so mean, between all of those happy hours, the LOP is involved in many worthy causes, like criminal justice reform efforts, especially in the areas of wrongful convictions and prosecutorial misconduct, and making strong public statements, even filing amici curiae, in cases involving injustices and misconduct.

Anonymous said...

Fear not 9:58 am, our new local ethics and integrity czar, Mr. Loosey Goosey, is already working on a training presentation to teach the youngsters about the prosecutorial/LEO evils in the Baldwin case and how to avoid them at all costs. Maybe the SAO will voluntarily share the presentation with the FACDL. It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn…

Anonymous said...

Brittany, keep Your head up. Many of us are on your side. This is all horrendous. Gos and his zombies are ignorant.

Anonymous said...

This is all bullshit. Resolve some of these cases because more are coming

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you. Thank you for your words.

Anonymous said...

SO many more. If they knew what was good for them they would have a real integrity unit that reviews ALL MVZ and Mitchell cases, not just actual innocence claims. Get ahead of it before its too late.

Anonymous said...

More cases are coming and more current and past prosecutors will be exposed for their questionable ethics. MVZ normalized prosecutorial misconduct, improper handling of witnesses and the withholding of evidence. This is why certain prosecutors would have nothing to do with him. The SAO should walk away from the two cases we know evidence was withheld and re-examine the rest of his cases. People knew MVZ was a dirty ASA up to the highest leaders in the office. They did nothing because Rundle protected him. He is a dirty ASA and ruined this office.

Anonymous said...

Many have concerns and expressed them to the SAO. It’s being minimized. Nothing is being done. Keep raising your voices.

Anonymous said...

I would hope no one shows up at any training he conducts. That would speak volumes to the SAO.

Anonymous said...

Yes and she says the Gosney emailed her and others the Herald “hit piece”. Why do that? To get his folllwers to “protect their (creepy) leader at all costs.”

Anonymous said...

It is scary. This is not a conservative v liberal issue. There are many conservatives within the SAO who do not condone any of this, the novel or the statements of the various podcasts. This is not just an issue about a novel. This goes far beyond that issue.

Anonymous said...

It’s not just his books. Listen to his disturbing podcasts. Here is a start.

Anonymous said...

Quite Copied this from the Rust post:
“Why is he (Mitchell) still there? Hell, they haven’t even conceded that MVZ was dirty. Either they take it serious and start righting some wrongs by MVZ and his minions or they will be cleaning up his messes for YEARS to come. And many more than just Mitchell will be implicated. Numerous sitting judges.” —- *

** please know poster of the above that if sitting judges, two former MVZ minions I can think of, are implicated it will not come as a surprise to anyone. MVZ normalized withholding evidence and asking witnesses to lie under oath. Please reveal it!! Let’s truly clean house!!! SAO how will you defend that?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Gosney and his followers continue to post dangerous rhetoric on social media. I suggest that SAO employees be very careful coming and going from the SAO. His wacky cult followers who say we must protect him at all costs are capable of anything. Gosney had the opportunity for weeks to quell the rhetoric and chose not to. Instead he chose to stir the shit further. It is too late now. Be vigilant and use wisdom for yourselves. The SAO leadership doesn’t give a F about you. Protect yourselves and be wise.

Anonymous said...

He should be forced to resign or fired

Anonymous said...

True dat!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I hope the prosecutors keep the pressure on. This is nuts!

Anonymous said...

How funny is it that many at the SAO are more supportive of the Herald reporter being attacked than the newly hired Gos?

Anonymous said...

Holy shit!

Anonymous said...

Gosney is radioactive

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am a new hire and my parents said this to me last week.

Anonymous said...

Of course the Herald reporter is more liked/respected by ASA’s than this freakshow of a hire. Gosney must go.

Anonymous said...

Super scared for young ASAs and Rundle

Anonymous said...

Holy fuck

Anonymous said...

Sitting judges!?!?! Can’t wait!

Anonymous said...

Go Brittany, go Brittany!!!

Anonymous said...

Young female ASAs need to be very careful. Don’t talk to this douche alone. Always have a partner with you.

Anonymous said...

I am also a new ASA. Thank you for this. The SAO has done nothing to assist or guide us here.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Does Rundle have a clue about what is happening?

Anonymous said...

She is an unhinged disaster.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can think of two sitting judges that were his soldiers/minions. Bring it out!!

Anonymous said...

Ladies do a petition

Anonymous said...

no one is showing up at any training this creeper does unless they are forced.

Anonymous said...

2:33 scarey but true

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have guidance for those of us who are new and scared?

Anonymous said...

Agree 2:13

Anonymous said...

He is a self promoting blow hard.

Anonymous said...

Talpins is a clown. he runs around directing people to do what he wants and the minute he turns around and walks out the door. People roll their eyes at him

Anonymous said...

Demonstrates the weirdness going on at the SAO

Anonymous said...

Rundle is not a girl’s girl. She has never protected women from predators she’s hired.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting Talpins no longer mouths off on here

Anonymous said...

Based on some the comments from his cult followers on X, in which they copy the Herald reporter or the SAO (a few of which are quoted below), these zombies are trying to identify the person they suspect to have tipped off the Herald about his book - they think it’s prosecutors or some unnamed defense attorney.

It’s also clear from the employment records comment that someone tipped off Gosney about an apparent public records request and he tipped off his followers. This guy has deployed his army of zombies to investigate and intimidate his critics. And he’s doing it from within the SAO.

Here are some of the comments on X:

“Why don't you tell us who put you up to these hit pieces?”

“I'm just curious as to which corrupt prosecutor managed get you to write this.“

“Some sleazy prosecutors tipped you off to Steve because they don’t want their secrets exposed.”

“In my very brief research of all this my conclusion is the corrupt folks in Miami fear Gosney. Interestingly enough it was a DEFENSE attorney that brought Steve's latest book to the attention of the masses.”

“She's asking for employment records from his whole career. This woman is a terrorist.”

“Now if you manage to get Mr Gosney fired, then you better have a past better than Jesus.”

It’s not only ASAs who should look over their shoulders. Others too.

Anonymous said...

I hate this “bullying” of Gosney. It’s so frustrating. I blame the SAO. People should be free to write about whatever they want to write about, but that comes at the expense of not being put into certain positions of power. This is not a position he should be in at the SAO. He is just not the right person for this position given his hobbies and views. But tone deaf SAO hires him anyway and now he’s being subjected to this shit. It’s frustrating on a human level.

Anonymous said...

He’s lurking

Anonymous said...

I’m a new ASA what the hell did I get myself into?

Anonymous said...

What these ding dongs don’t understand is that Rundle posted the announcement of his hiring to social media. I’m sure a google search revealed the rest.

Anonymous said...

He is also egging on his followers to trash the Herald Reporter. How do you reconcile your view and their views.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sitting judges implicated? Most of us can think of 2 off the top of our heads that would not hesitate to carry out his orders. Can’t wait to see that shit show unravel. This guy not only destroyed his own career but he will take down many with him.

Anonymous said...

Rundle: Gosney is already blabbing to his blind followers about public records requests made and other things you have privately said to him. Why on earth would you permit this to continue. Those cases need to be resolved and not because Gosney is the savior of the office but because we know it’s the correct thing to do. You , Deisy and Howard screwed the pooch on this one. Admit it and move on.

Anonymous said...

Do your time and get out of that office as quickly as possible. Share the existence of the blog with all of your friends so they know what is happening,

Anonymous said...

“Some sleazy prosecutors tipped you off to Steve because they don’t want their secrets exposed.” —> your “leader” is the sleazy one… Steve is being exposed - please don’t blame the prosecutors for exposing what a simple google search revealed. Both prosecutors and defense bar agree he is not right for a leadership position within the SAO. Nuff said bro! SMH

Anonymous said...

Never forget Menocal

Anonymous said...

MVZ will not only take down his present colleagues but sitting judges who followed a bit too closely.

Anonymous said...

Damn bro!

Anonymous said...

The SAO has really muzzled Gosney. Nothing on his streaming channels or social media. I wonder if he’ll sue them for silencing him? That would be ironic. I hope that when he brakes his silence he takes Rump’s invitation to come on the blog.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think the SAO muzzled him. He was sloppy in allowing/encouraging his followers to post implicit threats and explicit vitriol. It blew back in his face. Even his followers made their video rants against the Herald, the judges and prosecutors private. Why? Because it blew back on them all. Arrogance and pride come before a fall. A little humility goes a long way in a situation like this. When you are encouraging someone (and thanking them for being kind) in response to posting an image of someone “loading a firearm with malicious intent” against those trying to “hurt Gosney’s new job” this is reckless with all of the nuts out there. And his groupies are clearly a bit kookie.

Anonymous said...

Good morning. A couple of new female ASAs here. It’s disturbing to see some of what he and his friends are posting on social media since this all began. He may be nice but to allow this man to “teach” us anything is off-putting. Grateful to all of the senior female prosecutors who have spoken up and not allowed this all to just be ok. Even if nothing is ultimately done it’s nice to know there are some women with balls of steele in that office who remain steady, encouraging and speak when necessary. You know who you are and we appreciate you.

Anonymous said...

No one should ruin their reputation for MVZ. He is and always was a disaster and so were/are his groupies. Is anyone in leadership at SAO willing to publicly admit this yet?? That will go a way toward repairing this monumental damage.

Anonymous said...

MZV CONVICTION INTEGRITY REVIEW UNIT!!!!! It could all be so simple…. (However, I’m sure they’re scared of all the “other” people that might get swept in when those reviews get too deep.)

Anonymous said...

God, if Gosney can stick it out at the SAO, his tell all book is going to be SO FUCKING GOOD! #LetsGoGoz

Anonymous said...

Remember that Rundle called him a “Hero to many” after Wolfson order and touted the legacy he was leaving. This legacy is a facade finally being torn down brick by brick. He often pretended to work very hard but most times conducted social hours with his groupie interns and young ASA mentees. He kept sloppy files and withheld documents in every case he touched.He went to trial often unprepared. MVZ is a clown that got paid a lot of money for a lot of years for nothing. His veteran contemporaries in that office say they suspected he was dirty but he was protected like someone in the mob. Rundle and her chiefs let them all down, let the viictims down, let the defendants down and let this community down in a way that is unexplainable. She has yet to apologize to for her terrible lapse in judgment and the damage she and her chiefs have caused to many in the wake of his calamities. If you want to begin the healing process you need to eventually admit you fucked up. One way is an MVZ integrity unit. Every case he touched should be examined. Judge Wolfson is the hero in this story, the only one who did the right thing because Rundle and her chiefs refused.

Anonymous said...

Well well well. Jessica reloaded, the goofy gosney groupie who tried to crucify the female herald reporter as well as all women including prosecutors and judges across all of her social media platforms including her recent you tube rant has shut down all of her social media accounts. I take that as a good sign that she either realizes she was out of line or that her employer may have had an issue with her vitriolic public attacks on people. That said, hopefully cooler heads will now prevail and the SAO can decide where to appropriately place this guy within the office where people can actually get to know him and decide for themselves what he is about and whether he can make a good and fair ASA.

Anonymous said...

I doubt any female prosecutors want to get to know him, much less have to work with him.