See Daily Business review headline here:
We don't know much except this: This has been an on going investigation for a few years. Mr. Black has been aware of the investigation. Does that mean he has received a subject or target letter? We don't know. Our favorite Federal Blogger is involved, not as a suspect of any wrongdoing however, but he ain't talking either. See that here:
(scroll down to the "no comment" post.

Shoeless Joe Jackson.
Say it ain't so Joe (Roy).
See You In Court (not that we've been hired for this case. Our disorderly conduct practice does not allow for us to devote time to this matter.)
Oh, it be so Rump.
umm..this is off topic but...
SWF, assistant public defender, <30, legs that reacccch the floor, blond hair down to here, and...they're real and they're spectacular. Anyway, I seek an experienced attorney to teach me voire dire, opening and closings. A little direct and cross is ok too. M or F, married or single, I am discrete and very very anxious to learn. I'm a nite owl,so the lessons will have to be late at night. Leave your email in a post and I will reply.
Not Sandra Day O'connor.
kendall coffee here. call me. i don't bite.
funny.. where is the pic
Pity... if you were Sandra Day O'Connor, I'd be interested.
Roy Black is one of the finest human beings in our legal community.
On another note, Rumpole suggested that defense attorneys (and PDs) are not wannabe prosecutors. NOT TRUE. Any former ASA will tell you that the most vindictive people bringing charges in the courthouse are the PDs that have an opportunity to file for a rule to show cause against some police officer or victim that failed to appear for a depo.
are you saying to be a prosecutor you have to be vindictive?
Jason you must have been drinking something very strong a few nights ago. seriously to include "Johnny Elso" as you call him among the list of the wrongfully accused lawyers is way off base. According to what has ben reported in the press and the published appellate opinion on his case, the feds never targeted "Johnny" for investigation. Instead he wound up picking up hudredes of thousands of dollars at the wrong place and the wrong time. He then led police on a high speed chase through Miami. Now admittedly what I write is based only upon what I have read, but it doesnt seem to me that you should be crying crocodile tears for the departed Mr. Elso.
Jason you must have been drinking something very strong a few nights ago. seriously to include "Johnny Elso" as you call him among the list of the wrongfully accused lawyers is way off base. According to what has ben reported in the press and the published appellate opinion on his case, the feds never targeted "Johnny" for investigation. Instead he wound up picking up hudredes of thousands of dollars at the wrong place and the wrong time. He then led police on a high speed chase through Miami. Now admittedly what I write is based only upon what I have read, but it doesnt seem to me that you should be crying crocodile tears for the departed Mr. Elso.
Jason you must have been drinking something very strong a few nights ago. seriously to include "Johnny Elso" as you call him among the list of the wrongfully accused lawyers is way off base. According to what has ben reported in the press and the published appellate opinion on his case, the feds never targeted "Johnny" for investigation. Instead he wound up picking up hudredes of thousands of dollars at the wrong place and the wrong time. He then led police on a high speed chase through Miami. Now admittedly what I write is based only upon what I have read, but it doesnt seem to me that you should be crying crocodile tears for the departed Mr. Elso.
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