Wednesday, July 03, 2024


 The John Admas -Thomas Jefferson feud is one of the most unusual historical occurrences of the Fourth of July. Both men were founding fathers of our country and compatriots at the time of the revolution.  When Jefferson defeated Adams for the presidency, Adans sent Jefferson a text   a note wishing him well. Jefferson did not respond and it started a feud where the men did not speak for over a dozen years. 

Eventually there was a rapprochement of sorts, but the men did not speak much, and their rivalry continued. Fast forward to July 4, 1826.  exactly fifty years after the declaration of Independence. Jefferson was 83 and Adams was 90. 

As Adams lay on his death bed, his last words as he knew his death was impending, were of his old friend and rival- "Thomas Jefferson Survives".  Adams then died. 

A few hours later, on July 4, 1826, Thomas Jefferson died. 

These two giants of men- their character and intellect and philosophical thought provided the foundation for a great nation, died hours apart fifty years to the momentous day when they brought forth upon the earth a society founded on principles of freedom and democracy. 

These principles, we argue, led to one nation amongst all others with the intellectual and industrial ability to land humans on the moon, to save Europe twice from oppression, and to  accept a statue of Liberty upon its shores welcoming those who want only a chance to use the abilities they have been endowed with by the creator. 

On this July 4, Jefferson and Adams survive- in thought, ideas and principles. 

Their nation hangs precariously on the precipice of losing the ideals they brought forth. But we are not scared. We have been here before and prevailed. 

We shall do so again. 

Happy Fourth of July. 

And now to the important  issue- what do you put on your hot dog? We are a brown mustard, with a dash of ketchup and relish type of guy. 



Anonymous said...

Yellow mustard, grilled onions

Anonymous said...

Chili, cheese, and onions


Yellow mustard only.

Anonymous said...

Bar updates. I think a bar suspension is warranted.

Anonymous said...

Happy Fourth go stuff your face with a glizzy. Always remember justice prevails and corruption fails.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Jefferson die first?

On July 4, 1826, at the age of 90, Adams lay on his deathbed while the country celebrated Independence Day. His last words were, "Thomas Jefferson still survives." He was mistaken: Jefferson had died five hours earlier at Monticello at the age of 83.


The deaths of former U.S. Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams on July 4, 1826–the day of the Jubilee–the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, was an extraordinary and eerie coincidence. Jefferson died shortly after noon at the age of 83 in Monticello, Virginia. Several hours later Adams died in Quincy, Massachusetts at the age of 90.


Adams, too, was asked to help celebrate the occasion in Washington, Philadelphia, and New York. Likewise, illness prevented him from traveling. He died at about 5 o’clock in the afternoon on the Fourth. His last words were, “Thomas Jefferson survives.” He was mistaken by about five hours.


After fifteen years of resumed friendship, on July 4, 1826, Jefferson and Adams died within hours of each other. Their deaths occurred — perhaps appropriately — on the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Unaware that his friend had died hours earlier, Adams's family later recalled that his last spoken words were, "Thomas Jefferson survives."


Anonymous said...

Chili and cheese from arbetters. End of discussion.

Sir Wilfred said...

I like dark brown mustard, relish and a little onion. More importantly, what is the best dog.
I nominate Hebrew National hot dogs, especially their Knockwerst

Sir Wilfred said...

I agree Jefferson died first. TJ’s last words supposedly, were ‘ At least Adams is alive’
No mention by TJ on his deathbed about Miss Sally or their ( TJ & Miss Sally’s) 6 kids.

Anonymous said...

Good Fourth of July morning from the SAO bunker at One Rundle way. Today courts are closed but that doesn’t mean a Thursday off for prosecutors. No sir reee bob. Your ASAs are reviewing discovery removing exculpatory documents and not providing body cam video. Remember if it’s not a subject of at least two motions to compel then you don’t have it. (MVZ discovery lecture to new prosecutors 8-2–2011).

On our country’s birthday we like to review our sentencing memos because it’s wholly American to throw Americans in jail for driving with a suspended license or disorderly conduct. Remember no one respects you unless your plea offers are as high as possible. (MVZ lecture to new prosecutors 8-16-2019 ).

And finally there is this. Don’t forget that you work in the most ethical and highly respected prosecutors office in the world. Not just the nation but the world. So on this fourth while others are off it’s the perfect time to gather all your witnesses in the same room and go over their testimony so there are no gaps. The truth is what we say it is. (MVZ lecture to the entire office 10-11-2014).

Happy Fourth from the SAO BUNKER at One Rundle Way.

Anonymous said...

Pervert ethics training conference at 4th floor conference room.

Anonymous said...

State seeks max. First time offender in victimless crimes

Anonymous said...

The Kobe beef hot dogs and sliders at The REN a Venue 4th party. With the ice cold small batch beer and New Zealand vanilla bean ice cream - it was the best jerry. The best.

Anonymous said...

Rump you have to do a post dedicated to the new sicko pervert trans hating mysoginist the SAO hired as their new ethical compass. There is so much online that contradicts what he told the Herald and he should be exposed. The Herald article cracks the surface.

Anonymous said...

Including asking his wife to make him a drink while he live streams and then calling her “wifey”

Anonymous said...

And another podcast or maybe the same podcast he says he was hired because Rundle specifically told him that local defense bar has no clue of the prosecutors role… he already sold you out Rundle. what a clown .

Anonymous said...

I’m not offended by the wifey thing. I’m offended by the other woman bashing comments. Depending on their relationship, wifey could be endearing. The rest of the comments are outrageous toward women.

Anonymous said...

Thomas Jefferson was the United States' first commissioner and inspector of patents and was therefore able to keep abreast of new developments in technology. Thus he corresponded with Eli Whitney about the invention of the cotton gin. Jefferson invented the moldboard of least resistance, which was a necessary part of the common plow.

Jefferson is credited with many inventions, but some are just regarded as improvements to existing invented items. As he traveled a lot, he created a bit of a traveling desk, which he designed and had someone else build for him. Built by Philadelphia cabinetmaker Benjamin Randolph, and using Jefferson’s design, Jefferson's portable desk measured 10 inches long by 14 inches wide, and was 3 inches deep. It included a folding writing surface and a lockable drawer with space for paper, pens, and a glass inkwell.

It is said he drafted the Declaration of Independence using this portable desk which was informally referred to as a laptop. So Jefferson "created" the first laptop. Of course, the word means something different now, but the modern day laptop was based on the design of Jefferson's portable desk, there are visual similarities. We have definitely come a long way from the Xerox Notetaker Portable Computer of 1976.

I like sauteed onions on my hot dog (made with brown sugar, tomato sauce and hot sauce).

Woody Clermont

Anonymous said...

Rump we need you!

Anonymous said...

Rump we need you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gosney is the typical example of a wolf in sheep’s clothing with the butt

Anonymous said...

Gosney tells some he left the SAO under Larizza because he was anti death penalty. On his podcasts he says Larizza and his office were unethical and that’s why he left. I’m sure RJ will appreciate that comment!

Anonymous said...

Call out to Christopher Rundle to explain what happened today in the UK. The Labour Party sent the Tories packing crushing them at the ballot box. They are projected to win 410 of 650 seats in the House of Commons. The new Prime Minister will be Keir Starmer.

Anonymous said...

Thomas Jefferson Survives? I am more worried that Joe Biden survives! Cannot take another 4 years of Trump mayhem.

Anonymous said...

No surprise they hired a pervert. Acts of perversions is an everyday occurrence at the SAO. There is absolutely no moral standards at that office. It is infidelity central.

Anonymous said...

Badge lizard training in the 4th floor. Every Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Rump we need the Gosney post please!!

Anonymous said...

Call Ronald Dowdy ask him why Kathy fired him and then re-hired him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SAO is the gift that keeps on giving. Ridiculous unprofessional office at all levels. More filth just keeps. Coming from that office.

Anonymous said...

Stay tuned for the next book how the sao is infidelity central. Maybe he took the job to get more book ideas. Cops, badge bunny’s and prosecutors tangle up in heated affairs. Why pay for motels when vacant depo rooms are free.

Anonymous said...

Jose will fix everything he’s probably the only level headed character in that office.

Anonymous said...

“Second, out of his own mouth in this podcast he says that it is the primal nature of women to go for high status men and those who are successful could not have done it without mommy and daddy’s money. You are on notice of how he feels and what he thinks.” He isn’t lying. Have you heard women today? That’s exactly what they say.

Anonymous said...

Gosney sounds like a good guy. I vote for him to replace Kathy.

Anonymous said...

Very disappointing. You ask about condiments and not one person says sauerkraut.

Anonymous said...

It’s your Friday afternoon encouragement update from the SAO Bunker at One Rundle way.
First let’s reiterate there will be almost zero tolerance for grooming of young Asas by older ones. As MVZ aptly said once “go on back page and score a hottie”.

Second let’s get to filing those bond revocation motions. Just because we let a ton of people out during Covid and they all came back doesn’t mean we should stop threatening judges about releasing people and having it come back to them during the election. As MVZ loved to say “there’s no rule against seeing justice and denying bond at the same time”.

And finally let’s tighten up those discovery responses. Remember our motto “ it doesn’t exist until after the second motion to compel!”

Have a great weekend and see all you worker bees here Saturday kissing butt.

Anonymous said...

Shumie doomie doomie. Do y’all

Anonymous said...

In one of his podcasts he lamented how he couldn’t cover the Clenney case on his podcast. I betcha he finds a way to capitalize on the high profile cases from Miami SAO - this ain’t sleepy Daytona.

Anonymous said...

I like my glizzy from Walmart 1.50

Anonymous said...

Oh good, 12:45 wasn’t offended by the wifey thing guys. Phew, all is well. Got worried for a second that 12:45 was offended by the wifey thing.

Anonymous said...

I’d prefer a Chicago dog

Anonymous said...

Do the Rump

Anonymous said...

So what’s the update on Corey Smith? Who are Kathy’s best litigators handling this shit?

Anonymous said...

Perversion and infidelity at the SAO, police departments, and PDO as well as courts themselves has been going on since the beginning of time…

Anonymous said...

He is terrible beyond words, and watching those videos on Rumble was torture. He also has an identity crisis (civil lawyer, private defense lawyer, prosecutor, public defender, prosecutor again, wannabe judge). Can't they hire someone normal who is not a clout chaser weirdo? Between “hide it all” Arrojo and this guy, that place is a swamp.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight: weirdo “quit” his job at an unethical SAO office, became a public defender, and now moves miles away to start working at another unethical SAO office to do “training”? It seems totally normal. MVZ is probably laughing his ass off, and they may even know each other.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we know the “fixer” with the shadow dockets and mysteriously dismissed investigations of important people, that guy!

Anonymous said...

Next stop, Only Fans!

Anonymous said...

Rebecca Demiglio and Justin Funk