Friday, July 26, 2024


 Where are the best places to try a case? 

In no particular order:

Southern District of New York. Walking into the Thurgood Marshall courthouse always gives us chills. Downside- many of the courtrooms are small and in a lot of them the defense sits behind the prosecution. Of course that allows us to make faces at them without them seeing it. Additional plus- walking distance from Chinatown and Wo Hops. And nothing cooler than riding a Citi bike from our hotel to the courthouse. Downside- the prosecutors are complete ______(rhymes with sticks).  MDC Brooklyn is awful for clients. But you know how difficult it is to get electronics into FDC Miami? At MDC Brooklyn you just fill out a form and you and your laptop are in. At FDC Miami you need a handwritten note from Merrick Garland, and that's one of the easier hoops to jump through. Try getting someone from FDC legal on the phone. It's easier to get Kim Jong Un on the phone. Their voice mail should say "You have reached FDC legal. Good luck leaving a message and getting us to return it sucker."   Case in point-  we recently had an issue with our access to MDC Brooklyn and on the day before Memorial Day, a lawyer at MDC Brooklyn legal responded to our email and renewed our access for a year.  Mark us down as a fan. 

Boston Massachusetts.  The courthouse is beautiful and the hallways have a great view of the Back Bay. The marshals all call you "counselah" as do many of the judges. We love Boston. So many places to hang and have a beer and chowdah. Prosecutors are decent as are the judges. Downside- the jail for clients detained is in...ready for this? Rhode Island. About an hour drive from Boston. 

Los Angeles. We just like the vibe of LA. 

Dallas (Northern District of Texas).  We are not a fan. First, Dallas has a weird vibe. You can stand right where President Kennedy was killed and feel the history of the 1960's being changed. The prosecutors are hit or miss- we have  had really good ones, and really awful ones. Biggest surprise- standing when the Judge walked in and having him asking us to remain standing while he prayed to his "lord and savior Jesus Christ".  Sort of an uncomfortable moment. 

Middle District of Florida. Used to hate and we mean HATE Miami lawyers in the 80s and 90's, Like Broward type hate. Things have been better recently. 

Southern District of Georgia (Savanah). Nothing better than walking to court from the hotel and having every single person you pass on the way stop and wish you a good morning. The marshals asked if we were a lawyer and when we said we were, they ushered us through security after looking at the bar card. 

Northern District of Illinois (Chicago). It's Chicago. Deep Dish Pizza. Chicago-style dogs. Really good hotels near the courthouse and there is the Loop. Downside- it's really cold in the winter. But one of our fav memories was recently walking a lead defendant in a lengthy fraud conspiracy trial where several of the co-defendants (whose counsel were very rude to us during the whole trial for reasons we need not get into, but basically they didn't like not having a local lawyer going first on cross, etc) were convicted, and having the judge excuse us while mayhem erupted over the inconsistent verdicts and we just strolled away. 

Eastern District of New York  (Brooklyn).  Old facility. But the prosecutors are much better than SDNY and Brooklyn has undergone a revitalization. The court borders Brooklyn Heights, so there is Montague street for great lunch and dinner restaurants. But stay in nearby Williamsburgh which back in the 80's was a war zone, but now is populated by aging Boomers, and Gen Zers. Hotels have a great vibe and there are steakhouses, sushi places, and Indian joints galore, not to mention cool coffee houses and indie bookstores. 


Anonymous said...

Have to disagree with your Boston choice. Terrible old court house. Great city!

Anonymous said...

The Chicago Federal Courthouse is one of the ugliest buildings in the World--straight from the Clockwork Orange brutalist school of architecture.

Anonymous said...

This is great. Makes me want to do more federal practice, so I don’t have to be tied to gross REG. Need to broaden my horizons.

Scotty Saul said...

Some experiences to remember,

New Orleans Federal Court - quaint Southern Experience but too many diversions once trial has recessed; the food, Bourbon Street, booze etc. The Court house is adjacent to the French Quarter. Venire extremely diversified with professionals and Overall and straw hat wearing hillbillies, tough to pick a 12 person jury with such a spectrum
Roanoke, VA Federal Court- A true genteel, Southern Experience
Detroit Federal Court- the City is horrible and there is not much to do but the courthouse is gorgeous, judges are wonderful and USAO very accommodating. Detroit federal court has been my best experience. The judge was so nice, invited all parties into the chambers with refreshments. Discussed the case like it was 1980's county court and court house is a wonderful museum of legal artifacts.
Viera Fl State Court-horrible, you get home-towned and jerked around
Phoenix Federal Court- gorgeous, all glass courthouse, you will be the sole case going to trial. Court house was so large and empty that during the 90 minute lunch break, I ran around inside of perimeter of court house for exercise. After I obtained an acquittal, judge told me everybody in court house was staring at me running. Since trial, running was banned from court house
Northern Dist of Fla Tallahassee- not bad, nice to lawyers, terrific judges
Northern Dist of Fla Gainesville- not as accommodating as Tally
Middle Dist of California/LA- An abundance of biker cases, Judges are fickle, USAO very accommodating (you will get more discovery than in State court. They are really on top of their technology there). During breaks you have a meal along PCH overlooking Pacific Ocean. SPECTACULAR!
Madison County, Fl State Court- a one room court house, lawyers are treated like royalty, you'll feel like Atticus Finch
St. Lucie County, Fl - State gets offended when you take them to trial, Judges I have seen are very State oriented
Southern Dist of Fl Key West- You are there because Judge felt like vacationing while trying your case
Sarasota County, Fl - Judges will treat you nice
Palm Beach County- Just like Miami-Dade County. They have a good SAO and Judges are pretty nice
Lee County, Fl - Stay away, they do not like out of town lawyers
Gainesville, Fl- You should have local counsel sit with you since it's an unusually nuanced jurisdiction
Ocala, Fl- If you are prepared and professional, you'll be treated well
Manhattan NY State Court- Everything is extremely professional and formal. Professionalism is taken very seriously here
Norfolk, VA federal court- Whole jurisdiction seemed very polite. Judge and USAO were accommodating
Middle Dist of Fla Orlando- out of town lawyers treated well

Washington DC (forgot Dist it is referred to) . Judge was okay but USAO very accommodating, AUSAs were extremely professional

Anonymous said...

Where is ______? Laying low?

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER lost a case in Key West Federal court. But that statement needs an explanation since there is one small exception. That case ended with a great twist.

It was a large marijuana drug boat case. We were in our second trial since first one ended in a hung jury. It was a hot summer Friday afternoon in Key West, jury had been out since 11 am and taking a long time to decide. AUSA said if they didn't come back with a verdict at 4:30, he was going to dismiss the case. At 4:20 there was the dreaded knock and they had a verdict. It was GUILTY! However, while waiting for jury to decide, I overheard the Coast Guard officers talking outside the courtroom. They were complaining that the Colombian government had started denying permission for the Coast Guard to board Colombian flag vessels in international waters. After the verdict, I told the defendant's that I had an idea and not to worry.That remark was laughed at by my male co-counsel.

I knew the attorney who worked at the Colombian consulate in Miami. We started an investigation into whether or not the Colombian government had actually given permission for the Coast Guard to board that particular vessel on that date. My instincts were right, the government had said NO to the Coast Guard. Government had lied at trial. When documents were presented to the AUSA, he dismissed the case almost immediately not wanting news of perjury to leak out. That rounded out my perfect Key West record.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you have never been to Bartow or Levy County

Rumpole said...

The Boston fed courthouse isn’t old. It’s fairly new and architecturally beautiful. I think you’re thinking of a different courthouse.

I do agree about Chicago but I so love the city and the food. Like a nice big chop.

Anonymous said...

I’d say the best place to try a case is here in Dade County. All my clients get a big not guilty. I’m the best!

Anonymous said...

Did any of you notice that Judge De La O scored in top 3 “exceptionally outstanding” judges in the Miami Dade Bar poll this year? He is truly an exceptional, devoted judge. Hope you all appreciate his commitment to REG. He is one of a kind.

Anonymous said...

Rump: I was talking about the Suffolk County Superior Courthouse. Old and dingy.

Anonymous said...

He is a fabulous judge

Jay Kolsky said...

I have to agree with Scot Saul about the Detroit Federal courthouse. I tried a 26 co-defendant drug trafficking case in the largest court room I’ve ever been in , it featured an art deco motif with marble throughout . And was three stories tall .The Federal Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, couldn’t have been more accommodating, and the ASA most unprepared. Fortunately my client was the only defendant found not guilty. He was a former metro Dade homicide detective.

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles County

Anonymous said...

Jay k is the GOAT

Anonymous said...

Sure De La O is a great judge but we already knew that. we didn't need a poll. There are more interesting results in that poll. Jason Bloch has one of the highest UNQUALIFIED ratings for a judge with experience at 16%. He looks good in comparison to Maria Santovenia who was rated UNQUALIFIED by 26% of lawyers and Diana Gonzalez-Whyte had 22% UNQUALIFIED and Valerie Manno-Schurr was voted UNQUALIFIED by 20% and Scott Janowitz was UNQUALIFIED by 19%. Those are terrible numbers for judges with years of experience.
See the results here https://www.miamidadebar.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Poll-Results-Publish.pdf

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Don’t fear. Bonita Jones Peabody is running against Bloch. She is going to be an incredible judge! Can’t wait!

Anonymous said...

De La O is the GOAT. Others should take notes.

Anonymous said...

De La O is a wonderful judge.

I am definitely rooting for Bonita Jones Peabody. She will be great.

Woody Clermont

Anonymous said...

Dude, assuming you are Woody Clermont—and your defense should be you are not—learn the rules and don’t be endorsing people since you’re a judicial candidate yourself.