Tuesday, July 02, 2024


 This is the order that was filed.  The prior one was a draft. 

Pardon our delay- there was a federal judge in Los Angeles that kept us on our toes for the last two weeks. But all's well that ends in a rule 29. 

cleeney amendedorder by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd


Anonymous said...

Good morning fellow colleagues. I Just want to say we have the best prosecutor in America. Kudos to Kathy. Coffee and donuts in my office. We have the best team in America. Cigar anyone?

Anonymous said...

If the SAO was a private company that place would be out of business. Incompetence runs the office.

Anonymous said...

There is no way Kathy can save her reputation. She has let incompetent people run the everyday operations of the office to the ground. Tyrant chiefs. ASA’s with a superiority complex that don’t know their head from their ass. This is an office that’s resembles a sweat shop in communist China.

Anonymous said...

A cheery good morning from the bunker at One Rundle way. Today we gave several meetings calling county court prosecutors to explain why there was a state continuance in a case and why they didn’t say victim wants max and why they handed over exculpatory Brady material after the second motion to compel when it’s office policy not to do so until the third one. As MVZ taught us all so well - train a prosecutor in county court to hate defense attorneys she she will work for you for 30 years.

Next up is the trial tax team pizza party where prosecutors who got max after a trial each get a slice of pizza and a Dixie cup of coke and a handshake from the state attorney who repeats the same phrase “remember it’s not a trial tax. Its justice”

And finally the state attorney chess club. Need I say more ? Duh.

Anonymous said...

Hey y’all let’s pace around the Graham for hours. 10k step goal. Blue tooth ear piece check. Fitness

Anonymous said...

Anyone in contact with Jason Pizzo?

Anonymous said...

Brains might explode do not open link


Anonymous said...

This is so much more exciting: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article289727509.html

Anonymous said...

What kind is sicko pervert mysoginist did the SAO hire to train the incoming prosecutors. What a joke!!

Anonymous said...

The Herald writes: (Steven) “Gosney said excerpts should not be taken out of context from his soft core porn rated R Death Penalty Desires book and emphasized that the novel is a work of fiction. He cited several female characters he said were depicted as heroes.” Yet, in his April 4, 2024 podcast entitled “Party! Moving to Miami! Let’s go!” where he details his new job, private conversations with Rundle and Chiefs, and discussions of his vile book, he explains beginning at about 1:04:45 that men and women are different and women constantly want attention but will not give it to men and they should. At 105:45, he explains that one of the characters Natalie was based on his friend Elle and a real experience they had. At 108:30, he and his guests begin to discuss how a lot of women see an approach by a man who is lesser than them in status as a threat to their own status, and that these women have to slap down the men as hard as they can to show that they are higher status women. Gosney makes the above comments himself. His friend Jessica then says the women who say a man is not good enough for me are types of women that if it wasn’t for mommy and daddy, having money would be a piece of shit or the bottom of the barrel. ** Gosney and another lawyer specifically agree with Jessica’s comments and Gosney explains that is the primal nature of women. Gosney goes onto explain that it is their primal nature to go for high status men and shoot down low status men but if women understand that that’s their primal nature and act differently, the world would be a better place.

Two observations for SAO: you are putting a man in a position of power who at his core believes women owe men attention and if they provided it properly, the world would be a better place. What a sick sick mindset to allow access to young impressionable attorneys and you are setting yourself up for a lawsuit when he spews these disgusting beliefs upon your young prosecutors and uses them for his own end result.

Second, out of his own mouth in this podcast he says that it is the primal nature of women to go for high status men and those who are successful could not have done it without mommy and daddy’s money. You are on notice of how he feels and what he thinks. We would call on the women in both the defense bar and prosecutor bars to look into this and listen for yourselves to his weird podcasts and decide how comfortable you are around this person.

Lastly, we call on the Herald to do a follow up because there is so much more in these podcasts. Rundle should be confronted with each statement by this wolf in sheep’s clothing and answer for it.

Anonymous said...

In another video he asks his wife to make him a drink while he live casts and then calls her wifey. In the video about coming to Miami he says that the chiefs at the SAO poured through his podcasts before he was hired. If that’s true, then that’s a whole other level of blindness at the SAO.

Anonymous said...

Yes he says that… it is sick… they need to fire him

Anonymous said...

His whole persona is giving violent sexual predator lying in wait.


Anonymous said...

The absolute comedy of the SAO being in the middle of an ethics PR nightmare and deciding THIS is the guy that will get us back on track. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Isn’t Tom Bowman the SAO new director of recruiting? Was this his brilliant recruit? I guess his recruitment skills are on par with his trial advocacy skills. What a joke.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How ‘bout we give him a chance before attacking him. Perhaps you should read this: https://elsevier-ssrn-document-store-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/21/03/31/ssrn_id3816895_code4142510.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEPX%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJIMEYCIQCJf%2FVUqsbyRVSMLMjdbNDW33wOY6HhPla8OjS0XagwrgIhAN1%2Bo4iuzo6XfwN5N2c%2B6XWdqtFZ0NJWndiC27%2FQocFzKscFCK3%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEQBBoMMzA4NDc1MzAxMjU3IgzL7r3W52QoS6h1Wv0qmwWFlxENhvNgnY6XatMjfJIWgoPbEQ1qH%2BIw1ljVOas29YZ7AtLHUeF666W3ODFSmddThqyF%2BisDfWsI6kABerq9UqKD%2BVdryxHTB3okfaTnK94dur4Pn%2BQMTOuX%2F8NVMNEw8osXjRAQ9w1EJbQX6QQ%2FutdUws6hV25pApzx%2Ff57dypXFh5gBGywoI7044wjTla%2B6CmrZTfz9p%2BD9LMjfQRfNlRZbsjh02oaxk418mxbB5kTktCiQ1L12prf5pxKCxXwoBsV8rjkF6BS3kKpJrHUC2lZv%2Bf2YxiFAFdhUr7wae99C1qw97xpVu%2B2zSCrPV9menJCwla6fKpydtkKSyAOELzqnd4qS6p%2BnPteKofIZNoU%2BnFNGyBWcm%2BFTmLM4ngDKlOq5URnX9xQ0SrpCGEfAfN09rnayi%2FFVktVPCUBGC0FmNAI3%2FoukKkzznichEuoo6ucJ28w4XM6geAlJYTV1rPVwUfzP7qUPfnZfW6ni2b5dMeMKsf1S4RB1ArUoHqreM0t2zJzKFdeNvf%2BSYv%2B58RHNGXLLhEqtpLi%2BkWU1xug4e8WW0Dnk4Ra995DrOXwCLQMdL3EsFNV0HuLJOReAgchjG2VxwWZkHQB6JJy%2Fq8BE8X5IKymDDmScj8QqEvk%2FN1H7ZKydSPKWhf053jd4NJPtyLu2hUCXDKoBUwE7pEM%2FfgDjt5s8QuMeXN36f%2FKZl%2B37XrIPZ8M4p012iynUwuQRaeJp%2B6h1HpRDLgYuUIHRg7CC8m8UmmetJot93bB6qXonr4w9nUMqUnMM0S8RqDIEdjkro%2FCJCfBJL6o0RJXLFdoaUEU4FTU5aca%2FN49QrtShaPY%2F5dzxeD3Ai2bTPEZHuA2j%2F6KK8%2F%2FYn4ljGdBb%2BVeOU5wPS5lMK%2BHnLQGOrABIZw0fBeInj9w5ZfqWy0JcH13JmHHWnGI3qQ22sYqno18uw%2BHfcP%2B7k2zZ59HONu04PgUdl%2Fc6ljHLh3ej7bu2f5OSny9s8gkpYQyKv4PJYKiMT9RiuAr3VI26b8BFk8J1HJgVsjbJh0OMgpQffFpBQ9vLM6acsTKk9Mw25EDFPI%2BwRAPir8ifpVNUqtGAhnxRxc4PuH31gBnVx7IkVwB1YFb7tyAoxAalELZTOUYj7M%3D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20240704T214259Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAUPUUPRWEVGZVCCMU%2F20240704%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=ee58c2256f3481f30e83030bee43e83f9ed7fbc70c1af4a325500d6fca9bbc5f

Anonymous said...

This man is extremely uncomfortable. Looks and sounds like a rapier and pedofile

Anonymous said...

Tom is a good guy

Anonymous said...

Office is clueless. Crumbling like Democratic Party.

Anonymous said...

Tom does a good job

Anonymous said...

I’m willing to give Gosney a chance, but I’ll admit that he’s not starting on a good note.

Let’s take the X-rated version of the book about the death penalty. Was there a need to write about such an important issue, especially when you are an anti-death penalty crusader, in smut form? Was there a need to trivialize the issue by fusing together the law, the death penalty, and smut? And what about the portrayal of certain characters, like women and trans, do these portrayals advance the conversation about such an important topic, or was this gratuitous kink designed to feed a prurient interest?

I realize that this is a fictional book. Although I believe he may have mentioned in one of the podcasts that he modeled a character (or something about a character) after a real person. I’m also aware and respect his first amendment right to write whatever he wants. But was it the best judgment call for a former ASA, turned anti-death penalty crusader, who has likely prosecuted and defended rapists and consoled victims of sexual violence, to write this type of book? I wonder what the fallout would be if a teacher wrote this type of book?

What about the drinking of alcohol during his live streams? This may be an acceptable imagine in some corners of the practice of law, but I hope he cuts that out as an ASA. Just not a good look for a law man. Unless, of course, his public drinking was also green lighted by the SAO since they supposedly reviewed his podcast as part of his background screening and were okay with it.

One of his podcast buddies, a man who he constantly praises and openly admires, who also happens to be a lawyer, appears to be a raving women basher. An openly anti-feminist, even though he hides behind the usual “I have daughters” routine. The man even puts down “ALL” single mothers raising sons - mind you, Gosney says he was raised by a single mom - yet, Gosney sits there listening to this chauvinistic rant against women like Gosney’s mother, and he keeps praising the guy and kissing his ass. If he can’t stand up for women like his own mother, I’m not hopeful that Gosney’s gelatinous spine will allow him to stand up for victims or to crooked cops. He may not even be able to speak truth to power when it matters most.

Then there’s the creepy factor. Case in point, the fellow female podcaster who he calls “friend,” a young girl who can’t be more than 24 (Gosney is 56), who admits not yet finishing college, who appears young and immature simply by the way she expresses herself, a girl who admits that she looks up to her fellow male podcasters (Gosney and the chauvinist lawyer included), and yet Gosney engages with this young girl in conversations that are leave a lot to be desired, like trivializing alcohol consumption and smoking. The same type of conversations that some could argue are consistent with grooming, especially given the age and power dynamics between the grown men on the podcast and this young woman. In fact, if he was prosecuting a child molester I have no doubt that Gosney would point to these conversations between a young woman and a man more than twice her age as evidence of grooming.

There was no need for an office that is embroiled in scandals based on poor (lack of) judgment and questionable moral/ethical character to have hired this guy. I’m sure he’s a fine lawyer and person, and he definitely seems clueless about what he walked into, but the SAO knew or should’ve known better.

Anonymous said...

How about we give him a chance before we attack him???? Seriously, his words and views about women are unacceptable and the fact that he thinks a perverted sex novel should be used to teach people how to handle death penalty cases is ridiculous. Prosecutors eating popcorn watching girls be raped- he his expressing his own desires in the form of a novel. He will use this platform to push his weirdo book sales and make most of the women in that office uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

Before ever extending an offer to anyone it’s obvious you do a simple google search of every single person.

Anonymous said...

Steven Gosney, Rundle’s newest hire in response to the latest scandals and defense bar demands, is a self promoting extremist misleading blow hard that will say what whoever signs his paychecks wants him to say. He is a clown and in one of his recent podcast interviews (that people pay to comment on by the way) as he recounts private interview discussions with him and Rundle, he says the reason Rundle hasn’t hired a local defense attorney to her team is because none of them understand the role of the prosecutor. Another clown in a dangerous position of power.

Anonymous said...

Seriously. What type of man has opinions regarding primal traits of women and men? Even worse, he thinks women and men are different at a primal level. Get woke bro.

Anonymous said...

Men and women ARE different. Get objective, bro.

Anonymous said...

It’s not about forcing someone to be woke or not but agreeing that successful women owe it to rich mommy and daddy’s otherwise they would be at bottom of barrel is just an example of his misogyny. Woke or not, he views women in a very dangerous and oppressive way.

Anonymous said...

Great point about the potential grooming of that girl Jessica. I feel bad for the dude’s wife and kid.

Anonymous said...

Tom does a terrible job and all of leadership at the SAO say it behind his back to anyone who will listen and to Rundle. He doesn’t answer emails, lacks follow through, leaves many things to the last minute etc They regret the hire but are stuck with it because of who is wife is. They are looking to hire an assistant for him rather than call him out on it because Rundle won’t do anything about it as they have complained to her before.

Anonymous said...

He doesn’t need to be woke, he just needs to not be a creepy potential groomer of young girls and women to place them in a position where he appears more powerful. As the prior poster said, he as all of the traits of a groomer. Interestingly, he was also co-counsel on a case where a woman’s boyfriend walked into the 11 year old’s bedroom in middle of the night, touched her breasts and scurried out after she woke. He had raped her sister previously and that case was pending and he had a prior for rape and kidnapping. Gosney and his co-counsel argued that was natural parental touching and called those children liars and effectively skunks. Thank God the guy is doing life but what kind of creepy natural parental touching is that in that situation.

Anonymous said...

And the lack of discernment on behalf of the SAO for making this hire. They have a history of allegations of sexual harassment and treating and paying women lesser. As inappropriate as this hire is, it is actually pretty on point.

Anonymous said...

Agree. Complete lack of discernment.

Anonymous said...

Is this new hire exhibit A to your statement? If so, LOL

Anonymous said...

Great point, disturbing but great point.

Anonymous said...

Leave aside the differences in men and women. Look objectively how he speaks about women and agrees with statements they can’t be successful on their own. Great way to deflect what is actually going on. This isn’t about his conservative viewpoints as it relates to men and women. He is a woman basher and potentially worse as evidenced by his statements on several podcasts.

Anonymous said...

Do you agree with this statement Gosney expressly agrees with on his podcast? …. Jessica then says the women who say a man is not good enough for me are types of women that if it wasn’t for mommy and daddy, having money would be a piece of shit or the bottom of the barrel. ** Gosney and another lawyer specifically agree with Jessica’s comments. For anyone to minimize this to a debate that men and women are simply different is misleading people and making the situation worse.

Anonymous said...

If the SAO does not scour every statement this wacko has ever made on every single self promoting podcast he put out there and something happens to a child or a young woman, they will be on the receiving end of a huge lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

They absolutely have a history of sexual harassment allegations. Complete lack of common sense.

Anonymous said...

As MVZ said, “they needed a black face for recruitment.” Disgusting on so many levels. And if what MVZ said was true, why haven’t more people of color been hired since he came on board? All I see is white and white hispanic.

Anonymous said...

I believe his version of the SAO’s disdain for many in the local defense bar, however I’m not sure that came from Rundle. That statement likely came from one or more of her chiefs. You know who you are.

Anonymous said...

Based on some of his statements about the SAO, it’s clear that he didn’t do his homework about his new employer. Mutually blind employment.

Anonymous said...

“Gosney told the Miami Herald that he doesn’t condone the sex-based violence and misogynistic thinking of his characters.” said the Herald.

Well we have now all listened to Gosney’s podcasts for ourselves, we have proven that Steve Gosney blatantly lied to the Herald about his misogynist beliefs as shown by his many podcast statements. Will the SAO really believe he is not in favor of sex based violence or believes that gay and trans people are not beasts as he said in his book? Wake up guys. Is this guy really worth all the trouble. His judgment is terrible. Someone needs to get the article and blog info and podcast info to SAFE.

Anonymous said...

Any prosecutor or defense attorney that does not realize this Gosney guy has terrible judgment and speaks out of both sides of his mouth when necessary needs to listen to a couple of his podcasts for themselves. Don’t trust him. Guard yourselves. Work with him if you must but do NOT trust him. If he gives you advice you are uncomfortable with, report it. If he makes statements during training or otherwise you don’t think comport with legal or ethical standards, report it immediately. Share it here. Document conversations with him. If you are a young female, don’t be in a room alone with him. This is much more than a disagreement about views on roles of women as a couple commentators have said. He clearly lacks judgement on many levels and we now all see he will not hesitate to lie, even publicly to a newspaper, when he must.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In one of Gosney’s 4 judicial applications over two decades (this was 2017), which can be found online, question 25 asked ever been formally suspended, disciplined or terminated? He says “ yes, after following the advice of the Florida Bar ethics hotline, I had to leave my position as an Assistant State Attorney. “ Did he lie to the Miami SAO about why he left? Did the Miami SAO speak to that prosecutor’s office to find out under what circumstances he actually was terminated or forced to resign?

In his February 2022 application, also online, he writes that at the prosecutors office he was on the FAST TRACK for a position in their CAPITAL Division and he “set this as his professional goal”. Thus he clearly believed in the death penalty until he was terminated from that SAO. So, his opposition to the death penalty occurred, conveniently while he was working at the public defenders office after being forced to leave the SAO, and not as he says on his podcast because he is Catholic and against it. How many more lies will we find relating to Mr. Gosney.

Anonymous said...

It’s White men like you who are ruining this country. That’s why we need more women, especially women of color (Black and brown women in particular) in leadership roles.

Anonymous said...

He applied to the bench 6 times since 2006, most recent application in 2020. His name was never sent up. Does anyone question why.

Anonymous said...

Agree. Said he doesn’t believe in DP because he is catholic but in his judicial application says he was on fast track for capital division at Voluisa SAO and that was his professional goal. Conincidence he stops believing in DP when he gets job at PDO

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why he was let go from his prosecutor’s job? If someone has a contact to find out that would be great.

Anonymous said...

This guy is not only “self published” but he begs people for donations to “publish” all of these books. Let’s Go Brandon and others paid to publish his last book and his dog book. He thanks them on his twitter for their financial support for his book publishing of several books.

Anonymous said...

He calls himself a media personality and author. He is a self promoting machine who collects donations to publish each book. SMH LOL

Anonymous said...

Correction: He applied to the bench 7 times since 2006/2007, most recent application in 2022 and also once to the 5th DCA in 2018. His name was never sent up to Governor any of the 8 times.

Anonymous said...

Gosney posted this quote on his social media this morning: “We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended.”

ASAs your new colleague thinks you are STUPID if you are in the group of people who find what he has done, said and written inappropriate. Keep your distance!

Anonymous said...

He applied for a judgeship 8 times not four.

Anonymous said...

lol he was terminated from his prior prosecutor job… priceless.

Anonymous said...

Look at his 2022 application online. He applied 8 times. He lists each time.

Anonymous said...

The fact that he applied a total of 8 times for a judicial position since 2006 & his name was never once sent up does speak volumes. His last application appears to be 2022. There are at least two applications online as someone else said. I’d also be interested to know why he was let go from the State- what alleged ethical issue required his removal. Frankly at this point we will likely never know the truth. Too many discrepancies in his comments and statements even above and beyond his smut book.

Anonymous said...

“Gosney said he’ll be writing policies, offering his ethics expertise, training young prosecutors and maybe being part of a prosecution integrity unit. Fernandez Rundle did not announce creation of such a unit,” -> pretty arrogant to be making public statements before the SA does. It is a matter of time before his lack of judgment blows something up and Rundle yet again is embarrassed. These people can’t get out of their own way.

Anonymous said...

lol yea he uses Give Send Go to collect money to illustrate and publish his books. It appears to be a Christian fundraising platform for ministry. They all post for each other and agree to mention each other in books. What a mockery.

Anonymous said...

Great observations. But I do not believe he didn’t know what he was walking into. They puffed him up to be the savior for the office. He ate it up and was going to use it to boost podcast content and “book” sales. I think he knew what he was walking into but thought the reward would be bigger than the risk. Big mistake.

Anonymous said...

Agree 1:10 PM but unfortunately he conflates what she says with what they say on his podcast. Another reason he will be dangerous for her to have around and why wise ASAs won’t trust him.

Anonymous said...

So creepy.

Anonymous said...

This guy can’t get out of his own way. What an arrogant prick.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure Rundle relied on Chiefs and Bowman to background check him. Instead they puff him up as the greatest new hire of the year to Rundle without doing their homework. The incompetence is astonishing. Google is FREE bro!

Anonymous said...

Herald should call larizza and find out though it’s been so many years who knows who remembers what. It might also interest them to know that he calls larizza and his whole office unethical multiple times in multiple different pods. Surprised Rundle would take that liability on. Anyone that mouths off that much is a fool with sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

Rundle doesn’t background check anyone. She completely relies on her chiefs and investigators. She may have the final say and could override all internal advice, like bringing f back MVZ, Aponte and others, but Gosney is totally on her chiefs. This ticking time bomb is squarely on them. Would love to read the internal emails and text messages to know who exactly puffed him up.

Anonymous said...

Great job bro!!

Anonymous said...

FACDL has to think this lady is a comedy show. What a way to handle your last 4 year term.

Anonymous said...

One of Gosney’s friends and online groupies posted this in response to the Herald reporter and her article on Gosney:

“I cant imagine a more spiteful thing than a bunch of malcontents bitching about a new coworker's novel to try to destroy his career.”

This can only mean that Gosney told his friend that he suspects that some of his new colleagues are trying to destroy his career.

That didn’t take long!

Anonymous said...

He is saying worse than that my friend. However, his credibility is pretty much out the window and not over a fictional novel. Not worth even responding to him because there are enough defense attorneys, prosecutors and judges who read this blog and who have listened to his podcasts that will always view him as the shifty guy he is.

Anonymous said...

To 12:17AM: No doubt he is telling tons of people same including his low level “media” friends. After all he calls himself a “media personality”. 😂🤡😂🤡. We applaud any Miami-Dade prosecutor taking a stand against what Gosney purports to stand for.

Anonymous said...

Gosney writes on twitter yesterday “… hopefully next week I will get a ruling on the parameters of my online presence… I stepped into a maelstrom of politics I do not understand…” ~> is this guy that arrogant that he thinks this is simply a political issue????

Anonymous said...

Someone’s observation was accurate…this guy didn’t know what he was walking into. Big county, bigger politics, grandiose egos, sprinkled with a good dose of corruption. Way out of his league.

Anonymous said...

I guess we can consider this group chat closed?

Anonymous said...

This chat is Nolle Prossed