There are razors in logical thought. The most famous is Occam's Razor- familiar to most of you (who do not wear black robes at work).
G.K. Chesteron created Chesteron's Fence which states
"Do Not Remove A Fence Until You Know Why It Was Erected."
Query: Just why do you think that Razor is applicable today (Judges do not need to answer).
Who remembers School House Rock ?
Here is a new one. Enjoy.
We will be posting more content today as time allows.
Chesterton. GK Chesterton.
Rumpole - please let us know your thoughts in on:
1. Trump’s speech to Congress
2. The democratic response by members and Senator Slotnick
3. The media coverage?
Democrats are so partisan they couldn’t even clap for a child with cancer. Instead, they had a few mentally ill men who think they are women with them so they can feign moral superiority. What a vile group they have become, delusional in their virtue signaling. They have no policies, no talking points, and have been relegated to behaving like toddlers.
This used to be a legal blog.
More shame at the Miami SAO. Don’t let their repeated and continued wrongdoing get lost among the other headlines.
“Lead prosecutor in OnlyFans murder case steps down after judge rules he can be deposed” BY CHARLES RABIN March 04, 2025 10:32 AM
Nope. This was always my blog. Sorry you don’t understand the difference. Read The Fountainhead. Then you will understand.
Trump thrives and loves chaos. He loves creating a division between the American people. He thinks he is still on a new reality show when truly it is nothing but a shit show and an embarrassment to the American people. Now cuts are being made to the VA and the Dept of Education is about to be dismantled. To @5:35-- but it is okay for the Republicans to lash out and make fun of the others and spread lies? Its okay for Majorie Taylor Green to spew vile? And Trump, tanking the stock market and causing a trade war with our biggest allies for no reason? Insulting Zelensky and Trudeau and calling all Mexican immigrants, rapists and drug dealers? So that is okay in your book?
Its political trend has increasingly taken over. But I am still waiting for a single commentator to admit, giving his/her name, that he/she voted for Trump. I don't know a soul who will admit that, even in private conversation.
A good suggestion, Rumpole, but unlikely to be followed by most, because it is not only A Book, it is A Long Book. (But I lost the bet which required me to read all of John Gault's speech in Atlas Shrugged. . . . )
Definitely not a state criminal defense blog , not covering the Lucy Fernandez story. Probably the biggest scandal of all.
Who replaced him?
Where did the #metoo movement go?
Who was it?
Deflecting topics of the SAO
Does anyone have the Cruz order granting deposition of an ASA for the defense to explore prosecutorial misconduct and violation of work product privilege. Can someone post it.
I went to a lunch & learn for an hour of CLE to hear VA folks explain the programs for vets caught up in the legal system. There were a lot of PD's scrawling notes pertaining to "service connected" and "service related" and the different doors the different concepts opened. They gave case studies where VA programs helped some pretty fucked up people get back to normal lives. Then, I found out that 83,000 of the workers who help the soldiers we send off to get wounded and maimed in our nation's defense will be laid off. #MAGA!
“Who is John Galt”
‘There’s PROFIT, in chaos”,Milo Minderbinder, as stated in Catch Twenty-Two
Deflecting local judicial news?
I think he was a PD about ten years ago.
How is stepping down shame? He’s an excellent prosecutor.
Kalil Quinan - violated defense work product privilege. Never said anything to court or defense voluntarily. Discovered in public records request. Judge got mad and order a depo on extent of violation and rather than be deposed he withdrew with a crazy motion and attachment to the court.
Billy Corbin , at last , has taken aim at FWC! Watch out !! Beware. These guys make MVZ look like a piker !
Crickets here on the JBB
Stop corruption
The one 👁️ raven says chaos is a ladder
Stop corruption!!!!
Forced to step down verse voluntary step down = two different things. Has no one learned anything?
In Florida, are General magistrates allowed to sign court orders?
That’s not true!
Even if he steps down is he still subject to be deposed? Defense will add him as a witness.
Judges order was pretty bad for state. of course he stepped down. Should have voluntarily withdrawn before judge had to issue order on deposing him. Another embarrassment for Rundle
No he didn’t. Stop exaggerating everything.
"Where did the #metoo movement go?" They shut up because they will go to indefinite detention in Guantánamo otherwise.
At least spell his name right, Frank
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