Sunday, September 29, 2024


 Before we begin our football picks, let's just have a moment to reflect on our fellow citizens in the big-bend area of Florida- the ones who reliably vote MAGA, who chant "drill baby drill" and "lock her up" at rallies, and most importantly, do not believe in that liberal cancel culture "global warming" nonsense. They got wacked by a gigantic storm- maybe because they didn't pray hard enough. It certainly wasn't because the Gulf Of Mexico waters are warmer than they ever have been. 

Back to football. 

Talking about disasters, our picks for 2024 have been anything but good. Consider we had Georgia -1 last night, and they come back from 28-0, only to lose to Bama. This is what is called a losing streak. The best touts have them and we are in the middle of one now.  (But we did have Skene and the Pirates over the Yankees yesterday- Skenes has been the best bet in Baseball since June). 

So what aren't we doing anymore?

1) We aren't betting on the Titans and Will "fumble" Levis. 

2) We aren't picking the Fins or the Cowboys anymore. 

Personally, we are still able to afford the Opus One we had last night here in Chicago, because of (well Nivida but that's on a different blog) our picks on individual performances- hitting on passing yards and TDs last week for Aaron Rodgers and the Jets. 

Ok, let's reset. 

Best Bet of the day- risk your Opus One Wine money and a little of the mortgage to get back some losses:

Bengals (who are less than 10 points from being 3-0) over the Panthers -5 in Carolina. We initially like the over, but the weather may affect that, so just take the Bengals, who are an angry bunch today. 

Broncos at Jets. Let's play a weather under 39.5 as it has been raining in NYC and NJ all week. 

Give the -5.5 and take the Texans at home, angry like the Bengals for getting their ass whopped last week, over a struggling Jaguars who suddenly have big QB questions. Trevor Lawrence has basically disappeared. 

For passing Props we like Stroud  +250 yards -170 (lay 170 to win 100) or +275 yards +115. 

Survivor Pool: It has been very rough year for Survivor players- not just on the blog, but everywhere, with favorites like the Bengals going down week one, and the Bucs tanking at home last week. But we have a few crafty players left, and lets see this week if the 49ers continue the survivor curse of losing as a big home favourite. If you haven't played the Texans yet, that would be our pick, along with an angry Bengals team on the road- and yet we picked  San Fran at home to right the ship. 

Survivor Pool 2024 Week 4 by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd


Anonymous said...

Gotta love fake Alex Michaels going this deep- but watch out for Shumie's Cigar, he's a crafty one for sure. Fake Freddy Moldovan always seems to disappoint when the pressure gets too much. Love watching it and also your picks will start hitting. My GF and I have made so much money with you every year that pays for our Thanksgiving travel. Did I say GF? Woops= she is watching me and threw a donut hole at me- finacee now. LOL

Anonymous said...

Rump, respectfully that first paragraph is beyond offensive. Many here in south Florida have people missing, including some of our defense colleagues. To say that certain regions may have gotten hit because “maybe they didn’t pray hard enough” is to effectively mock God. Also, what a terrible example to set for the readers of this blog to blame anyone for this terrible disaster and to use politics to do so. I guess we should tell our friend Bob Pardo, whose brother and wife are missing, they didn’t pray hard enough and if they turn up dead it’s because they voted Maga or don’t believe in Global Warming. Very very disappointing that you would appear to encourage this kind of division. I hope I misunderstood what you were trying to convey.

Unknown said...

Of course, you know that it is global warming that is causing hurricanes like Helene even though we have seen them decades ago.

Anonymous said...

3-1. Bengals covered. Jets under. Stroud had 345 passing yards. Lost the Texans -5.5 at home. Il take 3-1.Rumpole.

Rumpole said...

I am mocking idiots who reject science. Our planet is overheating and these idiots deny it and support politicians who thwart efforts to reduce carbon emissions that cause it. I don’t want anyone to die in a hurricane. But these yahoos in north Florida don’t believe global warming caused the monster storm that has hit so hard we have a colleague who has family members missing. I make no apologies for politicizing this issue as those idiots have done.

Anonymous said...

just go to youtube. search "george carlin save the planet"

Its all you need to know.

Anonymous said...

Cold take ,

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe that Rumpole wrote something so callous and unnecessarily political at a time of such death and devastation. Goes to show you that no party or political persuasion has a monopoly on empathy or humanity and that cruelty lives comfortably inside us all. I’m sure that Bob’s pain was temporarily alleviated by the insightful political message that was apparently so necessary at this time and in this context.

Rumpole’s despicable unapologetic double down - calling those affected yahoos and idiots - is ironic when you consider that this is the same guy who censors (by disapproving posts) criticism of certain lawyers and judges presumably because he finds the criticism inappropriate or unfair. Yet his cruel words toward the dead and the missing are perfectly fine.

Rumpole, you’ve shown your true colors. All the rhetoric you preach is a bunch of hypocritical bullshit. Assuming you’re man enough to approve this post, I know what you’re going to say: this is your sandbox and I can leave if I don’t like it. F@@@ Y@@!

Anonymous said...

How did Kenny Weisman get kicked out of the suicide pool so early?

Anonymous said...

Phil, you show yourself to be a mere bigot. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

I hope you apply the same rationale when it comes to abortion issues. Follow the science.

Anonymous said...

Artiles needs jail time, these soldiers come back to society and scorch earth civilians as if they’re at war still.

Anonymous said...

Nepotism runs deep in the SAO. Friends and Family packages.

Kenneth Weisman said...

Right?! The blame/fumble goes to my loving eldest son's errant pick on opening week

Anonymous said...

That’s right, follow the science on abortion. It is absolute murder. What a sad day for this blog to double down when someone pointed out a troubling take from this blog. Wow. Vote folks please please vote. This country needs help and needs God.

Anonymous said...

This 👆

Anonymous said...

Wow wow wow

Anonymous said...

Had Artiles been prosecuted federally, I have no doubt the govt. would ask and the judge would impose an exorbitant sentence, mainly as part of the depraved trial penalty, but he doesn’t deserve jail time. I bet he has no priors. Probably a close knit, loving and supportive family. I believe he served in the military. He must’ve done some good for Floridians during his time in office. And the nature of the crime doesn’t warrant a disproportionately harsh sentence, especially because he dared to go to trial.

I think having DLO try the case was a blessing for him. I hope. I would give him a couple of years of reporting probation and add a couple of meaningful conditions, such as donations to certain organizations that promote voting integrity and even order him to provide yearly lectures to high school and college students about the importance of not gaming or rigging the democratic process - voting in particular - and specifically be required to tell his story. That should keep him humble. Anything else is vindictive, undeterring and overkill.

Anonymous said...

As someone who lives in the big bend and who had to evacuate, and who routinely votes D since the party of my youth lost its mind: Rumpole - go fuck yourself. Seriously.

I know, I've been reading the blog long enough to know that one of two responses will follow: 1) "mom, I've told you to stop commenting", or 2) "Stop reading, I have millions of views, this is the best blog, the greatest blog, bloggers all over blog universe love and admire my blog, and I don't need you." Doesn't matter. Block my IP address. But your comment on the hurricane was repugnant.

Anonymous said...

If he was black he’d be going to jail. So, should we be more lenient on black defendants or harsher on white ones? Hmmm

Anonymous said...

“Abortion is absolute murder” LOL no, actually it’s absolutely NOT murder.

You need more GOD and less RELIGION. (Like most Christians.)

Anonymous said...

Always and you have family members supervising other family members and being given preferential treatment. How does that help morale especially with support staff. Been happening for years. Been complained about for years. Been ignored for years.

Anonymous said...

Abortion is murder. A fetus is a live human numb nuts.

Anonymous said...

Follow the science

Anonymous said...

1:43 hope you remember your comment precisely when you need to.