Wednesday, August 21, 2024




Congratulations are in order for three newly elected Judges. They will take office in the first week of January, 2025. In the fourth contest of the day, we have a runoff.

On Tuesday, August 20, 2024, voters went to the polls to elect four judges, two in the Circuit Court and two in the County Court. Of the 1.4 million registered voters in Miami-Dade County, 19.6% of voters cast ballots.



Former Judge Jason Bloch has been elected to a new six-year term on the bench. He bested his opponent Bonita Jones-Peabody convincingly, garnering 62% of the vote.


In a much closer race, Heloiza Correa won a hard-fought contest over Cristobal David Padron. 

Heloiza Correa 129,525 (51.9%) 

Cristobal David Padron 120,178 (48.1%)



In this three-way contest that included former Judge Scott Janowitz, we have a runoff as no candidate received a majority of the vote. Here are the results:

Christopher Benjamin 98,069 (38.7%)

Alina Salines Restrepo 91,014     (35.9%)

Scott Janowitz         64,131 (25.3%) 

Benjamin and Restrepo will face off on November 5th in the General Election.


In the closest race of the evening, Incumbent Judge Christopher Green held on to his seat squeaking by his opponent, Rita Maria Baez.

Christopher Green 126,770 (50.8%)

Rita Maria Baez 122,628 (49.2%)

In the most closely watched contest of the evening, Miami-Dade County will elect a Sheriff in November. This was as the result of a 2018 referendum in which 58% of Miami-Dade voters joined a statewide supermajority in approving a constitutional amendment requiring that the county join Florida’s 66 other counties in having an elected Sheriff.  Early on, you may recall that former Miami-Dade Police Director Freddy Ramirez was the odds-on favorite to win this election. But, he dropped out of the race last September following an attempted suicide.

In the Republican primary, Assistant Director of Investigative Services for the MDPD Rosie Cordero-Stutz, a 28-year veteran of the force, beat out Florida Highway Patrol PIO Joe Sanchez to win her primary. Cordero-Stutz collected 27,065 votes to Sanchez’s 24,685. Nine other candidates were also in that contest.

Cordero-Stutz will face off against the Democratic primary winner, Chief of Public Safety for Miami-Dade County James Reyes, as he collected 51,291 votes (46.0%). He beat three other candidates, with the closest one being Rickey Mitchell who had 23,365 votes (21.0%).

Finally, in our favorite named candidate contest, that goes to Pitchie “Peachy” Escarment. She ran for a seat on the Miami Gardens Council, Seat 5, At Large. Unfortunately for Peachy, you will not be able to address her as Council Member Escarment as she came in fifth place in a six-person race.



Anonymous said...

Jason Bloch doesn’t know anything about criminal law.

Anonymous said...

Calling the Shumie on janowitz and BPJ - trump needs ALJ bodies. Apply 11/7

Anonymous said...

But Bloch knows how to win baby. And he won. So now what? Kamala and an 11th Cir spot surely awaits.

Anonymous said...

Knows how to win, didn't he lose twice before this? He inherited a lot of wealth, way outspent all opponents including I-95 billboards, and won on his third try.

Anonymous said...

Did you pronounce Kamala correctly?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So, so sad for long time APD Bonita Jones Peabody. What a huge loss for the people of Miami. Yet another out of touch white dude on the bench, yay. SMH….

Anonymous said...

3 million dollar campaign from his own pocket suckerrrr

Anonymous said...

He lost to a Cuban incumbent by I believe 1200 votes? Daring move to try. Then he won by an unheard of margin in Miami-Dade county coming second in most ballots cast in his favor only after Mayor Cava. Jealousy looks so good on you, though!

Anonymous said...

Have you looked at the judicial directory? “White dudes” are not the majority by any means. And he’s replacing Miller good riddance

Anonymous said...

Bring back Pizzo!

Anonymous said...

Replace Talpins with Pizzo. When Kathy retires Pizzo is a sure win for SA.

Anonymous said...

6:04 go private. You’ll learn to appreciate real wealth instead of being so bitter and probably old. County attorneys have historically made much more than us line ASAs and APDs.

Anonymous said...

You are forgetting he initially lost as an incumbent, a rare feat. As to jealousy, trust me I don’t want the job and sure as hell wouldn’t if I had ten million dollars, I hope I’d find slightly better things to do than managing morning calendars. But to each their own.

Anonymous said...

That’s the difference between you and our soon to be next judge. Some people just care. It’s not about money. It’s about the people. By the way, he also lost to a Cuban ASA, following a controversial ruling he got right. The SAO seems to stand behind him now given the endorsement. Have fun on your island. Some of us, even the monetarily fortunate, still care about this county and this country.

Anonymous said...

Leave Talpins alone.

Anonymous said...

I don't have an opinion as Jason Bloch's legal acumen, but I have had occasions to interact with him socially. He's just odd. Gives off the Trump weirdness vibe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You support inflated salaries?

Anonymous said...

Hey Rumpole …. Is a CIVIL WAR inevitable in America?

Your view?

Anonymous said...

Why he’s way over paid. He should do his cardio on his own time. He stinks the lobby with his cigar smoking.

Anonymous said...

State seeks max jail time on an NVDL!

Anonymous said...

Bloch winning makes me want to vomit.

Anonymous said...

Re: Jason Bloch: his detailed application to the JNC some years ago is available to read. Twenty-plus years in the County Attorney's office means that he worked on an enormous variety of cases, from county to appellate courts at every level. Not everyone can (or wants to) serve in criminal divisions. It is vital for the courts to have people ascend the bench who know (or are willing to learn!) the civil rules and know or educate themselves about many areas of substantive law.

Anonymous said...

Waste of tax payers money

Anonymous said...

Bloch was terrible in criminal court last time. Please keep him in civil

Anonymous said...

Inherited? You’re just spreading rumors. You’re misinformed.

Anonymous said...

A loss? Almost 50% of the bar rated her unqualified. And I’m guessing you weren’t at the CABA judicial panel where she couldn’t answer a single question about circuit court and there was a noticeable gasp from the crowd?

Anonymous said...

$3 million? More like 10% of that. That’s public information which apparently you’re either too lazy or inept to look up. Which might also explain how you’ve developed a grudge against Bloch, if that’s how you practiced before him, when he was on the bench…. Just speculating. I guess you prefer your judges bought by certain segments of the bar rather than one who can get there without owing favours even if only unspoken ones? Not me. SMH

Anonymous said...

Jason Pizzo for State Attorney!

Anonymous said...

OK, well I was gonna let this go, but since you insist, his financial disclosure is not a rumor. His net worth is $68 million, thats his own disclosure. Half of that, $30 million, is in gift trusts for him. So give me a break with its not inherited wealth. What, he worked at the county attorneys office for 20 years and traded options on the side and made $68 million, is that your story?

Anonymous said...

Abusive working environment.

Anonymous said...

Yes way over paid and does cardio on state time.

Anonymous said...

No one wants to work for Pizzo

Anonymous said...

When is the next SAO rodeo?

Anonymous said...

Can we get SAO resignation stats every month?

Anonymous said...

Taj Pearson

Anonymous said...

The SAO is a terrible place to work. People are leaving as quickly as they come. Make sure to warn people

Anonymous said...

Too many to count. Super abusive working environment

Anonymous said...

Cubans have the voters wrapped up

Anonymous said...

You were going to let it go? But you couldn’t resist. Yes he made his money on his own. The fact that we’re even debating this is childish and shows your jealousy. His mom was a teacher and his dad a small business owner. He was a business major at UC Berkeley before graduating Georgetown Law, cum laude. He’s very smart and yes he did trade and manage his own acct and made all of his money himself. He actually is that smart and that market savvy. Just because you think you’ve found “gift trusts” means nothing. You still have no idea what you’re talking about.
I can’t tell you the amount of people from every demographic, I’ve met who shared stories about things he’s quietly done for them. That’s in addition to all of the pro bono work he’s been doing(and won several prestigious pro bono awards) since leaving the bench. If you’re so adamant, why don’t share your name and your financials so we can figure out why you’re so jealous?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you lost.

Anonymous said...

lol I don’t think I found gift trusts they’re in the financial disclosure. Gift trusts for him mean he inherited money, lots of people do, but that’s why he’s rich. You seem awfully sensitive about it. I never said anything bad about him as a judge, I said he lost twice before he won.

Anonymous said...

How did the Latin woman lose in Group 31! Shocking!

Anonymous said...

How so? Explain why it’s a terrible place work.

Anonymous said...

Why don’t you ask Talpins the stats czar.

Anonymous said...

Bloch wins with his pocket.

Anonymous said...

He’s getting out early. Such a shame.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He does have the capital; however, it would be a step down to his endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Green ran a great campaign.

Anonymous said...

Inevitable at the SAO when Kathy retires. La madrina andJose will want the vacancy.

Anonymous said...

I deeply urge Katherine Fernandez Rundle to reconsider and keep Steve Gosney. He is an intelligent legal mind. He is an asset to the office. Young litigants are at a vulnerable state in their careers and need guidance. His Christian values are essential to develop ethical attorneys. It is a travesty that he was let go with no wrong doing.

Anonymous said...

Stop exaggerating your probably a Gosney follower.

Anonymous said...

Gosney was on a podcast Friday where he shared with the hosts ( who were trashing/threatening the SAO and local defense attorneys) that he already wrote a book called Canceled in Miami but that it may not be released for “certain reasons”. Anyone who hires this guy better be extremely careful. His judgement appears no bueno and my guess is his word is likewise no bueno. One of the hosts said that when he goes back to his country he will release damaging information about those he feels helped bring the truth out re: Gosney so that he is not bound by First Amendment boundaries or US law. A dangerous gift that keeps on giving.

Anonymous said...

Can you not find something else to do besides speculating incorrectly on someone’s source of wealth? It’s really tacky.

Anonymous said...

Latina women make the best judges.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see Gosney’s comments on Friday’s podcast. Kudos to Rundle for taking action. Let’s see who is in his new book.

Anonymous said...

Gosney did nothing to deserve how he’s been treated. He is a legal scholar. His work as a FICTIONAL author is irrelevant to his work at the Miami SAO.

Anonymous said...

Gosney was treated unfairly. Truly political abuse.

Anonymous said...

Gosney didn’t do anything wrong. He was pushed out because some didn’t like his fictional books? Get a life. It’s fiction! He wrote it on his own time. He hasn’t even been given enough time to be properly vetted on his work as an ethics trainer. He’s a Christian.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What country is he from?

Anonymous said...

He’s not getting out “early” his sentence was vacated and he took a plea deal.

If you want to cast shame, cast it on the ASAs who withheld evidence. It was their misconduct that made the case crumble because they couldn’t re-try him due to their improper relationships with witnesses. The case hinged on 2 snitch witness’s testimony and the state gave both of them benefits and hid it.

Or maybe cast shame on the fact the state gave the ACTUAL shooter in the case 15 years already. Everyone seems to skip that fact. Pearson was NOT the shooter — even the jury made that finding.

He was sentenced to 15 years by agreement. Plenty of time! Get over your love of incarceration, it’s gross and solves no ills in our society.

Anonymous said...

Yea let’s ignore his misogynistic and degrading comments on the podcasts he removed and just focus on this book of “fiction”

Anonymous said...

Sure I want my young vulnerable daughter to be trained by someone who writes graphic scenes about prosecutors sodomizing children and getting off on re-watching it. This is bordering on the I’mabsurd that people are still yelling first amendment and don’t have the wherewithal to broadly analyze, not only his fiction books but his inappropriate podcast comments about how he really feels. He called the elected Colorado Public Defender on a pod a “trans from Gideon to a woke Karen.” That’s not fiction my friend.

Anonymous said...

The result of which is a no brainer. Let me count the ways ….

Anonymous said...

You should tell the State to stop requiring financial disclosures for elected officials. It's really tacky to discuss how much money people in positions of power have or how they got it. These financial disclosures would never be required to get a table at Joes, why must the State tackily require them for people who want to assume positions of government power?

Anonymous said...

So nothing about Correa/Padron or Mato just strolling right in? Just boring Bloch?

Anonymous said...

OMG nobody cares about Gosney anymore… go join his cult and leave Miami out of it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Gosney will divulge in his tell all book about conversations and comments that he was privy to while at the SAO about about judges and defense attorneys. Or even if any of this information will be discussed in podcasts. This guy is truly the gift that won’t stop giving. I bet we ain’t seen nothing yet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is someone actually using "he's a Christian" as grounds for someone to keep a government job? I sincerely hope that the person who wrote that isn't a lawyer - or better, that it's just a troll looking to gin people up.

Anonymous said...

Matos is a true legal scholar who deserves an appointment, she’s an excellent attorney!

Anonymous said...

False accusations on Gosney. That it’s a misrepresentation of his character. Those books are fiction. These baseless attacks are without merit. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You have damaged a career of a legal scholar who is held at the top by his peers.

Anonymous said...

Oh who cares about Gosney debacle anymore? Move on…

Anonymous said...

Are you an atheist? Probably a socialist. Do you not know our country was founded on Christian principles. Check any legal tender it says “In God we Trust”

Anonymous said...

About a year ago when his mentor was banned from teaching or working on cases by the Colorado Public Defender in a 4 page letter which explained women bashing, racial insensitivity etc, Gosney publicly characterized the elected Colorado Public Defender on a pod a “trans from Gideon to a woke Karen.” He went on to say that the Volusia Public Defender allowed these types of similar comments in the work place because they appreciated different opinions and the first amendment. If the elected volusia county Public Defender condones all of Gosney’s denigrating name calling and comments about women and minorities, fantasies and children and rape and fantasies about a sexy brilliant appellate attorney looking at his client as a prize and sexual object, that is a potential problem for not only those in the workplace but clients. Recall that Gosney also called an Arab in his book a camel jockey and a trans an “it” and a “beast.” My guess is no one in that office took the time to listen to those multiple hour babling podcasts to see what his underlying feelings really were. If he could defend those podcasts, they would still be up for every future employer to hear.

Anonymous said...

He already repeated that Rundle said that there were no worthwhile local defense attorneys worth hiring because none truly understood the function of a prosecutor and that most of their complaints were baseless. Im sure we will see a token local defense attorney hired soon to tout her cause.

Anonymous said...

Mato filed for election. No one challenged her - probably because is so well respected and liked by so many. She will be a great judge.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The SAO administration routinely allows negative comments and emails about sitting judges and defense lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Matos was a devout MVZ follower. In the Friend case prosecuted by MVZ and Matos the court apparently caught the star snitch witness in a huge lie and blasted the state for not using due diligence before putting a snitch on the stand where his lies were easily ascertainable. Matos will be a good judge but she needs to surround herself with people who have respect for ethics and the rule of law. Don’t let anyone drag you down!

Anonymous said...

"Are you an atheist? Probably a socialist. Do you not know our country was founded on Christian principles. Check any legal tender it says “In God we Trust" - This is just laughable. I'm sure this comment is from a troll, but I'll play along. Here are some fun facts for you - the founders, in their wisdom, enshrined the freedom FROM religion as the very first protection in the very first amendment in the Bill of Rights. They did this because they understood that, among other things, the freedom OF religion could only be truly secured if people were totally free from each other's competing religions. Another fun fact, lots of the founders weren't Christians. Jefferson famously edited the Bible to remove all miracles, mentions of the supernatural, references to the resurrection, or anything that referenced the divine - all of which he referred to as "nonsense." Ben Franklin and James Madison (among other founders) probably weren't Christians either - or were very loosely Christians who had very little use for literal interpretations of the Bible. The phrase "In God We Trust" wasn't adopted by Congress until 1956(!), and didn't even enter popular discourse until the Civil War. You say "are you an atheist" as if you are accusing me of something. What's wrong with being an atheist?

Anonymous said...

God forbid if ASAs engage in the same shit talking everyone here engages in.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So much keeps coming to light.

Anonymous said...

You’re an atheist socialist. Got it.

Anonymous said...

Our forefathers believed in Christian values. They were soldiers, they were family, they were legends and they were heroes. Before there was a nation, there was a fight for freedom. Freedom of free expression. Gosney did no wrong ladies and gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

Not an accusation, it’s a simple question? Either you are or not. No there’s nothing wrong with being an atheist. You are free to believe in anything whether it’s a God that created life or a

Anonymous said...

6:04 “go private. You’ll learn to appreciate real wealth instead of being so bitter and probably old. County attorneys have historically made much more than us line ASAs and APDs”. Real wealth is accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. Salvation is all the wealth I need.

Anonymous said...

Gosney is a brilliant man shame for cancel culture. Miami has turned for the worse.

Anonymous said...

Well what shall we care about next?

Anonymous said...

Bloch must be exhausted writing all these replies.

Anonymous said...

Your feelings hurt?

Anonymous said...

How about we continue to care about how the SAO refuses to review MVZ and Mitchell convictions? People are in prison for the rest of their lives and the integrity of their convictions is in question. What was the 45 day response after that meeting with FACDL? Has it really been radio silence? That’s unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

This is a blog for local Miami justice issues. Take your Gosney cult shit to rumble.

Anonymous said...

The trolling on this thread is on top form.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You’re on the wrong blog, buddy.

Anonymous said...

Matos, Silver, Bronwyn, Miranda, Ledee…… all in the MVZ crew… all got skeletons in their closet…….

Anonymous said...

Exhibit A Deandre Charles closeout authored by MVZ, Hubner etc. “the trial team did not know about the Nibin evidence” - really?!?!?! Is that not the first thing tested, the gun? did anyone else at the SAO know of the existence of the nibin evidence (and not disclose) that led to the freeing of the juvenile suspect after far too long in custody? If so who? How did the third ASA uncover tbe Nibin evidence? Vague enough closeout to raise many questions

Anonymous said...

Quit whining.

Anonymous said...

The fact he believed that the laws of nature were suspended for a Jewish woman in the middle of the desert (everyone seems to think is a holy place), so she could conceive a child without sexual intercourse, giving birth with her hymen intact to give birth to the son of God was enough just cause to fire him!

Anonymous said...

Leave Mitchell alone.

Anonymous said...

Why leave Mitchell alone?

Anonymous said...

😭 cry baby

Anonymous said...

God bless you

Anonymous said...

Mitchell hasn’t done anything wrong. Leave him alone.

Anonymous said...

@12:21 I don’t know if this is sarcasm but I am going to respectfully and deeply disagree.

Anonymous said...

@5:37 pm, get a job.
The fact that a bunch of Gosney’s incompetent trolls are in this blog defending him shows that he is a coward, and it’s repulsive. If he has something to say, he should say it publicly instead of hiding behind all of his cult members. The whole thing is creepy.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:40 pm, we don't care about his religious beliefs. He is a weirdo. If he doesn’t like public scrutiny, he should go into the private sector, but wait—he is unemployable, thanks to all the trolls who act as his henchmen, spewing stupidities and threats on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

@10:09 pm
You understand that Gosney quit, right?

The last time I checked, Christian values don't support hiding behind crazy people who threaten defense lawyers who had no input on him being hired or him quitting and staying silent when these ‘LawTube’ sociopaths are making these threats. If your friend didn't want to be scrutinized, he should have never accepted a public service position. It is sort of obvious, but none of you, cult members, get it.

Anonymous said...

That weirdo pretend labor lawyer who deems himself a ‘legal commentator’ on US criminal trials is from Sweden. He was recently in the US on a road trip, begging people for CashApp transfers to fund his trip because the airline lost his suitcase. I didn’t expect any less from a Gosney fan. They are all desperate and pathetic creatures.

Anonymous said...

10:15 pm
Then you, his peers, should give him a job. The more you defend his creepy behavior, the less employable he becomes. Hiring him means dealing with all his mental patients, aka followers.
I am sure nobody in their right mind would want that.

Anonymous said...

You gotta love it when Gosney’s trolls resort to religion as a way to save their Messiah from the ongoing public disgrace they've put him through. Your PR campaign is working wonders.

Please go on; keep telling us all his secrets and crazy fetishes. We are all ears.

Anonymous said...

Oh Miami herald where art tho?

Anonymous said...

The Swedish homeless looking, grifter is the one who threatened to “expose” defense lawyers and ASAs who this nitwit believes were find their Messiah’s fall from grace. Band of misfits.

Anonymous said...

There is also the fact that he made idiotic arguments before the Fla. Supreme Court, was rude and arrogant during his JQC interviews, a lot of his appellate briefs are poorly reasoned, and he does not cite case law accurately. Add to that his racist, homophobic, misogynist “fiction” novel that he claims is a death penalty primer, but in reality is a glimpse of his sick world view, and no. He was not welcome here in Miami. Also, he’s a liar. He did not quit the Flagler County SAO, he was involuntarily dismissed according to his employment file. So yeah, F that guy. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Anonymous said...

Source for the podcast? Some of folks would like to listen. Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

His position is indefensible which is why he took down most of his creepy videos

Anonymous said...

Gosney’s “followers” have destroyed his ability to get a public position ever again. He is too arrogant and thought his cult followers would save him. They destroyed him. And please be careful when you all continue to use the name of Jesus/Christianity to defend him. Scripture says we should not be a stumbling block to any; you have used “Christian” and “Jesus” in a way that has turned an entire population off to Christianity and Jesus. You have marred the name of Jesus and should be ashamed of yourselves. Seek advice from your Pastors. This is not good on many levels.

Anonymous said...

He also publishes recent work emails in his stupid self published books. Yea that’s professional….

Anonymous said...

He said he quit Flagler county SAO because of his views on the death penalty. Liar! Liar!

Anonymous said...

Gosney prays to something he calls “a muse” - not the God of the Bible. He uses “Christianity” as a way to raise money and get donations for his self published books. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Anonymous said...

The police knew about the evidence immediately - do you really believe the SAO didn’t know?

Anonymous said...

He’s a true legal scholar

Anonymous said...

Of course! He teaches the art of running a troll farm filled with incompetent, brain-dead zombies who have made him a pariah of the legal world. I can't wait to take that class.

Anonymous said...

@8:10 pm, you need therapy. 9:54 😂

Anonymous said...

Every time Gosney goes live its therapy.

Anonymous said...

You guys are screwing him. You need to get a grip.