Judges Bill Altfield (Dade County Courthouse at noon) and Ivan Hernandez ( 3rd DCA at 3pm) have their investitures this Friday.
The Captain pointed out in the comments Friday the NY TImes Op Ed here that the US has falling crime rates and teeming prisons. As we have said many many times: "The United States has 5 percent of the world’s population, yet 25 percent of the world’s prisoners. " Something's rotten in Denmark and in our criminal justice system.
The best chance the Dolphins have to win this season is this Sunday, on the road, at KC.
Roy Black continues his insightful critique of the lawyering in the Dr. Conrad Murray trial. His post on the prosecutor asking one question to many is superb, and if you have never done that then you've never tried more than one case. We've all been there. The goal is avoid doing it again and to recover when you do.
Mr. Black's commentary of this trial is a must read for all trial lawyers, especially young ones. His points are excellent and there is much to be learned from reading his opinion on the lawyering. Now if he could only give coach Sporano a few tips....
Supreme Court hears an ineffective assistance of counsel case today. The issue is a plea offer that was not communicated. NY Times coverage here.
Happy Halloween.
Send us your scary court stories.*
* Just emailing us the word "Broward", while technically qualifying as a scary court story, is not in the spirit of the request.
Regarding Sunday's post at 7:19. Devito's Steak House has been replaced by the equally abhorrent Vic and Angelos. As for dinner...call me many things but neverlate.
Some change is already occurring regarding the prison population:
Is it safe to assume Angury Gurl is an attorney-- given their knowledge about the law.
Whether AG is male or female has yet to be determined.
I don't know the answer to this but the real question is what percent of the crime do we have per capita. 25% of the population is irrelevant. What % of those people commit crimes is highly relevant. London is bigger than Miami but Miami has more murders. Etc Etc Etc
If I get one more fucking invite for a judicial fundraiser.....
Its PASTA NIGHT at the best little cigar shoppe in Miami tonight for Monday Night Football. Bowls of steaming spaghetti, zupata clams, trays of cheesy lasagna, and tasty meatballs all headline the food tonight to be followed by a nice glass of wine and a smooth Padron cigar. The heck wih weisman and devitos pasta, come to the real place where the pasta meets the road.
Come clean Weisman. Did you stand up Angry Gurl??
ANGRY GURL is Pam Bondi...
Kenny's biggest juice is at Prime Italian. He may have known someone at Devito's but the food isn't worth his time, trust me
Just had dinner watching the hotties at the ultra chic and exclusive South Beach Fridays on Fifth and Ocean. A little later I'm heading off to SET where Kenney Weisman is hosting "a very alta cocka sobe halloween". Should be hot. Plus foam!
For the record, unlike my opponent Mr. McCain, I have never been accused of sexually harassing patrons at a restaurant.
See the difference....Joe George For President.
Why is everyone bustin on Kenny W? Every year the dude graciously hosts the Arthur Snyder Memorial Mah Jong Tournament at the Del Vista Condos in North Miami Beach to help under privileged jewish kids who can't afford private tennis lessons at Williams Islands.
The dude pays his dues and takes care of the under privileged. Leave him be.
Disagree Rump. Fins best chance will be at home against the Redskins. Unless Dolphins management decides to try and sell more tickets by honoring Rex Grossman and the 2000 SEC Champion Florida Gators at the game. Then it's anybody's guess who wins.
O lordy Rump- I carbo loaded big time last night at two guys-the plates of pasts where never ending- the meatballs marinara were heavenly. Then I topped it off with two selections from the big guy. A sweet corona and then a big fat macanudo to head home with. My head is spinning this morning. Its like I'm hung over. But the game was great and the hospitality was great and I will be back next Monday night.
I think AG, Shumie, two guys..... is RUMPOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you r funny kid
Who makes the two guys meat balls?
I hope garrido paid his atty before he escaped
11-1-11 at 8am
what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this blog is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points,
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