(Does anyone know a good lawyer?) More on this as it becomes (ack ack) available.

Anonymous said...
1966-2011. Rest In Peace.

Up 15-0 with less than six minutes left, at home, versus a team with a losing record.
Loss in overtime 18-15.
The Day the Dolphins died.
Reprinted with permission from the Captain.
The Captain Reports:
Names sent to Governor Scott to replace Judge Figarola are:
David Alschuler
Tanya Brinkley
Donald Cannava
Ivonne Cuesta
Steven Lieberman
We should have the names later today for the Circuit Court two open seats. Also, with Judge Scola moving to Federal bench, that opens up yet another Circuit Court seat.
The Captain Reports:
Names sent to Governor Scott to replace Judge Figarola are:
David Alschuler
Tanya Brinkley
Donald Cannava
Ivonne Cuesta
Steven Lieberman
We should have the names later today for the Circuit Court two open seats. Also, with Judge Scola moving to Federal bench, that opens up yet another Circuit Court seat.
And a contented reader writes:
who cares, really so annoying! I hate when you get into the football crap on the blog. It is so annoying. I like it better when you stick to what the blog is suppose to be about and that is the Justice Building which totally lacks justice right now. Especially when we have too scared judges refusing to grant motions when they know they should be. GEEEZZZZZ its freaking sickening. I hope RIP is for the rest of the season. Go bother your wife with football
Rumpole responds:
Gee whiz Mom, why do you have to bother me at work?
Reprinted with permission from the Captain.
The Captain Reports:
Names sent to Governor Scott to replace Judge Figarola are:
David Alschuler
Tanya Brinkley
Donald Cannava
Ivonne Cuesta
Steven Lieberman
We should have the names later today for the Circuit Court two open seats. Also, with Judge Scola moving to Federal bench, that opens up yet another Circuit Court seat.
Captain Out .....
Monday, October 24, 2011 10:57:00 AM
The Captain Reports:
William Pena Wells Addendum ....
On the question asked re the ability of Mr. Wells, a convicted felon, to run for office, he responded:
Dear Captain Justice:
In Florida, civil rights (such as the right to vote, to hold office) are lost when a person is convicted of a felony. However, many many years ago I petitioned the Governor and Cabinet to restore them. Granting that
petition, I have had the right to vote and seek public office for quite some time.
Cap Out .....
If I had told you that the Dolphins defense had caused a turnover, shutout the opponent for 57 minutes, held their QB to 40yards in passing and four completions, sacked their QB seven times, and that our QB was 22 for 33 for 200 yards and NO INT's and that the offense did not turn the ball over in regulation, and had only two penalties, you would have thought - there is no way that team could lose.
And you would have been right at any other time in NFL history. According to the records books, no team has ever come back by a deficit of more than 14 points with less than three minutes to go.
So, whose fault is it?
Re Wells:
Great. Love the idea of a judge who is a convicted felon thinks he did nothing wrong and a convicted DUI offender who has empathy towards other DUI offenders. Like we don't have enough problems in this county.
I'd still like to know whether he provided a breath sample (and what the reading was) or refused.
Don't worry, at least if you stink this year your franchise can become relevant for the next 15 years with Andrew Luck. You're telling me you wouldn't make that trade?
By the way, go Niners! :)
Suck for Luck!
(and did you see that Sporano was pleading with referees actually admitting on the sideline that he would be fired? Sun Sentinel has the details)
who cares, really so annoying! I hate when you get into the football crap on the blog. It is so annoying. I like it better when you stick to what the blog is suppose to be about and that is the Justice Building which totally lacks justice right now. Especially when we have too scared judges refusing to grant motions when they know they should be. GEEEZZZZZ its freaking sickening. I hope RIP is for the rest of the season. Go bother your wife with football
Hel Holdem Hal, if you're such a hot shot poker player, explain to me how you play QI off suit?
Come on tough guy, give me your secret.
The Chicago Bears beat the Cleveland Browns in 2001 after being down 21-7 with only 28 seconds left in the game. With Shane Matthews (another Gator) at quarterback, the Bears scored a touchdown, recovered the onside kick, and then tied the game on a Hail Mary to James Allen with no time left on the clock. In O.T., the Bears lost the coin toss but scored when Mike Brown intercepted a deflected pass and ran into the end zone for a final of 27-21. Mike Brown had done the same thing the week before in O.T. against San Francisco after Terrell Owens let a ball pop out of his grasp upon being hit by Brian Urlacher. I was at this game, and I'll never forget it.
By the way, what's wrong with football on the blog? I like variety and would probably find another blog if this turned into legal news only.
David alschuler??? LOL!!
football is the only reason I read this blog.
4:30. Right on.
I still say Ivonne Cuesta is a Smart & Savvy ATTY and will be a good Judge, based on years of knowing her work in Court!
Oh stop DS! Ivonne will be a nightmare.
Oh stop it. Just give everyone in the gables courthouse a shumie cigar and send them back to work.
Why did the county buy an old supermarket to put in a courthouse? With all the money spent in lease payments plus the purchase price, the county could have built a nice courthouse for Coral Gables but, most likely, the owner of the supermarket building must have been a buddy of somebody, therefore, the courthouse transaction was done in the old-fashioned Miami-Dade county way.
Ok, I'll ask...
What is a shumie? And what is a lurvey?
I feel like an outsider listening to a inside joke... Oh wait, that's exactly what I am! LOL
Steven Lieberman deserves it solely for putting up with the stuff he does at juvi.
I don't care for the football talk here either, but I just don't read it when I see it. Big deal.
Some folks do like it.
If you don't, just skip it like I do. Is that so hard?
Some people just like to complain...
lurvey= Dan Lurvey. Criminal defense attorney. Well respected. Recently screwed up his entry in the suicide pool. Thus the creation of pulling a lurvey for a bonehead move.
Shumie. A word that has origins from the california and or hawaii surfer world Shumie or shumie time means skipping work to have a good time. Unfortunately for local lawyer, raconteur, man about town and cigar shop owner alan shuminer who is also known as shumie. It should be clear shumie and shumie time has nothing to do with alan shuminer.
The Captain Reports:
The JNC has sent the following names to Gov. Scott. He will choose two from the list. If he chooses any County Court Judges, then that will open a seat or seats on the County Court for yet another round with the JNC.
Donald Cannava
Miguel de la O
Richard Hersch
Norma Lindsey
Deborah White Labora
Angelica Zayas
Captain Out .....
Donald "DJ" Cannava
Miguel de la O
Richard Hersch
Norma Lindsey
Deborah White-Labora
Angelica Zayas
That is the list of Circuit Court nominees.
The best are Hersch and White-Labora. Worst is De la O and Lindsey.
Who is Cannava?
Zayas ia a nice person and a pleasure to litigate against.
But,.......One has to wonder how Norma Lindsey could be circuit judge material when she cannot for the life of her make a decision?????
Cannava is a Children and Families lawyer. Oh boy. What a great place to come from!
He has only been a lawyer since 1995.
If you have ever dealt with that agency, you know how truly fucked up they really are.
They are openly hostile to lawyers and hate it when anyone dares to tell them what to do.
I find little to like about any creature who works for children and families.
Ivonne Cuesta? From what I hear, she has trouble supervising her unit full of new attorneys -- why should we expect she can manage a docket with feisty, experienced litigators?
Seriously why cant I get a job like this. It pays more than SEVEN times what I make. LOL...
Strippers In Williston, North Dakota Raking In $2,000 Per Night In Tips
Any news on the corrections failure in releasing a convicted attempted murderer?
Or did this piece of very disturbing news manage to get swept under the rug? Anyone with inside info please weigh in.
The CAPTIAN is full of it. Acting like he breaks the news first. I have been asking the Captain for days to tell us what the division assignments of the new judges are. He claims he knows them, but won't share.
I just heard a 90 second commercial on 560 WQAM with attorney Rick Corrona advertising that all Florida drug laws have been overturned and that anyone who took a plea, is on probation or went to trial can hire his firm to have their results overturned! Am I missing something, or is this pure bs and a bar violation??? Please advise
Norma Lindsey's name went up? This woman is an idiot. When she first got on the County Bench and someone would ask for a continuance, her response was "noted". I cannot believe the JNC is that blind, stupid or simply is out of qualified candidates because Circuit Court judges are dropping like flies.
Turn on WAMI, channel 69, 22 on ATT at 11 pm and See Rick Corona's half hour talk show in Espano every weekday night.
1:59, you just throwing around accusations, or do you have something worthwhile to post?
DS- you ain't got the legs to make that kind of dough.
Re: Corona law firm.
Drugs are now legal. His firm can vacate any conviction which might get you removed from this country, and he can restructure your mortgage to allow you to stay in your home.
I know it is true, because I have seen it on TV.
Alschuler?? That's gross.
Don Cannava worked for the State Attorney's Office for several years. He was very well liked and respected. Don't punish him for caring enough to work for DCF. Don would be a good judge.
Hey Ivonne - I mean - 9;00.
of course I have specifics, otherwise I wouldn't make the allegation. That's what good lawyers are supposed to do...FYI.
Do you want me to name names and list examples of poor training/leadership? Thereby emberassing her office, the attorneys or the client? Well, I don't think Rumpole is big on that idea, nor am I. Suffice to say I'm stating my view based on an array of evidence and based on my experience. That's what we do here, isn't it?
Ivonne Cuesta would be awful, Migna Sanchez-Llorens trained her.
Fuck the JNC and everyone on it. Haven't you noticed that more than 1/2 the members are under 40. They don't even know who the good lawyers and judges are. If you are under 45 then you are acceptable. If you are over 50 (Deborah White Labora and Ricard Hersh, the only exceptions) you are too old.
I am so tired of all you assholes complaining about the judges when you oppose the smart, experienced and capable ones. The judiciary of this county is the laughing stock of the state. Ask any honest judge who goes to the conferences what low esteem our "young judges" are held. They are perceived as naive, an intelligence level bordering on stupid and more afraid of losing their jobs than doing their jobs.
You all fit the definition of insanity: you keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
I literally can't wait to get out of here and watch all this from a distance. Then it will be funny and not so sad.
Now we have Angry Andy to compete with Angry Gurl. Or should it be Hangry Hague? Get your facts straight, Judge. Only two members on the JNC are under 40 (not that there's anything wrong with that). None of the six they nominated for circuit court are under 40, and four of the six are over 45.
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