The title links to the DBR article.
From the article:
After the event CABA president Manuel A. Garcia-Linares said was dismayed that Adrien agreed to appear but did not, preventing association members from getting to know him.

“We made it a point to invite everyone, and he was confirmed,” said Garcia-Linares, managing shareholder of Richman Greer in Miami. ...

“We made it a point to invite everyone, and he was confirmed,” said Garcia-Linares, managing shareholder of Richman Greer in Miami. ...
Assuring CABA members he is the best candidate could have been a hurdle for Adrien, who received the lowest ratings of any judge in lawyer polls by CABA and the Dade County Bar Association.

Adrien did not return calls before deadline.

Adrien did not return calls before deadline.
Rumpole wonders: What's he afraid of? What kind of person confirms his attendance at a community event and then doesn't even give the organizers the courtesy of a call to explain his absence?

What kind of person? Peter Adrien. Duh!
And if he did show up, they would have written bad things about him anyway.
Kuntz doing what he does best......Pander!
he was probably at a job interview . . .
How dare he thumb his nose at CABA? Oh please, who cares. Finally Adrien did something right. He showed CABA that they're not as important as THEY think they are. He did the same thing I like to do with chicks I'm not really interested in. He dropped an "Oh yeah, yeah, I'll meet you there," and never even bothered to call. Nice.
30 aint no kid.
A 30 year old lawyer should know better.
Would be nice if others had what it takes to do the same ... !
3:27- You may wanna take the comment left @ 12:28 to heart.
What did Gonzo, Pertierra and Milian say about Camacho's absence. Did they offer their scholarly legal analysis to the media?
rump, do me a favor, please find and post the 4th dca opinion granting bail to the defendant accused of dui mansl of two british tourist in palm beach who was being held no bond...thanks
I agree that Adrien is not a legal scholar - but I give him credit for blowing off CABA. What would he have to gain by showing up into such a hostile environment? He knows CABA aint ever going to support him - his supporters will be from other walks of life. However, he is a jerk for saying he'd go and then failing to appear - he should have declined the invitation from the get-go.
Figures...the one GOOD thing he's ever done was also incredibly STUPID! Ahh, the irony.
White- Labora
There's nothing good or appropriate about what Adrien did. If he didn't want to appear (or kiss the ring as some of you have described it), he should have been courteous and professional enough to decline. If he had a reason for not showing up, he should have called.
Those of you who celebrate his "blowing off CABA" miss the point. Think about how you'd feel if he blew off your organization AFTER SAYING HE WOULD ATTEND.
This classless act is just another fine example of why he needs to go.
Wrong. He needs to go because he doesn't know the law. Just because he blew off an appearance at an organization does not make unqualified to be a judge. People are acting as if he blew off and appearance with the President, a Supreme Court Justice, or someone else in that league. Please, it was just CABA.
The Situation: I didn't say he needs to go because he skipped the meeting. I said it was another fine example of why needs to go. There is a big difference.
He repeatedly demonstrates utter disregard for everyone he comes into contact with. He needs to go because he doesn't respect the position (ie. he still hasn't bothered to learn the law as we both agree and the reversals prove), the people he works with (including, obviously, attorneys) or the community (as his failure to appear at the CABA meeting shows).
The fact that it was CABA instead of the President of the United States doesn't matter much to me (everyone respects those who can are apt to help them. The real test is how they treat those who can't or won't). The folks who appear in front of him every day are regular people, just like the people at CABA. The bottom line is that he doesn't seem to respect anyone who can't or won't do something for him. That is a problem.
PS----I'd be making the same comment if he no showed without explanation for any other group as well.........this isn't a CABA issue.
Oh please, are you serious????? Judicial candidates go to at least two to three events per day, especially a few weeks before the election. He probably went to another event that was more productive and got him more votes. Going to a CABA meeting is counter productive. All you will see is a few old, grumpy, think they know it all attorneys.
8:01 pm, most attorneys at CABA meetings are young or middle aged, and the judicial forum is packed.
So if it's not worth the time, don't go. But don't respond with a yes and then not show. At least call and cancel.
if anyone took the time to actually see where the mosque is being built you'd realize its nowere near ground zero, its blocks away on park street. And the building down the street had been used to pray by muslims since before 9/11. There has been another mosque even closer to ground zero which has been there for years. this whole thing is just away to keep using 9/11 to promote hate and devisiveness. should see Keith Obermann August 16th closing commentary on Countdown msmbc.
Peter adrian perfect garbage.
Perfect garbage
Peter adrian is a disgrace.
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