Third District Court of Appeals Judge Gerald Cope has resigned/retired effective Halloween, 2010. Judge Cope was Chief Judge of the court from 2005-2007 and has been on the bench 21 years. Judge Cope will join the Borg Mothership Akerman Senterfitt (Motto: Resistance is futile).

The 3rd DCA also announced that former Chief Judge Thomas Barkdull, Jr., passed away on July 10, 2010. Judge Barkdull was Chief Judge from 1963 to 1976 and was on the court from 1961 to 1996. That's 35 years to you robed readers, and that's why the courthouse bears his name.
Here is the full 3rd DCA obituary.
What never to do as an attorney, my guess is write the FBI top legal team and make fun of them?
That's exactly what the lawyer for Wikipedia did when it informed that criminal charges would be coming if they did not remove the FBI seal from its web servers.
I swear Rumpole wrote the letter, it's priceless Rumpole humor.
Yesterday, 1:24 made a comment alleging that the JQC looking into judicial campaigns is a tactic to target hispanics. His post was as follows:
Anonymous said...
The facts are that judges have been taking loans to use in campaigns as long as there have been judicial elections. Documents from Div of Elections prove this. No one, including the JQC was ever interested. In fact, Judges were taught at judicial college that it was legal. The, along come Rodriguez, and later Pando, who did the same thing and beat anglo and jewish candidates, and suddenly it is improper, and the JQC is interested. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that they are hispanic!
Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:24:00 PM
Judge Colodny is not hispanic and hers was the latest issue the commission looked into involving campaign fundraising. The fact taht his post mentions "anglo and jewish" candidates being beaten by hispanics as a reason for the commission's "sudden" interest is not only false but makes no sense with the most recent disciplinary recommendation.
It appears that 1:24 may have a racial chip on his shoulder. He may want to think before he speaks next time.
"Better to be quiet and have everything think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." - Unknown
Both old news. Gov. Christ actually had flags at half staff by Executive order when Judge Barkdull passed.
Cope's announcement is weeks old.
To the numbskull who keeps trying to post that Miguel De La O has been disbarred. HE HAS NOT BEEN DISBARRED. HE IS A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING WITH NO DISCIPLINARY HISTORY.
An attorney named Jose Miguel De La O, who practices out of a post office box in the Gables has been disbarred. It is not the same person so stop trying to besmirch a very respected attorney.
Yes. The idea was that, as soon as Gov. Crist named the latest Circuit Court Judge, then David Miller would move to General Jurisdiction and the "new" Judge would move in to the Criminal Division. But, Judge Bronwyn Miller does not have priority, and a Judge from Juvenile, for example, could take David Miller's spot and B. Miller would end up in Juvy.
Also, Julie Kay did write about the Cope resignation in the DBR on July 14th.
Cap Out ...
Adrien reversed again! Roosevelt v. State, http://www.3dca.flcourts.org/Opinions/3D08-2680.pdf
There is a merged (County and Circuit) seniority list. Judge B. Miller has seniority over any Circuit Judge that was appointed or elected to the Circuit Court after her appointment to County Court. She does not go to the bottom of the Circuit list based on her recent appointment.
Actually August 3 at 1:24p.m. is Judge Rosa Rodriguez, who still maintains she was just picked on by the establishment. LOL
Prop 8 ruled unconstitutional by a California Federal Court just moments ago. Now if we can get a Federal court in Florida to reach the same conclusion before the California case reaches the United States Supreme Court.
Please get David Miller out of criminal now. Let him terrorize those who don't have liberty at stake.
Akerman is a joke, a billing machine, and shows where Cope's mind is and was...good choice, now go bill the shit out of people...
Is Lurvey's 15 minutes over yet?
9:57AM YOU do not know the facts. Review the docs, and you will see. This is a different political climate than 10-15 years ago. That Colodney is not hispanic does not change how these prosecutions began. Neither does the fact that now, in 2010, latinas are winning elections.
The Obama administration announced today the appointment of Miami Circuit Judge Peter Adrien to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. "This guy's on a rocket. He is on the short list for the next opening on the supreme court."
In other news the Pentagon announced the finding of a large cache of WMDs in Iraq. "Bush was right all along. we owe him a big apology" said one senior advisor to the President.
In local news at home, Wall Street apologized for what it called a decade of greed. All the major firms have announced pay cuts with the additional profits to be turned over to school districts across the country to build new hi-tech public schools.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the formation of a "coalition government" with Minority Leader John Bonier. "At last republicans and democrats have buried the hatchet and have pledged to put aside partisan politics for the good of the nation."
In sports the Cubs wrapped up their second consecutive world series win over the Yankess; The Detroit Lions won on Monday night football to bring them to 8-0 in the first half of the season.
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