This will cause you some misery, if you were stupid enough to do this:
Misery indeed.
What they are calling "Black Thursday" for lawyers, with over 700 lawyers and a thousand support staff being laid off at big firms, is detailed here at Above The Law in a series of posts. Holland and Knight leads the pack with 70 lawyers and 173 support staff getting the axe.
Miami is Miserable?
Buffalo??? Oh the ignominy of it all.
If you suffer from TRISCADECAPHOBIA then perhaps you should stay home today. For those of you who failed remedial English, or wear a black robe to work, click on the word for a definition.
The Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy has reported that, steady yourselves, the US war on drugs in Latin America has been a failure. They have also hastened to point out that the sky in fact is blue. As our friends from Minnesota would say, "Tell us something we don't know, why doncha?
Someday historians are going to look back on the war on drugs over the last twenty to thirty years and total up the lost lives, the money spent, the lives wasted in warehouse incarceration, and their going to shake their heads in sad wonderment.
Secretary. Of Commerce. Top candidate will have superior organizational skills. people skills, management skills, political skills, and should have paid most of their taxes most of the time. Must re-locate to Washington, DC. Salary set by law. Apply Here.
There's not a damned thing to watch on TV this weekend. I guess we'll have to ride our bike over to Key Biscayne.
Courts are closed on Monday in observance of the election of Joel Brown as chief judge, and that means one of those troublesome Tuesdays, with long lines, short tempers, and an over crowded courthouse. Any ideas on what kind of problems CJ Brown could address? Any ideas whatsoever?
See you Tuesday.
Enjoy the new improved bike lane signage, Rumpole. From your bike-riding unselected juror e-mail correspondent friend. P.S. Did you see NV DOC moved O.J. Simpson out to the middle of nowhere, not too far from your place in the Sierras?
Rump....I have a DVD of the Super Bowl. I could send it to you!
Isn't Judge Joel Brown one of the TV judges?
Rumpole. I must pretest. Your post I am a Judge. You make fun of us but you have no idea how you post say things that are wrong. We work hard. We are no stupid but you make us out to be you stupid. There. I said it.
Thanks 5:31...but I was there.
Can I call the Shumie now and just not go to work and make it a 4 day holiday?
Just a thought.
Very scary - Rumpole knoocks on Buffalo last night and a few hours later a plane crashes in Buffalo killing all aboard and one on the ground.
It was the nation's first fatal crash of a commercial airliner in 2 1/2 years.
Cap Out ....
Some really, really, bad judges...
Dollars for Convictions:
February 13, 2009
Six law firms cut more than 700 lawyers and staffers on 'Black Thursday'.
If you were among law firm associates or legal staffers who still had a job by the end of Thursday, consider yourself lucky. Six prominent firms sent packing more than 700 attorneys and legal staffers, in what may well become known as Black Thursday in the legal industry. DLA Piper; Holland & Knight; Goodwin Procter; Bryan Cave; Epstein Becker & Green; and Dechert all confirmed layoffs on Thursday, adding to what has become a brutal contraction of legal jobs.
Vhat eeees diss? TV Judge Joel Brown now Chief Judge? He not a member of Florida Bar! DEEEES EEEEES BULLSHEEEEEEEEEEET!!!
RUMP!!! You simply cannot let someone, even a fake chief judge, call the shumie before the work of the day has even begun. We got enough bad publicity on our hands with this "The Dark Side of Shumie Time" coming out in Vanity Fair in April. This is too much. Please help out a shumie in the future.
Blawg: Some prick thought it would be clever to spell "blog" phonetically using the word "law" in the title. It's a phrase used to describe blogs primarily dealing with the law and legal issues. Wow, real clever, dipshit. How did you come up with that one?
Are you kidding me? We get a new pope and the court's shut down. Holy $%#@ Batman!
I see the Marlins deal is in jeopardy:
3:23 - Never use the Bat's name in vane.
"I always feel like somebody's watching me...."
bill mathewman is a dead ringer for rod blagojevich
On a windy Manhattan winter day
With the economy tanking under skies of gray
Associates and staff met an unkind end
As PPP's continued to descend
Dechert released nineteen by noon
And greater losses would be announced soon
Next came news from Bryan Cave
Where fifty-eight young careers went to the grave
Goodwin Proctor continued the act
When seventy-four employees were promptly sacked
Then fell the ax at Holland & Knight
The steady paychecks of hundreds vanished from sight
An industry leader in expanding too fast
DLA Piper added scores more to the unemployed caste
Then a large cull from the North Star state
As twenty-nine associates met a cruel fate
Cadwalader sent sixteen Londoners to redundancy consultation
But a week without Cadwalader layoffs would be quite the aberration
The final cut of the day came at a mid-size shop
Where more than fifty felt the ax drop
Our sorrow is deep for our colleagues fired en masse
But do keep in mind that this too shall pass
We share in your pain, your shame, your dismay
On this darkest of dark, this Black Thursday
What can Brown do for you???
Just as the Trialmaster predicted, gator joel brown is the new CJ. Filling the big shoes of Farina, Weathbird and the Great Late Judge, Edward Cowart.
The blog must be written by some short bus rider. Get a life will you.
Perhaps if the law firms weren't paying six figure salaries to people fresh out of law school they wouldn't be firing so many folks.
Just a thought.
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