Sunday, October 08, 2023


 War has broken out (again) in the Middle East (again) between Israel and Hamas in Gaza (again) and it doesn't feel right to engage in much football talk. Jax +5 over Bill and San Fran -4.5 over Cowpokes. And the survivor pool picks are up, with one loss over an improvident pick of the Commanders Thursday night. 

You're not going to like what we are going to say about the current war, so just close your browser and never come back. It's your choice. 

When you dominate and subjugate a people for over fifty years, you breed hate that is generational. We subscribe to the notion that people are generally good, and no particular group of people are -by their genetics- murderous thugs that kill women and children for sport. So when Hamas terrorists invade Israel and kidnap and kill innocent civilians, slaughter elderly people and drag a holocaust survivor in a wheelchair over the boarder, there are reasons behind the horrific criminal acts beyond just calling Hamas criminals and terrorists -which they are. 

So Israel will invade Gaza and kills Hamas fighters, and along the way kill innocent civilians-including children- which they have been doing for decades- and that will breed a new generation of terrorists- children now- whose anger will grow over seeing their brothers and sisters and parents needlessly killed. 

And ardent defenders of Israel will scream in response that all Israel wants is peace, and Hamas started it. And Hamas will scream in response that all Palestinians want is their own homeland and to exist without living under the thumb of Israel. And Israel will respond that Hamas is a terrorist organization and Palestinians could choose to be represented by a government that is not a sponsor of terrorism. And Hamas will respond that Israel was founded by terrorists fighting the British (including former Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin) and that terrorism has been a valid way of an impoverished people fighting foreign imperialism ever since a band of people in Massachusetts threw tea into the Boston harbor. And Israel will say Hamas started it and they want peace. And Hamas will show pictures of dead Palestinian children killed in Israeli air raids and ask for the world to condemn Israel. And Israel will respond with videos of teenagers being dragged from a music festival at a Kibbutz and taken hostage in the last two days. And Hamas has its own horrible videos. And Israel will say it is surrounded by terrorists and Hezbollah to the North (and the Hezbollah terrorists do not like the Hamas because of the whole Sunni/Shite split) and that behind both Hezbollah and Hamas is Iran and they are correct. So is the solution to nuke Iran? Because to stop Iran funding terrorism you're going to either have to wipe out Iran or make peace with the terrorists - so which poison do you choose? 

And we say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So when Israel invades Gaza, all it is doing is creating the groundwork for another attack circa 2038- when the five-year-old Palestinian children are teenagers and young men and women. Because it is a truism of history that old men send young men to fight their wars. 

Israel will retaliate. How has that worked out for you in the past, considering where we are today? And Hamas will rebuild and get more rockets from Iran and plan another Intifada and we ask how has that worked out for you in the past 25 years? 

So either we repeat the cycle of violence, or we put aside all the past injustices with an eye to the future children of Palestine and Israel and ask what can we do to allow them to grow up safely and live their lives in peace? 

So all Israeli supporters who want to flood our emails with nasty blasts and trash us in the  comments section because we are not condemning the criminal acts of a terrorist group killing innocent people (but we did, read above)- have at it.  Wrap yourself blindly in the indignation of being attacked and choose to blind yourself to the cause of the attack. It's like taking Tylenol for cancer. It won't solve your problems- unless you as Jews want to wipe a people off the face of the earth- and we need not remind you why of all people, you cannot engage in genocide. 

And all Palestinian supporters can email us pictures of the aftermath of Israeli airstrikes and the video of a 12-year-old girl being beaten by Israeli police last year in Jerusalem (we've seen the video dozens of times on X) and scream for justice. 

And you can both go on killing each other and burying your dead children and soldiers for the next fifty years.

Or you can try something different.  Erase all blame and prior criminal acts and move forward from this day forward with a plan to live together in peace and recognize the right of Palestine and Israel to exist independent and dependent on each other.  Each side will never run out of victims to parade before the other until each side renounces violence as a means to an end. Violence has not worked and it will not work. And once again, supporters of Israel can save the emails to us, based on this last paragraph, screaming that they want to renounce violence and live in peace- and ignore the hopelessness that Palestinian children are born into.  Like it or not, this was caused by the conditions in Gaza, and yes we know the conditions in Gaza are because of the prior missile attacks, and yes we know the prior missile attacks are because of how Israel treats the citizens of Gaza. 

And on and on the blame goes until two people- one Israeli and one Palestinian decide to sit down and say "enough!".  But we doubt that is going to happen today or anytime soon. 


Aaa2023 Regjb Survivor Pool Week Five by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd


Sir Wilfred said...

You can only make peace with your enemies. Remember Begin & Sadat were warriors whose countries were at war for decades yet the peace they made still holds between their countries.

Anonymous said...

Go fuck yourself liar.

Anonymous said...

Just bomb Iran's oil refineries. That should put them on a budget. By the way, a culture which generates people who did what those guys did is hardly worth preserving

Anonymous said...

A culture that can generate people who did what those guys did is hardly worth protecting. There apparently is a reason that history has always crapped on them and why none of their Arab "cousins" much care what happens to them, as long as it stays away from them.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately you cannot make peace when only one side wants peace, and the other side only wants blood and will not stop until they’ve killed everyone. When they say “from the river to the sea”, BELIEVE them. They will never stop until all Jews are gone. Saying Israel can make peace with Hamas and the “Palestinians” of Gaza is like saying that the Jews could’ve made peace with the Nazis and the people of nazi Germany.
It’s Jew hate, pure and simple, and it’s nothing new.
If it was really about land, the “Palestinians” would be attacking Jordan too.

Anonymous said...

Good take, both sides deeply flawed. No easy answer.

Former Judge said...

It is like the abortion issue. There is NO ANSWER and there will NEVER be a resolution.

Hamas, Hezbolah, Palestine, certain Arab countries, Iran, etc will NEVER settle a two state solution without Israel giving up all or part of Jerusalem.

That won’t happen. Israel considers all of Jerusalem to permanently be Israeli as, in their interpretation of history, it is biblically belonging to the Jewish people and NOT belonging to Palestinians.

Therefore, no peace plan will ever be satisfying to either side. There are “absolutes” involved in the negotiations.

Hence, one day there will be another Middle East war of biblical proportion. Existential ending perhaps of the remaining world.

Until then - just war and death.

Rumpole said...

Here we go 1:37. You have eyes grasshopper but you cannot see. You’re so wrapped up in the martyrdom of Israel you don’t read what I write. I didn’t call on Israel to unilaterally disarm and sue for peace. What I wrote is that BOTH sides plans and actions in the past have failed and created the enmity that exists today. And BOTH SIDES need to choose peace. Israel can and probably will decimate Hamas in Gaza. So see you in 2038 when the survivors are angry teens. Israel can do it. But what if they had the courage to not do it ? Then what ?

Hot PD said...

You're the smartest guy I don't know Rump.
And the hottest.

Anonymous said...

Who's running against Stuzin? Where does one donate?

Anonymous said...

Cold take !!! Bless your heart !

Anonymous said...

This is a war worth fighting and here the only sound strategy is implementation of total war.

Sir Wilfred said...

Seems a lot like Native/Indigenous Americans vs The Calvery , ie Cowboys and Indians ( outdated cultural reference) . Little Big Horn, Wounded Knee, Sand Creek ?

Anonymous said...

Then Hamas will continue their terror UNchecked. What do you think would happen?

Anonymous said...

There have been Europeans in America way longer than fifty years and yet they are not considered indigenous. Why are you referring to the Arabs in Israel as the indigenous ones? You know, there were people there before the Arabs got there. It’s so funny how people want to go back, but only to the point that it suits their argument. Arabs came from Arabia, not from JUDEA.

Anonymous said...

Imagine, for a minute, that we are here, living our lives. Then, in some far away country, a right-wing dictator goes crazy and does horrible things - he murders millions of people who self-identify as a group, but who have no country. Let's just call that group, Group J. And it turns out that a lot of people in Group J live in South Florida or have descendants from South Florida, and that Group J has long historical ties to South Florida. But, South Florida is and has been home to lots of other people like you and me who are not members of Group J. Let’s call those other groups that live in South Florida, Groups A and C.

Now, the U.S. and its allies ultimately crush this bad man doing bad things and, rightly, want to make sure that Group J never has this happen to them again. So, the U.S. looks around and says, “hey, here’s how we solve this, let’s take some land and give it to Group J to be their own sovereign country.” Sounds good, right? And then the U.S. says, “lets give Group J South Florida!” And Group J cheers.

Group J gladly accepts South Florida, declares it a nation of and for Group J, and starts pushing Groups A and C out – because, after all, South Florida is now a sovereign country of and for Group J. Group C, by and large, leaves. But Group A says, “Fuck no. We’ve lived here for generations. We didn’t commit this genocide. Why are you taking our homes? We’re not going anywhere!” And when Group A tries to defend themselves and their homes, they are branded as bigoted, and as anti-J terrorists.

That would be insane, right?

The only answer to this conflict is to let that country (even identifying it by name pisses people off, so I will just call it “that country”) be an open melting pot. A Jewish state or an Arab Palestinian State, or a Christian Palestinian State (to the extent that any of those still people remain there after the creation of Israel), any of which are based in that incredibly diverse and densely populated place, all lead to war.

Anonymous said...

8:42. what's your beef with Stuzin? I always found her reasonable. Curious.

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget though that all of the people of group A and group C then forced all of the people of group J out of the rest of Florida, the other 49 states, and many other countries.
But that doesn’t matter right? The people of group J shouldn’t be allowed to be anywhere.

You only cry for the poor poor “people” of group A. The group that also just happens to have an undying bloodthirsty J-hate, since before any displacement happened, who raise their children from birth to hate the people of group J, who reject any attempts for peace, who elect terrorists as their leaders, and who are monsters capable of perpetrating the vile atrocities we’re all seeing now, in the name of their God, no less.

Cry for them all you want. Group J is finally going to give them something real to cry about. And not the made up propaganda they constantly spew this time. It’s going to be real. Real, DESERVED, and inshallah permanent.

Anonymous said...

You can’t fix the kind of depravity these sub humans possess. They are sick monsters. They are not soldiers. They are rapists and child murderers who burn people alive and saw their heads off, while filming it and screaming allahu akbar. They are evil incarnate and the only thing they love is death and blood. They need to be sent to their God. Hopefully there is a hell waiting for them.

Anonymous said...

Your lack knowledge about this conflict is insane.

Sometimes the world is black and white and there is no nuance. What Hamas did this weekend would not be accepted by any nation state in the history of the world. Everyone would respond with force. But you treat the Jews and Israel differently.

Btw, name me the Muslim countries that allow Jews to live there. I'll wait. What Muslim countries have treated Jews well in the past 60 years? (or more) Why are there no Jews in this region other than Israel? Oh, and Israel won a war and then gave land back. Can you imagine any other country in the region winning a war against Israel and giving land back? Have you never read of the 3 "no's"? "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel." Every attempt at "land for peace" has been rejected by Palestine and their "leaders." But yeah Israel is the bad guy there.

Nice nuanced take.

Present day: in 2006 Palestinians in Gaza elected Hamas, a terrorist organization. Would any developed country allow a terrorist organization to run their next door neighbor?

What a disappointing post by the author of this blog.

Anonymous said...

Please do not forget that “that country”, the melting pot already exists. It’s called Israel. Where Jews, Arabs, Christians, Muslims, etc are all citizens with equal rights. They serve in the army, in the government, and even as judges.
Tell me how many Jews are citizens of Palestine? That’s right, ZERO.
So while Arab Muslims have full citizenship in Israel, Jews are not even allowed into Gaza, and are forbidden from being citizens.
Stop with the false equivalence.

Fake Mendy said...

Oy vey

Fake Alex Michaels said...

I have Israel -36 vich is I tink low it should be Israel -50 but since dey ver surprised and suffered initial losses the spread vas lowered and I like dis bet.

And nobody can yell at me for being un sensitive since I am already dead so go screw yourselves if you get angry.

Sir Wilfred said...

I am not saying which side the Cowboys or Indians are. Just comparing the hatred .

Sir Wilfred said...

By the way the area was referred to as the land of Canaan in the Bible

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget though that all of the people of group A and group C then forced all of the people of group J out of the rest of Florida, the other 49 states, and many other countries.
But that doesn’t matter right? The people of group J shouldn’t be allowed to be anywhere.

You only cry for the poor poor “people” of group A. The group that also just happens to have an undying bloodthirsty J-hate, since before any displacement happened, who raise their children from birth to hate the people of group J, who reject any attempts for peace, who elect terrorists as their leaders, and who are monsters capable of perpetrating the vile atrocities we’re all seeing now, in the name of their God, no less.

Cry for them all you want. Group J is finally going to give them something real to cry about. And not the made up propaganda they constantly spew this time. It’s going to be real. Real, DESERVED, and inshallah permanent.

Anonymous said...

Now that you have a new blog post up, thanks for the picks Rump- you went 3-3 and that parlay you gave over on the sports app betting book that has your content behind a paywall (for which I pay lol) was amazing. I parlayed Hill, Achane, Waddle and Moster scoring TDS for +1500 and my $200 got me 3k. Thanks Rumpole- I owe ya for a 5K win day.

Anonymous said...

“That country”, the civilized melting pot, already exists. It’s called Israel.
In Israel Jews, Arabs, Christians, Muslims, etc have equal rights, are full citizens, vote, serve in the army, hold positions in the government, and sit as judges. Including women! There are millions of Arab Muslims living peacefully as Israeli citizens.
You know how many Jewish citizens there are of Palestine? ZERO. Jews can’t even go there.
Israel is held to a higher standard than any other country in the region.
Stop with the false equivalency. It’s a load of horseshit.

Jackson Browne said...

But who are the ones that we call our friends?
These governments killing their own?
Or the people who finally can't take any more
And they pick up a gun or a brick or a stone

Anonymous said...

So put you down for the genocide solution. Ok. One vote for Israel to act like Nazi Germany. Got it.

Anonymous said...

Editorial by Haaretz: Netanyahu Bears Responsibility for This Israel-Gaza War


"The disaster that befell Israel on the holiday of Simchat Torah is the clear responsibility of one person: Benjamin Netanyahu. The prime minister, who has prided himself on his vast political experience and irreplaceable wisdom in security matters, completely failed to identify the dangers he was consciously leading Israel into when establishing a government of annexation and dispossession, when appointing Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir to key positions, while embracing a foreign policy that openly ignored the existence and rights of Palestinians." read on...

Anonymous said...

Change the name to the blog squad. This post would make great propaganda material for AOC

Anonymous said...

The nazis in this scenario are hamas. Try to keep up.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the Bible?

Anonymous said...

So to sum up, the British had a colony in the middle east called Palestine. The British, exiting stage left, divided their former colony and said part was for the Jews (Israel) and part was for the Arabs (Jordan). Israel was immediately attacked by all its Arab neighbors on all sides, with the goal of wiping them off the map (at least as a country, it is not clear what percentage wanted actual genocide). That was 1948, called the War of Independence in Israel. A successful defense established the state of Israel on part of former British colony Palestine. Many people just kept living as they had with the same neighbors they had more or less peacefully for centuries. The Arab ones are called Palestinians because they reject identification as Israeli or Jordanian. Others launched terrorist campaigns, and whole terrorist organizations that persist today. Peaceful negotiations over the decades resulted in Israel giving up territory to form homelands for Palestinians. The only organizations able to try to control the territory were terrorist organizations (PLO and then Hamas). Self-governance failed to evolve them into peaceful neighbors, and barbaric attacks continue. The laws of war protect civilian Palestinians from many intentional abuses but not loss of territory, life or property because of the actions of their government. And no country would tolerate what just happened.