Before we get to FDC, we must say that a blog-star is born. Our intrepid, erstwhile and putative REGJB Juror Mr. Samuel Danzinger, Esq., has left a comment, which we post here with the simple invitation- Mr. Danizger, the blog is yours to use and enjoy. Should you feel so inclined, please email us your thoughts, reminiscences of Dade legal days long gone, and those who wore black robes from that era, and we shall print them-unedited- on the front page, where your ideas and thoughts surely belong.

Right Hon Horace:
Seek and ye shall find a place to leave a comment. I sought and now found your comment section. First, I have just enjoyed each and every comment. As 5:43 said, I am a retired civil attorney who could not serve while being active with the Florida Bar. Now, second, the 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 magnets come from a firm by the name of Quotable Cards. ( The firm produces greeting cards, mugs,
magnets, etc and they are sold locally by Whole Foods. You will find a spin rack near their checkout registers although the selection may vary from your taste. In that event, please follow though and contact the firm for information on custom made.
All the best, Sam Danziger
Seek and ye shall find a place to leave a comment. I sought and now found your comment section. First, I have just enjoyed each and every comment. As 5:43 said, I am a retired civil attorney who could not serve while being active with the Florida Bar. Now, second, the 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 magnets come from a firm by the name of Quotable Cards. ( The firm produces greeting cards, mugs,
magnets, etc and they are sold locally by Whole Foods. You will find a spin rack near their checkout registers although the selection may vary from your taste. In that event, please follow though and contact the firm for information on custom made.
All the best, Sam Danziger
Longtime and careful readers of the blog know that we have continually railed against the use of straws. They are unnecessary and an environmental hazard. The rest of the world has now caught up. Rumpole as a trailblazer once more.
First of all, props where due. FDC is the best jail in Miami. You can email and have your clients waiting for. This is big. And we have seen a definite improvement in the staff hustling lawyers in and out, which is also much appreciated.
But why does FDC need to know the license plate number of our car, as well as the make, model, year and color? It's total waste of time to fill that stuff out. And how about this- when we take Uber or walk and indicate that on the form, at least half of the time they kick it back and ask us if we own a car and to list it. And this is the ridiculous part. Once the information is written, they do nothing with it. Otherwise they would want to know why a lawyer is driving a 1958 Powder Blue Edsel with the license plate from Alaska of "Trmpstnks"which is generally how we fill out the form.
Second, we can email our request, why can't we at least have the forms on line or in PDF format so our crack staff can fill them out in our office and thus save us valuable time when we arrive? One might hope that a certain popular and influential blogger who runs a blog about the Southern District Of Florida would join this bandwagon and try and get FDC to allow the forms to be in PDF format on line so they can be filled out before hand.
And don't even get us started on the locker placement/key issue. And when it is raining, and it is raining a lot these days, there is no place to leave an umbrella.
We are also bothered that Starbucks puts a plastic lid on every cup, even those we drink inside the store. A waste of plastic at a time, environmentally, when we cannot keep doing that.
Andy Weir's new novel-Atremis- about a lunar colony, is a good summer read. The Martian was great, and we recommend that if you haven't read it yet.
Also, every now and then it's good for the soul and work to pick up Henry V and give it a re-read. There is nothing better than reading Shakespeare in a cool London Pub on a hot summer day with a pint of their best, or two. Henry V is Shakes recounting of our England's great victory at the battle of Agincourt. The passions of men about to head into war. The intrigue of the clergy, who manipulated the lust for blood.
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead!
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
Or close the wall up with our English dead!
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger.
And of course...
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And the words all those who wear black robes, and all those who practice before them should heed:
Men of few words are the best men.
From Occupied America, once more into the breach dear readers, once more...
I once told that droopy faced asshole that no longer works there that "I didn't drive my car here." He said "I don't care, fill it out." That form is meant for those federal facilities where you can actually park near the jail, because, you know, you're a defense lawyer, you may have something in there to aid in an escape or entry of contraband. Nothing about the FDC entrance procedures are for any other reason but to 1. keep you out, and 2. help prepare your indictment. They won't change anything to make things more efficient, they'll just make it more difficult.
In my decades of visiting the clients at MDC I have always put "walked" on the form and have never been questioned on it by the arrogant hacks at the booth.
At MDC I put "public transportation" on it and they back off.
Don’t you miss the days of being in court with Judge Calvin Mapp??
You should be more concerned that Starbucks is a homeless shelter rather than plastic lids
I miss the":MEEKER".
Glad you liked the magnet. But Mr. Danziger, to the extent he claims that he could not serve while an active member of The Florida Bar, is quite wrong. I have served as a juror while a law student and a practicing lawyer (as I still am). Was also called to the pool at REG and was prepared to serve, but was not called. There is no barrier to serving while actively practicing law, though of course one may not be chosen to sit in a particular case.
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