Tuesday, November 03, 2020


UPDATE: We are live tweeting the election results @justicebuilding. Follow us....or else! 

Presidential elections. Judicial elections. Match wits with the master. You will see a trend in the questions. But it probably will not help you. 

A) Name the last presidential election with a repeat match-up- meaning the two candidates ran against each other twice. Eisenhower/ Stevenson. Adlai Stevenson went on to be JFK's ambassador to the UN and distinguished himself in the Cuban Missile Crisis by announcing he was prepared to wait for hell to freeze over ask he cross examined the Russian Ambassador to the UN on whether Russia had placed medium range nuclear missiles in Cuba. It was his shinning moment and even surprised JFK and RFK with a backbone they did not think Stevenson had. 

B) Who did Judge Katie  Tess Pooler lose to? (Our typo on Katie. She never lost to anyone. In her honor we are eating a piece of candy).  Judge Jon Schlessinger, now enjoying his retirement.  Judge Tess Pooler went on to run in he next election and won. 

C) Who did Judge Murray Klein lose to (tricky question).  Kathy Rundle State Attorney Race

D) Who did Thomas Jefferson lose to? (Hint, he also beat him in another election). John Adams (kudos to Judge De La O)

E) Who did Horatio Seymour lose to? Everybody knows the 1868 Presidential Campaign when NY Governor Horatio Seymour ran on a national reconciliation and expanded rights for African Americans as a Democrat and lost to General US Grant. 

F) Who did Judge Martin Kahn lose to (this one broke our hearts. We loved Judge Kahn).  Judge Glazer

G) Who did judicial candidate Marcos Ambrose lose to? (Judge Knight who lost to Judge Bailey in 1992 and he also ran in 94 against Judge Kahn who lost to Mindy Glazer)

H) Who did Judge Migna Sanchez Llorens lose to? The Late Great Shelly Schwartz

I) Who did Thomas Dewey lose to the first time he ran for President? (Be careful here). FDR Again, Judge De La O nailed it first. 

J) Who was Independent Candidate George Wallace's VP? General Curtis LeMay who advocated a first strike nuclear war. 

K) Name the opponents for independent candidates John B Anderson and Ross Perot? Extra bonus points for their VPs. (The only question we had to google was Anderson's VP- that is one tough trivia question). 

L) Who was a recent presidential candidate? 1) Faith Spotted Eagle; 2) Mickey Mouse: 3) Nobody; 4) Anybody; 5) Professor Corey Irwin. 

M) Who ran against Janet Reno in her first election after being appointed state attorney? 

N) Who ran against Rick Scott for governor of Florida? 

O) Who ran against Judge Jon Colby? Lenny Cooperman, now somewhere in Maine we believe. His mom was a beloved Miami-Dade clerk. 

P) Who ran against Judge Orlando Prescott?

Q) Who ran against Kathy Rundle in her 2016 election and in her 2012 election (not saying it is the same person(s).

R) Who ran against Harvey Ruvin in the most recent election?

S) Who defeated Circuit Court Judge Ted Mastos? Henry Ferro who later distinguished himself on the bench by pulling a gun on a young black male who happened to be the nephew of Miami political leader the late Georgia Ayers and that was all she wrote for Judge Ferro.

T) Who defeated Circuit Court Judge Alan Postman? Diane Ward

U) Who defeated Circuit Court Judge Peter Adrian? Samantha Ruiz Cohen

V) Who did Judge Monica Gordo beat to win her circuit court seat? Attorney and author and all around good guy Robert Kuntz 

W) Hannibal Hamlin was elected vice president with which President? Abe Lincoln 

X) Who is the last president who could have run for re-election but chose not to do so? LBJ

Y) Which County Court Judge, appointed by Governor Askew, is in the Miami-Dade Tennis Hall of Fame. If you get this- and you won't- you are a Miami-Dade Judicial Trivia master. Hint- it is NOT who you think it is.  Two readers got this. We won't post it but don't read the comments if you're still guessing.  It is the Meek one. The legendary Meek Robinette. 

Z) This County Court Judge Placed a Defendant in Pre-trial diversion over the objection of the State. The state took a writ and lost. Then they appealed. The Great Sy Gaer and his appellate cohort John Lipenski represented the appellee. They lost. This same Judge found a defendant guilty for disorderly conduct for performing a "street art" monkey impersonation on the new metro-rail. The case made nationwide headlines as "monkeyshines" in court.  Another Miami-Dade master trivia question. 

Enjoy, and vote. 


  1. Ill have a go at Y) Judge Robinette

    - The Not So Trivia Master

  2. I’ll take a shot a Y. I know most will mistakenly say Arthur Snyder because there is a tennis park named after him in North Miami Beach. But he was a Circuit Judge.

    I believe the County a court Judge you are looking for is:

    Loree Schwartz Feiler

    Cap Out .....

  3. A. Stevenson and Eisenhower.
    D. John Adams
    I. FDR
    K. Perot (VP = Adm. Stockdale ("Who am I, what am I doing here?")= HW Bush and Clinton Anderson (no idea about VP)= Reagan and Carter
    X. LBJ

  4. My shot at (y) is Meek Robinette.

  5. I think it is Linda Dakis

  6. OK if you didn't google it and this is on your honor then if you truly guessed Y Meek Robinette than you are a trivia master. Hard to believe two people got it, but I'll accept it. No REGJB trivia quiz is complete without a Meek Robinette question. An REGJB legend in his own right for reasons that are not quite clear, but clearly a character- and BTW did you know he was a champion tennis player, was the #1 on the UM Tennis team and I think was a tennis pro as a way of making money during law school. The late Arthur Snyder is known as a tennis player and as a former mayor of NM he has a tennis court named after him. Snyder is a good trivia answer to the question name the only REGJB judge who was a mayor of two different cities in Dade County. North Miami and Aventura.

    And Judge De La O knows his presidential history. Give the Judge an A on his quiz. The hard one was I- as Dewey was known and is famous for losing to Truman, but it is rarely remembered he ran against FDR four years before. The other way to frame that election is the only time a governor of NY ran against an ex-governor of NY for the Presidency. Says a lot about the north eastern-centric political landscape in the 1930s-1940s.

  7. J- Curtis LeMay
    S- Henry Ferro
    T- Diane Ward

    For what it's worth, I would also have guessed Meek Robinette. I was assigned to his Cutler Ridge branch court division when I was a certified intern during my last year of law school.

  8. T- Diane Ward beat Postman
    U- Ruiz Cohen beat Adrien

  9. I believe the answer to (O)is Kenneth Weisman.

  10. Trivia Master - Snyder was mayor of NMB not NM but you get a pass - it’s a hectic evening

  11. G. Did Marcos Ambrose also lose to Jerald Bagley?
