Tuesday, November 03, 2020


 We have some difficult predictions for election day. Make no mistake, our very democracy is at stake this election day and the days that will follow. 

First: there will be violence at polling stations, instigated by right-wing white-supremacists who rightly believe the President wants them to privately police (non-existent) voter fraud.  The violence may tragically include gunfire. They shoot up schools, so why not polling places (some of which are at schools).  Two likely cities to experience violence and disruption: Miami and Philadelphia, where large democratic margins are needed to offset Republican majorities in other parts of the two states. These thugs will also be recording people standing in lines. It is not going to be pretty. But hang in there. We are Americans. We do not give up or give in.  We are not bullied by thugs. And a new dawn is coming. 

Second: The President has the unfettered authority under Article Two of the Constitution to nationalize State National Guards and order ballots seized and order  patrols and curfews to stop protests. In certain places like Portland, Oregon, Chicago, and Philadelphia, there could be significant social unrest on both sides. 

Third: Expect foreign interference in state election tabulations. Electronic attacks could shut down the ability to tabulate votes. Once midnight comes, if Trump is ahead in any particular state, expect lawsuits to stop the count. Even innocuous problems will be overblown. An old CIA intelligence rule is that the truth is the best lie. Think about that. If there are no foreign influences in the election, but it appears there are- the actual result will be in dispute. Iran, Russia, China, and Trump's old friend North Korea all have reasons to attempt to disrupt the count. 

    The president has already attacked mail-in ballots. In some states ballots postmarked November 3 will be counted. In other states, ballots that do not arrive by November 3 will not be counted. The rule is not uniform and we could see wild swings in vote totals, especially in Pennsylvania where millions have voted by mail or voted early. Justice Kavanaugh has already signaled that a quick count is preferred to having every vote counted. It worked once when the SCOTUS stopped the count in Florida and handed the election to GW Bush. It could work again and hand Trump a reelection. 

Item: The NY Times quoted a senior intelligence official: "That guy you saw in the debate- bullying, ridiculing, manic, boasting, fabricating, relentlessly interrupting...that's really him. Not the myth that's been created. That's Trump."

Item: The NY Times quoted another government official: "He has done nothing that's a constant, except acting in his own interest. And that's how he's going to be thinking, every step of the way come November 3." 

Item: Early in his first term Trump wanted to send the Marines to the border to shoot migrants crossing the Rio Grande.   His chief of Staff General Jim Kelly told him "It's illegal sir and the kids, they're good kids, they just won't do it." 

Item: Trump wanted to invade Venezuela but the Joint Chiefs refused. 

Look around you. Back when you could be in a room with ten people, four of them were not college educated and feel angry and disenfranchised and support Trump the despot. Uneducated, they do not know any amendment but the Second. They do not understand the value the United States gets from alliances around the world. They are angry at people of color who they think took their jobs. They chant "lock her up" when Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned, or the Governor of Michigan, or Kamala Harris. You think Germany 1925-1940 was an aberration? Think again. A scared populace can be cowed by a dictator-liar. It's why the same 40% of Americans who support Trump do not think masks work, hate Dr. Anthony Faucci (SEE BELOW), and believe the virus is a fake media creation and that it will fade and that the number of Covid-19 deaths has been inflated by doctors who get an extra two thousand dollars for labeling a death Covid related. 

These are dark and dangerous times. But those of us who believe in democracy and science and the power of the mind over the gun need to hold on. A new dawn is coming. The sun will rise and the truth will out. 

"Elections belong to the people. If they decide to turn their behinds to the fire and burn their behinds, then they will have to sit on their blisters."
Abraham Lincoln.


  1. Glad we are first. We want to be the first to revive a sacred blog tradition. President Trump....it is .......(wait for it)........

    SHUMIE TIME!!!!!!!!!!

    You're going back to Mar A Loser you loser. We are rejoining the Paris climate accords; we are locking the country down to beat the virus; we are passing a relief act for small businesses and Americans; Big corporations will start paying fair share of taxes; no more Presidential Tweets; no more threatening Allies; no more hanging out with Kim in North Korea. It's all coming back to normal baby.


  2. Dudes you beat me to it. But congrats guys. Well said. Give hope a chance and all that Jazz.


  3. The Captain Reports:



    An individual who worked in the location and on the dates listed below has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Persons identified as having been in close proximity to the confirmed individual are being notified and will be asked to take all necessary precautions.

    Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center, 175 NW 1st Ave.:
    Suite 2441 Self Help Area
    Days worked: 10/20/20, 10/21/20, 10/27/20 and 10/28/20

    Persons who were in these locations recently should follow self-monitoring steps for the next 14 days as outlined in the Centers for Disease Control website at:


  4. Wrong. I won, with 98% of the vote...Little Marco will be leading my parade of automobiles up 95 to Washington. He is a big fan of the strongman tactics....was sad when Texas was getting all the praise for trying to run Biden's bus off the road. He will show you all how it is done. My new Beria.
