Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Before he was circuit Judge John Kastrenakes, and before he was a superstar federal prosecutor, Judge Kastrenakes was ASA John Kastrenakas and sometimes called Johnny K. His list of accomplishments and cases is impressive. Just ask Joyce Cohen, who hired hitmen to kill her husband Stanley, in a famous Miami-Coconut Grove-Steam Boat Springs-1980's murder case. She's doing life with a 25min man. Alan Ross for the defense. 

Now Judge K sits in WPB, and the city passed a mask ordinance. People must wear masks in public to stop the spread of the virus. It's controversial in the US where we just passed 150,000 deaths. It's not controversial in Vietnam which has 95 million people, (one third of the US population) and ZERO DEATHS. (And btw Vietnam has had a TOTAL of 450 confirmed cases which is 5% of the daily Florida total. DeSantis would kill for 450 cases a day, but instead he's killing Floridians with 10,000+ cases a day. Again- Florida- no masks- 10,000+ cases a day. Vietnam-masks- 450 total cases since January 2020. From mid April to July 27 Vietnam had NO new cases of covid-19. But what do they know? Buncha commies who ain't got the american fighten learnin spirit that allows us to drive pickup trucks and spit where ever we wanna. )

Anyway a group of gadflies who are just nuts sought an emergency injunction based on the Constitutional  right to privacy to not wear a mask. (See  Griswold v. Connecticut and the penumbra of the bill of rights. Justice Douglas found the right, which otherwise doesn't exist in writing, by using some special optical tools which allowed him to view the penumbra emanating from the Bill of Rights, which upon using his special optical glasses, included a "zone of marital privacy". Who knew?  Stewart's dissent is the best reasoned opinion in this horribly decided case).  

Judge K slapped them down, dare we say Miami-Style? 
No blue-blood Palm Beach beating around the bush legal reasoning here :  "[W]e do not have a constitutional right to infect others."


  1. FLASH St Anthonu if Fauci now thinks we should wear plastic shields and goggles. Can't wait to see Droolin' Joe in his new "Science Demands" Fauci headwear

  2. Johnny K and Kevin knowingly used perjured testimony to secure Joyce's conviction. It did not help that Ross was ineffective and incompetent in her defense. His poor performance almost put Joyce on death row. Many, including the men actually involved in the murder testified that Joyce was not involved. And Johnny K provided the star witness with many benefits. Although Johnny K had boyish looks, he was as devious and violated Brady as well.Joyce is coming up for a parole hearing very soon.

  3. If you have any proof of this send it. Otherwise it’s an unsubstantiated rant.

  4. Vietnam is probably using Hydroxychloroquine/zinc cocktail. Lot of countries in Latin America, Middle East, and Asia using and getting good results (seems to work if taken early - won't save you if you are already in the ER). Too bad our dysfunctional press has politicized medicine.

  5. Johnny K, nice order. You still can’t hit a softball.

  6. Okay, now find abortion in the constitution

  7. Father Ralph would approve.

  8. Bonus points if you can identify the Father Ralph reference.

  9. Alan Ross was a terrific lawyer and even a better human being. May he rest in peace

  10. Second that on Alan Ross. Brilliant lawyer and even a better human being. Miss him!

  11. Yes 3:55, Vietnam is taking its medical advice from Trump. Not only are they buying the hydro from Kushner but they’re the only country drinking Clorox and taking a UV light enema. No wonder Vietnam is winning. Boy I wish Trump ran our country the way he runs Vietnam.

  12. Joe Biden and Michelle Obama
    The next President and Vice President

  13. Please yes, I would have trouble voting for Harris as vp.

  14. 845 am. Please go find a crowd and wander through it without a mask. Be friendly! Shake hands. Hug! And in the very very unlikely you get sick please ask for only hydroxychloaquine at the hospital. Refuse Remdesivir. Only HC for you. But then again you won’t get sick right? No mask needed right ? Even better idea. Go invite Hermann Cain to go with you. He loves a great meet n greet with no masks.

  15. 10:49

    I live near the house where the murder took place. I know first hand there was a lot of shady stuff going on in that prosecution especially with one of the detectives. Stanley Cohen's children were influential in the community and hated Joyce.One was a news reporter and another an attorney. I really don't know whether she was guilty or not but she did not get a fair shake. The cards were stacked against her.

  16. Ralph Talbot is correct! Fine young ASA who left the office to join the priesthood. He spoke at Sterno's service.

  17. SE and South Asian countries along with a number of African nations have a LONG history of their populations using hydroxychloroquine regularly to ward off malaria. One country even adds HCQ to its domestic table salt. So guess what? These countries - like Viet Nam - have lowest incidences of Covid-19 in the world. SCIENCE, Rumpole! Hate Trump all you want but try to get with the science - instead of politics.
