Wednesday, July 29, 2020


UPDATE: Kate Brown, the Governor of Oregon announced that the Federal Government is withdrawing armed forces from Portland on the condition Oregon State law enforcement protect federal property.  
It's beyond bizarre that in 2020 we are reporting something like this. All we can think of is a headline circa 1972-73: US to withdraw troops from South Vietnam on condition South Vietnamese oppose the North. 

Item: Protestors arrested in Portland who appear before federal magistrates for bond are being ordered, as a condition of release, not to attend any public protests:
“Defendant may not attend any other protests, rallies, assemblies or public gathering in the state of Oregon,” states one “Order Setting Conditions of Release”

So much for the sanctity and respect we have for our federal courts.  Like so much else these days, that is going out the door. 

The first shots of the Civil War began when members of the Army of the Confederate States fired upon Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861. Americans fired upon Americans. A tragedy had begun. In July 21, 1861 first battle of the Civil War took place at Manassas, Virginia. Southern General Thomas Jonathan Jackson received his nickname Stonewall as his troops routed a superior federal force. As Jackson moved his troops to stop a federal attack, one of his generals shouted "Look Boys, there's Jackson standing like a Stonewall!"

In September 1957, President Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas National Guard and sent 1000 members of the 101st Airborne Division into Little Rock to desegregate Central Highschool in the wake of the Brown v Board of Ed decision. (Eisenhower had a fondness for the airborne. They led the way into Normandy on D-Day, and stopped the Germans cold in the Battle of the Bulge and bailed Ike out. Little Rock as just an old solider calling on a friend for help one last time).

But never in our history have we seen the disgrace of armed federal officers, US Marshals and others, invading a City in the United States of America against the wishes of the Governor of Oregon, and the Mayor of Portland. Masked men sweep American citizens off the streets into unmarked vans. Federal Magistrates trample the Constitution and suspend the right of free assembly. 

The Invasion is called OPERATION LEGEND and US Attorney General William Barr (who is taking the "General" part of his title a little too seriously) announced on Wednesday he was sending more federal agents/troops to Milwaukee, Detroit, and Cleveland. Cleveland?!! The mistake on the lake? The city whose river used to regularly catch on fire in the 1970's? Oh leave Cleveland be please. They have enough problems and heartache with the Browns. 

Every time you think it cannot get worse it does. 
A US Navy Veteran was attacked and beaten after he showed up with protestors to speak with the federal Marshals. 

A man was attacked for playing the Star Wars Imperial March of the storm troopers as federal agents rushed a crowd of protestors. 

We can only think of this:


  1. "But never in our history have we seen the disgrace of armed federal officers, US Marshals and others, invading a City in the United States of America against the wishes of the Governor of Oregon, and the Mayor of Portland."

    Totally aligns with msnbc and lib talking points...congrats rump you have gotten so bad u just repeat everything you hear on msnbc rather than thinking for himself.

    A real lawyer with a brain would know that federal officers have been in portland since forever, they have jurisdiction to enforce the violation of federal laws wherever they occur, and they dont need an invitation from a hostile mayor to protect a federal courthouse from destruction.

    Rumo keep up the demonization and the outright lying about the feds, and the other side will keep lying and saying there are no protestors and all rioters. Our discourse will be further poisoned. And we will not seek to come together, but drift further apart.

    Before you think about calling me a bunch of names, maybe instead acknowledge that the premise of your post (that feds are invading and need an invitation to enforce federal laws) is false. Maybe acknowledge there are abuses by some feds, who should be held accountable, but that most of the feds are simply protecting the cthouse.

  2. Well it is my initial instinct to call you a name. Blame it on the exclusive secondary schools I attended.
    But I will instead give you the same opportunity I give everyone. Send me an email. You can use your real name Larry Q Dumbduft, Esq., or make up a name and a new email account. send me a post and as long as the the blog rules are followed about not making gratuitous personal attacks (unless the recipient wears a robe to work in Broward County) I will post your thoughts and give you posting privileges.

    So put your money where your fingers are and respond and take up the challenge.

  3. Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, a regular contributor on both Fox and the Washington Times pens this Op Ed on the legality of the Feds actions in Portland. Read it and then you can comment.

    Cap Out .....

  4. Relying on Napalatano for anything is like citing Captain Underpants as a legal authority on hypnotism.

  5. "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."

    And then Tarkin blew up a planet and killed millions of people. Will Trump blow up Portland or Seattle? I'm sure his base would love it if he did.

  6. Rumpole, watch the videos. There are protestors and there are criminals throwing over the fence at the federal marshals commercial-grade fireworks, flaming garbage bags, rocks, slingshot, frozen water bottles, marine flaresm etc. They are also aiming green and blue lasers at the eyes of federal officers and causing them loss of vision. Should they take that abuse. Imagine two months worth of that crap in our REGB with criminals attacking it and injuring MDPD liaison officers or in the federal courthouses downtown attacking the U.S. marshals that work there. Please watch the videos.

  7. Rumpole, you gotta watch The Daily Show video about 2020 (Portland) v. 2014 (Bundy Ranch). Here is the link...

  8. You really have to feel sorry for Cleveland. Think about it. In '64, they win the NFL title over the Shula coached Colts, 27-0. From then on, it is one disappointment after another. Salt is poured into the wound twice by the Broncos. And then, they hit the road to Baltimore where the Ravens win 2 SB's. The new Browns pick up where the old ones left off: losing. Sort of like having your bride ditch you at the altar for a GQ hedge fund manager.

  9. He's not a "General."

    The government has two types of attorneys, ones it hires for special events, or specific tasks, and one that does all the general work. The term "attorney general" refers to any person who holds a general power of attorney to represent a principal.

    Only a sycophantic douchebag calls the head government lawyer, "General."
