Sunday, August 02, 2020


Few random thoughts to start the week:

The State of Rhode Island issued tax refund checks signed by Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse. 

Book We Recommend you have never heard of: 
Deep South: A Social Anthropological Study of Caste and Class. 1941.  In the 1930s Allison Davis, a Harvard-trained African American anthropologist and his wife went to a remote section of Mississippi to study Jim Crowe with a white couple who were also anthropologists. To stay safe they had to sublimate their educated demeanor and act as subordinate to every white person including their fellow researchers. 

We end with this. The Irish Times Columnist Fintan O'Toole published an OpEd piece in the Irish Times On April 25, 2020  that started with this:  
"The World Has Loved, Envied, and Hated the United States. Now For The First Time We Pity It."

NB:  We are not going to publish any more anti-mask ravings in the comments section. But we do want those who believe they have a constitutional right to not wear a mask and a right to  infect others to do this: 
1) Go to a large event- preferably indoors. 
2) Do not wear a mask.
3) Shake as many hands as possible and give some hugs and kisses while you are at it. 
4) When you get sick please when you go to the hospital REFUSE any treatment like Remdesivir or the like and DEMAND to only be treated with Hydroxychloroquine. 
5) Let us know where you are going to be buried so we can send flowers (the delivery person will be wearing a mask). 
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. 


  1. Your mask advice is terrible. Most non-N95 masks don't protect the wearer nearly as much as they protect people the wearer comes into contact with. You've just advised people to go be super-spreaders, capable of infecting everyone -- including cloth mask wearers. And even N95 masks are not perfect even if worn absolutely correctly....

    1. I’d say allow all non mask posts be allowed so long as they aren’t anonymous.

  2. “NB” Was my tag. Use it sparingly. And well.

    -Guest Blogger

  3. Can someone post the Rebbull transcript of the pro se case?
