Monday, September 07, 2015


"You can fight a war for a long time,
or you can make your nation strong. 
You cannot do both."
Sun Tzu, The Art Of War. 

Humanitarian -refugee crisis strikes Europe. Germany...??Germany!!! To the rescue. 

Tens of thousand of Syrians, fleeing their country, struggled across Europe as Hungary raced to build a wall (you think the Donald has an original idea in his vapid head?) and England,  which should know better, agreed, grudgingly, to take a few hundred, and France (no surprise here) turned up its collective nose, and the rest of the European Union began to cite the maze-like set of rules designed to turn refugees away. Officials in the Czech Republic even went so far as to begin marking numbers in ink on refugees' arms, immediately bringing up thoughts of the Holocaust to the entire civilized world (except the Czechs). 

There was humanitarian disaster in the making as the world, including the United States and the UN shrugged. a three year old boy washed up dead on the shores of beach, his siblings lost at sea. The world yawned. People drowned trying to reach freedom, and tens of thousands of people holding children struggled across the roads of Hungary. 

"What a shame" people thought. "Somebody should do something" people said over wine at dinner.

Enter Germany. The country which wrecked the European continent twice in the 20th century did a very American thing. It opened its collective arms and welcomed the refugees to its country. German citizens met the buses and train loads of refugees with homemade food, clothes, toys for children, and smiles, welcoming these people who have done nothing more than flee their war-torn country in hopes of a better life for their children (that should sound familiar to every single American with the exception of Native Americans). 

The Germans, known for their strict adherence to rules, waived the rules of the EU, and just responded to the crisis, thereby saving tens of thousands of lives, and dare we say- showing a little bit of  humanity and perhaps contrition for their acts in the last century. 

Germany to the rescue. While the US sat silently on the side. Who woulda thunk it? Something about this is downright shameful to the US. 

Well done Germany and Angela Merkel, Well done indeed. 


  1. Allowing all those Muslims into the country , where it is inevitable that there will be an aspect of radicalism ? I strongly disagree with your commending of Germany

  2. Yeah maybe you are right because Muslims are as bad as : 1-Jews 2- blacks 3- gypsies -4- injuns - 5 Hispanics. pick some group you racist ignorant piece of crap.

  3. Yeah that 3 year old boy washed up on the beach dead like a piece of garbage. I bet that made you smile. He had radicalism written all over him. Well he did but it washed off after he drowned.
    This whole thing is some Isis -Obama plot to put a judge who will use sharia law on the Supreme Court and to take away your 9.95 /hr job at Taco Bell which really makes you sIck serving Hispanic food in the good ol USA

  4. Rumpole your response comments are idiotic and this situation demands better.

    All you do is name call and impute racism and beat down a strawman.

    Any nation opening up to millions of people of a different ethnicity, different religion, different worldview, different language, different understanding of the role of religion in society, the role of women, the structure of family, the expectation of government, etc. OWES it to everyone involved to proceed intelligently and with caution. Especially when there is a track record of Muslims NOT integrating well into Western Europe.

    If you cannot tell the difference between that position and the one you characterize as calling children "garbage", thinking all Muslims are ISIS, hating blacks/Hispanics/Jews/any minority for no reason, then you are the stupidest person in Florida.

    And you're not. Which means youre just being disingenuous.

    When it comes to crises of this magnitude, please don't be disingenuous. Please put your "racism" attack button aside for a brief moment. Stop hyperventilating and calling people of another viewpoint child-haters. We can have intelligent conversations about this. We must.

  5. What should the U.S. have done? Pay to fly all these people here and give them free medical and welfare. You know, since we have so much extra money and no real internal problems.

  6. I am not sure I would worry about Muslim radicalism. I am more concerned about German radicalism. Let us not forget that there remains a great deal of nationalism and pseudo-nazisim. Will this influx cause a reactionary response from those on Merkel's right? Only time will tell. I am not against the idea of aiding refugees. It is the right thing to do. But what happens when the crisis is over? Just asking.

  7. We give billions of dollars in foreign aid. As president I would have started calling those counties. Canada can take 15,000. England 25k. The French are fucking useless. Vichy is still alive and well. The Dutch can take 10k. So can the Netherlands and Brussels. Spain can take 50k easy. And as president I would be calling these countries and reminding them of what they owe us and the world. But no. We slept much like England slept (except for Churchill) in 1935-38.

  8. An admittedly stupid question : Where is the UN ? Why not : "Peace Keepers on the ground in Syria? Where is,Egypt, The Saudis?

  9. The Professor is not worried about radical Muslims, but he is worried about radical Germans.

    Im sure he would fare much better vacationing in Syria than in Germany. In Syria, he could experience the wonderful "diversity" and culture. In the German countryside, no doubt he'd be kidnapped and beheaded or burned alive.

    Im so confident of his assurance that is is not "worried" about radical Muslims, I will help pay for his flight to Syria -- so long as it does not pass over German airspace.

    And Rump -- you think that, of all European countries, the Spanish economy can handle an extra 50k low-skilled, uneducated, non-Spanish speaking workers? Ha.


  10. Rumpole loves throwing it back in our face.

    In this crisis, it's all on the EU. They dropped the ball when it comes to leadership and compassion and collectively lending a helping hand. The US is the most generous country in the world. Usually first on the scene to assist in natural disasters with manpower and financial aide. You have no clue what phone calls Obama made and didn't make.

    Lay the blame where it should be. On the doorsteps of all those EU countries who have said NO to the refugees in this crisis. Sorry Rump, but on this issue, you are dead wrong calling out the USA.

  11. In the poorer reaches of Coral Gables there are literally hundreds of women who are the victims of ongoing Domestic Violence in their homes. They all want to leave. They want peace, security. They are lining up outside the offices of a well-known criminal defense attorney, who also runs an pseudonymous blog. Many of them suffer from the accoutrements of poverty -- they are alcoholic, often drug addicted. Few speak English. Many have undiagnosed mental illness. Few are employable. Almost all come with many small children, and many are pregnant.

    They are lining up outside the criminal defense attorney's office. After all -- the office is vacant all night, and during many days. Even when occupied, there is a lobby, a clean bathroom, and plush carpet. There are quiet corners of the attorneys' offices where the children could play. Oak tables that are good for birthing.

    And they don't have to stay forever. This might just be a temporary thing. They might be able to go back to the abusive boyfriends, once things settle down.

    No Coral Gables attorney should balk at this, right?

    It would be racist, or some other bad word, to suggest that maybe simply sheltering these women doesnt really address the problem. And that lawyers offices are not designed or equipped to take in these sad women. And that the lawyer has a prior commitment to his clients that would suffer. It would be horribly racist to keep the door closed. Should one of these children die, maybe in DCF custody, the attorney must think the child is a "piece of garbage" -- otherwise that child would certainly have been living in the attorney's family room. It's uncaring not to simply open the doors.

  12. We slept during WWII as well. Strict immigration system kept jews out while they were dying in concentration camps. Strong "America first" policy.

  13. I am as impressed with Germany as you are but I don't share your view that the U.S. has to step in. This is more a problem for the countries of the middle east and Europe. We have always responded to the crises in this hemisphere. Netanyahu's response was heartwarming.

  14. maybe Saudi arabia could take a few? eqypt? qatar could build one less luxury suite for the world cup and take a few.

    as usual why does no one believe that the arabs to help their own?

    cue the emails of all you wankers in the PD's office calling me a bigot

  15. I believe, in the name of humanitarian relief, that the refugees should be granted temporary relief, and Germany deserves kudos for showing such courage. Yet, I believe, 10:15 does have a point that it will not be all flowers and sunshine after settling all the migrants. How many of them are accepting of gay rights, women's independence, plurality of religious beliefs or no religious beliefs, or bottom line, how many of the refugee families would let their daughters marry a non-muslim or, go forbid, a jew or an atheist? My point being is that resolving the refugee crisis presents a very complicated situation.

  16. My earlier rant was directed to the comment about the refugees being Muslim. You don't want refugees? Fine. But somehiw I think that if 5 million people fled Greece or Italy or Brussels or France we would look at them differently than we do Syrian Refugees because they may be (gasp) Muslim or African refugees becsue their skin is dark and of course we all know what happened when a boat of Jewish refugees landed in Miami feeling Nazis Germany. We sent them back and most of them died in the gas Chambers.

  17. That should read "fleeing Nazi Germany"

  18. 1:34 - There you go again. Hiding behind "anonymous". Refusing to at least use a nom de plume (that is a pen name in case that was above your head), so we know it is the same person.

    As usual misreading what I say and what I am really talking about. I am pointing out that it is not the radicalization of those who are seeking the protection and hospitality of the Germans. I fear the reactionaries within German society. The same kind of reactionary thought process that brought about ISIS. But, of course, you understood that, didn't you? You just like to be contrary to those of with a higher thought process than yourself. You know, people who think three dimensionally.

  19. The U.S. should sit this Middle East crisis out. And the next one. And the next one after that. And the next two after that. I'm as liberal as the next guy, but enough is enough.

  20. You see the situation as one involving religious freedom/discrimination, which limits the view to seeing Islam as a religion - in principle, I agree that nobody should discriminate against Muslims because of their religious beliefs. I am fine with their belief in Mohamed as the messenger of God.

    The problem is that Islam is also a political system that presents tremendous problems to a free society - its view of other religions, homosexuality, women, free elections, free speech, etc. The mechanism that political Islam maintains to enforce its views are harsh and often involve death for things such as drawing Mohamed or desecrating a Koran.

    Why in the world should countries be so welcoming to several hundred thousand potential adherents to such a political philosophy? Are you going to support "reeducating" them or banning the practice of any form of Islam that adheres to the strictures of the Koran? I certainly wouldn't support that type of behavior either. So, do you invite that form of cancer (political Islam) by continuing to insulate your house with Asbestos or do you try to prevent it and behave intelligently?

    Nobody should turn their backs on the crisis - providing funding and aid to the unfortunates is not only right, but should be mandatory (especially because we in large part caused the current crisis).

    But at the end of the day, welcoming all these people disproportionately sets up far greater and more troubling problems in the future. You should speak to some European Jews and ask them what the atmosphere is like over there, and why. It isn't as bad as it is because of the good Christians and atheists.

    At the end of the day, we all agree that the Nazis were bad and had no place in society because of many of the things that Political Islam propagate - would you want to welcome several hundred thousand Nazis into America? I wouldn't.

  21. Don't forget, there were Muslim's fighting against the British Army at Bunker Hill. This is a Muslim country!

  22. Native American's aren't the only ones who did not come to America voluntarily on the promise of a better future, or escaping persecution, but I do understand the point you were making with your comment.

    To the point being made by the original post, I believe, it is saddening that in our world today, that people fleeing death/persecution/poverty are treated the way they are. Imagine a relative arriving at your house bloody, frightened, and escaping an attacker who is either still hot on their tail, or at their house chilling on the couch in a tank top with a beer in their hands, and you cite your family rules/procedures as the reason why you cannot shelter them; or the fact that their family does things differently so we cannot let you come in. Shame on you.

    8:20 I wonder if you would feel differently if Christians/Jewish people/Atheists were turned away because they have radicals in their religion/lack of religion

  23. Do blog comments support links?

    Check out this heartbreaking photo of these down-trodden refugees -- these poor huddled masses:

  24. The owners of the REN a venue are masters of social media. From the name - everyone adds "a venue" as a way of being part of the inside joke to Twitter snap chat periscope Facebook what's app. You name it ND they are on it. Trending near the top. Give the dudes props.

  25. The food ain't bad either and at least two retired judges -big wigs are silent partners. Meaning investors. cash people. Cash money ain't never gonna play out dog.

  26. Thank you Germany and Austria.

    You opened your kitchens to those people and made them feel good.

    As for Hungry, you have no shame.

  27. Rumpole, the French have major problems with the Muslims they have taken and who have formed ghettos which they run their own way and where police do not go. 10:12 a.m. explains the problem Europe will have with these refugees and political Islam. And where are you, and the Europeans, Americans, UN, etc. when the radical Islamic terrorist of ISIS kill, rape and torture Middle Eastern Christians and forece them to convert to Islam, die, flee or pay a tax for not being Muslims?

  28. Ummmmmmmm............aren't there a bunch of countries in the middle east who can handle the refugees? Just curious where the criticism of them is..........

  29. Is MC REN of NWA one of the owners of the REN?

  30. The "no go zones" in France that 4:23 mentions have been thoroughly debunked, even by the persons who proclaimed that they exist. See:

  31. Of course we cannot criticize Arab countries for turning away refugees

    But we can blame Israel for fighting back when these poor refugees fire rockets into Israel

    Come pd's come out and playeeeeeeyay?

  32. Tried a new cocktail at The Ren (a venue) called Texas Roadkill Smasher. Very smooth but packs a pretty good punch. Buy one, get one free during happy hour and get a plate of deep-fried armadillo tail bits smothered in jalapeno- pomegranate sauce for half-price.

    I think that many lawyers need to look at this decision! Here in Miami there are way too many lawyers who do not appear at hearings. Many times the Judge out of courtesy has the clerk call the lawyer's office but after reading this opinion maybe more judges just need to report them to the bar.

  34. Rump, recently every time I log into the Blog, I get the warning box at the bottom of the screen that asks me if I want all of the content, even if not secure. What did you change to cause that?

    It happens on both of my computers too.

  35. The ren is in Kendall. I only go to Kendall to watch little league soccer. It's a dreadful location.

  36. Rumpole,
    Any thoughts on the Iran JCPOA?

  37. Judge Stephen Millan: We hope you are settling into your new job and that the salary we are paying you, $146,079.46, accommodates you.

    Upon your hire, it appears we neglected to ask you one question, though -- what time do you think you should start work each day?

    Thanks in advance for your response,

    Taxpayers and Voters

  38. The league of prosecutors, whatever that is, will be giving the prosecutor of the year award this year to Laura Adams from Sex Battery. Has anyone besides me dealt with her? She's no glowing star. In the past they give the award to ASA's who the Defense Bar respected. No so, this year.

  39. obviously don't know Laura Adams. Either that, or you're just trolling.
