Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Here's how it works: pick one team each week to win. No points. Straight up. However, when you use that team for that week you can no longer use that team for the rest of the year. David O Markus and Clay Kaiser have already emailed us their picks for the week. 
At stake: bragging rights. A certificate suitable for framing. A starbucks card. And extra two days to prepare for trial on any case you have before Judge Huck. The right to cut to the front of the line on any county court wednesday sounding. Hmm...and a bunch of other stuff. 

There's something about the 5 day forecasted track of Ike that we don't like. 

"One hand washes the other."

Chief Circuit Criminal Court Administrative Judge (CCCCAJ for short) Stanford Blake issued his ruling today and from what we know the PDs will no longer be assigned 3rd Degree Felonies (approximately 60% of all cases filed in Dade) as of September 15, 2008. Those cases will now be assigned to the ROC and their staff of two high school students who have expressed an interest in going to law school in the future. 

The title links to Oh Susanah's Herald story. 

The Canes are an estimated 163 point underdog in their game with the Gators on Saturday. Take the points.  

The SAO is now a 125 point favorite in all 3rd degree felonies. Give the points.  The Fins are a three point dog to the J..E...T..S and Favre on Sunday. Give the points and take gang green. More on that later this week.  

See you in court not taking third degree felonies. 


  1. This is ridiculous. I don't know who I am voting for, BUT, the Republicans sound like F'ing idiots trying to defend Palin and her preparedness to be President...including Rudy, who I like.

  2. Thank God Blake removed the PD's from those 3rd degree felonies. That's going to be huge. It takes at least 5 minutes to close them all at arraignment. Great solution.


  3. He should have taken the PD off of all 1st degree murders, and all county court cases instead. The firsts can go to learned appointed counsel, most do anyhow. Next, how bad could the ROC possibly screw up in county court? They would be up against newbie prosecutors; representing clients who face no real chance of jail as a penalty in 95% of cases. This arrangement would free up at least 30 attorney positions to handle felony cases.
    Jason Grey

  4. Are these idiot Republican delegates actually being inspired to dance by Mitt "Mr. Nasty" Romney, Mike "I don't believe in science" Huckabee, and Rudy "$80 million for one delegate" Guliani?

  5. the two high school students who expressed an interest in going to law school one day....funny!!!

  6. 5 mins at arraignment... you still get 750 flat fee for JAC cases.

  7. Palin is a high school cheeleader, running for prom queen. She talked about NOTHING substantive tonight. She purports to be a "reformer" - she attacked like a tried and true republican. Sneering, mocking, avoiding any material intelligent discourse. I'd do her.


    and I hope that I am wrong

    Ike looks like it may be, in the words of Mayor Nagin, the real "storm of the century". One to compare to August 24, 1992 and it's coming right at us.

    Palin knocked it out of the park tonight and "hockey moms" all over the country know who they are voting for. And the rest of America now knows what Sarah Palin is all about, and she could be the secret weapon that McCain needed to pull this election out.

    Cap Out ...

  9. I am a devoted Obama supporter but man of man Palin knocked Obama out of the park tonight. Love the comments about community organizer.

  10. Great video of Bush and Cheney

  11. Captain--I agree with you that Palin's speech was a very good one. But I digress

    It is now clear that Palin was chosen for two reasons: 1) to shore up the GOP base and 2) to appeal to the white, often socially conservative, working-class voters (who used to be called Reagan Democrats) that went for Clinton. It is clear from last night's speech that Palin is very conservative--moresore than Bush and possibly even more than Cheney.

    There's no doubt that Palin will shore up the GOP base. Yet despite their grumblings and misgivings about McCain, 98% of them were going to vote for McCain anyway. She'll pull in a handful of votes from those who would either sit this one out or perhaps vote for Bob Barr. But it won't be enought to make a signficant difference.

    As for the second group, a chunk of these were going to support McCain regardless of who his VP pick was. These voters tend to vote with their pocketbooks. With the economy so weak and inflation so high, the GOP ticket is going to have to provide solid economic plans to draw this group to their side. That being said, Palin will have some appeal to these voters and may pull a few in. On the other hand, Palin is likely to push many moderates away from the GOP. One of McCain's great strengths is his appeal to this swing group which decides most presidential elections.

    It will be interesting to see the Palin effect. My guess is that she either helps propel the GOP to a narrow victory or proves to be the final cog in an Obama/Biden landslide.

    Two other observations:

    1. It will be interesting to see how Palin does in her debate with Biden. She did well in her acceptance speech, but it was professionally written and before a controlled audience. While she was feisty and even poised, she was not very polished. Something tells me that she is going to go after Biden hard in their debate, which could blow up with her.

    2. Is it just me, or is the GOP convention much more subdued than the Democratic convention?

  12. Rumpy- add a Hooters Gift Card and I'm in!

    I strongly suspect the reaction of the religious right would be greatly different if we were talking of the pregnancy of one of Senator Obama's daughter. There would be no sympathy, just a smug holier-than-thou attitude that this couldn't happen to a Republican candidate's daughter.

    Attorney Rejected By The Princess,
    proud member since 2008
