Tuesday, September 02, 2008

CNN: Tucker Bounds On Palin Foreign Policy Experience

CNN's Campbell Brown takes McCain spokesman Tucker Bound to school and asks and asks and asks Bound to explain what foreign policy Governor Palin has if something happens to McCain. Bound says Palin was commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard. Brown says "just tell me one decision she made about the National Guard?" And Bound can't.

The McCain Campaign is so irate over this interview they have canceled McCain's appearance on Larry King tonight.


  1. I saw this, don't blame Bound, he was merely holding the republican talking points. It was clearly embarassing, but he's a soldier - he represents what the republicans are doing on this issue, dodging the truth - why not just say "hey, shes a fresh young thing?"

  2. Hey John, my daughters still a virgin!

  3. Bigger news than hurricanes and beauty queens is happening today! Blake is releasing his opinion regarding the Public Defender's motion to withdraw. I like to call it "Justice Interruptous".

  4. Judge Blake grants PD motion to withdraw from cases!


  5. Wow, exciting news, Rumpole!!!

  6. It turns out Palin is not a member of the secessionist party after all: http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/09/02/alaska-party-official-says-palin-was-not-a-member/

    I'm shocked - shocked, that the NYT would print something - on the front page, mind you - that was factually untrue. Who can we trust anymore?

    Keep it up, my Kos Kommissars. The more you try to bury her, the more the American public will love her.

  7. A. His name is Tucker. Are you F*&%ING kidding me? like we take him seriously? HELLOOO....HE'S the du mass who picked the psycho and got the McCain campaign to drink the koolaid.....his neck is on the line.

    B. He is now "demanding" an end to all questions about her background, demanding like a spoiled little child, "enough is enough." Like , um, Tucker? Why? Before we learn of the incest? and that she's a liar? Who abuses her authority and obstructs justice? And the extent of her complete lack of experience?

    Diminutive boy, keep up the good work: you're the best thing to happen to Democrats since... BARACK OBAMA!

    Leesten....I don't care that her daughter is a susia, I don't care that she has been a card carrying member of the NRA since she turns 14, I don't care that she opposes abortion in cases of gang rape and if the fetus is already dead in the womb due a congenital defect, or that she is proudly sending her 21 year old son to be killed in Iraq. These are hallmarks of being republican. (PS - she has asked if Cuba is that island in the pacific off the coast of Mexico and thoug Fidel castro pitched for the Mariners.)

    What I care about is that McBain is so stupid to have picked her , with her sordid past, poor judgment and lack of any meaningful political experience.

    I love the hypocr. of republicans: challenge Obama's qualifications, and tout this psycho to be president when mcbain, who is like 92 and has cancer and a bad heart, passes on.

    yeah, vote republican. Tee hee.

  8. Judge: Public Defender’s office may drop cases. http://www.dailybusinessreview.com/news.html?news_id=50442

  9. If I wanted to read national stuff; I would go to a national blog. a more relevant topic might be " is the R.C.C. going to be able to handle more cases?”

    Palin is hot

  10. Anybody who thinks that Sarah Palin is hot either has a serious gun fetish or hasn't been spending any time on South Beach

  11. Did CNN ask the same questions of an Obama supporter? After all Governor Palin has more executive experience than Obama AND Biden put together! It takes real courage to vote "present" repeatedly. Can't do that as Governor, and you can't do that as President. What kills the Obama supporters is that she is clearly more qualified than he is.
