Friday, December 08, 2006


So many hale fellows well met pass in and out of our small little work world that with thoughts turning to holidays present and past, we thought it might be nice to do a little something where people post names and others respond with whatever they know about that person. This is not limited to members of the brotherhood of the shark. JA’s, court reporters, clerks, corrections; whomever you’re interested in.

We’ll start:

Whatever happened to:

Our friend and colleague Owen Chin?

Bailiff “Buckle” Bill?


Mechanic and Goldstein?

See you in court, reminiscing.

Here are some additions:

What ever happened to Peter Baraban and Steve Mechanic?

What ever happened to Ed Frank?

What ever happened to Edwin Saar?

How about Alex Curry? The Weinbaums?


Anonymous said...
Surprised none of you have asked "whatever happened to Judy Alves"? She was the driving force behind the end of the old fashioned Public Defender dinners. No more sexist jokes and skits and songs, etc.Bar says she is practicing in Fort Myers

Anonymous said...
josh gradinger?chris scleppi?josh weintraub (hasnt it been 30 days since he left - time to come back)

Anonymous said...
What ever happened to Frank Joyce?Tom Darby?Rick Katz?Ric Margolis?

Anonymous said...
Gene Ciprano is well and practicing on the West Coast of Florida. He still drives in for Dolphins games.

abe laeser said...

Frank Joyce: Never went to law school, probably an evangelist.

Darby: Went to Talahassee, some desk job for an agency (non-stress).
Koch: Retired or was retired, depending on who you believe. Heard that he is actually selling carpets.
Rick Katz: Represented me this morning on a traffic ticket + won. Paid him with his usual fee, dinner tonight. He has a limited practice, due to family business matters that are time consuming. One hell of a fighter if you really need someone to battle for any cause.

(Rumpole wonders why Mr. Laeser is getting so many traffic citations?)

Jason Grey said...
I call on Judge Glick to speak on the past. He has been here the longest and can tell us much about that which has passed.


  1. The last I heard,Owen moved to Tallahassee and was working for the PDO there. Deloris passed away.

  2. What ever happened to Peter Baraban and Steve Mechanic?

  3. What ever happened to Ed Frank?

  4. What ever happened to Edwin Saar?

  5. what ever happened to reiff not having a guilty verdict since '94.????? the streak is over......

  6. Deloris Campbell died.

    Mechanic is around, but seldom practices. His family was always in real estate.

    Recently ran into Goldstein. Still in practice. Civil, non-litigation. Office work.

  7. Buckle Bill - Sherry Rossbach's father? Hope she pre-deceaces him. Her ex is still a cop.

  8. what ever happened to regular weed-not stuff that makes you feel like an acid trip.

  9. How about Alex Curry? The Weinbaums?

  10. Browsing the media trade papers today.
    I see an article in MEDIA WEEK at that reports our own Judge David Young will be joining the Fox Network as a TV Judge.
    The report says that the show will be in the Fall 2007 line-up.
    The network also has 2 other TV Judges in their line-up.
    If the papers are signed and the check clears we will know "where are they now" for Judge Young come the Fall of 2007
    Check it out.
    Lenny Glick

  11. 11:43, is that the same sherry rossbach who sucessfully sued the SAO and michael band for sexual harassment in federal ct? and is 11:43 really abe laser who testified against her. sour apples abe?

  12. Owen Chin is still working for the PDO in Tallahassee (ex-Dade PD Deborah Whisnent also works there) & wants to be the first Asian-American judge in North Florida.

    Pam Weinbaum died about four years ago, and Steve Weinbaum still lives in Jacksonville and practices criminal law. I heard that he re-married about a year ago but have not confirmed it.

    Whatever happened to crazy ex-PD Bernie Yedlin? Is he still alive?

  13. I really enjoy late lunches at my desk - and this diversion.

    Someone suggested that I still harbored bad feelongs about Ms. Rossbach. I do, but if I had anything to add, I would sign my posting.

    I only testified that she did NOT come to me and try to file a complaint, contrary to her trial testimony. If she had, I would have followed up -- as I have done on all other instances when personnel complaints were brought to my attention.

    By the way, to ANONYMOUS 12:41 author, it is : LAESER.

  14. In addition to David Young, does any one remember MEAN AMY DEAN. Well she and here tightly bunned hair resurface as a judge on a TV show this fall where the jurors are celebrities. This is in development and may not happen. Film at 11

  15. Is there anyone who does not harbor ill feelings toward either of the Rossbachs. Bet I still bet she gives good phone sex.

  16. Alex was the body-double for Shelly Dival as Olive Oyl in the Popeye movie.

  17. whatever happened to the DLOP?

  18. DLOP means Dismissed Lack of Prosecution.
    Ed Saar is living and working in Broward County and not practicing law.
    Ed Frank was very ill and was sent to some kind of nursing home a few years back. Quirantes will know how he is doing.
    Reiff never said he wins every case. Does anyone?
    Lt Steve Rossbach is still a cop with MPD.

  19. whatever happened to hooking up with victims? after the case, of course.

  20. calkin is still " gathering all the money he can find to be with her."

  21. abe, did the jury believe your testimony? what was the verdict and who were the attorneys representing sherry rossbach?

  22. I just roam around downtown

  23. Whatever happened to May Cain?

    1. She is practicing law in Aventura with her husband, William J Snihur, Jr., in their firm Cain & Snihur, LLP. She handles appeals, family & domestic violence cases & civil litigation. He handles commercial, business, probate, wills & trusts, civil litigation & appeals.

  24. Michael Band is still one of the nicest people I ever met. Saw him recently at the SAO. Sherry Rossbach is still a scheming, conniving, lying temptress. She will spend eternity in the 9th circle of Hell. Her husband was a cuckold who should be pitied for not knowing sooner to dump her sooner. And as to Mr. Laeser, the day he retires, the people of this county should wear black arm bands in mourning. He is the best thing that EVER happened to the SAO.

  25. Alex Curry only spent a year or two at the PDO and returned to her home town.

  26. Whatever happened to those guys that sang Blame it on the Rain?

  27. Art Koch (Abe's favorite)?

  28. Dana Corvo? Gene Ciprano? That prosecutor with the long red hair who was a stripper? Kenny Marvin; Tom Scott?

  29. Remember the whole troop of oldsters who used to inhabit the building? Delores who would blurt out suggestions from her wheel chair during trial. (She hated Kenny Marvin and would accost him, cursing him in the hallway), Marcy chernoff, The Englishman, and a dozen others. They would all show up each day and watch trials (Kibitzing of course). I can’t tell you how many times I consulted them to see how I was doing and to pick their brains. I miss them

  30. I call on Judge Glick to speak on the past. He has been here the longest and can tell us much about that which has passed.

  31. "one order of cuban toast...walking in"

  32. Murray?? You can find him at the track.

  33. what happened to ed saar that he is not practicing any more? did he lose his bar license?

  34. What ever happened to Frank Joyce?
    Tom Darby?
    Rick Katz?
    Ric Margolis?

  35. I looked up Ed Saar on the bar's website but his name does not come up.

  36. Gene Ciprano is well and practicing on the West Coast of Florida. He still drives in for Dolphins games.

  37. To 5:43 blogger:
    How would I know if the jury believed my testimony? They could have + still believed that Ms. Rossbach was harrassed, but just did not report it to me. Bob Rosenblatt was lead plaintiff's counsel + there was a verdict for just over $ 200k, I think.

    No more blowing smoke up my ass, my ego is big enough -- no black armbands! I am very mortal + can and will be replaced.

    Frank Joyce: Never went to law school, probably an evangelist.

    Darby: Went to Talahassee, some desk job for an agency (non-stress).

    Koch: Retired or was retired, depending on who you believe. Heard that he is actually selling carpets.

    Rick Katz: Represented me this morning on a traffic ticket + won. Paid him with his usual fee, dinner tonight. He has a limited practice, due to family business matters that are time consuming. One hell of a fighter if you really need someone to battle for any cause.

  38. Thomas Scott, former Circuit Court Judge, Federal District Judge, US Attorney for the SD of Fla, is now a named partner in a downtown Miami law firm of Cole Scott & Kissane P.A.

    He swore me in.

  39. whatever happened to michael cohen, fat guy with beard? DUI lawyer?

  40. Cohen was practicing in Broward with the wife of Pat Nally for a long time

  41. Art Koch - huge Gator fan - retired - but Abe is correct - was driven out of office after questioning authority - not treated very fairly after so many years of public service

  42. josh gradinger?
    chris scleppi?
    josh weintraub (hasnt it been 30 days since he left - time to come back)

  43. Surprised none of you have asked "whatever happened to Judy Alves"? She was the driving force behind the end of the old fashioned Public Defender dinners. No more sexist jokes and skits and songs, etc.

    Bar says she is practicing in Fort Myers

  44. what ever happened to Juan D'Arce?

  45. Jeff Ward, Loren Kogen, George Perez-Gurri, Fritz (I never met a Nazi I did't like) Mann, MARIA LORTS (ahhhh)

  46. Kenny Marvin moved to Tallahassee and now works for the Florida Bar. I know Judy Alves moved back to Ohio. That was years ago.

  47. Gradinger is walking the streets of the Bronx, NY and stalking a different group of women!

  48. What ever happened to Richard Essen? Has anyone seen him since the 80's?

  49. 6:35pm: you are dead wrong. band lost his job because he refused to take a polygraph and asserted the 5th when the ft. meyers pros. wanted to take a statement from him. he abused his postion in "investigating "sherry after she accused him of inappriaopate sexual conduct when she was his sec. he was arragant and not a good trial attorney. thats why he was fired.

  50. 6:35pm: you are dead wrong. band lost his job because he refused to take a polygraph and asserted the 5th when the ft. meyers pros. wanted to take a statement from him. he abused his postion in "investigating "sherry after she accused him of inappriaopate sexual conduct when she was his sec. he was arragant and not a good trial attorney. thats why he was fired.

  51. What cop gave you a ticket Abe? Must have been north of the border.

  52. mike tarkoff,harris sperber. where are they ?

  53. funny thing about abe getting a ticket - he probably didn't "accidentally" show his badge like some of the young punks who carry it around and sleep with it.(Abe's is probably in a drawer somewhere long forgotten) to the cop when he asked for his license.

    Reminds me of the old story of janet reno getting a parking ticket and upon walking up to her car the officer writing the ticket recognized her and apologized, and she insisted on getting the ticket. (may be an ole wise tale, but makes total sense)

  54. Abe
    Why don't you try a case that is not an absolute lock for the state?

  55. the post above is from a very very poor lawyer (financially and skills wise)

  56. George Perez-Gurri practices PI and medical malpractice.

  57. Dan,
    I carry my badge, but would never show it, or even tell people where I work. However, one MBPD cop refused to give the wife a ticket once when he saw the last name + he demanded to know if our son was an ASA + she said that he was.

    Dad's 'fame' did not carry the clout of the cop having been in trial with my son during the previous month.

    "Sic transit gloria."
    (NO, this is not a comment upon anyone named Gloria)

  58. Sony OKs Judge David Young

    Marc Berman

    DECEMBER 04, 2006 -

    Sony Pictures Television, the home of Judge Hatchett and the just-renewed Judge Maria Lopez, will add a third first-run court strip to the mix in fall 2007 hosted by Judge David Young, a current sitting judge in Miami. The show will bear his name.

    Pitched by Sony as a judge known for his honesty, compassion and wit, Young is perhaps best known for giving jail time to two America West pilots that had been drinking before a scheduled flight.

  59. Does this mean that bernstein gets to retire?

  60. Heard that Lorts just got elected to State legislature (WPB).

  61. what about edwin saar? and susie rubio ayala?

  62. What about 6:19 opening your frigg'n eyes?

  63. Fame is indeed fleeting. The Reno story was not a parking ticket but a fender bender right next to the courthouse as I remember it, and she did indeed require the officer to write the ticket. Say what you want, but you will never meet a more honest public servant. Ever.

  64. Josh Gradinger is an Assistant District Attorney, Bronx, New York.

    Tom Darby is in Tallahasse working for a State agency.

    Rick Margolius occasionaly returns as a senior judge and is otherwise busy with his passion, the guitar and the music it makes.
    For those who don't know, his first music CD was produced by Assistant Public Defender and all around great guy Joe Imperato. Joe is a talented musician and did much of the arranging and was musical sideman on the project.

    Fritz Mann, former ASA, I think is in practice in Coral Gables. Ran for judge a few years ago, did not make it.

    Jorge Perez-Gurri, former ASA, now my neighbor, is in private practice.

    May Cain, former judge, beaten in election years ago, in private practice and in REG on post-convictionrelief appointments.

    Frank Joyce.?.?.?...........
    1973, I am an in my second year at the State Attorneys Office assigned to the Magistrate Division,(Six County Court Judges, 2 ASA'S and 2 APD'S per Court doing the equivilent of adversary preliminary hearings...all day, every day of the work week). In comes a"newbie" assigned to me to be trained and then work in the division. Bar none the fastest learner, did a great job and was on his way up the ladder. After Magistrate Court he was promoted to Chief of County Court. Only trouble is they found out he was not a lawyer. Went to one semester of law school and that was it.
    He was outed by a disgruntled Fish and Wildlife officer who went to the Fla. Bar and wanted to file a complaint. The Bar said Frank who????. The rest is history. Believe it or not he was never prosecuted for Unauthorized Practice of Law.
    Wherabouts unknown
    ......Paging Dr. Joyce......

    Delores Campell, resident pain in the ass of REG came to the building as a friend of the family of a decedent in a manslaughter case. Then Major crimes chief and former Circuit Court Judge Robert Kaye was the prosecutor. Defense attorney Max Kogen, father of Lauren Kogen,former ASA and now wife, mother and private practitioner.
    Dolores made such a pest of herself Bob Kaye put her on a bogus witness list and had her excluded from the courtroom for two weeks until the trial was over. She roamed the courtrooms and made a pest of herself there and stayed for years until her death. She was one of the court "roaches" a name we had for all the retirees and such that religiously came to the courts to watch the trials and root for their favorite lawyers. Sharpstein was a unanimous favorite of the "ROACHES" All of them except Delores were wonderful and savvy people.
    Delores was certifiable. Her other claim to fame was her arrest in the parking lot of the Justice Building for performing oral sex on some guy.

    Thanks for listening

    Jason I hope that wasn't to much information.
    Lenny Glick

  65. That was beautiful. All you need now is a life of your own, so you can pay for the therapy - and figure out what Mommy did to you to cause you to hate the talentad and decent people in this world, like Glick and Reno.

    Spending another weekend alone? Surprised, you loser?

  66. 8:50-you are a pathetic asshole. sign your name.



  69. OK. The Deloris BJ story is a new one for me. anyone have the a-form?

    Frank Joyce has been a legend for years.

    And at least once a week we pop in Rick Margolius's CD and listen to "I'm Drunk." It's also on our IPOD.

  70. Was it Phil "Was that a bribe?" Davis?

  71. Case number M78-54532. They made it an L&P to save Dolores the embarrassment.

  72. It was indeed Fast Phil Davis in a runoff.

    Lurvey- how in the world do you know that?

    Geeze- all these hot shot lawyers wit nuttin to do saturday nite.

  73. Remeber the two older Jewish guys from Miami Beach. One was taller, hunched over a bit with glasses and the other was short, looked a bit like Red Buttons and always wore a hat (except when he was in the courtroom). They'd always smile and ask, "hey kid, where's the action?" They were great!

  74. What ever happened to peach and melba and roy t gelber?

  75. A B.J. from Deloris? What a hard-off!

  76. What ever happened to Gelber's former law partner Steve pain in my ass Glass

  77. Glass moved to Virginia -- after trashing his wife to everyone who would listen.

    A real low life. Perfect partner for Roy. Glass was as sleazy, just never got to steal enough from the public to make it as a lawyer, before the Bar got him.

  78. Yeah, but what do you really think of him?

  79. Judges cater to prosecutors? Are you high or delusional? Miami judges give out the lowest sentences in the state.

  80. After all these years it is a comfort to know there was some good in Delores.
    Thanks Your Honor

  81. Davis, Shenberg, Sepe and Goodhart, a bunch of regular role models to be true. Get me a broom to sweep the trash.

  82. What ever happened to Kerry Bennet-Egozi?

  83. What ever happened to Isaac Finkel?

  84. I agree with Anonymous at 9:06 - Lenny Glick is among the Immortals, along with Laeser...

  85. What happened to Judge Sheldon Schwartz' J.A.? Scoop has it that the poor soul was going nutt's with the constant bombardment of memo's, yelling and the fact that she tended to all his personal matters for the Honorable to include running his re-election campaign and standing in the rain on election day when she was ill. Good luck to both...

  86. Harris Sperber ~ he was disbarred for FRAUD!

  87. I was just asking my husband about Peter Baraban and lo and behold refer to google. WHAT did happen to him?? He "kinda" represennted me at a grand jury hearing back in the late 70's . I wonder how his hair transplant went and who was his "gopher" maybe another attorney (good looking)who picked us up in "the" Rolls. Mike and his ex wish him the best.

  88. Answering Libby....

    I think Peter Baraban died in 2004 in West Palm. The gopher you referred to was probably Colin Guy, who moved to Virginia in the 80s and went on to become a much-loved commonwealth's attorney in a central Virginia county. He died of an apparent heart attack in 2000.

  89. May Cain practices in Aventura with her husband William J. Snihur, Jr. Firm name: Cain & Snihur, LLP. Her practice is mostly appeals, family law, domestic violence and some civil litigation. Husband handles probate, guardianship, commercial cases. They are busy parents of teenage twins.

  90. just dissovered this site. brings back great memories. i was asst. PD from '76-'80...leon weiss, aka, the weiss man...used to hand out weiss man awards at PD "dinner mtgs." sorry to read this august tradition has been cleaned to hear from old pals, adversaries...peace

  91. Whatever happened to predictability?
    The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV.

    You miss your old familiar friends
    Waiting just around the bend

    Everywhere you look (everywhere you go)
    There's a heart (there's a heart)
    A hand to hold onto.

    Everywhere you look (everywhere you go)
    There's a face
    Of somebody who needs you.

    When you're lost out there and you're all alone,
    A light is waiting to carry you home,
    Everywhere you look.
