Thursday, December 07, 2006






SEE YOU IN COURT (and maybe a bar).


  1. I hate to say anything bad about those twin cities of sludge, snow, steel, and slums -- Cleveland and Pittsburgh -- but is that really an NFL game by 2007 standards?

    Sunday's Dolphins-Patriots game seems more like a professional game.

  2. Today is Pearl Harbor Day - December 7, 1941 - 65 years ago today - a territory of the US - a military base of the US - was attacked by a foreign enemy.

    With what is going on in the world today, now more than ever, we should remember the past, because
    "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

    A Veteran

  3. Rumpole you should be ashamed.

    No dedication to the men who died for your freedom to insult, lie and destroy every attorney in Miami.

    Pearl Harbor Man!!

  4. I have always in the past endeavoured to remember and post about important days commemorating those who gave their lives for this country. To the extent that I did not do this today, you are correct. No disrespect intended.

    Pittsburgh vs Cleveland. Two tough teams that do not like each other. A great rivalry. Tonight I pick the defending champs who have straightened out a lot over a Cleveland team that has not. Pittsburgh wins +10, not because they are so good, but Cleveland is that bad.

    Also, I have a new emailier who claims to be Batman who is sending me threatening emails, promising to defend those I trash on the blog. If I am found dead in an Alley with a Bat signal on me, you know who to look for.

  5. I am Robin and holy blog BatMan

  6. Here will be the topic for tomorrow: WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO?

    and then people can log on, list a name, and other people can respond.

    Like "What ever happend to Rumpole"

    He died of boredom, etc.

    But so many attorneys pass through our little world it might be nice to find out about someone.

  7. what ever happened to the public defender party when it WAS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, the girls were loose and the drugs flowed like wine?

  8. The following exchange took place between the Caped Crusader and Rumpole:

    Batman writes:

    A new face shall show itself when the Bat Signal shines. Each time what seems to be false and malicious gossip intended solely to satisfy the prurient interests of the readers of the blog, or unwarranted attacks on the integrity of a lawyer or judge, are posted or published, I will appear to defend the defenseless and indict the perpetrators.

    I am righteous and indignant. I am BATMAN

    Rumpole responds:

    You are also in need of therapy. Want the name of my shrink?

    Batman retorts:

    Only if I can use your name as a referral. Oops you don't do that!!

    What is wrong with this picture: a man (or woman) who hides themself cloaked in a secret identity and attacks others like a wild west bushwacker believes that someone who does the same to him needs therapy. Hmmmmm.

    Welcome to the world you created, Rumpole

  9. Batman says: Good for you "Pearl Harbor Man" I endorse your attack on Rumpole's irreverance. But they did not die for his right to lie. They died for a more righteous cause. They died to defend the freedoms that many take for granted and a few believe entitle them to harm others. The Greatest Generation would be appalled at much of what is written here.

  10. didnt the river actually catch on fire in cleveland in the 90's?

  11. I don't know what lies have been
    sworn to here, but a key did exist.

  12. batman, would you be so kind as to cite some examples where Rumpole "attacks others like a wild west bushwacker".

    this blog is fun for most of us, and can be informative. it has even led to some productive dialogue between those of us who work in the REG.

    thank you sir or ma'am, though i presume you are man, as you call yourself batman, and not robin.

    peace to all and a heartfelt THANK YOU to our countries heroes, the veterans, who, but for them, we would not be living in a free society.

  13. The Graet Cayuhoga Fire + the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- both look lovely under a few feet of blizzard. Go Cleveland.

  14. Batman, you've got it wrong. Rump isn't the one bashing people left and right. It's other folks who are doing that. Rump's actually been pretty even handed.

  15. Batman
    I'd like to put a gag ball in your mouth and ram my cock up your ass.

  16. For those careful readers of this blog, who correctly stated how fair I have been, thank you.

    Curse you, caped crusader.

  17. Batman in Miami? That's just what we need.

  18. I have to say this- winning as an underdog candidate could not have happened to a nicer guy than Don Cohn. I am really happy he won. He deserves a little good luck.

  19. Batman says:

    I quote Rumpy: "those I trash on the blog". Try as you might to bait me into citing examples in hope of gaining clues to my identity I will not bite. I look to the future not the past. I can not rectify what is already done.

    To anonymous at 7:21 I do not doubt that there are sincere and fruitful exchanges on this blog. I have no quarrel with productive and informative dialogue. I do feel great disconficture with entries and postings designed to damage others for no greater purpose than to do just that. Hurt and cause damage. I do not believe this is fun.

    To Robin at 9:21 your obvious desires should be acted upon with someone of your same orientation, not an unwilling participant. However you clearly are an articulate and talented orator.

  20. HERE COMES THE MONEY - The Almighty has released funds to feed the "bottom feeders"

  21. Hey Rump, there's been a lot of criticism of the PD office on this blog, so how about some props when deserved? The appeals lawyers did some great work on two important cases this week, getting juveniles timely detention hearings and getting mentally ill defendants out of the hell hole 9th floor at the jail. (How many of your faithful followers have ever actually been up there? Have you??). Too bad our Herald only quoted talking head Carlos Martinez and not the attorneys who actually did the work.

  22. 1) Batman-if there was ever a quote out of context, that was it, slime ball.

    2) The PD administration has been bashed a lot. I do not think many have ever bashed the work of the PD's, who as you point out, (and I have in the past) do a great job.

    3) Who told you the Steelers would win by more than 10? Who did it in public and in print?

  23. Hottest chatter at the party was the Bush brothers infatuation with a certain hispanic county court judge who was voted out of office. Chatter is they can't decide whether to put him on the 3rd DCA or Fed bench. Time will tell.

  24. "..the Bush brothers infatuation with a certain hispanic county court judge who was voted out of office. Chatter is they can't decide whether to put him on the 3rd DCA or Fed bench."

    The only hispanic male booted off the bench was Ivan Hernandez and he most definitely is not being considered for the 3rd DCA or Fed bench. Rumor has it that he recently had to promise the JQC that he would not seek office again in order to retain his license to practice law at all. And don't think the JNC would nominate to the new Governor or this lame-duck President will appoint someone who would not make it through the vetting process.

    The King is dead. And so is his henchman, Juan.

  25. Batman says:

    How could anyone know what happens in front of the JQC that Anonymous at 11:56 could make such a statement? The JQC has no power to bind the Bar on issues like that nor do they make deals like that. What planet are you on? Again a false and malicious statement unsupported by fact.

  26. "a false and malicious statement unsupported by fact"

    that's what most of the people on this blog write.

  27. Batman says:

    I do not rise to defend Hernandez as to the allegations against him. That is for others to decide. He will have his day before whatever tribunal is appropriate. I rise to defend him against statements that can have absolutely no basis in fact. The truth is that the JQC, if it has a reasonable basis to do so, must turn over its evidence to the Florida Bar, if the conduct is sanctionable by the Bar. Not everything that is a violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct is a violation of the Rules Governing the Florida Bar.

    See you in the dark alleys of the city.

  28. the Florida bar does not and cannot sanction a Judge and Judge Hernandez was a Judge when he did his deeds.

    do real Judges and Lawyers read write on this blog??

  29. Batman says:

    If you are up at 4:44AM writing on this Blog you need to get a life or at least some Ambien. You are incorrect. Any conduct done as a judge, if in violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility, may be sanctioned by the Bar once the judge is removed from the bench. Just because you are a judge (which requires that you be a lawyer and member of the Florida Bar) does not exempt you from discipline once removed.

  30. Regarding a couple recent posts ("Hey Rump, there's been a lot of criticism of the PD office on this blog, so how about some props when deserved? The appeals lawyers did some great work on two important cases this week, getting juveniles timely detention hearings and getting mentally ill defendants out of the hell hole 9th floor at the jail...." and Rumpole's response (" The PD administration has been bashed a lot. I do not think many have ever bashed the work of the PD's, who as you point out, [and I have in the past]do a great job....":

    You'll give Brummer a heart attack if you don't stop calling his lawyers Public Defenders. He insists on that title for himself and has a fit when they are not referred to "assistant" PDs, even though the rest of the universe regularly uses that term for all of them. And rightly so.
