Monday, August 19, 2024



This is awful and unexpected news to learn about the untimely death of a colleague who we have lost in the prime of her life. 

We did not know Ms. Duncan well. But we saw her in court as a fierce advocate for her clients, and someone who was well liked by judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys and who always appeared to have a smile on her face. As comments come in about her, we will post some on the blog to add to her memory from those who knew her best. 


Anonymous said...

reading this brought tears to my eyes. what an absolute tragedy and an enormous loss for our legal community. i had many cases opposite her when i was at the state and she was as great as they come. this absolutely breaks my heart.

Unknown said...

I worked with Zena on a case. She was an absolute pleasure to work with, bright, personable, moral, ethical, intelligent, and forceful when she had to be. To lose a young woman at the prime of her life, raising a young son, is just horrible. She made all of us look good and this is just a terrible loss to her family, to the bar, and to the Court. May God bless her on her next journey, but she should not need a great deal of help as she proves that it is true: The good die young. Joe Klock

Anonymous said...

The news of Attorney Zena Duncan's passing is profoundly heartbreaking. Although I never had the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with her, her reputation as a legend in the fight against injustice was undeniable.

Zena embodied everything an attorney should be—fierce in her advocacy, unwavering in her integrity, and always kind and gracious. Her presence left a lasting impact on everyone who knew her, and her impeccable style and warm smile reflected the strength and elegance she carried within. Her loss is deeply felt, and my thoughts are with her family and loved ones during this challenging time.

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to hear this news. I tried a case against her and also had her represent a cooperator so I got to know her fairly well as a lawyer. It's a loss for the profession, to say the least.
She was always a straight shooter. Hard to read at times, but never misleading, which was always appreciated. Her poise and competence were never lacking.

Anonymous said...

Man, this is so awful.

I was assigned as a prosecutor in Juvenile in the same division. She was really great and stood out. I still remember vividly her calmness, advocacy, keen eye for the truth, and ability to make me realize what an idiot I was being by simply smiling and me and saying something simple and brief.

My condolences to her family, friends and colleges. This is just dreadful.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace Zena.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. It proves once again that we are all one big caring family for anyone who has ever been a lawyer or judge or staff at the Justice Building.

Judy Cullinan said...

I have known Zena for about 25 years; seems like we met just yesterday. Zena was a great attorney and a great friend & she was always smiling! I will miss her & and that beautiful smile.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace. Good bless her.

Anonymous said...

I knew her well. She was in my court as my C PD for my beginning years as a judge in the Criminal Division. She was assigned to my division when she was Regional Counsel. She was my friend for 20+ years. She was one of the best natural trial lawyers that ever appeared before me. I miss her terribly and wish I could sit with her one more time and just talk. I am sad for her son who loved her more than anything he knew at 13-years old. I wish I could stop crying but I can’t. I miss you Zena.
Diane Ward

Anonymous said...

So sad and shocked as to the loss of such a special colleague and person. Zena was a beautiful, hardworking , kind, brilliant and vibrant woman. This is a terrible and shocking loss. I saw her recently in person in court and on zoom and she was always friendly and kind. You could see the passion in her work and the zealous advocacy for her clients. My deepest condolences to all of her family and loved ones.

Anonymous said...

This is very sad and unexpected. Life is fragile and we never know how much time we have left. I don’t know what else to say other than posting this. Share if you wish, or don’t. RIP Ms Duncan.

Brian Kirlew said...

The sudden passing of Zena has shocked us all. I could go on and on about the kind of lawyer she was. But I was more impressed by the type of person she was. She was thoughtful and considerate. Little acts of kindness and gratitude to so many. She always went out of her way to show she was thinking of, or appreciated you.

Zena and I shared a love for travel and adventure. Almost all of our conversations were about our last or next destination, bucket list, and desire to immerse ourselves in different cultures. We, of course, occasionally complained about which judge pissed us off that morning.

Zena had a healthy dose of wanderlust. She was a fierce advocate for her clients but an equally fierce explorer. She was curious about the greater world and its people. She always had a next trip book, an adventure planned, a new place to see. I will miss Zena and our conversations on a wooden bench outside a courtroom at REG. Had I known our conversation a few weeks ago would be our last, I would have stayed and chatted a bit longer. Whatever it is we were rushing off to do that morning seems so unimportant now.

Michael Spivack said...

I had the distinct pleasure to have litigated cases against Zena. She was always the consummate professional. She was very bright, had an excellent presence in the courtroom, and was very articulate. When she spoke, you felt compelled to listen. But what I most remember about Zena was her innate kindness. She was truly a kind person and, for me, that is the highest compliment you can ever receive.

Anonymous said...

Zena Duncan was my regional counsel when I was a C a few years ago and she was very funny and a pleasure to work. I'm very sad to hear of her passing. My condolences to her family and loved ones. May she rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Just seeing her smile every now and then made me feel better. I am so sorry for our loss. Mike Catalano

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to Zena’s family. I was in division with Zena. She was a badass PD and I was an ASA. She was so real and a straight shooter. She was such a hard worker and a zealous advocate for her clients. Zena developed a nickname at the SAO - Zena the warrior princess. After I left the state, I would see her in federal court. I remember walking into Mag Court and gave her a big hug. I found out she had a detention hearing and decided to stick around. I asked if she was bringing out the “Warrior Princess” against these new AUSAs. We joked, reminisced about our state days, and yes, she kicked that AUSA’s ass during the detention hearing. Rest in peace Warrior Princess.

Anonymous said...

This news makes me so sad. What a lovely person Zena was and a consummate professional. She was a fierce advocate but also pragmatic and never stooped to personal attacks. She had a mischievous smile and the best hair in the REG! Gone way too soon! My sincere condolences to her son and family. May you rest in peace, Zena.
Fran Feinberg

Frances Feinberg said...

This makes me so very sad. Zena was a consummate professional and a very kind person. I will always remember her mischievous smile and her beautiful hair. She was a fierce advocate but also pragmatic and never stooped to personal attacks. My sincere condolences to her son and family. Zena, you left way to early and I will miss your beautiful presence in the REG.

Anonymous said...

So sad. This is horrible news, I can’t help fight the tears. Zena was a very talented attorney with a good heart. May she rest it paradise. Zena you’re in a better place now. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

She was a hard working professional, brilliant talented attorney, and will be missed. Rest in peace. My prayers go to her son and family,

Woody Clermont

Anonymous said...

My favorite comments to read are those of her opposing counsel. We (the Defense Bar) know how great she is, but it is beautiful to know that she is well-regarded on ALL sides. Hope you’re reading these comments, Z!! - Dianne Caramés

Anonymous said...

I have not seen any information on services.
From many comments by members, would seem there would be much support for FACDL-Miami to make a substantial contribution for Zena's 13-year-old son's benefit.

Von Tonya Phillipe said...

I am just shocked and saddened by her untimely demise.. I meet Zena at Miami Dade courthouse and we spoke over a case of mine… She was a great attorney and she is very kind with a beautiful smile 😃… RIP my friend..

Anonymous said...

So sad to hear this. I am praying for her son. This is terrible

Anonymous said...

Damn, that sucks. 🤷

Myles Raucher said...

I remember Zena when she worked at the PD Office. I can't add much more to the outstanding comments and moving tributes already made by others posting here. It is so heartbreaking to learn of her untimely death. I recall her as kind and personable.