Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 On 8/12/1988 the best trial lawyer most of you have probably never heard of passed away, Edward Bennett Willimas. 

Do yourself a favor and read his biography The Man To See. Available on Amazon and wherever fine books are sold, 

We are reading 

Man's Search For Meaning. Viktor Frankle. 

How did we miss this? A holocaust survivor's memoir of finding life's purpose in the death camps. Moving. Deeply human. Stunning in its simple recitation of daily life in a concentration camp when life often hung on the barely discernable movement of a guard's finger. To the left was death; to the right was a chance at life. 

Deeply life affirming. Do not make our mistake and miss this life-changing book. 

Shattered Sword. The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway. Parshall & Tully, 

On May 4, 1942, off the coast of Midway, a small atoll in the Pacific, five minutes starting at 10:20 am would change the course of the war and history as dive bombers from the Enterprise sent all four Japanese carriers (Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, and Soyru) to the bottom of the Pacific. 

A month before, in the Battle of Coral Sea,  two US carriers Lexington and Yorktown would defeat an Imperial Japanese Naval force and thwart the invasion of Port Moresby- at the high cost of the US Navy losing the Lexington. But it marked the first naval engagement that the Japanese Navy also lost a carrier- and it turns out it was a carrier they would need next month in the Battle of Midway. 

WWII marked the end of the supremacy of the battleship and the rise of the carrier. The US lost most of its battleship fleet in the Pearl Harbor attack, but none of its carriers, as they were all at sea during the attack. 

Admiral Yamamoto was consumed with destroying the US carriers, especially after the Doolittle raid, launched from the Hornet, bombed Tokyo. To that end he sought to lure the carrier fleet out of Pearl Harbor and have one final engagement where he would sink the carriers and leave Hawaii and the West coast open to attack and invasion. 

Shattered Sword examines the battle from the Japanese viewpoint. It dispels the myths that the simultaneous attacks and landing on Alaskan Aleutian Islands by Japan was designed as a ploy and to lure the US carriers out of Pearl Habor. It criticizes Japan's attack, showing how the invasion of strategically limited islands depleted much needed naval forces.  It also dispels the myths about the usefulness of the multiple failed US torpedo and bomber attacks earlier in the morning of June 4 and their contribution to the successful attacks by the Enterprise dive bombers. 

But most significant and fascinating for Rumpole, it illustrates the utter failure in the battle plan and the contribution of Japanese hubris to their defeat. Case in point-during war games the week before, one Japanese commander playing the US had his carriers on scene and ready to attack Admiral Nagumo's carriers two days before Nagumo expected them. After the war game produced the exact outcome- the loss of all four Japanese carriers,  the referee intervened and changed the outcome- as it was deemed an impossibility that Nimitz would use the US carriers as he did. 

Understanding how Japan's battle plan was flawed and how they just could not conceive of defeat is a valuable lesson for all commanders- and trial lawyers for that matter. You need a thorough understanding of the battle of Midway (sorry DeSantis drones, but we hear Deadpool is a good movie and that may be more your speed) to appreciate the fresh look at a historic battle,  and dispelling of many myths that have lasted for fifty plus years. 

Our late friend Judge Manny Crespo would have loved to read this book and discuss its findings. 


Anonymous said...

Abuhoff won his trial. I think most ASA’s miss the point it’s not about winning or losing it about bringing a case in “good faith” so a defendant can have a fair trial and a jury decide.

Anonymous said...

“Abahoff won his trial”… “it’s not about winning” how about stop saying “so and so WON” then?

ASAs have to be properly trained on what a FAIR trial is in order to give a defendant a fair trial.
ASAs have to be trained on ethics and also have the desire to be ethical.
Most want to WIN. Most have terrible legal comprehension, don’t research, don’t write responses or memos, they just whine to the court (who are mostly state friendly). Where are the ASAs that want to be ATTORNEYS, bright legal minds? These kids just want to “win.” It’s pathetic for a defendant seeking a fair trial. And it takes the joy and fun out of the process as an attorney, because we can rarely thoughtfully and thoroughly litigate interesting legal concepts.

Anonymous said...

Frankl's book should be required reading in our public schools.

Anonymous said...

The man to see is a life changing book.

Anonymous said...

Wtf does this have to do with Abuhoff Jesus Christ some of you are obsessive.

Anonymous said...

Cheaters never win.

Anonymous said...

Are you really that dumb. He is an unethical cheater who leveraged the prosecution of the two APDs on THIS case just like Wolfson found that MVZ did with the hubner email and threats to prosecute those lawyers and the investigator. That resulted in a talented investigator getting off this case because he didn’t wanna deal with your SAO bullshit. if he really believed there was something improper do it later, don’t leverage it now mid trial and don’t make everybody have to beg the elected State Attorney to conflict off the case against two APDs . Are you all literally that stupid that you don’t see the ethical problems with all of this and all you are all doing?? Here’s your article Herakd.

Anonymous said...

Please sign your name your moron. we need to know who you are so we can stay away from you at the SAO.

Anonymous said...

You are correct about Edward Bennet Williams being a great trial lawyer. As a first year law student in 1974, I watched him handle a motion hearing in the Federal District Court in Washington, D.C. As soon as he entered the courtroom, the atmosphere changed--the judge sat up and leaned forward in anticipation of Wiliams' argument; the prosecutors nervously shuffled their papers. To say that Williams commanded a courtroom is an understatement. Irving Younger, a renowned professor of evidence and trial practice, went to work at Williams and Connolly in the 1980s. He once told me that what most surprised him about Williams was that, even with all his oratorical gifts, Williams' out of court preparation for trial was exhaustive and intense.

Anonymous said...

Abuhoff threatened to put the PDs and their investigator in jail. he then listed them as witnesses during the trial. That’s not winning properly. that’s doing what MVZ did in Corey Smith. Some of us can’t believe we’re truly continuing to have this discussion where ASAs don’t realize this is not proper. There is a proper way to handle these situations and a way not to handle them.

Anonymous said...

Edward Bennett Williams reminded me of Jay Hogan. He had a certain charisma in the courtroom that I wish had been born with. Not many lawyers can say they represented Jimmy Hoffa, John Connally, John Hinckley, Jr., were close friends with the man his client attempted to kill, Ronald Reagan, and owned the Baltimore Orioles and Washington Redskins. Thanks for the throwback Rump.

Anonymous said...

The PDs tampered with a witness and harassed her. What part about “don’t commit crimes” do we not understand? Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I’m confused who is Abuhof?

Anonymous said...

That’s a lie

Anonymous said...

MVZ and Mitchell arrested the defense attorney on their case. That was Alex Micheals .

Anonymous said...

Just like MVZ and Mitchell

anonymous said...

I met Edward Bennett Williams in Federal Court in Miami one day in the 1980's during a calendar call. I had just started practicing criminal law . He noticed me, sat next to me, and asked if I was an attorney.When I told him yes, he said he didn't believe me because I didn't look tall enough to be seen over the podium. I think he was flirting. But it was at the then new federal courthouse. The podium WAS way too high. It was difficult for a short female to be seen. He was very engaging AND very tall.

Anonymous said...

Never forget Alex Micheals was jailed

Anonymous said...

Who? The witness that fell asleep on the stand?

Anonymous said...

8:31 am great observation. Nothing but whiners in that office held to the lowest possible standards. They whine, can’t/wont research or write or attempt to analyze and blame everyone else for their incompetence.

Anonymous said...

Never forget Mitchell testified on behalf of MVZ to help jail him. Comically Mitchell still thinks mvz has done nothing wrong ever. He continues to publicly stand by him. His judgment is clearly off

Anonymous said...

Fake sleep. To avoid answering questions. Worst tampering job I’ve ever seen. I say APDs look not guilty, innocent, cease the investigation DOJ. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

You lot are very strange. You scream prosecutorial misconduct and preach about a “fair trial” and “proper” behavior and “professionalism” but refuse to be held to the same standard when any defense attorney is held responsible for their own misconduct and lack of professionalism. Grow up. The PDs tampered with the witness on that case. Plain and simple. That she “fell asleep” while on the stand is inconsequential to the fact that they tried to coerce a recantation (as many of you no doubt have done when victims and witnesses abruptly sign an NPA that you are all too eager to push in our faces). Sorry they got caught red handed. I know it must be annoying that your colleagues got caught engaging in unprofessional conduct amidst your “defund the SAO” plight.

Anonymous said...

Can someone share what is happening with the Liberty City Moms of Murder Victims as it relates to Bill Brown and all of the murders Van Zamf gave him immunity for. Is it true Melba Pearson is helping to represent the moms because of what Van Zamf did? Is Marsy’s Law involved? Were they treated right as next of kin? There are lots of stories swirling in the community….

Anonymous said...

Alex was jailed cause MVZ lied that he threatened him with a hand gesture. Alex was at the podium and nowhere near MVZ. That was not MVZ's case to begin with. It was Mitchell's. The judge didn't like Alex and that didn't help. But Alex was right about MVZ. Just no one listened. I'm glad the truth came out, even if Alex was not here to witness it.

Anonymous said...

Mitchell still there?

Anonymous said...

Little Bill?

Anonymous said...

#FIRESTEPHENMITCHELL why does he still have a job? Get rid of the bad apples!! The bunch is getting spoiled. Good ethical attorneys are LEAVING. Get a damn grip Kathy!

Anonymous said...

I really don’t know what is going on in that community unless the mainstream media reports it.

Anonymous said...

10:49 we are still waiting to hear what the tampering allegations are. Explaining a witness’ rights to them is not tampering…. We’re waiiiittttinggg…

Anonymous said...

Yes they likely lied

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Alex Micheals was the kindest person I knew. Those allegations were exaggerated. Vindicate Alex!

Anonymous said...

Illegally jailed.

Anonymous said...

Isn’t Gosney there to train on ethics?

Anonymous said...

DOJ take note.

Anonymous said...

No way he did that??

Anonymous said...

That’s a lie.

Anonymous said...

Hand gesture? Seriously? Alex was very theatrical.

Anonymous said...

12:02 “Elected State Attorney”? You mean uncontested won by default State Attorney.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please detail what the evidence is that the PDs tampered with a witness? I’m interested in what’s there.

Anonymous said...

It’s a lie PD’s never tampered with a witness.

Anonymous said...

Vindicate Alex Michaels

Anonymous said...

For $5, you can ask Mr. Gosney, the ex-Ethics trainer (or something to that effect) at the SAO Miami, all your pressing questions. He is having his tell-all this Saturday at 8 p.m. Do you think he can tell us where they hide Brady at that office and the secret location of the Chess PowerPoint?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately yes, the little angry guy is still cursing up a storm.

Anonymous said...

That little tyrant, the truth needs to come out. Vindicate Alex Michaels! DOJ take note.

Anonymous said...

Jail the opposition. Typical

Anonymous said...

Jail the opposition. So sad Mitchell.

Anonymous said...

PD’s didn’t tamper shit. More lies from the SAO! There is systemic corruption in that office.

Anonymous said...

If any of the SAO tards who claim that the APDs engaged in witness tampering could articulate the factual basis for the crime (preferably explain the reliable and credible evidence rather than focus on the testimony of sleepy crackheads) they would be Chief Assistants by now.

Anonymous said...

Melba is definitely interested or participating. She has been making calls to acquire information on all aspects. She has also commented in news articles.

Anonymous said...

Melba is not involved in that case.

Anonymous said...

Who is Bill Brown?

Anonymous said...

Yes but at least she heard the defense requests and conflicted off the case.

Anonymous said...

They are part of a community group.

Anonymous said...

The SAO doesn’t care about victims when they’re young black men from liberty city. If they cared about young black men from at risk communities then they would seek out ways to support and rehabilitate when they have contact with the system. Rather SAO disproportionately direct files black juveniles, and seeks enhanced penalties for black men. They don’t care about mitigating the trauma in the community nor fighting the root causes in society. They prefer to send black boys and men to prison to be punished and institutionalized to further traumatize the communities they come from. Just let Talpins words tell it: “if I sentence them to life, their recidivism is zero.”

Anonymous said...

10:41 were you there? If not, shut it.

Anonymous said...

Van Zamf has left a tornado of damage and work that needs to be redone.

Anonymous said...

Rump you should make a post that is specifically for bickering back and forth… that way it will be confined to one running post rather than every post

Anonymous said...

Gosney and his cult followers removed just about every single video from all platforms. Why is that? If you believe nothing you said or did was wrong, stand by it. Of wait, he can’t!! Many of those videos were literal women bashing sessions and calling them bottom of the barrel and pieces of shit.

Anonymous said...

From Gosney own mouth: “This ought to be interesting! Cannot comment right now, but let's see what others say!”

What a great way to stir the shit. I can’t comment but I’m going to sanction and authorize a town hall meeting about why the SAO lost the greatest super lawyer of all time (as he refers to himself in his “fictional” novel about a dozen times).

Anonymous said...

The mothers are represented. And not by Melba. They want Von Zamft prosecuted. And they want answers from the SAO.

Anonymous said...

Aww po mitchy

Anonymous said...

@10:35 Who conflicted off of what case?

Anonymous said...

Who is Bill Brown? Can someone explain this to me?

Anonymous said...

Melba interviewed the Corey smith attorney about a month ago and neither of them spoke highly about the 3 disqualified ASAs, some threatening email Josh Hubner sent or the overall way the office or Rundle has handled the situation. It’s a really good interview. There was basically an invitation at the end for the public to raise their voice so maybe the Gov or some other agency could investigate.

Anonymous said...

This guy holds himself out as a law professor (he teaches a course or two at an “online program”) and he is presently asking to be hired for any local law school position in the area. I hope to God (not The Muse) that he is really vetted. That he is asked to share the Welcome to Miami video he took down as well as others he removed, that he is asked why he is writing this stuff live and wanting to make sure women are watching him write it live, especially the sexual parts. So much more is coming to light. Reading his book and listening to his comments about his book is really sick/disturbing to many. Not because of freedom of speech but because of references to teen girls and fisting someone who might be a teen girl. This is a self admitted smut book, nothing more. This issue is not about politics, being woke or cancel culture. This is about valid concerns from conservatives and liberals that there is potentially truly something wrong with this person and to place him with law students is simply not a smart idea in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Continues to defend

Anonymous said...

Is that you Mitchell?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone listen to the Gosney meeting last night? If so, do tell.

Anonymous said...

William Brown confessed to murdering 3 people and MVZ personally gave him immunity for their murders, and the attempted murder of 7 others. The family of the victims were never informed. They found out through the investigation on Taji Pearson’s case. Read the Miami Herald article “Deal with the Devil”

Anonymous said...

At 1:35 of the live stream, the host says Gosney’s book is a work of fiction. “It’s not smut” and it’s not porn.” This is interesting considering Gosney admits it’s smut in at least two different places in two different ways. One, he says it in writing and second he says it verbally on a live stream, where he is encouraging women to come and specifically help him write his new SMUT novel live. He goes on to tell them if you are shy or embarrassed, close the door, no one‘s looking.

Anonymous said...

It is all sleight of hand my friend but thankfully many see the nuances and the outright misrepresentations. On the live you refer to is also a young female named Danielle who he calls his mentoree in other places

Anonymous said...

It was a bunch of rambling with some untruths sprinkled in.

Anonymous said...

If that doesn’t indicate this is not about politics not sure what does. Kudos to Rundle if she really removed him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Agree and if he is truly and thoroughly vetted and people feel comfortable hiring him, go for it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sure I’d love my young daughter to have someone like that as a law school professor or trainer at SAO. Sign her up!

Anonymous said...

During those creepy live comments and graphic live writing sessions, one of his watchers expresses their concern by posting a message across the screen that says “Gosney I love you man but you really worry me sometimes, I’m sorry but you do lol” ~> that speaks volumes because if anyone thinks any of this is normal, especially with Danielle his young mentee watching and listening to this and being told don’t be embarrassed close the door no one is watching, that is NUTS! I’m sorry to say but trying to normalize this is what others might call grooming. Grateful for ALL who have spoken out against this.

Anonymous said...

It appears the Goz is still fully employed at the SAO. Could he really not be gone yet???

Anonymous said...

If you are a law school how would you get past his ask for the ladies to help him live write smut scenes because he knows women’s deepest fantasies. I don’t think you can. he chose his words, and he chose his asks of these young women on multiple livestreams, including his mentoree, for them to not be embarrassed, close the door, and no one’s looking. 👀 what conservative or liberal could be ok with that alone, setting aside the other questionable comments and concerns? I’m in agreement that this goes far beyond freedom of speech and cancel culture. To attack Brittany Wallman for bringing this all to light is shortsighted and dangerous. This is a potential wolf in sheep’s clothing and everyone should be entitled to make their own decisions with FULL information.

Anonymous said...

Why are his drones targeting local defense attorneys like Paul P? Had Gosney had the right advisors and didn’t stir the pot behind the scenes, he might have weathered this. Oh well, how many times does the state and defense bar come together so strongly on an issue.

Anonymous said...

Painful to listen to.

Anonymous said...

Gosney goes on to say in same livestream video;
“ this is written for the ladies I know what you ladies like, because I know your deepest inner desires” 🤮🤮

Anonymous said...

Kudos Rundle

Anonymous said...

Rump will be pleased to know that the blog was featured on last night’s livestream. Screen shared and everything!

Anonymous said...

Didn’t listen to the entirety but the host was at least not as overtly inflammatory as some of his other “followers” and “threateners” but she was unfortunately not entirely informed. Unfortunately she is focused on the book and cancel culture but doesn’t address the creepy livestream comments and weird live smut writing sessions and comments to the ladies while writing dirty parts. She and at least one guest think the public defenders office is behind all of this… I mean really?!?! It’s disappointing when people gather an audience to speak on an issue, and they’re not fully informed on the issue themselves. She could’ve easily requested all of his relevant livestreams and listened to them before taking a public stand in defense and concluding that this is cancel culture over a book. Part of me wishes it was as simple as that, than we wouldn’t have to worry further… time for this thing to be put to rest.

Anonymous said...

The Blog made a special debut in the Gosney YouTube Delusional Promotion Tour. We really famous now. I was so captivated by the host’s seductive, yet naive tone (actually more like clueless), that I may be crushing on her. But there were two very funny moments. When Alex Saiz’s comment suddenly popped up on the screen and the host doesn’t immediately recognize him, but a few minutes later she’s sharing the SAO instagram post of Gosney’s swearing in and she sees Alex’s comment on the post and…..BINGOO! 😂 That took balls. My hat off to Alex.

The other funny moment was when La Madrina started to comment. At first I thought it was a put on by one of Gosney’s zombies impersonating our own La Madrina, since they have infiltrated the blog and are new amongst us 😱, but then I thought it was someone local because in one of the comments she/he/it/them/vous blamed the PDs office for Gosney’s fall from grace, and that seemed to be a very particularly local jab that only someone from here would make. Either way to see La Madrina splattered on the screen several times cracked me up.

But, seriously, the blog has officially gone international. 😂

Anonymous said...

On the livestream last night, La Madrina comments and blames the PDs office for having Gosney removed. Now that is flipping funny as sh*t!

Anonymous said...

First, aren’t 75% + of your clients sleepy crack heads?

Second, an information would read:

“On or about May 31, 2024 in Miami-Dade County, Florida, [APD and Investigators Names Here], did acting in concert, one with the other, as principals, and as part of a common scheme or plan, unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly used intimidation, and/or threatened another person, and/or attempted to do so, and/or engaged in misleading conduct toward another person with intent to cause or induce any person to withhold testimony from an official investigation or official proceeding and/or evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness in an official investigation or an official proceeding and/or be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process where the official investigation or official proceeding affected involves the investigation or prosecution of a life or capital felony, to wit: first-degree murder in violation of Florida Statute section 914.22 to the evil example of all others in like cases offending and against the peace and dignity of the State of Florida.“

The factual basis would be that the investigator, at the direction of the APDs went to the witness’s home to harass her to not appear and testify at trial, during the process telling her and her neighbors that she is a “rat” and then engaging in a call with the APDs where the APDs told the witness not to show or testify. In addition to the witness’s testimony regarding this interaction, the investigator’s card was given to the witness, the investigator canvassed the area imitating law enforcement (additional witnesses to this), there were statements (admissions) made by the APDs in open court, and call records would corroborate the witness’s account as to the calls, location, timing, etc. as well as having been caught red handed by police and the ASA when said tampering was committed.

That’s a superficial outline of the case because, of course, there could be even more evidence (like surveillance video from the neighborhood, license plate reader of investigator’s car, etc.) and I don’t know the intricacies beyond what’s been publicly reported.

Anonymous said...

He teaches a class for an online program with other YouTubers that costs a grand a class and you get ZERO credit for….

Anonymous said...

9:34 “Wtf does this have to do with Abuhoff Jesus Christ some of you are obsessive.” Please don’t use the lords name in vain. Have some respect.

Anonymous said...

Who is La Madrina?

Anonymous said...

Is La Madrina?

Anonymous said...

Goz has an excellent future. A true leader in justice and ethics.

Anonymous said...

La Madrina was one of the idiots who hired Goose

Anonymous said...

Abuhoff should be fired by UM Law. He should not be teaching future lawyers.

Anonymous said...

I study nuclear science
I love my classes
I got a crazy teacher
He wears dark glasses
Things are goin' great
And they're only gettin' better
I'm doin' all right
Gettin' good grades
The future's so bright
I gotta wear shades
I gotta wear shades
I got a job waitin'
For my graduation
Fifty thou a year
Will buy a lotta beer
Things are goin' great
And they're only gettin' better
I'm doin' all right
Gettin' good grades
The future's so bright
I gotta wear shades
I gotta wear shades
Well I'm heavenly blessed
And worldly wise
I'm a peeping Tom techie
With x-ray eyes
Things are goin' great
And they're only gettin' better
I'm doin' all right
Gettin' good grades
The future's so bright
I gotta wear shades
I gotta wear shades
I study nuclear science
I love my classes
I got a crazy teacher
He wears dark glasses
Things are goin' great
And they're only gettin' better
I'm doin' all right
Gettin' good grades
The future's so bright
I gotta wear shades
I gotta wear shades
I gotta wear shades
I gotta wear shades

Anonymous said...

Rundle, who? Does she even still have a parking spot at the office?

Anonymous said...

Says crooked Abuhoff. Dude, you’re a reprehensible unethical jerk and your days at the SAO are numbered. And since you have “higher” aspirations to be a federal prosecutor, I hope you do it far, far, from Florida because you’ll never be hired here.

Anonymous said...

Baby ASA, go prep an actual case of yours for trial instead of writing fake indictments in the comment section.

Anonymous said...

Easy now the SAO needs to infiltrate and indoctrinate future litigators.

Anonymous said...

She does and her car is parked there even if she’s not there.

Anonymous said...

And they don’t use a parking card to swipe in so there is no record of coming or going…. Very very crafty they are!

Anonymous said...

Emphasis on “superficial” 😂

Anonymous said...

Her handlers are crafty. She needs a cognitive test.

Anonymous said...

9:34 Mitchell I know as long as the state does it, it’s not a crime…in your eyes and in your heart!

Anonymous said...

Michelle doesn’t know any better