Before we begin, the State of Alabama ( Motto: "Trump Y'all!") gassed one of its citizens yesterday. Anybody care?
When we were in Boston, well before Mr. Markus was roaming the halls of Hahvahrd Lawh School becoming radicalized, there was a small ice cream company in Vermont called Ben and Jerrys that was trying to break into the Boston market. Pillsbury, which owned Haagen Dazs told stores if they sold Ben and Jerrys they would pull Haagen Dazs from their shelves. Ben and Jerry's responded with billboard ads and bumper stickers in Boston with the slogan "What's the Doughboy Afraid Of?" At a time when most people in the 1970s didn't use Instagram, the campaign worked, and eventually everyone could eat Chunky Monkey after dinner.
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A Bumper Sticker- sort of like Instagram without the internet |
Which brings us to Federal Court and phones. "What's the Doughboy afraid of? When Rocky beats Clubber Lang in the rematch in Rocky III after losing the title to him, he lets Lang repeatedly hit him and responds "you ain't so bad". He was opening up to his fear, experiencing the worst and moving through it.
So what's the worst that could happen in Federal Court? A person surreptitiously records a judge sentencing a defendant above the guidelines for going to trial and losing? "Mr. Jones knew the risks when he went to trial. When you exercise your sixth amendment rights and lose, you pay the price."
We survived Covid; the federal judiciary appears strong enough to survive an iPhone. This is one of those rare occasions when State courts have successfully navigated an issue the feds seem incapable of resolving. It is not like Snaptok is full of videos of judges denying motions to suppress. They just call their balls and strikes, enforce abortion restrictions, stomp on the tattered remains of the Fourth Amendment without social media exposure and move on.
And all of this is a prelude to a couple of federal trials with a former president that are looming. Any chance the judges buy new robes and let a camera in to broadcast the proceedings?
"What's the Doughboy Afraid Of?"
Great Post. Love the blog.
Friday is Shumie day.
How can you not take Mahommes and four points ?
Because of Lamar and the Ravens have a historically great defense. That’s how.
Uh historically great? Tell that to Ed and Ray (U!).
Two separate juries have concluded, on a preponderance of the evidence standard, that Donald Trump raped or otherwise sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll.
Dear Catholics and other Christians who plan to vote for Donald Trump, can you reconcile your religious beliefs and your political position? If so, how? Please keep in mind that the Catholic Church's catechism teaches that the ends do not justify the means. See at section 1753 ("The end does not justify the means.").
Separation of church and state ! Biden is no angel 😇 either ! We gave Biden a chance. He’s not good. Trump can have another 4 and it will be ok. I promise
5:05 PM - Take it from a lapsed Catholic; that ship sailed a long time ago. So-called Christians were totally cool with whatever Trump did/said because they were so focused on their overriding goal of ending abortion and legislating morality (or their version of it) for the rest of us. Religion is the worst.
Houthi missile hit a tanker ! I’d love to meet one of those terrorist chicks. Hot tanned bod. All radicalized and wearing a gun and bandanna. Makes these college girls from FIU and UM seem so boring. All they want to do is be some influencer and get paid 20K a month to IG about makeup and shoes.
"Before we begin, the State of Alabama ( Motto: "Trump Y'all!") gassed one of its citizens yesterday. Anybody care?"
No, not really.
@731 - got it. You’re ok with voting for a rapist and your religious beliefs are for show. Now I understand.
5:05 How cute. You think that juries are non-biased. I assume you believe that you would have had the same result in Kentucky.
By the way, can your prejudice against Catholics. It is a bit unseemly for someone as unbiased and fair as you.
We live in a country where at the moment the electorate is so angry and scared they do not care that the republican nominee for president is a rapist. They will not care when he’s a convicted felon. Reason does not matter to people who disdain science and education. Ask how it’s possible every single judge assigned to his case is biased and dishonest and they have no answer nor do they care. Ask how someone who bragged that he only hired the best people kept firing cabinet members and turning on them and calling them names - they won’t have answer nor do they care. All they care about is that he feeds their fear of foreigners. He gives them the scape goat for their failures. It’s not them. It’s not their lack of education that keeps them at minimum wage. It’s foreigners. They have a right they have not earned to feel superior to foreigners because he feeds their fear and xenophobia- a word they cannot spell or understand.
So ask not how a rapist and felon can be elected president. Ask why the American electorate votes for him.
Rumpole, to be fair that is only about 40% of the electorate. Also you are not counting the Greedy Bloc who only care about their own personal wealth.
@931 - the funny thing about the greedy block - they do pretty damn well under democrats too. Check the Dow lately? Or During the 8 years Obama was in office?
I'm not saying the greedy block loses money under republicans. I'm just saying that it's not as simple as "Trump is good for the rich and Biden is bad for the rich" - because that's just not true.
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