Saturday, August 03, 2024


 No this is not a baseball thread, although your Cleveland Indians are currently the hottest-team in baseball. 

The Dade State Attorneys Office  hire for a training officer cum putative porno writer has, Elvis like, left the building!. Hired to give a "defense attorney perspective" to prosecutors, there were issues from the get-go. "When writing a BDSM scene and encountering a prepositional phrase, the semi-colon is your best friend" was apparently not what your State Attorney envisioned in the training sessions with new lawyers. 

The news announcement was the standard pablum for someone being let opportunities to explore, spending more time with family, the time required to edit a book on male know, all the regular explanations when something doesn't work out. "It's not's me" blah blah blah. 

So this comes to mind. WTF WERE THEY THINKING? 

Aren't there any well-respected defense attorneys in the Miami area they could have approached? One whose outside the office activities do not expose the office to ridicule, not to mention a fairly repugnant view  (or maybe we should say "outdated") of relationships. 

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice and have Ron Jeremy star in the adaptation of your novel. 

Can you imagine the Power Point presentation on playing chess with discovery. "Look carefully for any evidence of innocence, and then..." next slide  "He sipped his drink with one hand whilst sliding his hand up the back of her dress with the other. No she murmured, really meaning yes..."  "Oh wait! How did that get in there? NEXT SLIDE!" 

On to the next hire!

1) Former judges released from prison in the Court Broom Scandal. "How not to bribe someone on the bench."

2) Mike Satz needs something to do so we hear. 

3)  An AI holographic imagine of Alex Michaels. "So I vas right all along about Von Zamft..."

List your nominee in the comments (but be nice). 


  1. Alex Micheals was right about everything he argued.

    1. Yes he was and Stephen Mitchell, in front of Christine, Miranda, testified for Michael against Alex Michaels . It was sick

    2. Off to insurance litigation.

  2. You missed the obvious choice here Rump. Joe Pesci reprises his role as My Cousin Vinny and takes his act to the Gerstein Building to lecture the newbies on legal ethics.

  3. Aloha from Hawaii. Enjoying my vacation before the kids get back to school.

  4. Indecent proposal: 48 hours inside the Graham Building.

    1. Will someone please just tell us what these innuendos are about

  5. Don’t miss this outstanding Space on X (formerly Twitter) this Monday, August 5th, at 8 pm EST. Doug Weinstein (who is representing Deamonte Kendrick, aka Yak Gotti, in the infamous YSL trial in Fulton County), along with Chadha Jimenez, will discuss the ongoing corruption at the SAO Miami; the link is below:

  6. Quote from MVZ to Herald regarding Taji Pearson and the latest round of withheld documents uncovered: “What I can say is that I would have turned over anything that I believed the defense was entitled to under the law.” Withheld in part: failed poly of bill brown, emails from witnesses to mvz, payments made to key witness or relatives, federal reports sent to mvz and list goes on and on. Is this not misleading the public? Much like Michael Grieco was recently suspended by the Florida bar for misleading the public with false public statements is this not the same? Does Rundle not now have an affirmative ethical obligation to refer this to the bar now that mvz is making public and misleading statements or will she fall short in her obligation to the community and public yet again?

    1. Yes Grieco made false statements to several news outlets the bar burned him for good point

    2. someone needs to copy and paste this to the bar to go along with the multiple allegations going on.

  7. Word on da street is Mitchell is livid about the Taji plea… but wait Steve, I thought you knew nothing about the case and jumped in to try it at the last minute. If you now know what was withheld and still don’t see what the Herald reported —-> more evidence of win at all costs culture.

    1. Livid is an understatement but that’s how he is all the time.

    2. Don’t forget that the SAO withdrew Mitchell’s response because it contained misrepresentations they wouldn’t stand by.

    3. That’s right, they did tell the court that didn’t they…. Oh the plot thickens

    4. Misrepresentations = lies

    5. Mitchell has never made a misrepresentation to a court. Bite your tongue!

    6. Bite your own tongue.

    7. Justin and Rebecca told Judge Tinkler Mendez that they were withdrawing ASA Mitchell’s response because it contained factual misrepresentations that the SAO was unwilling to accept.. They said this in court at least twice.

  8. Take a look at Wolfson’s newest discovery order basically calling out an ASA for literal incompetence and affirmative misrepresentations to the Court. There are some judges that will not tolerate this anymore. Rump: Wolfson’s second order is worth a post of its own to teach young ASAs the consequences of misrepresentation of discovery either intentionally or negligently.

    1. Shitty ASA= Shitty order.

    2. Record was terrible - ASA was terrible and could not properly protect a record. She is only one to blame. Rumor is she is a terrible ASA , and had the same issues in county court yet was promoted.

  9. Welcome back Don Horn!

    1. Rundle needs Horn as Hernandez and Talpins have destroyed that place with their incompetence and shitty advice to Rundle. Do everyone a favor and flea you fleas. I’m sure they will screw the pooch on Smith too with their incompetent and ignorant “guidance”

  10. I always thought Jason Pizzo had a bright future at the SAO. He would have been a great chief. So sad to see him leave.. great guy.

  11. Larry Flynt over there at the SAO really is really making waves.

  12. Madrina is a repugnant mope.

    1. She is worse than that, manipulative, abusive, and a dangerous liar with her own agenda. Rundle is a clown for putting her in a position of power and more people will get the fuck out of that toxic hellhole because they are madder than a pissed on goat.

  13. Glad he’s gone. Onto next scandal.

  14. Global markets are absolutely tanking. Middle East is on the brink of WW3. Ukraine is absolutely no closer to retaining their borders than they were two years and two trillion dollars ago. Fed is likely to adjust rates in a panicky, emergency move.. which in turn will worsen inflation. Race riots in the UK, covid spiking among the vaxed, the secret service in disarray, US military still cannot recruit anyone, popular trust in institutions is at historic low....

    Biden/Harris are in an absolute shambles.

    China will take Taiwan and control the microchip industry for the next two decades. The US is nowhere close to bringing production home.

    Each of the post Vietnam presidencies had their problems, but this administration must be, inarguably, the worst. The economy, the global stage, the national mood - all bottoming out. There is literally not one bright spot for this admin.

    Now imagine how things will be once Biden, who at the very least spent decades in DC as a top legislator, turns over the reigns to Harris, whose sole career accomplishment is the current state of law and order in San Francisco, and who polled at zero percent before dropping out in 2020. We may need to go back to James Buchanan to find a comparably dogshit president.

  15. Pizzo is slimy… plays both sides, disloyal, buys votes, walks an ethical line etc. yea sure we want him back

    1. He was a fantastic lawyer

    2. Your measuring stick is way off.

    3. He’s a politician not a lawyer. Always has been.

    4. he is a potential criminal you Muppet!

  16. Michele did a great job. Some underestimated her and they should not have. Can’t wait to see the next case she brings SAO for review. Everyone needs to just play fair and not be jerks.

  17. Here is a radical idea.
    SAO asks "Old School" veterans, former Assistants to speak to, train and try to instill in new and old ASA's the basics of being a government attorney who earns their salary by working for the people, and doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do Someone you could count on to represent "Conduct becoming a lady or a gentleman" Ask your readers to suggest some names, people they think might represent the the ethics and above board handling of discovery issues as well as being effective and really good trial attorneys.
    Couldn't hurt to ask, just saying!

  18. 12:14 Please take your political opinions to Fox or some other location.

  19. Michael Von Zamfts reputation has a stench of death and rotten poop. Every person who was a prior trial partner on a case with him while at the sao is likely a bit nervous at what might come out next and whether there is evidence they too engaged in what it has been discovered that he engaged in… whether withholding evidence, coaching a witness to lie on a recorded jail call, encouraging a flip to speak to a represented defendant, coordinating witness testimony etc … Is that the next shoe that might drop?

    1. Don’t forget the conjugal visits.

  20. Kudos to Michele. Best Defense Attorney in America.

  21. Can someone share why Wolfson was pissed at the state yesterday during the trial where those APDs are listed witnesses. I logged on mid way through and she was so pissed she needed a break.

    1. ASAs tampering with witnesses… Abahoff put a witness on a material witness bond and ankle monitor. She had an outstanding bench warrant. Rather than, you know, arrest her, the lead detective (on the case she’s a witness on) picked her up and drove her to court (when her case wasn’t even in the calendar) and the ASAs dismissed her case at Abahoff’s direction. Also, the witness was insanely inappropriate on the stand, sat up tall and answered all of state questions but on cross she laid her head on the witness stand and was silent for 30 sec after every question until Wolfson had to direct her to answer the question. Every single question. There were multiple breaks taken to nicely admonish her. I don’t know how Wolfson kept her cool. She is a total gem.
      Abahoff’s performance during this trial has been disgusting. Smugly ignores rulings and re-asks questions that just got sustained objections.
      This will be an acquittal or a mistrial. Hell, there’s been about 8 motions for mistrial so far on legitimate grounds, all reserved.

    2. The State’s main witness was an absolute disaster. Seemed high. Went to sleep on the stand, head on the table and all. Refused to answer questions. It was awful. And to be clear: this is also the witness claiming the PDs tampered with her. She is the only evidence. She is the basis of Abuhoff’s allegations. And she’s committed perjury before. Yesterday we heard that this witness had an outstanding bench warrant - the lead detective walked her into court to get it nolle prossed without contacting her lawyer.

    3. Welcome to the SAO that’s Quid pro quo my colleagues

  22. Where is the Wolfson order?

  23. Allison and Michele will continue to kick ass

    1. Honestly, every time I read this blog now I feel like it is just one attorney that is posting over, and over, and over again. I think they are talking to, and asking questions of, themself. We get it …

    2. Not exactly Professor

    3. Think again ASA minion

    4. No you don’t get it and your wrong.

    5. Or, perhaps, there’s a consensus.

    6. You are incorrect and the more you all say that, the more shit and secrets will continue to drop so you know you are wrong… ready…

    7. Mr. There is one poster: is the FBI looking into this? Is the governor’s office looking into this? Is DOJ looking into this? Are there three senior ASAs handling one freakin murder case only? What a disgusting waste of public resources and yet they still can’t handle it on their own?? let’s take a look at the hours they plug-in each day… and than claim being overworked….

    8. Give us your consensus before the next secrets drop… please give us your consensus…

    9. Consensus to misconduct and abuse??

    10. Where is the misconduct? What are you talking about?

    11. Everything alleged in Smith and in Pearson was misconduct. Are you even a lawyer?

  24. Is it true that DOJ is investigating Miami SAO for a pattern and practice of prosecutorial misconduct that results in a deprivation of defendants rights ??

    1. That has been chatted about for the past 60 days

    2. Fuck yea… ask gen counsel

    3. Ask who? Need proof or it’s not true.

    4. Have the balls to call DOJ and ask

  25. Problem with albahoff is they blow up his ego and tell him how vital he is to the office. Reconcile that…

    1. Word on the street is that Frat boy won…

    2. Yes we know, win at all costs…. The theme of the SAO

    3. Win at all costs!!!… by having the defense witness tamper?… why was a third APD brought on to try the case? Playing with fire on a scattershot defense that made no sense and buried by their client’s own words.

      So unfair that the SAO convicted someone with evidence and admissions! Gosh!

    4. Lol clearly you didn’t watch the trial. Abahoff spoke to witnesses about the testimony of other witnesses after the trial began. How improper! He put the ONLY substantive witness on an ankle monitor and gave her benefits. All the witnesses changed their testimony from incident date to trial date to which State don’t inform defense. Cheaters win unfortunately. In the short run, but not the long run.

      Oh and the third APD was probably put on the case because Abahoff listed the other two as witnesses and was investigating them on frivolous allegations (fucking duh)
