Friday, August 02, 2024



This guy knew how to bandage an ear. 

It is the dog days of August, so we are in a contemplative, reflective, and predictive mood. 

To paraphrase the English Prime Minister Harold Wilson ("Who??  wonder our DeSantis drones), 

A week is a lifetime in politics. 

There are those, when down, fight back.  The longer the odds, the more they enjoy the scrum. Harry Truman comes to mind. Rumpole in trial in Rhode Island last year, but that's another story. 

And then there are those who have no backbone, no spirit, who are not and never will be, to quote TR "The Man In The Arena" 

who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Our prediction is made with just a smidgen of inside knowledge, but also some objective observations, as well as a feeling. We make it, so that when it occurs and we say "we knew it" people do not scoff, although Rumpole does not lie (other than who he is). 

There is another shoe to drop with the former president  who is again running for the White House.  And we do not wish personal illness or tragedy on anyone. But there is most likely a medical- or emotional- issue that will affect him,  as he is getting his rather large ass whupped in public, day after day, the subject of more ridicule than admiration, as he cannot shake the well-placed moniker that he is just Weird. And when that shoe drops, it will once again shake this race to its core. 

So we shall see if Rumpole is right. Football season is upon us. From now through the end of the year, there will be an NFL game on television every week, and that puts us in a predictive and jolly mood (as well as a betting one). 

For those of you who do not work for the State of Florida and are allowed to say it- and for those of you who are not anti-intellectual maga morons and who believe in science, stay cool as we experience the hottest days on record. 

Coming Soon: 237 years ago in a sweltering summer heat in Philadelphia, a group of older white men met to form a country. Their predictions for the future were surprisingly prescient. 


  1. Corruption at the SAO needs to be investigated.

  2. A man serving four life sentences for his role in a shooting that killed a teenage girl will walk free next year after a Miami-Dade judge threw out his conviction Wednesday, citing missteps by prosecutors who relied on a longtime jail informant to make their case.

    The new sentence for Taji Pearson, the wheel man in the fatal, 2010 shooting of 15-year-old Sabrina O’Neil, followed the discovery of evidence withheld for years from the defense. The buried information was uncovered only after two prosecutors were replaced in the aftermath of a misconduct scandal involving the Miami-Dade State Attorneys Office.

    Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Marisa Tinkler Mendez said she struggled with the decision to reduce Pearson’s sentence to 15 years in a case where an innocent eighth-grader died in a botched episode of gang warfare: Sabrina was sitting under a tree at the Annie Coleman public housing complex on Jan. 24, 2010, listening to music on her iPod when one stray bullet from a high-powered rifle struck her in the head. Three other people were wounded in the shooting. Pearson’s fortunes took a turn in March, when the two prosecutors on his case, Michael Von Zamft and Stephen Mitchell, were accused of misconduct in the death penalty resentencing case of gangster Corey Smith. They were removed from Smith’s case by the judge and are under investigation by the Florida Bar, a spokeswoman confirmed. Von Zamft has since retired.

  3. Gee, why don't you get the memos sooner. Ypu are three days late on the use of weird.

  4. There is your Taji Pearson update.

  5. “Pearson’s fortunes took a turn in March, when the two prosecutors on his case, Michael Von Zamft and Stephen Mitchell, were accused of misconduct in the death penalty resentencing case of gangster Corey Smith. They were removed from Smith’s case by the judge and are under investigation by the Florida Bar” - Miami Herald cited.

    1. Oh no, the best part is:

      “Reached Wednesday, Von Zamft said he didn’t know what he was accused of withholding.”

      FYI, the majority of the withheld evidence was found IN MICHAEL VON ZAMFT’S EMAILS. He knows exactly what he withheld for over a decade (after it was all compelled numerous times).

    2. There is another case involving another prosecutor withholding evidence most in his emails yet no one seems to care. Same thing different day. Nothing will happen.

  6. Come on, Rumpy. Gives a hint on. What the shoe is!

  7. Re mvz : he was fighting gangbangers and just thought he was in the rival gang. You can’t blame Kathy for that! Dem boys be crazy!

    1. Sure you can. Every ASA represents Kathy and the State they are one entity.

  8. Corrupt prosecutors don’t just injure and violate defendants’ rights. They also victimize the very people they are supposed to protect - the victims of crime - all over again. This combination of harm is what makes their misdeeds are so grotesque and inhumane. Pearson’s sentence should’ve never been reduced. His victim’s life was worth much more than his, and definitely more than the pathetic, narcissistic and over-compensating ego of MVZ and every other piece of shit prosecutor who’s ever engaged in this type of behavior. I hope to live long enough to see the eradication of prosecutorial immunity in certain types of cases. Maybe not all. But definitely in Brady violation cases. When this day comes, I also wish to have the chance to prosecute these SOBs - civilly or criminally, preferably the latter. 🤬

    1. Yes. The only part I disagree with is that the defendant’s sentence shouldn’t have been reduced. Mandatory life without parole sentences are disgusting and barbaric. Of all humans sentenced to life in prison in the US, Florida prisoners account for 25%. America needs to stop warehousing people. Life is prison is not a general deterrent, and people are more than the worst thing they’ve ever done.

    2. Right on! Every piece of shit prosecutor who has engaged in that behavior should be reprimanded.

  9. Jesus Christ, Michele. We get it. Leave it to the Bar or FACDL now.

    1. Can you please stop mentioning me. Th

    2. Last comment published in error.

    3. Say you’re a whiny prosecutor without saying you’re a whiny prosecutor.

    4. Michele is my hero! Lawyer of the year!

    5. … because both entities have done such a good job of holding the State accountable thus far?! You’re either a prosecutor or one of the old heads who would prefer PTI offers to actual due process.

      Keep it up Michele!

    6. @346 - I believe the people accused of misconduct also entitled to due process. Otherwise let’s just get pitchforks and torches

    7. @3:56 let’s start with charging them, then we’ll fulfill due process…. Oh wait they have immunity. Schucks.

  10. 99% of the prosecutors in that office are decent people.

    1. Maybe 60 percent. But no higher. Really. Look at the list of assholes who hired the new “training” guy.

    2. I’d say more like 75%

    3. 75% are decent people 25% don’t know their head from there ass.

  11. More like abuse of their oath. Clearly it is possible every gang case could be a Brady violation. Win at all cost.

  12. Rump flew to London for a few days before heading to Paris where I have a (potential) boo competing.
    What’s the deal with the Bakerloo tube line? It’s so weird. The Northern and Victoria lines take me where I need to go. They are dope. But the Bakerloo like continually fails me. So wtf? You’re a British guy. Please advise and help.

  13. The so called “Gang Unit” I don’t even know why they call it “Gang”. Should be investigated. Rogue unethical unit.

    1. The gang unit is literally just also a gang.
