Thursday, August 15, 2024


 A woman caught nine years for stealing 1.5 million dollars in chicken wings. NY Times article here. 

Football season is coming. How do you like your wings? After much debate and a lifetime of experimentation we like non-sauced wings, salt and pepper, a little lemon and garlic, oven roasted. It produces a nice and juicy wing. Then we have our sauces- hot, BBQ, and ranch on the side for dipping. 

Famous Amos has passed away. 

We didn't love his cookies, but we loved him. 

In 1975 Wally Amos borrowed $25,000.00 from friends and opened a cookie store in Los Angeles. The rest was history.

Here's the deal. We are chocolate chip cookie afficionados and we prefer a thicker, soft baked cookie. Famous Amos's cookies are crisp and crunchy. Not for us- like a newly appointed 32-year-old circuit court DeSantis Drone who tells us how to try a case, having tried three of their own in private practice. 

But any man who devoted his life to the chocolate chip cookie ( and in his later years writing children's books and reading to them) is a guy we like. 


  1. 1.5 million of chicken wings, diverted from children that were supposed to get the food. An NFL player is willing to offer full restitution in exchange for a commutation of the sentence. Crime pays. I have no sympathy

  2. They are the best - love those cookies - also, they are not too crunchy. Just the right amount.

  3. Shifty ass cookies from vending machines? Come on man. They are way overrated.

  4. I always found Ms Fields cookies to be the best. Such a good story behind Ms Field. Women don’t get the same treatment as men.

  5. Shumie recently spotted at the Lunt-Fontaine theater in NYC holding court on all that is going on in Miami. Heady stuff.

  6. Definitely the best chocolate chip cookie that was mass produced. Way better than Chips Ahoy, Pepperidge farm and Enternmann's. RIP to the GOAT.

  7. I’ve always been a chips ahoy type of guy. I like a large glass of warm milk and those chips ahoy cookies right before bed.

  8. No doubt. Two best Judges ever. Judge Milton H. And Judge Michael Hanzman. Equal in my book.

  9. I listened to a report about the man - he had a super interesting life. Joined the mail room at William Morris Agency as first black talent agent - signed Simon and Garfunkel...left because they weren't paying him fairly and started the of his major investors was Marvin Gaye.

    Also, born in Tallahassee, FL!

  10. Was Gosney a contracted employee?

  11. ST in da house woot woot.

  12. Heard a major lawsuit is coming. Lorna call Holland and Knight.

  13. Freihofers Chocolate Chip cookies are great. Used to get them in the Price Chopper supermarket In Upstate New York

  14. “What a great way to stir the shit. I can’t comment but I’m going to sanction and authorize a town hall meeting about why the SAO lost the greatest super lawyer of all time (as he refers to himself in his “fictional” novel about a dozen times)”#BringBackGosney True Asset to the SAO!

    1. Gosney is still working there….

  15. When uncle junior wanted to get puss malanga that started all the problems with the New Jersey families. What should Tony have done Rump?
    Also anyone heard of findom? I have a gf doing it and making 1000 a day !! so like wtf am I doing hustling cases and killing myself when she just tells simps to send to her.

  16. Gosney was a true asset

    1. Does a true asset encourage young ladies, to come on a live stream and specifically help him write his new SMUT novel (he himself calls it a smut novel). He goes on to tell these young women, “if you are shy or embarrassed, close the door, no one‘s looking.” He also expressly says where are my ladies on here, I need my ladies because I know this is what you all want and at some point says he knows women’s innermost desires. That is not an asset my friend. That is a risk that no parent, employer, colleague of young women may want to take. You may be right that he could have been an asset but these are HIS words. I am a conservative and would never let my children/young adults anywhere near anyone who says the above or has a mind odd enough to write about rage fing/ fisting someone that the reader is asked to consider whether a teen or not. (And that is not the only place the reader is asked to consider if another character is teen). It’s not ok my friend. This is about much more than any book. This is about having eyes to see and ears to hear when something feels very very off and this all does from jump.

    2. The only true asset (and lawyer extraordinaire) is Michele Borchew. She will discuss the rampant corruption at KFR's joint on X (Spaces), formerly known as Twitter, tomorrow night, Monday, August 19, at 8 pm. The link is below if you wish to join:

      This Space at X is hosted by two highly reputable criminal defense attorneys in Georgia (one currently represents one of the defendants in the YSL/RICO trial in Fulton County, Georgia). Fulton County and Miami must have exchanged notes regarding dirty tricks prosecutors like to play.

      Don’t miss it! It’s going to be the talk of the town (unlike the lame Gosney nonsense).

    3. Michele is great. Some don’t give her the credit she deserves but outcomes and resolutions speak volumes. Her interview has to be better than the Gosney dribble with that slightly annoying but endearing moderator who at times made no sense and droned on and on and skipped over some of the best stuff!! He has been on her pod before so for her to say we discussed nothing prior to the podcast is just silly. How would she know about Rundle’s insta posts and our very own blog! Funny that she led folks to believe the Goz was recruited by the SAO…. Ummmm Noo you silly rabbits!!!

  17. Famous Amos lost control of the company decades ago but the new mgmt kept the name. He has had nothing to do with famous Amos cookies since then.

  18. Mr. Justice Hirsch can not carry Judge Hanzman's gavel. No comparison. Big ego v. No ego,

  19. Bring Judge Hanzman back to the bench. Just have him commit to a year at the Justice Building. He could teach all the inexperienced judges how to be brilliant and kind and merciful. Remember his orders? He even set some innocent prisoners free. Judge Milton does the same. They are both #1 and #2 in any order you think.
