Monday, August 19, 2024


 We kinda want to know more about this case. 

Especially the painting of the lipstick by the complaining witness on the face of the defendant she said broke her ribs. 

But you cannot have everything in life. 

Potts by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd



Some judges aspire to make the NY Times or a thoughtful NPR report on their decision. Others write opinions hoping that it will be quoted favorably by the Supreme Court. 

Our Judge Hirsch made it big- the NY POST carried the story of the misbegotten sentencing last week when the excuse for a human made disparaging comments to the widow of the man he killed. 
We don't often approve of life without parole sentences. But sometimes they are appropriate. 


  1. We are questioning our use of the word misbegotten. We are sticklers for language and are not sure it is being used correctly. Thoughts ?

  2. An order that refers to Thomas More and George Costanza? While it deploys the word equipoise correctly? Be still my foolish heart!

  3. Bring Judge Hanzman back to the bench. Just have him commit to a year at the Justice Building. He could teach all the inexperienced judges how to be brilliant and kind and merciful. Remember his orders? He even set some innocent prisoners free. Judge Milton does the same. They are both #1 and #2 in any order you think.

  4. For the love of God can De La O please start justifying his orders! I know he does not believe that he is above the laws of Florida so why does he think he is above the rules of grammar?

    Also Uncle Milty is the goat - he knows how to justify.

    1. Leave de la O’s margins alone. He can do no wrong. 😌

    2. LOL...that is not a rule of grammar, you just made that up. And if you think my ragged right paragraphs are annoying, I'm also a two spacer, always use the oxford comma, and love footnotes (see what I did there?).

      I am in good company not using full justify by the way, see these authorities:

    3. De La OH NO HE DIDN'T!

  5. On top of which there is no full justify. They just space letters farther apart. It is annoying. They have not had full justification since they retired the IBM Selectric typewriters that actually had three different letter sizes for various letters.

    1. They have hyphenation in word processing now. Turn it on, justify, and watch the magic happen.

  6. Can’t agree with you on the double spacing and the footnotes. And the correct font for orders is always arial 14. Oxford comma and left justified is obviously right.
