Thursday, June 20, 2024


 You know when Mr. Markus starts a post with "hooo boy" that his federal world has been rocked. Well that's what happened today when he reported on the NY Times article that your judges in the SDFL have been whispering in Judge Cannon's ear that  "this one is not for you" and had advised her when the Trump documents case came in to send it south to the Ferguson Building where another, presumably more experienced judge would have handled the case. 

The Times named Chief Judge Altonaga as one of the two judges who advised Judge Cannon to give it up. The other judge was not named- which of course lets our readers engage in one of their favourite games- "who is it?" 

Be nice in the comments, and give your best guess and your reasons why you think that particular judge advised Judge Cannon to transfer the case. 

Mr. Markus's blog post is here- head on over, he could use the readers. 

We love the movie Rounders, and as soon as the story broke about Judge Cannon being counseled to give up the case, all we could think about was the final hand and Teddy KGB waving his finger and saying "You're on a draw Mike. No, this one is not for you."  If you scroll ahead it's at about 3:37. 

Anyway, Rounders is as good a poker movie as you're ever going to see, and if you haven't seen it and want to, then do not watch the clip as it will spoil the ending for you. 

"Hanging around...hanging around...Kid's got alligator blood." 

And of course the coup de grace"You're right Teddy, that Ace didn't help me...I flopped the nut straight!
Great writing. And while we are on the subject, if you want to read a great poker book, Positively Fifth Street is as good as it gets. 


  1. Rounders is a must watch for any trial lawyer.

  2. Absolutely Fred Moreno. Second choice Bob Scola.

  3. Cannon is over her head.

  4. I like all these picks. I thought of Fred Moreno because he cares deeply for the institution and how this district is seen and often mentors younger judges. But Bloom and Scola are also top on my list for similar reasons.
    It’s not just curious but telling that she won’t refer any of the motions to Reinhardt. That says a lot. To me anyway.

  5. What if it was a DeSantis drone newbie county court judge telling cannon to give it up? LMFAO wouldn’t that be great?

  6. I could see Fred Moreno telling her that she's making "us" all look bad and it needs to stop.

  7. Altonaga , bloom , Scola , Moreno all started in state criminal court. Cannon started in federal court. With the exception of Scola , academically , Cannon has the edge. Remember too , you can’t coach youth.

  8. My pick is Moreno. His ego is big enough to try to intimate a rookie judge. And he would love to have the case.

  9. Rounders is certainly a great poker movie. However, my pick for best poker movie of all time is "A big hand for the little Lady" All star cast and a great set-up for a fantastic ending.

  10. Cannon is an Everglades graduate ! The real Raiders! Let’s goo Cannon! Don’t back down ! History will absolve you!

  11. Malkovich as Teddy KGB is one of the great characters in cinema history.

  12. There is no way Scola would ever do that. He works hard and keeps his nose down. If somebody is going to screw up, I don’t believe he would ever take it upon himself to leave his lane. That’s everybody with respect.

  13. Cannon will never give up that case because the last thing she wants is to incur the wrath of Droomp. If she relinquishes the case to a legitimate (and not an ersatz) Judge, she will no longer have a shot at the 11th Circuit.

  14. Let’s deter the fact that the SAO is corrupt.

  15. This is going off topic.

  16. Rounders
    Cincinnati kid
    California split

    Mount Rushmore of poker movies

  17. My money would be on Judge Huck

  18. Sorry, 9:09. You may not like state court but all the judges mentioned are excellent, experienced and vastly superior to Cannon. She's arrogantly ignorant and proud of it.

  19. 1:00 - you're theory is interesting, and not without support. You reminded me of what Trump did with Sessions when he gave up the inquiry and appointed a special counsel.

  20. As an Article III judge, Cannon can tell the NYT and the SDFLA to GFY! And I hope she does.

  21. I really love Judge Bloom. Just about two decades of experience as a state court judge. A decade of experience as a federal judge. A great leader. The ideal experience and possessing the right wisdom for a judge. Bloom is top notch!

    But I may be biased.

    Woody Clermont

  22. Idiocracy is a great movie about a dystopian future where everyone has become idiots. Well it’s become more of a reality at the SAO.

  23. It’s a cover up of corruption

  24. Unfair labor practices at the SAO. I wonder is Lorna is aware how liable the office is by covering up how a certain individual acts.

  25. Is it too early to jump on the panthers bandwagon? I was thinking now, before game 7. But then I thought, no, they have to be up at least one goal per period left before you do. If they are winning by 1 in the first, could be too early. 2 up in the second or 1 up in the third seems about right.

    Fuck, I need Jan to give me guidance on this.

    Also, how will I get merch when I do make the leap if it is mid game?

    S/ Panthers Biggest Fan(?)

  26. I hope everyone who is celebrating Cannon's actions will be piping up when she does the exact opposite with defendants who are not named Trump.

  27. Cannon kissing the ass or the Orange Turd hoping he wins and then names her to the Supreme Court.

  28. What a bunch of arrogant self important popinjays to tell a fellow judge that she should step aside if she knew what was good for her. Lucky for her she is an Article III judge and not the president of the Teamsters.

  29. The fact that corruption lies deep at the SAO is a more important topic.

    1. We get it Michele, we get it.

    2. Lol wasn’t me (this time) 😂😅
